Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Charlie was fast asleep on his cot when MegaDan returned to the cramped cabin. While he wasn't 100% certain that the small asteroid droid had gotten away, there had been no indications on the military web that anything was wrong.

He patted the pocket where his mini-Comp sat. Thank goodness for a misspent youth. He still had the hacking skills necessary to get that very information. The other good news was, the military network also didn't have any orders specific to him. Well nothing other than to keep him quarantined on the Turdination and to jam any attempts at transmission.

That meant he had a little more time before Vice-Chancellor Greklor turned his attention their way. MegaDan had full intentions to be gone by the time that happened.

But where to go and how to get there?

He and Charlie could try an escape pod, but chances were such a pod would be scanned for life. It was also very likely the pod wouldn't have adequate food or air for two beings to get anywhere alive. The asteroid droid would be fine because it needed neither of those things. He and Charlie were another matter entirely.

There were too many other beings on board the ship to forcefully take it over. Unless...

MegaDan shook his head. He needed a second opinion for this idea. He shook Charlie awake.

"Hey, Charlie, wake up!"

Charlie sat up much more quickly than he had the time before.

"I've got good news. I was able to get the information off the ship with the help of an asteroid droid. I sent it to find Overjohn."

Charlie's expressive eyebrow raised at that little bit of news.

"I know. It's great, isn't it? I can't send it out. Greklor still has us jammed, but I have an idea of how we can get out of here. I just need your opinion on it."

Charlie waved a hand at MegaDan.

"Well, I thought we could stage an emergency on this ship. Something bad enough that the crew will flee and the fleet will abandon us."

Charlie's eyes questioned MegaDan.

"Don't worry. I can hack into the systems and make the ship's computer believe anything I want. If we don't show up among the survivors, Greklor will consider himself well rid of us and we'll be in the clear."

Charlie thought about that for a moment and then nodded. A few moments later he held his hands up in a questioning gesture.

"We can follow at a distance to learn where Greklor is taking the fleet. Hopefully they'll turn the jamming off so we can get in touch with Overjohn ourselves. If we can't keep up, maybe  we can go for help ourselves in this bucket."

Charlie nodded again.

"So you think it might work?"

Charlie considered that question. His nod this time wasn't quite so sure. In the end, he shrugged and waved his hand.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," MegaDan said. "It was overwhelming." He smiled. "But you are right. We're up against the wall here and no mistake."

MegaDan pulled out the mini-Comp. "Why don't you go back to sleep. I've got some work to do. You'll know when it's done."

Charlie lay back down, closed his eyes and was almost instantly back asleep.

MegaDan went to work, humming softly to himself.

"Now, I've just got to convince the ship's systems that there is a dangerous bio-hazard on board. Maybe something that can be spaceborn. That way, Greklor won't fire on the ship for fear of spreading the contagion."

He tapped away at the keyboard for several minutes. The minutes stretched on into one hour, then two.

With a flourish, MegaDan made the last keystroke. "Finished!"

He looked over at Charlie. "You know, having a nap before I start this thing isn't a bad idea. No telling when I'll get another chance to rest after. Maybe I'll just set this whole thing to go off in three hours."

He made a few last keystrokes and tucked the mini-Comp back into its pocket before stretching out on the bunk. In a matter of moments he joined Charlie in sleep. 


"Sir, we've found the human's home world," the ensign said, turning to face Vice-Chancellor Greklor.

Greklor, who had been pacing behind the young rating stopped to peer at the screen. "99 percent probability. Excellent!"

He walked back to the command chair and sat down. "What is the status of the fleet?"

"The fleet is fully assembled and waiting for your orders, Sir."

Vice-Chancellor Greklor allowed himself a moment to gloat. He finally had them and there was no chance a bunch of primitives were going to get in his way. The annoyance that was humanity would be dealt with once and for all.

"Sir, one of the ships is reporting an emergency!"

His happy revery interrupted, Greklor focused his attention the ensign. "What? What is going on?" Nothing could be allowed to stand in the way of his victory now. Nothing!

