Deck The Mall

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Ah, Christmas time in Canada. It's in full swing and luckily, for you, you got the day off from work, which is perfect time for you to pick out a gift as a Secret Santa... PSYCH!!! The reality is you already is you already ordered the present. The only issue is it won't arrive until some time after Christmas is over.

Y/N: "Now that I've finished my Secret Santa shopping, I should probably browse around."

You explore the mall some more and just as your passing by an elevator, you can hear what sounds like Jen screaming her head off inside... guess she's really pent up.

Y/N: "Damn..."

Jen: *elevator opens up, she sees you* "Merry Chi-- Y/N!"

Y/N: "Merry Christmas, Jen."

Jen: "Thanks. Hey, did you get my gift?"

Y/N: "Already taken care of. But it won't be coming until a little later, like some time after Christmas is over."

Jen: "That's alright. At least you got it. Sadly, I gotta get back to the Penalty Box and... help out the customers."

Y/N: "I think you could use a break. Wanna join me?"

Jen: "Thanks."

You extend your arm out to her and she wraps both of her arms around yours, clinging to you as you guide her to the food court. Jen could feel herself blushing. Being this close to you and holding onto your biceps... she almost let out a cute squeal.


After arriving at the food court, she decided to slump down and rest at the usual hangout spot with the others where Caitlin and Jude are decorating the Big Squeeze.

Caitlin: "So, what do you think?"

Jen: "You really wanna know? *sits up* "I hate it!"

Caitlin: "Snappish, are you okay?"

Jude: "Yeah, you don't look so good."

Y/N: "She's had a rough day at the Penalty Box, guys. To put it simply, her boss is being a pain in the ass, making her do all the work and she's had to help 3 customers at once."

Caitlin: "Ouch. I'm sorry, Jen."

Jen: "It's not just that, guys. The real issue is I just can't seem to get into the holidays this year."

Jude: "This is the first Christmas since the big parental split, huh?"

Jen: "Yeah."

Caitlin: "That's so harsh."

Y/N: "Wait, your parents split up? Oh no! *sits down with her, comforting* Jen, I am so sorry for what you went through."

Jen: "Thanks, Y/N. I really need that. But that's not the worst of it."

Jude: "What do you mean?"

Jen: "We didn't wanna tell you guys, but... Jonesy's dad and my mom are kind of... dating."

Y/N/Jude/Caitlin: "WHAT?!/Whoa/No way!"

Caitlin: "Why didn't you tell us?"

Jen: "I don't know, I just don't like picturing my parents going on dates, it's weird."

Caitlin: "It's totally weird."

Y/N: "Not just weird, it's pure utter madness!"

Jude: "I wonder if they kiss with tongue."

Girls: "EW!!! JUDE!"

Y/N: "...OKAY, MOVING ON!!!"

Jude: "What? Did you think they were gonna stay your innocent little parents forever?"

Y/N: "Jude, there is such a thing as TOO MUCH INFORMATION! Besides what they do is none of our business."

Jen: *frustrated* "Anyway, my dad's away. So my sister, Courtney and I have to spend Christmas break with Jonesy and his stinky brothers. And they have all these stupid traditions we're expected to adopt or something."

Caitlin: "At least you and Jonesy are friends." 

Y/N: "Uh, trust me, Jonesy and his brothers are living nightmares."

Jen: "And I'll tell you all why. Spending an entire weekend with them is a completely different thing, you do not know disgusting until you share a bathroom with 3 boys."

Y/N: "Ew... that must stink. Too bad I don't know what that's like."

Jen: "It's so rank after-- *pauses* What do you mean by that, Y/N?"

Y/N: "I should probably tell you this, but... anytime I'm pulled into a place that wreaks to high heaven... nothing happens to me. My nose hasn't been working right for years."

Jen: "You're lucky you don't have to smell anything. But if you were in my shoes, you don't even have time to make a face when you enter a bathroom after 3 boys, you just go blind."

Caitlin: "Ew, gross! Are they all like that?"

Jude: *nods* "Pretty much."

Y/N: "The only exception to that disfunctional family is their dad and you know why? Because not only is he rich, he's mature, responsible with his family and money, he's patient... and not to mention a real gentleman... which is probably why he's dating Jen's mom."

Jonesy: *shows up* "Great news, guys. Santa's ulcers are acting up."

Caitlin: "That's good?"

Y/N: "What are you on about now, Jonesy?"

