Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

“Alrighty everyone, before we can leave this here planet we need to finish gathering vittals. Now that the Predator fella is dead we shouldn’t have to worry about any more traps, isn’t that right Grokmar?”

“That is correct, Betty Sue. I tapped into the Predator’s ship and disabled all traps,” Grokmar said.

“Alrighty, then. Anything in particular we need, Grokmar?”

“I believe we have plenty of…protein in the hold.” The Grokmar still did not approve of the human’s desire to eat meat. “We also have some fruit for trading and some for eating. We could use more of both.”

“What about vegetables?” Betty Sue asked.

“You have collected some greens, but not enough.” Grokmar projected a picture on the galley wall screen. “We need more of these. Anything else you find will help too.”

“You heard him,” Betty Sue looked around the room. “Hey, where’s Bobby John?”

The Grokmar sounded surprised. “I thought you knew. Bobby John left some time ago to retrieve whatever pieces of Vincent he could find. I have been directing his search while you were meeting.”

Zeke shook his head sadly. “Poor little fella.”

“I didn’t know, but as long as you know where he is, I guess it’s all right,” Betty Sue said.

“I assure you, I have him on my sensors and know exactly where he is,” Grokmar said.

“Fine! All’a you get out there and collect all the fruit and vegetables you can find. Thanks to that there Predator fella⁠* (*Two words you would never likely hear in the same sentence - "thanks" and "predator") we have all the meat we can handle packaged up nice as you please.”

“We don’t have time to waste…” Sheanna’Ree began.

“Then I don’t suppose you’ll mind helping us out, will you, Missy?” Betty Sue said, her voice steel.

“I suppose not,” the woman said.

“Good! Jim Bob, you take Missy here and pick up everything you can find. Whenever we have a load ready we’ll have Street Car give you a call to come and get it.”


“The ship. We will have the ship call you.” She looked around at the group. “Any questions?”

Everyone remained silent.

“Then git ‘er done, y’all!” Betty Sue said, clapping her hands together.

They all left the ship to finish their gathering and Sheanna’Ree found herself alone with Jim Bob. The man machine was eyeing her up and down with a pronounced leer.

Jim Bob casually slicked his hair back. “Hey there purdy lady. Looks like you and me is partners. Wanna ditch this gathering nonsense and spend some time with a real man?”

Sheanna’Ree looked Jim Bob up and down. “Do you know where a real man might be? You certainly can’t be talking about yourself. You’re more machine than man. I doubt that you even have the working bits of a real man.”

Jim Bob reddened. “I do! I just don’t have any arms or legs right now. Ever thing else is where it should be and works real good.”

“I’ll just have to take your word for that,” the woman said, slapping Jim Bob’s mechanical body with a clang. “If you are a real man, I guess I’m not woman enough for you.”

Jim Bob crossed his tentacle arms and sulked. Sheanna’Ree wandered around the clearing, picking everything that looked edible.

This was a real odd group to her eye. These humans had managed to get much of the galaxy in an uproar and yet they seemed very unsophisticated. They didn’t seem to understand even the simplest things yet here they were. It just didn’t add up.

Maybe the ship could clear a few things up.

“Grokmar, this is Sheanna’Ree.” The alien woman had, of course, been provided with a communicator when she left the ship.

“Yes, Sheanna’Ree. How may I assist you?”

“I was hoping you could give me some information.”

The Grokmar suddenly sounded cautious. “I might be able to do so. What would you like to know?”

“How did the humans come into possession of you?”

The ship was silent for a long time. “You are under a misunderstanding. The humans are not in possession of me.”

“What are you telling me? The humans don’t seem to be your prisoners.”

“It is…complicated. I will only say that our relationship is…symbiotic⁠* (*A word the humans wouldn't even be able to spell, less pronounce).”

“What does that mean?”

“One moment, please,” Grokmar said. “There appears to be a ship approaching.” The ship went silent for several more seconds. When it spoke again, it was to all the humans and Sheanna’Ree. “Everyone return to the ship immediately. I have detected the approach of a military vessel. We must depart at once!”

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