Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Jim Bob followed Carol Anne into the same room he had first encountered Uncle Maligna. Things looked mostly the same except the gleaming room now had a big table setup in the middle surrounded by extremely bright lights.

Uncle Maligna and Bobby John stood near the table talking with Vincent floating nearby. Betty Sue and Zeke were nowhere to be seen.

“Ah, Jim Bob,” Uncle Maligna said. “I’m glad to see you. How are you feeling?”

“To tell you the truth, Sir, I’m a mite worried,” Jim Bob said. Just admitting it made him feel a bit better.

Uncle Maligna laughed. “That’s natural, but you have nothing to worry about. Young Bobby John and I have been talking about the procedure and I think it should all be just fine.”

From where Jim Bob was standing, Bobby John looked more worried than he did. “You all right, Bobby John?”

Bobby John stood a little straighter. “I’m fine, Jim Bob. I just want to make sure ah do a good job for you is all.”

That made Jim Bob feel a touch better. That the boy was more worried about quality than actually doing the job was a very good thing.

“I’m sure you’ll just fine, Bobby John. By the way, where are Betty Sue and….” Jim Bob was interrupted by a siren.

“Now what?” Uncle Maligna looked annoyed. He strode over to a terminal and tapped away at a few keys. His expression was very serious when he looked up at the humans. “It looks like Gumbo Feet got tired of waiting. He’s here and his ship isn’t. That probably means that if something happens to him we’re dead.”

“What can we do?” Carol Anne asked.

Uncle Maligna worked at his terminal for several minutes before he looked up again. “There isn’t much we can do. His armour is sealed so we can’t get him with gas* (*with the sealed armour Gumbo was the only threat to himself for gas attack). I don’t know how much of an impact he can withstand without injury so we can’t physically attack him either.” He scratched his head. “I have weapons on the asteroid, but they would kill him and as I said before, that would likely mean his ship would destroy us.”

Betty Sue, Sheanna’Ree and Zeke came running into the room. “What in tarnation is going on now? Why are them there alarms blaring again?”

“That bounty hunter fella is here,” Carol Anne said.

“Nice of you to join us,” Jim Bob said.

Betty Sue ignored his jibe. “Uncle Maligna, what can we do?”

The scientist held his hands up in a gesture of helplessness. “We were just talking about that. It seems like the best thing we can do is find out what Gumbo Feet wants. His ship left as soon as he was on board which likely means we will be destroyed if he is harmed.”

“Cain’t we just leave?” Zeke asked.

“That’s a good idea, Zeke,” Uncle Maligna said. “Except there are no escape vessels on the asteroid. My brother wanted to be very sure I stayed put when he left me here.”

“So we wait?” Betty Sue asked.

“I think we must,” Uncle Maligna said. “Gumbo Feet doesn’t have a reputation of being a murderer. He is known for being VERY good at what he does, which is hunt people for his clients. He prefers to bring them in alive. Whomever he is here for, he will capture them. We just need to be ready to stop him when his ship is here to collect them.” He shut off the alarms. “No sense listening to these things.”

“I’m scared!” Carol Anne said.

Jim Bob rolled over to her and wrapped a tentacle around her shoulders to hold her. “Don’t you worry none, Carol Anne. I won’t let nothing happen to you.”

Uncle Maligna smiled at the group. “I have one more trick left up my sleeve too. It might just save us all.”


Everything was going according to plan. Gumbo Feet had penetrated into the living quarters without any opposition. His instruments clearly showed that all inhabitants of the asteroid were currently in a single room. No weapons were evident on the scans.

It was too easy. He slowed his advance, carefully checking every room. They were clean but most showed the scars of a battle or a very bad temper tantrum. What had gone on here?

He cautiously made his way forward, scanning every room for hidden surprises, getting closer to the inhabitants by the minute. When he arrived at their location, he was amazed to find them all sitting in what looked like a living room, visiting.

They looked, for all the world, like they were expecting him, but no one seemed particularly scared or upset. How very strange.

There were eight of them in all. Six humanoids, a droid and a cyborg or some sort. He set an independent monitoring and targeting routine for that last one in case it tried something. His sensors told him that four of the humanoids and the cyborg were his quarries.

