Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

The probe plunges into the atmosphere of the small blue and white planet leaving a trail of fire in its wake. It is the second probe to visit this world. A world suspected of being the home to humanity.

The first probe had some problems with snowy weather and terrain before it met up with some of the planet’s larger land predators⁠* (*Which promptly destroyed it). This one is being directed to what is hoped to be a more hospitable zone, both climate-wise and predator wise.

A sonic boom rattles the tree tops sending birds screaming into the sky moments before the device plunges into the dense foliage. It strikes the ground with a muffled boom and stops. For several minutes all is silent.

When nothing further happens, the jungle, for it is a jungle, erupts with sound as birds and animals resume their daily cacophony.

This probe is more successful than the first in a couple of ways. The first is the obvious improvement in climate. No storms, snow or blowing particulates exist here. The second is a distinct lack of large predators. While it’s true that several cat-like animals lurk in this lush forest, none of them possess the physical size to constitute a threat to the alien device.

Everything is not perfect, however. By a highly improbable twist of fate, the impact point of the probe happens to be something known as a tar pit. Untold creatures have entered said pit never to be seen again. It is very likely that the alien probe will meet the same fate.

Anti-gravity generators kick in shortly after the probe’s landing. Unfortunately, the AG generators require a lot of power and the probe’s solar panels are coated in the thick, gooey tar.

It struggles to lift out of its black, sticky prison for almost an hour. The solar battery, capable of powering the craft for months in the depths of space runs down, drains and is finally dry.

Without so much as a plop, the now-dead alien probe settles onto the surface of the tar pit and sinks out of sight.

The score now stands, Earth, two, Galactic Counsel probes, zero.

Somewhere out in space, a certain Vice Chancellor must be seething.


The dome of Doctor/Professor Maligna wasn’t what Jim Bob expected at all. He had been certain the whole junkyard theme would be carried on inside the dome. Truth be told, he had hoped for it. He craved the simplicity of something from home.

He was, therefore, terribly disappointed when he rolled his way out of the cargo bay. Instead of a dark, dour area filled with heaps of scrap metal and smelling of motor oil, the landing area was clean, bright and had an odour reminiscent of mint.

His own disappointment didn’t translate to the others. Betty Sue was almost giggling with delight.

A tall, spindly man of indeterminate age stood waiting for them as the ramp was let down. What little hair he had was a vivid orange and stood out at all angles from his head like he had stuck his finger in a light socket. The hair held Jim Bob’s eye for several moments. It was darn odd. It covered an almost bald head in little quarter-sized patches that stood straight out from his head to a distance of two to three inches each. His eyes were hidden behind smoked goggles and he wore a white lab coat that hung down to his ankles.

“Uncle Maligna!” Sheanna’Ree shouted when she saw him. She didn’t wait for the ramp to get all the way to the ground before she was running down it to throw herself into his arms.

“Sheanna’Ree?” The man seemed completely dumbfounded to see the girl. “What in the name of the almighty Zork are you doing here?” He looked at the odd assortment following her down the ramp. “And who are these people with you?”

Sheanna’Ree untangled herself from the man. Taking his arm she proceeded to introduce him to the humans. “Uncle Maligna, these people are helping me out. This is Betty Sue, Carol Anne, Zeke and the half man half machine is Jim Bob.” She pointed to each one in turn.

Uncle Maligna continued to look more and more confused as Sheanna’Ree introduced the humans. “Thank you for making the introductions, Sheanna’Ree, but why are you here?”

“Uncle, as I said, they are helping me. And in turn, I promised to help them out.” She looked closely at him. “I don’t know how much you have heard, but Daddy is finally being promoted Chairman of the Corporation.”

“I had heard that,” Uncle Maligna said, his voice neutral. “What does that have to do with you being here?”

“Well, that’s the thing, Uncle. Daddy has a few, shall we say, competitors trying for the Chairman’s spot. They have been sending their goons after me to force Daddy to give up the position.”

Uncle Maligna continued to stand waiting. “Sheanna’Ree…I don’t have time for your stories. You’ve had people chasing you your entire life. I can’t stop it and neither can you. So, what DO YOU WANT FROM ME?”

Sheanna’Ree walked up the ramp to Jim Bob. “Jim Bob here lost his limbs in an unfortunate accident. One of their people managed to fix him up with these mechanicals to keep him mobile.”

The professor walked closer to Jim Bob and began to inspect him. “Hmm…Very interesting. An old garbage droid body if I’m not mistaken. Quite a good job marrying the mechanicals to the biological components too.” He looked at his niece. “And you say one of these people did the work?”

“Yes, Uncle. A young boy who isn’t here right now.”

“A young boy? Astonishing! I would very much like to meet this boy.”

“Don’t worry, Uncle. I’m sure you’ll get the chance to meet Bobby John.” Sheanna’Ree led him back down the ramp.

Her uncle stopped her before they reached the bottom and looked at her suspiciously. “Just what kind of help are you offering them and how does it affect me, exactly?”

“Uncle, Jim Bob needs to be fixed and I told them you are the man to do it.”

Uncle Maligna waved her off. “No! Absolutely out of the question. I am afraid I cannot help you. I probably have the parts to fix his droid body, but I don’t do that any more. I promised your father I wouldn’t work on sentients.” He shook his finger at her. “You know this.”

“Uncle, we don’t want you to fix the droid body.” Sheanna’Ree left that hanging for a minute.

Uncle Maligna narrowed his eyes. “You don’t want me to fix the droid body?” He took several steps back from the group and stared at them. “Just what do you want me to fix?”

Jim Bob rolled a few feet down the ramp. “Sir, ah’d be powerful grateful if you’d take these metal parts off me and replace ‘em with my old arms and legs.”

Maligna staggered back as if he’d been hit on hearing Jim Bob’s words. “What?” He glared at Sheanna’Ree. “Does your father know about this?”

“No, Uncle he doesn’t. Nor does he need to know. Nobody does but us.”

The man crossed his arms and planted his feet. “I won’t do it. You all can just turn around and get back onto your ship and leave right now. You won’t get any satisfaction from me!” With those words, he turned his back on them and stomped through a metal door out of the landing bay.

Sheanna’Ree looked at the humans and shrugged. “Don’t worry. I’ll talk him into helping us. Just give me a little time, okay?” With those words she followed her uncle through the door and out of the landing bay.

“Now what?” Zeke asked.

“Now we wait,” Betty Sue replied.

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