Jonesy: "I mean, the job's up for grabs and it's a sweet deal. You get to sit on your butt all day. Wish me luck." *walks off*

Y/N: "Oh great, another job for Jonesy to get canned in trying to make some easy money. Why couldn't his dad's personality have rubbed off on him and his brothers?"

Jen: "Unfortunately, that is what I have to look forward to. I might as well accept that it's never going to be the same."

Caitlin: "Well, we'll just make our own super fun Christmas tradition here. The mall closes early, so why don't we do something fun after presents, like... go for pizza?" *takes off lemon hat, puts on Santa hat*

Y/N: "Mmm, you had me at pizza."

Jude: "Sounds like a plan, Stan" *puts on Christmas beanie* "Sick."

Jen: "We're supposed to come right home after work. Besides, right now, I can't wait to get out of this mall."

Y/N: "I have the day off, so, I'm good. Here, wear this, get into the holiday spirit, Jen." *hands her a Santa hat*

Jen: "I am not wearing that."

Caitlin: "But it's Christmas. Put in on, put it on."

Jen: "Okay, okay." *puts it on* "Happy?"

Y/N: "Will this make you feel better?" *pecks her on the cheek*

Jen: *squeals a bit, blushes* "Uh... well, s-s-sure."

Caitlin couldn't help but pout so adorably.

Jude: "Dude, it's like you're a master rizzler or something."

Y/N: "Master what-now? I was just trying to cheer her up."

Caitlin: *recomposes herself* "Anyways, I know you're busy, so I'll help you do your shopping. Come on!"

Caitlin and Jen soon head off to do their thing while you and Jude stayed behind.

Jude: "Go ahead, dudettes, I've got presents to wrap." *pulls out basketball* "You're gonna make someone very happy tomorrow, Mr. Ball."

Y/N: "Want me to help with your gift-wrapping?"

Jude: "Sure."

Moments later, you're putting on the finishing touches on the gift and topped the present off with a bow.

Y/N: "There... that should do it."

Jude: "Thanks, man. You're the best." *fist bumps you*

Nikki: *shows up* "Hey guys."

Y/N: *smiles* "Nikki! Good to see you, Merry Christmas!"

Suddenly, some random jerk sped-walked past Nikki, knocking her into a chair and kept going.

Nikki: *to the jerk* "Hey! Watch where you're going, Monkey Boy!"

Y/N: *shouting at the jerk* "¡Mira por dónde vas, hijo de puta!"

[Translation: Watch where you're going, you son of a bitch!]

Nikki: "Thanks, Y/N."

Y/N: "No problem."

Nikki: "Can you believe it? Everyone's lost it! Working at the mall on Christmas bites."

Y/N: "Look on the bright side, you still got us to talk to about your problems, so that's something to fall on."

Nikki: "Yeah... especially you," *winks at you, you blush*

Jude: "Hey, did you hear about Jen and Jonesy's parents hooking up? Jen's kinda freaking out."

Nikki: *gasp* "I don't blame her! So, well, if they got married, that would make Jen and Jonesy... step-siblings?"

Jude: "Yeah, weird, huh?"

Nikki: "Poor Jen."

Y/N: "Yeah. She needs all the moral support she can get."

Nikki: "Speaking of "getting," have you had the time to get Jen her Christmas gift this year?"

Y/N: "Yes and no. I've already bought her gift, but it won't arrive until a few days later. So, until then, I'm gonna get her a backup gift."

Nikki: "What'd you get her?"

Y/N: "You'll see. What about you?"

Nikki: "Well, I've got about 3 hours to find something for my mom, who will hate whatever I buy anyway, so why do I bother?"

Then, Jen and Caitlin show up.

Jen: "Just get her a gift certificate."

Nikki: "I heard about your mom."

Jude: *to Nikki* "Do you think they kiss with tongue?"

And the girls all yell in disgust.

Y/N: "PLEASE!!! Do not ask such a question! *shivers in disgust*

Jen: "Speaking of gross, did I mention Jonesy's family have a turkey-eating contest?"

Jude: "The secret is to eat as much as you can in the next 7 minutes before your brain registers that your stomach's full."

Y/N: "That's what I do when I eat."

Jen: "Thanks."

Jude: "Anytime."

Nikki: "So, why don't you just tell Jonesy you're not into it?"

Suddenly, your phone goes off and your ringtone blares.

