Her moon!!

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The sun was already below the horizon, light of the day almost diminishing away, making a way to the darkness of the night.

The sky was also darkening as soon as the black clouds started shading the late evening sky behind themselves.

The atmosphere was giving a hint that it's soon going to rain. Wind was flowing merrily as if eager and excited for something to happen.

Chirping of crickets to the first buzz of mosquitoes, all the sounds and chimes from surroundings can be heard as a medley.

Small vendors were closing their makeshift shops, people wanted to reach their houses as the drizzling had already started, some shopkeepers were covering items displayed outside their shops for luring customers, with thin plastic sheets and tarpaulin...

A girl in her late teens was sitting in her balcony and grinning widely while staring at a small puppy playing in the rain with another puppy, their paws covered in mud and they both soaked up because of the rain.

As soon as a female dog appeared she saw how they both went after her wiggling their tiny curved tails, she comprehended that the two puppies were brothers for sure...

But as soon as they went she dejectedly sighed and made herself look at a small rose plant with a single rose swaying slightly because of the flowing wind. A few droplets were already present on the red colored flower. She had planted the plant almost two months ago. In the attempt of touching the rose she made herself hurt as the sharp prickle on the stem nicked her finger thus sending her down in the memory lane as why and when she planted the small sapling of rose plant in particular...

One day a sweet girl in two oily braids came back to her home and started planting the tiny seedling in one of a earthen flower pot without even changing her uniform as she heard her classmate Kamya saying that if you love someone then plant a red rose plant and see if it grows beautifully under your care and nurture then it will be proved that the person whom you love, loves you also and as the plant would grow that person's love for you would also grow and if something happens the other way round then drop the idea that you would be getting any sort of love from the person whom you do love.

Although she never liked Kamya as she always taunts her for her way of dressing and mocks her appearance, that very day all her hatred for that girl vanished and she made sure that she will take a rose sapling with her while heading towards her home...

* * *

A naive, disciplined and studious girl who had never failed to top in every grade somewhere missed her side as a hopeless romantic girl which was somehow obscured with her dream of making her chacha ji and chachi ji proud.

She used to enjoy those 90's hit romantic movies but somehow she always ended up ignoring the yearning of her heart of having a companion for life who will love her, cherish her like all the romantic leads of the movies do for their lady love...

But one fine day she didn't or couldn't ignore that urge of her heart when she accidentally collided with a stranger while following her one rupee coin which was rolling on the road after tumbling down from her clasp. For a moment everything halted as she understood that there was a boy offering his hand to her, his eyes fixated on her, his long and silky hairs dancing with the rhythms of the air. She wasn't aware of the surroundings and with the fact that she was sitting in the middle of the road after mindlessly running into that stranger having dark brown orbs. Unaffected by anything she gave her hand to him and he made her stand up on her feet, she was so engrossed in gazing at him that she didn't hear him offering her grocery bag to her. Loud honking made her come out of her zoned out state and she took her bag from his hands embarrassingly and started wiping the dirt surfaced on her blue skirt. As soon as the common sense of thanking him crossed her fazed senses she looked upward but he wasn't there he was striding in the opposite direction occasionally gliding his long fingers into his shiny hairs and she kept on staring at that stranger who had face bright like the moon and eyes deeper than the ocean itself who made her heart flutter and her eyes shiny. He came like a gust of wind and went away the same way....

She doesn't know why she mouthed "hawa ka jhonka" and smiled like a fool standing there watching his retreating figure and soon he vanished from her cone of vision. But from that day till today she always referred to him as "hawa ka jhonka", even though at some point she had found out his real name...

From that day of running into each other to this day exactly one year has passed and in that whole one year she got to know that he had just shifted in her locality with an old man whom she later got to know that he is his nanu, she started going towards his house where she seldomly got the glimpse of him, she knew he plays cricket at the ground at the end of the lane with his friends so she also went there and after few visits to the ground she heard someone calling him as Sameer and she beamed with pride and elation that knowingly or unknowingly she had guessed his name correct though not exactly the accurate one but still the meaning of his name.

She searched endlessly about his school but all her efforts went into vain but once she got a chance and hence she went behind him while going to her school, he halted in front of a huge building where St. Paul School was written in bold letters with red paint on the wrought iron gate, his school wasn't much far from her own school so whenever she got chance she went there to catch a sight of him.

She even made herself accept the fact that she was indeed in love with him as daydreaming about him, having dreams even at night about him, uttering his name repeatedly, all these aimed at her being in love with him.

Throughout the year she learnt so much about him as which chaat stall is his favorite which eventually became her favorite also, from where he does like to buy his shoes and clothes but as he used to shop from expensive shops she didn't have much of a choice to not shop from those shops because of the difference in the budgets for clothing in cases of both of them, except from that cricket ground where he used to go so that she could follow him.

But the sense of fear and uncertainty had always gripped her heart as what if he would have seen her sometimes nonetheless she had tried a lot to be hidden but still.

Small part of her wished that he should have seen her but then another more sensible part of her reminded her about the possible consequences of him seeing her there, following him and the mortification which will follow the truth revelation would be something more than acceptable for her.

She just wanted to see him, love him, adore him without coming in front of him. She loved him selflessly, she couldn't jeopardize whatever chance she was getting to see him even at the expense of getting his love back. Him not loving her back was much more conventional to her than she wouldn't be able to see him. Though somewhere it sounds selfish but then she wasn't harming anyone because of her love for him but herself...

They both never came in front of each other from the past one year so she couldn't decipher what exactly he thought of their fortuitous bump because for her that collision turned her life, changed her take on love, pushed her to the brinks, moulded the shy girl into a strong and courageous girl who could do anything for the love of her life and most importantly that bump made her fall in love even when the idea of the love itself was a far- fetched thought for her...