The sensors all did a quick scan and match of the two remaining humanoids. The results surprised him. He couldn’t help but smile. This was going to be a VERY profitable trip!

Gumbo Feet raised his blaster and pointed it at the seated group. He stepped into the room. “All right everyone. I know you know who I am. I would appreciate it if no one moves. That way, we all walk out of here alive.”

Uncle Maligna looked over at the bounty hunter. “Yes, we know who you are, Mr. Feet, just like you know who we all are. Let us not bandy words about. Why are you trespassing on my asteroid?”

Gumbo Feet focused on Uncle Maligna. “Well, originally I was here to collect those humans. But I see you and your niece have big prices on your heads too. That being the case, I’m here to take you all back with me.”

“How very entrepreneurial of you, Gumbo, but I don’t believe you will,” Uncle Maligna said.

“Oh? And why is that?” Gumbo Feet said. “I know all your weapons are currently deactivated and you know my suit cannot be compromised by gas.”

Uncle Maligna casually sat back and studied the bounty hunter. “We both seem to know quite a lot, don’t we? But you know as well as I that the weapons can be turned on faster than you can use that blaster on us. Besides, you don’t even know which of us has the activation control.”

“That is very true,” Gumbo Feet said. “But my ship is currently in orbit around this asteroid monitoring my vital signs. If anything happens to me, it will destroy you all.”

“It would appear that we are at an impasse then,” Maligna said. “Neither of us wants to die and we don’t want to go.”

“It’s true that I don’t want to die,” Gumbo Feet began, “but the truth is, I don’t need all of you alive to collect the bounties. It might actually be easier if I did kill one or two of you.”

Uncle Maligna held his hands up. “Don’t do anything hasty, Gumbo. No one needs to die today. As you can see, we’re cooperating.”

Gumbo Feet looked closely at the older man. “Just don’t try anything.”

“Now you listen here, Mister,” Betty Sue began. “You’ve got no business pointing that there ray gun or whatchamachacallit at us. We’re peaceful folk!”

Gumbo Feet laughed. “For peaceful folk, you sure have some powerful enemies. And I watch the news. You people don’t seem to value life too much from what I’ve seen.”

“Well, I’m done sitting around,” Carol Anne said. She stood up.

Gumbo swung the gun to point at the girl. “Sit down! I may need you alive to collect my bounty, but nothing in the contract says I have to deliver you whole.”

Jim Bob rolled in front of the girl. “Don’t you go threatening Carol Anne or you will have to deal with me.”

Gumbo Feet’s suit sensor had sounded a brief beep of alarm when the mechanical man had moved. It was interesting to see the whole group dynamic working. It might give him some leverage later. “Just stay where you are big boy! Don’t think a little bit of machinery will stop me.”

Jim Bob simply glared at the bounty hunter, shielding the girl with his body.

Gumbo Feet shook his head. “It doesn’t seem like you peaceful folk are paying very good attention to me. Maybe I need to show you just how serious I am.”

He adjusted his aim and squeezed the trigger of his blaster, shooting Uncle Maligna square in the chest.

The force of the blast lifted the older man from his seat and flung him across the room. Sheanna’Ree rushed to her uncle’s side. He lay in a heap, a smoking hole in his chest.

Sheanna’Ree checked his vitals. She looked up at the killer, tears streaming down her face. “You murdered him! You said if we didn’t move we’d all walk out of here you bastard!”

Gumbo Feet smiled. “So I lied. And I’ve been called worse, but rarely by better. Your uncle was a dangerous man. I couldn’t take a chance with him. Besides, you all seemed to need a demonstration.”

“He was just a nice old man and you killed him,” Betty Sue said slowly. “What kind of a monster are you?”

“The kind you don’t want to mess with,” Gumbo Feet said. “And if you think he was nice, maybe you should ask his niece there about some of the things he’s done. That might change your mind. Besides, I believe he was the one with the weapon’s control since this is his asteroid.” He pointed his blaster at Jim Bob. “You! Pick the old man up and bring him. I still have need of his carcass.”

Jim Bob gently picked Uncle Maligna up. There were tears in his eyes. He cradled the being’s body and held him to his chest. “Now what?”

Gumbo Feet stepped further into the room. “Take him to the shuttle bay.” He gestured with his blaster. “The rest of you follow him.”