[Ringtone starts at 1:03]

You rummage through your pocket and then pull out your phone, checking who's calling. It's Jonesy and you pick up.

[stop ringtone here.]

Y/N: "Yo, go for Y/N."

Jen: "Because my mom made this big deal about making the boys feel welcome. *growls* It's so Brady Bunch!"

Y/N: "Guys, you will NOT believe this! It looks like Jonesy's got himself another job and this time... he's working at Santa's Village. Who wants to enjoy a good laugh?"

Jen: "Gee, maybe if I'm really lucky, he'll wear a Santa suit home."

Y/N: "Or dress up like a tall-ass elf, looking like a damn fool!"

Caitlin: "I know, let's all go see him!"

Y/N: "Now you're talking! Come on, guys! if there's anything that'll cheer you up, it's seeing Jonesy look miserable."

Nikki: "You had me at miserable. By the way, where's Wyatt?"

Jen: "Last time I saw him, he was at the line-up at Grind Me. You do not wanna be around him before he's caffeinated."

Wyatt: "Hey, guys." *while walking in, sipping his coffee*

Jen: "That was fast, I thought there was a line."

Wyatt: "There was, but Y/N saved me the trouble. See, earlier this morning I had bought my own coffee, but some guy bumped me and made me spill it all over my shirt. Y/N spooked the guy and made him run before he gave me his cup of coffee."

Nikki: *to you* "I thought you don't drink coffee."

Y/N: "I don't. But Charmaine gave me a coupon that said I could get a free coffee if I purchased two separate items."

Jude: "What'd you get?"

Y/N: "A tasty slice of gingerbread loaf, coated in powdered sugar and a sweet cup of hot cocoa with marshmallows."

Jen: "Lucky."

Wyatt: "So, what's going on?"

Y/N: *grins* "Care to see Jonesy working at Santa's village?"

Heh, it doesn't take long for Wyatt to agree. Before you knew it, all of you were paying a visit to Jonesy's new job. And what a silly sight it was, you almost couldn't contain your laughter. There stood Jonesy, right next to Santa... as a tall-ass fricking elf.

Nikki: *grins* "Well, that cheered me up."

Y/N: "And I thought Will Ferrell looked silly in an elf costume. HAH... this is just way too rich!"

Jonesy: *sees you all* "Aww man."

Wyatt: *laughs* "Nice look, Jonesy."

Jude: "Go easy on him, bro. Poor dude can't find his pants."

Y/N: "Oh he has them alright, he's just OUTGROWN THEM!"

Everyone bursted out into a laughing fit.

Jonesy: *to himself, deadpanned* "I hate Christmas."


After having a laugh at Jonesy's misery, you all split up all over the mall and we turn our attention to Jude and Wyatt as they pay a visit to the Khaki Barn. The clones welcomed the two teens and shows them a brand new sweater called the "Somebody Loves Me" sweater, which Jude happily got one to buy for Caitlin.

He then heads over to the changing room and opens up one of the changing room doors. He finds Nikki inside, chilling out and... wearing fake reindeer antlers.

Nikki: "Jude, what are you doing here?"

Jude: "Getting a "Love Me" sweater, what are you doing here?"

Nikki: *groans* "Hiding! They think I'm helping someone."

Jude: "Do you think this is a good gift?"

Nikki: *looks at sweater in disgust* "Uh... Oh, it depends on whether the receipient is someone who's rather be a fashion sheep or an individual."

Jude: "It's for Caitlin."

Nikki: "It's perfect, now scram before they catch me!" *shoves Jude away, then closes door*

Clones: "Khaki Holidays!"

Nikki: *groans in disgust*

Meanwhile, over at the Penalty Box, Jen was struggling to wrap up a golf club until Caitlin waltzed in.

Caitlin: "Guess what, I got my gift for Jude, your gift for Wyatt, Jonesy's gift for Y/N and Nikki's gift for me."

Jen: "What about the lineup?"

Caitlin: "I'm a professional and you haven't seen aggressive shoppers until you've been to a sample sale."

Jen: *groans in frustration* "This is impossible!"

Caitlin: "Let me do it, I'm a master wrapper."

While she does that, Jen hears her phone go off.

Jen: *answers* "Ho ho ho, what do you want?"

Y/N: "It's me, Jen. I picked up a backup gift for you. A little something to hold off until your official gift arrives."

