Being her moon!!

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The sun was shining bright high in the sky as if bestowing its shimmer to those who are in need of the illuminance.

The wind flow wasn't rapid but somehow it was giving an impression that maybe the wind will increase its momentum at a significant moment..

The sky was virtually clear but the specks of clouds with a pinkish tinge on them were adorning the immaculate sky which itself was representing eternity and transcendence..

Aroma of spices used in various dishes at a bhojnalaya was spreading in the locality and was making its way to the nostrils of the customers who were buying the authentic Gujarati thali for their lunch.

But at a very short distance from that eatery Ramdhari was cooking a scrumptious spread of aloo puri and masala paneer as it was a weekend and it always calls for a hearty lunch.

"Sameer Bhaiya humne khana laga diya h", instructed Ramdhari and went to the kitchen to make hot chapatis..

An elderly man sitting on the dining chair was adoring his grandson as he saw him devouring his favorite dishes. A contented smile was spreading in his lips and after completing his own food he asked him, " Sameer, would you like to come with me, I have to meet my friend and while I am at his house you can take a stroll in the market and buy something for yourself"...

Sameer pondered over his nanu's offer and thought what exactly he will do in the market but after looking at the old man's warmth filled eyes he assured him, " I will go nanu but let me change first ", his grandfather smiled at him not only because he had agreed to go with him as eventually he would have gone with him but because he felt like that something strange will happen in the market, strange as in.... still strange but somehow beautiful!!

While going upstairs to change Sameer was thinking why he couldn't refuse his nanu it's not that his nanu would have gotten hurt by his refusal or would have forced him to go with him maybe because for the respect and love he had for his nanu he couldn't make himself to decline his request, whatever the reason may be but some sort of uncertainty was still clinging to his mind as why exactly he consented to go.

He had planned to watch a movie with his best friends Munna and Pandit but he couldn't have able to do so as he didn't even know how much time it will take for his nanu to greet his friend so he called them after reaching his room and explained them about the change in the plan, though they asked to accompany him but he repudiates their offer and told them to watch that movie without him. Nevertheless they agreed but still assured him that they will catch up with him after his return from his impromptu shopping spree...

His hand automatically plucked a black shirt out and he baffled at his own choice as it was offbeat to wear that shirt in that weather and at the top of the all it was so absurd to wear it to the market place as in that shirt was a fancy one but soon his nanu called him and without considering a second option he sauntered downstairs after wearing the chosen shirt...

After mindlessly scanning almost every shop in a lane he was roaming on the street on his own, not paying attention to the surroundings and to the not so busy road. And of course his oblivious self got bumped into someone....

The sudden bump quivered him but thanks to his somewhat muscular body he stabilized himself and raked his long fingers in his hair and while doing it his eyes landed upon a girl who is sitting on the middle of the road wearing blush pink floral shirt and blue skirt, her open hair falling over her shoulders, the one rupee coin laying besides her.

The sudden realisation hit him that he has collided with a girl and she has indeed stumbled down because of the collision. Soon his gentleman nature overpowered and he gave her his right hand while his left hand was buried in the left pocket of his jeans.

Although he wasn't sure if she was paying attention to him or to his already forwarded hand but he could very well see that flabbergasted look on her beautiful face, he mentally smacked himself for that but then shrugged and thought what he can do when she is really that beautiful....

Thought of her being in shock or being a gone case crossed his mind as he saw her disoriented self for a few moments but then his subconscious mocked him as why he is even thinking like that, it's just normal tripping and nothing else.

But soon she lifted her face as if giving him a better view of the same and took his hand on her own though with some hesitancy, and with his help she stood up..

Those doe shaped eyes of her created havoc in his mind, he can see a startled girl in them but somewhere far yet so near in those eyes he can see a pure heart and softening expressions of her, that too for him, which her face was unable to show. He saw a glimpse of gratitude and safety in her eyes when she held his palm. She was so immersed in looking at him that her eyes were fully opened giving him the best experience of his life only by staring at those orbs...

But he immediately looked towards the road and registered that they were immobilising the traffic and other pedestrians with their day time eye locking and that too at the middle of the road.

His attention moved to the grocery bag which may have dropped on the road from her hands at the time of the knock. He flexed and took the bag from the ground and then offered that to her but till then she was standing stunned though she eventually came out of her trance when a car driver honked loudly, his first instinct was to cuss him out as why he had to jolt her out from her current self, which of course he was admiring.

But soon she took the bag from his hand and that made him forget about his plan of destroying that driver's day. She was cleaning her skirt by using her small hands and he was waiting for her to say something but even after a few seconds she didn't acknowledge him so he went in the opposite direction as he had already seen that thankfulness and warmth for him in her eyes..