The group formed a line and followed Jim Bob out of the room. Sheanna’Ree raised her fist as if to strike Gumbo Feet as she walked past him, but the bounty hunter stood his ground, blaster trained on her.

“Don’t bother, girl. I know I’ve already said it, but I need to bring you in alive. Not necessarily intact, but alive.” Gumbo Feet waved the weapon. “Now get going or I’ll be forced to use this thing again.”

The girl followed the humans, grumbling under her breath, tears still falling.

They made it out to the shuttle bay without incident. Gumbo kicked the repaired metal double doors closed and shot the lock with a low power blast, fusing them tight.

“Just in case you folks decide to try and run for it. I don’t want to have to chase you down again.” He held up his gun. “Not that it wouldn’t be fun.”

He waved the prisoners against the wall. “Why don’t you all just have a seat with your backs to the wall. I’ve got to call my ship in.” He pulled off his helmet for the first time revealing swarthy good looks with a long scar trailing the right side of his jaw. He held up his left forearm and spoke into it.

“Hey Ma. I need a pickup. Make room for six and body.”

“Affirmative.” The voice came from a small speaker in the arm of his armour.

He looked at the captives. “You should be happy it was me who found you. My employer isn’t known for his patience. Anybody he hired after me would have been more messy. None of you would likely be alive after they found you.”

“Whoever hired you will just kill us anyway,” Sheanna’Ree said.

Gumbo Feet tapped his lip lightly with the barrel of the blaster. “You are probably right, but isn’t it better to live a few days longer? Who knows, you might just meet Mr. Right. It could change your life.”

“If you’re Mr. Right, I would rather be dead,” Sheanna’Ree said.

Gumbo tried to look wounded. “That’s not very nice, Miss. You sorely wound me, you most certainly do. Not ladylike at all, if you ask me.”

He looked down at his communicator. “Ma! Are you about to rendevous? We have an appointment to keep.”

There was no response.

He was about to try a second time when the doors of the shuttle bay began to cycle. He didn’t bother to turn around as the ship came in for a landing.

“Don’t worry. We’ll be on our way shortly.” He heard the ramp lowering as the ship cut its engines. “Ma, send a hover sled down please.”

Still no response.

“Ma?” Gumbo turned around. He was totally unprepared for the blaster bolt that struck him in the chest dropping him to the floor of the shuttle bay.

Standing on the ramp holding a blaster was the Chairman and CEO of The Corporation.

A reptiloid came trotting down the ramp and saw the crumpled form of Gumbo Feet. “Sir, you told me I could have Gumbo Feet!”

“Don’t worry, Gorn. He is still alive. You can play with him later,” the Chairman said.

“Daddy!” Sheanna’Ree shouted. She ran toward the man, stopping only to kick the prone form of Gumbo Feet on her way to him. “What are you doing here?”

“I could ask you the same question daughter. And who are these people and why are they here?”

“Um, these are humans, Daddy. You may have heard of them on the news?”

The Chairman frowned. “Yes, of course I’ve heard of them. Why are they here?”

“They are protecting me, Daddy. I brought them here because Jim Bob,” she pointed at the mechanical man, “needed some help. Help Uncle Maligna could provide.”

The mention of his brother distracted the Chairman for a moment. “Yes, where is my brother. I don’t see him.”

Sheanna’Ree looked over to Jim Bob. “Jim Bob, please bring my uncle’s body over.”

“Body?” The Chairman held Sheanna’Ree back from him and looked in her eyes. “What are you talking about?”

“That filth,” she pointed at Gumbo Feet, “Killed him without warning.”

“I…see…” The Chairman looked at Jim Bob who had stopped a few feet from the two of them. “Please bring the body closer young man.”

Jim Bob used his tentacles to extend the body forward. The Chairman spent several minutes looking the corpse over. He checked the hands, the wrists and arms. As quickly as he started looking, he stopped.

“This isn’t my brother’s body,” he said.

“But Daddy, it is. I was with him when he died. He hasn’t left our side since.”

The Chairman shook his head and smiled. “I know my brother. This is not his body.” He stepped back. “It is a perfect copy, but it is not him. You can trust me on this.”

“But…how…?” was all Sheanna’Ree could say.The humans looked no less stunned by The Chairman’s revelation. What was going on?

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