Jen: "Thanks, Y/N." *hangs up* "Well, at least this Christmas, we can enjoy it with Y/N back."

Caitlin: "What do you mean?"

Jen: "8 years ago, he left with his mom to the United States because she got offered a job there. He's been our best friend since Kindergarten, so it was hard seeing him leave."

Caitlin: "Oh. So, he's back to stay, right?"

Jen: "Definitely."


We now join everyone back at the food court and Jonesy is bummed out as he was kicked out of yet another job.

Y/N: *laughing* "Serves you right, you big dope!"

Jonesy: "I would have totally scored that Yummy Mummy if it hadn't been for these stupid tights."

Y/N: "Please, you couldn't even score 2nd base with her, let alone ask her out on a date!"

Caitlin: "Right. So, did you guys find your Secret Santa presents?"

Wyatt: "I had to fight off 6 psycho bargain hunters for that." *shows gift, drops it on table*

Y/N: "Got mine." *shows present*

Caitlin: "Okay, grumpy bears, Christmas cheer for all, help yourselves" *she hands you all a cup*

You all take a sip and then spit it out.

Y/N: *coughs* "WHAT THE?!"

Nikki: "That's awful! What is that?"

Caitlin: "The eggnog candy cane smoothie."

Y/N: "Well, I'll give you credit for creativity, but not the kind of drink I'd consider putting on the menu, though."

Caitlin: "Thanks." *sits down, sighing* "I thought it'd be festive."

Nikki: "Sorry, last-minute shoppers annoy me. It's not like Christmas just surprises you, *raises voice, frustrated* it's on the same day every year for sobbing out loud! And if I hear Deck The Halls one more time, I'm gonna KILL myself!"

Y/N: *triggered, slams fist onto table, yelling* "DON'T YOU DARE THINK ABOUT SUICIDE, YOU HEAR ME?!?!?!"

The others jumped back in shock.

Y/N: *panting heavily, calms down* "Sorry, it's just... I can't bear the thought of anyone taking their own lives! I can't... *trembles* ...I just can't deal with that kind of trauma!"

Nikki: "Sorry about that, Y/N. I say things I don't mean sometimes, but if it helps, I'll refrain from thinking about suicide."

Y/N: "...Okay then."

Suddenly, those annoying music players walk by, playing Deck The Halls, Nikki's most hated Christmas carol. Out of annoyance, she threw her smoothie at them and it lands inside the tuba, making the guy play an entirely bad tune, stopping the others.

Caitlin: "That wasn't very Christmas-like."

Wyatt: "I'm with Nikki. Working here stomped all the holiday cheer I had into the ground."

And a man in a Santa suit is walking around having fun with all of the children, which Jonesy didn't like.

Jonesy: *mockingly, jealous* "Ho, ho, ho, look at me! I'm Santa, I can fire elves!" *puffs out cheeks and stomach*

Caitlin: "Okay guys, I know y'all hate Christmas right now, so let's just do something fun together."

Jonesy: "I could sneak us into a movie for free."

Caitlin: *runs to Jonesy, happy* "Shut up! That would be so great!"

Nikki: "I promised I'd go straight home."

Jonesy: "Come on, guys. Stop being so lame.

Caitlin: "Please, please, please? Two hours and then you can go, it'll be our own little Christmas Eve party!"

Wyatt: "I could skip the annual Trivial Pursuit game. My uncle cheats."

Jude: "Cool, I'm in."

Nikki: "Eh, what the heck."

Caitlin: "This is gonna be just like a Saturday night, only Christmas-ier!"

Jonesy: "Meet you guys out front, I gotta go return this costume."

Nikki: *sarcastic* "Oh, but it's so sexy."

Jonesy: "Back atcha, Rudolph."

Y/N: "Umm, let me think about that...*sings* Oh HELL nooooouuuuuuaaaaaaah!"

Jen: "Why not, Y/N?"

Y/N: "Trust me, Jen. You do NOT wanna see me mom when she finds out I snuck into a movie theater without paying. She can turn her slippers into lethal weapons. Trust me, my ass has felt her wrath one too many times when I was a little kid."

Wyatt: "Ouch! She's that scary, huh?"

Y/N: "Oh yeah."

Caitlin: "Come on, guys, let's go."

While the others left to get themselves in trouble, you stayed behind and watched their presents. Or better yet...

Y/N: "Hmm... *checks time on phone, then nods* ...Yeah, I've got some time to kill, shouldn't be too long."