He left from there so that he could compile his thoughts and to actually let the reality of meeting her seep inside of him. It was all so sudden that he couldn't exactly get to act any other way..

He was taking steps forward, occasionally gliding his fingers through his hair and he suddenly felt the change in the speed of the wind as if the wind was in competition with him to see whether his heart was beating fast or the wind itself was flowing fast..

No matter who won the very competition but still the highest votes were casted for his faith, for his hope that he had with him that he would surely get to meet her once again, maybe somewhere, maybe sometime..

But for now she was taking a free stroll in his mind and he was trying to distract himself by looking at the view outside while sitting in the car with his nanu, going back to his home. It's not that he didn't want her beautiful face to appear in his mind, it's just that he didn't want his nanu to know about his strong attraction towards the girl whom he met just half an hour ago....

He was still diverted from his usual cheerful self the way he used to be in front of his best friends. He felt like they will get hurt from his sudden lack of interest so he made sure to make them the priority for the time being and to not to think about that girl with doe shaped, dark brown eyes so that he can't hurt them, it's not that they will be hurt but the thought of doing this to both of them unsettled him after all they both were there for him only so he asked Ramdhari for piping hot pakodas and khaman so that they can enjoy a movie while gobbling down the delicious food...

But she still managed to crawl into his mind and thus intensified his urge to see her as soon as possible....

Nevertheless he happened to see her few weeks later, she was standing behind a big banyan tree, a deep frown settling down on her face, from her demeanour it was evident she was hiding herself in the facade of the tree as if she didn't want him to see her, watching him.

But he thought what exactly would have happened if she would have let him see her but there were so many contradictory scenarios running in his mind like what if she wasn't actually there for him? What if she was standing there for something else or maybe for someone else, though his heart screamed 'no' at the latter assumption but then again a supplementary scenario popped up in his mind as what if she just happened to appear there and she didn't have any clue about him being there also?

In spite of various vagueness he somehow believed that she was there for him only or at least he tried to..

His imprecise state caught him off guard and led him to get out despite a very simple ball being thrown at him. Munna shouts at him, "Sameer what have you done man, we were so close to win this match, I don't know if anyone can led us to victory or not'', he didn't pay much attention to his best friend's rambling as his mind and eyes were fixed on the girl standing there.

He saw her squealing but soon enough she covered her mouth with her palm and hugged a girl of somewhat her age. He couldn't actually place a finger on her sudden mood uplift, just a few minutes ago she was frowning and now she was there squealing and hugging.

He comprehend that maybe she had gotten for whatever she was there at the first place but he also knew that she tried a lot to let herself hide while searching for whatever she had came for but she had failed miserably as he had already seen her but he didn't let her know that he knew that she was there.

He didn't know how but somehow he had sensed her being somewhere near him earlier also just like the way at the ground but he never gave heed to that as why she would be near him and what she would be doing near him.

But after seeing her that day he made sure to at least look for her whenever he would get the slightest hint of her being somewhere close to him.

And of course he kept his promise to himself as soon as he felt that she was there in the market. He had just turned and walked a few steps away from that small chaat corner where he just had panipuris, he felt that she was indeed there and he soon concealed himself behind a mannequin at a shop so that he could see her but she couldn't be able to see him from his hiding spot.

And what he saw then and there was enough to make him believe that she was the one who followed him to his house when he felt that someone was following him, she was the one who admired him whenever he tried on a brand new shirt in a shop it's not that he saw her there but he had felt her presence as if she was gesturing 'looking handsome' at him and her eyes twinkling whilst doing that very hand gesture. And prominently he agreed that she was there only for him at the cricket ground and not for someone else. And maybe she was happy there because she had found something related to him for which she was trying to a great extent.

His heart raced as he keep on rewinding the events from that collision day and all the circumstances led him to believe that maybe she had fallen in love with him, maybe not exactly love, maybe some attraction or crush sort of but his mind and heart both declined that and pressured on the feeling 'love' only unless who on the Earth would have purposely eaten from the used plate and moreover at a small chaat corner. And at the top of all it's not that simple for a girl in that era to follow a boy whom she had met just once and that too through a simple and unanticipated bump, she had definitely mustered some huge strength to come to a point to follow him....

He somewhere knew that he had a soft corner for her but his wish to see her even when he was with his best friends, his heart thumping whenever he felt her being somewhere close to him, various emotions he felt ignited in his body when he saw her eating panipuri from his used plate and even just the way he preferred, more spicy with a tinge of sweet tamarind chutney, was more than just a mere infatuation and these were depicting some other story in their own ways.

