Rules & Requests

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1. I will complete each request in the order from which they were submitted. First come, first serve.

2. If your request is rude and/or impolite in any way, I will most likely not accept it.

3. Please be specific with your cover details, but don't make requests impossible. I work hard on these covers; if the request is over-complicated and very complex, I will probably have to decline it (unless you re-write it).

4. Please be patient. I can't make a cover in 1 minute. If you want a good quality cover, then you'll have to wait a bit.

5. Please give me credit. I spend my money to make these covers for all of you; the least you could do is give me credit for the cover I work hard on for you.

6. I'm adding this new rule. I'm sick and tired of people requesting for covers and then never publishing their story. I work so hard on something for you. It's disrespectful. So, from now on, all submissions will be declined if the story is not published in advance. If you're one step away from publishing your story (that one step being a cover), I'll allow you to submit a request.

To request a cover, you must fill out the following:

Subtitle (optional):
Anything else:

If you're looking for a general fiction cover, then you've come to the right place. This workshop may be full of anime covers, but I just started general fiction commissions. :)

So yeah! That's basically it. Just submit your request in the comments section~!

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