Getting up from your seat, you grab the gifts and haul them out of the mall and head out into the parking lot to your car.

You load the gifts into the trunk of your car and then hop into the driver's seat before starting up your engine. You pull out of the parking space and head for home.


You arrive at your house and climb out of your car. Soon after, you go and get the gifts out before bringing them inside with you.

Just then, your mom comes over and hugs you.

Mom: "Hi, mijo, Merry Christmas!"

Y/N: "Thanks, mom."

Mom: "Where'd all those presents come from?"

Y/N: "They're for my friends. Caitlin left them by the food court, so I brought them here for safe keeping in case they got stolen."

Mom: "Oh, that's nice of you. Where are they now?"

Y/N: "Tch, believe it or not, Jonesy's sneaking them into the cinema to watch a free movie."

Mom: "Ooh, and you didn't go?"

Y/N: "No way! I got some standards."

Mom: "That's good. Glad to know. But, just in case, you might want to head back to the mall to make sure they get out safe."

Y/N: "You sure?"

Mom: "Yes, mijo. And don't worry, your presents will be here when you get back, okay?"

Y/N: "Well, alright. I'll go ahead and check up on them. Be sure to keep their presents safe."

Mom: "I will."

Giving her one last hug, you head out to make a round trip back to the Galeria Mall to find your troublemaking friends.


You arrived back at the mall and entered through the main entrance, but noticed that a lot of people were leaving.

Y/N: "Crap! The mall's closing soon. I'd better find the others before we're all locked in!"

Now you make a mad dash to the movies. But when you arrive, the place is nearly empty. You get worried and search the place from head to toe, hoping to reach them in time.

Eventually, you came across a corridor where you then heard the sounds of familiar voices.

Caitlin: "At least we still have the presents."

You look around the corner and there they are.

Caitlin: *realizing* "Oh no! The presents! I left them outside the lemon!"

Y/N: "Guys! Over here!" *runs towards them, panting*

Nikki: "Y/N! What are you doing here? I thought you said you weren't coming with us?"

Y/N: "I came to get you guys. Also, don't worry about your presents, I brought them over to my house so they won't get stolen."

Caitlin: *hugs you* "Oh, thank you, Y/N!"

Wyatt: "Great, now all we have to do is find a way out of here and unfortunately we've been walking in circles with this guy." *gestures, pointing at Jonesy*

Jonesy: "Relax, I know what I'm doing. This is the shortcut."

Y/N: "Uh... no it's not. Here, follow me. I'll show you the way out, so we can get outta here."

Jude: "Sweet!"

Now reunited with your friends, you helped guide them out of this huge corridor and eventually reached the exit.

Y/N: "Here we are." *opens door*

The others step out into the mall and you leave last. But... something doesn't feel quite right.

Wyatt: "Does anyone notice anything strange."

Y/N: "Shit! We're too late. The mall's closed."

Caitlin: "We must've been lost for longer than we thought!"

Jude: "The entrance!"

Jude and Wyatt try to get it open, but it's no use.

Wyatt: "It's locked!"

Nikki: "The mall closed at 3 today!"

Jen: "Oh no! You mean we're locked in?"

Y/N: "Afraid so."

Jonesy: "Okay, let's keep calm and not put the blame on anyone here." *points down at Jen*

Jen: *to Jonesy* "As if! This is all your fault! Thanks to your stupid scams, we're spending Christmas Eve at the mall!"

Jonesy: "Excuse me for trying to make everyone happy and we wouldn't have gotten kicked out of the movie if you'd kept your big mouth shut."


Once again, you silenced everyone and began you rant.

Y/N: "Listen to yourselves! All day long, you've been whining and yelling and complaining like a bunch of fucking babies while Caitlin was trying to cheer us up, get us into the holiday spirit, but you were just too stubborn to even try and NOW look where that's gotten us! This is supposed to be our first Christmas back together, but so far you've managed to FUCK THAT UP, so now... I hope you're proud of yourselves!"

The others look at each other, now feeling like crap.

Jen: "I guess... we have been kind of on edge. Especially with our families holding these stupid turkey eating contests I don't wanna be in."

Jonesy: "You don't wanna be in our turkey-eating contest?"

Jen: "Not really. I mean, I can handle our parents dating, but you can't just take over everything."

Jonesy: "I guess we did kinda take over the family thing."