"One of the garbage haulers is reporting a contamination of their life support. They are forced to abandon ship."

A garbage hauler. Greklor almost laughed. The destruction of Earth would not be halted on account of some trash. "Pick up the men and destroy the ship. We don't have time to clean up the problem."

"Sir," the ensign stuttered a little as he spoke, "We cannot destroy the ship. The biohazard is a space-born contagion that would be spread by the ship's destruction. Regulations require us to send the ship into the nearest star."

Greklor squashed the anger that threatened to bubble up. He was too close to victory. He could afford to be magnanimous. "Very well, ensign. Pick up the ship's crew and put them into quarantine. Flag the ship with quarantine beacons and schedule it for pick up by a deep space tug."

The ensign looked relieved. "Aye, Sir."

"How long until we can leave for the human's world?"

"One hour, Sir. A medical frigate is already rendezvousing with the escape pods." The ensign checked his screen again. "Correction, four hours, Sir. The life pods did not follow their normal course. They are scattering instead of staying close together. The frigate will have to chase each down."

Greklor ground his teeth together. Four hours! He wanted to get after these humans now! He forced himself to calm. It had already been weeks of waiting. A few more hours wouldn't matter now. "Tell that frigate they have two hours to collect all the men. After that, any not collected will be left behind. Got that ensign?"

The ensign was sweating again. "Aye, Sir."

Greklor sat back in his chair and allowed himself a smile. It would never do to let the men grow complacent. "What is our projected travel time to the human's home world?"

"Projected travel, allowing for the slowest ships is..." the ensign tapped at his terminal. "Forty-seven hours, thirty-two minutes."

"Very good, ensign." Vice Chancellor Greklor stood. "I will be in my stateroom. Let me know when the fleet is underway."

"Aye, Sir."


The headquarters of The Corporation were impressive. Taking up an entire continent on the planet Rorshack, they left a lasting impression on everyone who visited them.

No office within The Corporation outshone this one. On the top floor on the planet's tallest tower, it was the epitome of wealth and good taste. Rare woods and exotic leathers covered every surface. Artwork by the galactic masters sat on pedestal or recessed cubby everywhere one looked. A massive desk carved from a singal gemstone, inlaid with precious metals held court at the far end highlighted by a wall of transparent crystal.

It was a room intended to awe and intimidate. It was the office of the Chairman and CEO of The Corporation.

Behind the desk sat a being who exuded power. The intimidation of the room paled under his personality. A symbol flashed on the screen embedded in the desk's work surface.

The being tapped at the surface. "Yes, Breetrice?" His manner was calm, cool.

The face of an older female appeared on the screen. "Sir, I have just received an alert from Absolon-1. It reports that two ships have landed there."

The being leaned forward. "Do you have any identification for either vessel?"

"Only one, Sir. It appears to belong to the bounty hunter Gumbo Feet."

The Chairman frowned. Those who knew him would have started running.

His voice remained calm. "Prepare the corporate cruiser, Breetrice and inform my team, please. I will be investigating this personally."

"Yes, Sir. I will also clear your appointments for the next few days."

"Thank you, Breetrice." He tapped the screen again and it went dark.

He sat back in his chair and steepled his fingers. He spoke quietly to himself. "What are you up to brother? Are you planning something or has your past come back haunt you?"

He tapped the screen again. The image of a reptiloid male looked up. Light reflected from bronzed skin and garish tattoos swirled unpleasantly on his skull. "Sir?" The voice was a rasp.

"I'm going to need your services for the next several days, Gorn. It seems that Gumbo Feet has gotten mixed up in my business."

The reptiloid smiled displaying a double row of sharklike teeth. "Gumbo Feet you say?" He rubbed his clawed hands together. "It will be my pleasure to assist you, Sir! I've wanted a chance to see which of us is better for years."

"Excellent! I will see you on board the cruiser in one hour." The Chairman killed the connection. Whatever was going on, he would be ready.

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