The day when she was sitting in the balcony was the day when she met her "hawa ka jhonka" exactly one year ago and she was sitting at the balcony because she used to sit there whenever she misses him or because of inevitable circumstances she couldn't see him and from past two weeks she hadn't seen him, first few days she couldn't join the probable dots as why he wasn't coming to play cricket or eating panipuri at his ideal stall, she also didn't see him attending his school but soon she heard her tau ji telling her chacha ji about Jaiprakash Maheswari and his grandson's tour to Germany for signing some business related deals.

Although she knew where he was and her heart assured her that he would be safe and sound as he was with nanu or his nanu but what she didn't know was when he was returning. Her days felt getting long and night even longer as she wasn't able to see him, his moon-like face used to give her solace and strength to keep with her daily routine and live her life. She only had her love for him and his few glimpses of him with her to go forward in her life as neither she was getting back his love nor she could do anything for the same. But now he wasn't there to provide the same to her so she was facing difficulties, she was losing focus on her studies, wasn't eating properly, she wasn't paying attention to what her chachi ji was asking her to do. She hoped that he would return soon unless she would definitely be lost somewhere...

"Naina, the moon went out", shouted Preeti her sister who is few months younger to her, which made her came out of her lost self and Preeti continued with the tension lacing her voice, " you weren't listening to me so I shouted, I know you are missing jija ji but see around yourself everyone is hugging each other as Eid will be celebrated tomorrow", she wiped Naina's cheeks where tears have made their way while she was reminiscing about him.

Preeti was the only soul who knew about her sister's unconditional love for Sameer and she had supported her always whether Naina had to find his name or to changing her preferred chaat stall because of Naina who wanted to eat at his favorite stall, she was always present there for her sister.

She used to address him as 'jija ji' because she somewhere believed that he would love her sister back the way her sister love him but she never conveyed the exact reason of addressing him as 'jija ji' to Naina as she thought the real reason would hurt her sister but instead she teased her by saying that how her innocent Naina had fallen in love.

She went everywhere with Naina and supported her by lying at home for her, covering up for her sister, going wherever she asked her to, doing whatever Naina asked her to. They both weren't bounded by blood but were surely bounded by heart, they may not share parents but they undoubtedly were inseparable souls.

Both the sisters were hugging each other and crying in each other's embrace. Just then a loud honk of a car made them look towards the road and what they both saw shocked them. There he was stepping down from his car clutching black leather jacket in his left palm, dangling from his left shoulder till his lower waist, the other hand was busy adjusting his hair. He hugged someone and said something that looked like 'eid mubarak', and then he looked upward, towards her...

He kept staring at her and she was staring at him, Preeti gave her sister a little privacy and went inside. He kissed his right palm more than usual and flew a kiss towards her, that right hand was the same hand with which he helped her to stand up from the road on the day they collided. His twinkling eyes and fully stretched lips because of grinning widely were only things visible to her at that very moment. She couldn't believe he not only flying kissed her but did that even with that special hand which she held a year ago though for few seconds but she hasn't forgot his touch till today, she always felt that somehow he is still holding her hand, that brief hand holding was too close to her heart and when she saw him kissing with that hand made her heart quiver and eyes teary.

His simple yet bold gesture made her believe that he had indeed seen her stalking her wherever he went, he had seen her eating panipuri from that plate from which he also had panipuris, his used plate, he had seen her praying for his win in the cricket match from behind the huge banyan tree, he had seen her wandering outside his school, he had seen her taking auto from the stop near his house for sure, he had seen her beaming at him while he tried on best shirts of the shop, at last but not the least he had seen her loving him.

Somewhere her heart danced in anticipation that what if he also love her just the way she does ?? But she didn't ponder on that thought instead she understood that the eclipse consisting of his foreign trip, him not acknowledging her, she wasn't able to meet him, she losing grip of her life was overshadowed when her very own moon came forward to illuminate her, to kiss her, to meet her or moreover to love her. The moon unquestionably went out that day even though the possibility was literally low because of the black clouds hiding the moon behind them but when her own moon can come forward then why wouldn't everyone's moon make its entrance..

She also flying kissed him and he winked back at her; and they started staring at each other letting themselves float in each other's deep oceanic orbs..

The song by legendary Alka Yagnik of the film Zakhm started playing in the Chitrahaar,

Tum aaye to aaya mujhe yaad Gali me aaj chand nikla
Jane kitne dino ke baad gali me aaj chand nikla
Jane kitne dino ke baad gali me aaj chand nikla
Gali me aaj chand nikla
Gali me aaj chand nikla
Tum aaye to aaya mujhe yad Gali me aaj chand nikla
Jane kitne dino ke bad gali me aaj chand nikla
Jane kitne dino ke bad gali me aaj chand nikla
Gali me aaj chand nikla
Gali me aaj chand nikla
Tum aaye to aaya mujhe yad Gali me aaj chand nikla....

The ending of the melodious song indicated at the start of a new and beautiful love story.....

A/N:- This is my first attempt at writing about Samiana though I had joined wattpad to read amazing stories on our favorite leads but as I started reading those excellent stories I thought of giving it a shot myself so here I'm sharing my first story(OS) on our beloved Samiana.

I really don't know if someone has written something on this topic or anything similar to this as I'm yet to read all the brilliant stories written by awesome writers but if anyone thinks that this story is somehow similar to anyone's work then please let me know. I don't want to hurt anyone. That's why I have cleared this on my front.

Constructive criticism is wholeheartedly welcome, do let me know how you all feel after reading this one shot as I already said it's my first attempt at writing about Samaina and there are so many writers who have given us fabulous Smaina stories.

I hope you all like it🤞🏻🤞🏻

Stay safe 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Lots of love❤❤

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