Jen: "Okay, maybe I could be a bit more flexible. The stocking race sounds kind of cool."

Jude: "Whoa, heavy emo action."

Wyatt: *to Caitlin* "You okay?"

Caitlin: *nods* "Mhmm." *to you* "And Y/N... thanks for sticking up for me, even when I was about to lose hope." 

Y/N: "No problem, Cait." *hugs her*

She hugs you back and then surprises you with a warm peck on the cheek, making you blush.

Caitlin: "But now you know guys. I just wanted to have a big Christmas for once, kind of a stupid idea, huh?"

Wyatt: "No way, it was great idea."

Jude: "And we're still friends. You gotta be pretty stoked about that."

Caitlin: "Jude, that was so sweet."

Nikki: "Umm, I hate to break up this moment, but it looks like none of us will be suffering through our usual celebrations. We're locked in the mall, remember?"

Jude: "Oh yeah, what are we gonna do?"

Y/N: "Hmmm... WAIT!!! Jonesy, didn't you take a copy of the master key with you when you were still working security?"

Jonesy: "Yeah... *realizes* Oh yeah!"

Jude: "Can't believe Ron the rent-a-cop trusted you with a key that opens all the doors in the mall, including the exit! We can go home!"

Jonesy: "Oh no, we can't. Not yet! Guys, we have the master key and we have the entire mall to ourselves."

Y/N: "Heh... you know what, LET'S PARTY!!!"

Everyone else cheered in celebration. 

Kicking off the celebration, the first place you all visited was the amusement park, riding the Vomit Comet. Next place you visited was the "Grind Me" coffee shop, having some tasty beverages and eating desserts like there's no tomorrow.

Afterwards, you all paid a visit to Santa's village where you all took pictures of each other with Santa Jonesy.

Some time after having the best fun of your lives, you all head back to your usual hangout spot.

Jude: "Best... Christmas... EVER!"

Jonesy: "What'd I tell ya?"

Wyatt: "I gotta admit, this was pretty fun.

Nikki: "Now I remember why I don't hate working at the mall."

Caitlin: "We should do this again sometimes. Having these Christmas parties feels so amazing!"

Jen: "Maybe we will do it again."

Jonesy: "We'd better get home. Bobbing for presents has probably already started."

Jen: "Cool."

Y/N: "Alrighty then. And when you're done, come by my house anytime so we can all open up our Secret Santa gifts."

After having your fun at the mall, Jonesy unlocked the exit to the mall and let you all out to head back to your homes. For now, it was time to enjoy some family time.

[timeskip again]

So, another Christmas came and gone. You and the others met up at the mall, having a nice time chilling out.

Wyatt: *sipping his coffee* "Ahh, I really needed that."

Jen: *jumps in with a trophy in hand* "Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time in history, a non-relative walked away with Jonesy's family Christmas cup!"

Jonesy: "I'll get it back next year and by the way, you guys do not wanna know what the bathroom smelled like after Ms. Champion Turkey Eater got through with it."

The others made disgust noises, but you... 

Y/N: "I wouldn't know, I can't smell anything."

Caitlin: "You can't? How come?"

Y/N: "I dunno, my sense of smell doesn't work that well. The problem is... I dunno when it all began in the first place."

Jen: "I'm sorry to hear that."

Y/N: "It's okay. By the way, congrats on winning."

Jude: "Use my 7 minute tip?"

Jen: "Yes."

Y/N: "By the way... I love this present."

You then pull out the gift that "Jonesy" got you.

Y/N: "I always did love playing the piano. By the way, how'd you like the backup gift I got you? Do you like it, Jen?"

Jen: "I do and it's so beautiful." *reveals present around neck*

Jen: "I even like the added feature."

She opens up her locket and a cute little music box starts playing inside for all to hear.

Y/N: "I'm happy you like it."

Jen: "Like it? Y/N, I love it!"

Wyatt: "Well, mall's opening up any minute. Finally, things'll get back to normal."

Caitlin: "Wait, isn't there some tradition the day after Christmas?"

Suddenly, there was a huge rumble going on.

Y/N: *realizes* "Uh-oh... guys... you're right. Today is..."

It was at this moment you all realized... today was...

All: "BOXING DAY!!!"

Oh boy, here we go again!

[A/N: I was feeling a tad better after getting plenty of rest and taking my meds, so now here you go. I've got a special chapter after this one, so remember... STAY TUNED!!!]

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