He felt like most of the things in his life revolved around her only from the day they bumped into each other and there wasn't any reason or chance for him to refrain himself from falling for her. He just fell for her; it's not that he had any other choice. He agreed with his heart that he had undeniably fallen in love with her, by all means, by every inch of him.

He didn't know how he started loving her but he did know that he would love her forever, she was his forever, his ultimate destination...

At some point he almost made himself to follow her because he finally had accepted that he loved her, when the match was finished at the ground and she was going back but somehow controlled himself as he knew if by any chance she got to know that he knew about her stalking him or following him she would never do that again because of the society norms and the amount of embarrassment which would follow the whole unveiling and then there wouldn't be any chance he would let her understand about him being madly in love with her. He would lose all the means of being able to see her, being closer to her...

But all these weren't able to stop him from knowing about her address as he followed her only once to the place where she lived. He couldn't able to believe that she lived so close to him all that time and the fact of her house being that close to his forced him to see her everyday but for both of their sakes and their love for each other he never tried to go near her house again as if he would have gone there and if she would have seen him there whether him looking for her or not then they would have been back to square one..

* * *

The night was still young, the moon was present there in the sky but somehow waiting for its friends to come out and twinkle more zealously so that it could also go to a certain elevation. But there was Sameer laying on the bed in his room, staring at the moon as if it would have granted him with a plan to cancel the foreign business trip with his nanu or at the minimum he could have a possibility of rescheduling the tour. But to his utter dismay he had to go with his nanu eventually and even had to spend fortnight there without getting a chance to see her...

He was sure that she was missing him like he was missing her or maybe even more but there wasn't much he could have done. They had never talked with each other so how come he could have at least hinted her about his trip. He just wished that these days of not being able to see her come to an end soon so that he could at least continue with seeing her though not directly but still..

There he was sitting on a blue covered seat in flight, beside his nanu, waiting for the flight to land soon. Part of him was excited to see her after almost two weeks but part of him was doubtful as whether he would be able to see her that day itself or he would have to wait for the next morning as he was sure that she would have tried to search for him or to see him and she would do the same again also but he was certain of the fact that she couldn't be able to look for him late at the evening as it would take him long or even it would be evening at the minimum at the time his flight would land..

But he thought that if she wasn't able to reach out for him, he could do that. He could go to her house anyways he just had to see her, a brief look at her would do no harm to anyone. Nonetheless some other thoughts crossed his mind as should he really go to her house?, would it be favourable for her and for him also?What if the situation worsens or goes otherwise???

"Yes, you should go Sameer", told nanu as if answering his thoughts. He turned towards his nanu so that he was looking at him dumbfounded, he stammered, " wh... wha... what....", he didn't get time to complete his sentence as his nanu crossed him, " You should have known better young man, I'm your nanu and I know you inside and out ", after a tiny pause he continued, " what do you think I'm not noticing your changed behaviour, your always occupied mind, that bright smile that adorn your lips whether while eating or watching TV, I know that you are in love my young boy and I'm so happy for you "....

His nanu was circling his hand on his back and little did he know that nanu would be comprehensive towards his lovestruck nature but never did he thought that his nanu would awe him like that but whatever that was he was relieved that his nanu was there for him and it gave him strength to go to her house that night itself..

Yet again his nanu assured his thoughts, "Go Sameer go, I know how much you love her, profess this to her, I will always be there for you and her, you have to let her meet me after all I also want to see who is that lucky girl with whom you are so much in love", he stared outside the small window and again looked towards his grandson and asked, "she must be really special but what's her name?? ", this question of his nanu startled him and answered, " I don't know nanu, I never get a chance to talk to her, let alone asking her name ", the old man smiled and nodded in understanding but didn't ask anything further.

On the other hand he was thinking he never bothered to know her name and started loving her without even knowing anything about her but thought, isn't this type of love the best??, even without knowing her, he loved her with his every fiber. Yes, it is, answered his subconscious and with that a smile appeared on his lips.. ..

Few hours later the moon witnessed the starting of a new relationship, he blessed the two pure souls with its eternity and wisdom. The moon could never have thought that it had to be a spectator of a very special reunion when it firstly appeared to do the inception of the Eid festival...

One got to see her moon and one got to be her moon...

A/N:- As promised this is the Sameer's side of the story. I know I'm late but I had loads of assignments to submit and still have but I can't let you all wait for this anymore as that would have been so mean of me hence here's the update..

Do let me know if this part is upto your expectations and the way you thought it would be or it isn't, I don't mind criticism. Your reviews and comments are whole heartedly welcome as I love them!!

Lots of love ❤❤

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