Mr. Nice Guy

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It's another beautiful day at the Galleria Mall. And we join our friend, Wyatt at Spin This Music where he's throwing down some funky beats for all the people browsing around.

Wyatt: *using microphone* "This next track goes out to my peeps in the DVDs section, it's Widescreen with their latest groove, Hogging the Remote." *plays music*

But just as he plays it, Jonesy shows up, slurping his soda... extremely loudly, making Wyatt cringe and flinch.

Wyatt: *turns to Jonesy* "You're like a horde of locusts! Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

Jonesy: "I'm on a break, the Staple Hut is a pretty stressful place to work."

Wyatt: *skeptical* "Oh, I'm sure."

Jonesy: "I kid you not! The customers there are very demanding. *checks out girls in store* Mmm-mmm-mmm. You've got one sweet job with honeys like this walking around."

Wyatt: "I dunno. I mean, Serena doesn't even know I exist."

Jonesy: "Bud, listen. If you get thrown off one horse, you've gotta get right back on another and start swimming."

As if time was on his side, two blonde beauties walked in, one with wavy hair and one with straight hair. One of them had on a sleeveless blue dress with white trims and pink pants while the other had a purple tank top with a burgundy skirt and light purple leggings.

Jonesy: "Ladies, Wyatt here's had his eye on you since you walked into the store and I must say, he has one sweet little eye."

Girl 1: *skeptical* "Really?"

Jonesy: "Oh yes. And why don't the 4 of us grab a movie and dessert tonight?"

Girl 1: "On you?"

Jonesy: "Sure."

Girl 2: "Okay. I'm Brittany, like Spears, only not." *on the phone* "Uh-huh, I'm listening... no way!"

Jonesy: "I'm Jonesy, this is Wyatt."

Wyatt: *sheepishly* "Hi."

Jonesy: "Bring your cute little butts to the Gigantoplex lobby at 8:00."

Girl 1: "Sure."

Brittany: "Cool, later."

The boys then wave bye-bye to the ladies as they walk off.

Jonesy: "Set him up with my looks, knock 'em down with my cheddar."

Wyatt: "I can't go out tonight!"

Jonesy: "You've gotta stop being such a wuss. Meet me here at closing."

Wyatt: "Okay."

Jonesy: "And try to grow some cojones, my friend. Seriously, even Y/N could score those hotties without even trying. As much as I hate to admit it, but you didn't hear that from me."

And so Jonesy walked off, leaving Wyatt to resume his work and sweating bullets for this upcoming date with two hotties.

[At the food court]

We join Jen, Caitlin, you and Jude all hanging out and Jen is currently playing with a basketball.

Jen: "I hear Jonesy and Wyatt have a hot double date tonight."

Jude: "Wish I had a date."

Y/N: "What about that surfer chick who works at Vegan Island, I think her name was Starr? Didn't I hook you guys up?"

Caitlin: "Hey, that's right! Where is she?"

Jude: "She's had to cover for a few extra shifts and has been too tired to come to the mall for a while now."

Y/N: "Damn, she must've been exhausted. Well, cheer up, Jude, she'll be back and in the meantime, you can chill with us."

Jude: "Okay, so Cait, why are you always reading these, *shows magazines* anyway, other than the pictures of hot babes?"

Caitlin: "These magazines are like the bibles of womanhood."

Jen: "Are you serious? They're just a bunch of beauty tips that we already know and outfits we can't afford."

Caitlin: "Um, no. They teach us how to be stylish, modern women."

Jude: *inhales deeply* "Chick magazines smell nice." *burps*

Jen: "Ew!"

Y/N: "Better out than in, I always say."

Jude: "Sorry."

Caitlin: "You know, you could stand to get more in touch with your feminine side."

Y/N: "Say whaaaaaaaa?"

Jude: "no thanks, I'm perfectly happy being 100% pure dude."

Caitlin: "It might help you get more girls."

Y/N: "I'm sorry, what?"

Jude: "Really? Where do I sign up?" *chuckles*

Jen: "Oh great, now the magazines have one more disciple."

Y/N: "And here I thought he'd have more respect for himself."

[Back with Jonesy and Wyatt]

Wyatt: *on the phone with Nikki* "I don't know why I agreed to come, it was all Jonesy's idea!"

Nikki: "Relax, Wyatt. It's just a date, you're not disarming a nuclear warhead and hey, if they said "yes," they must not think you're all that ugly."

Wyatt:  *offended* "HEY!"

After Nikki hangs up, her attention is brought to a customer waiting for service behind the counter.

Lady: "Finally, could I get some service now, please?"

Nikki: "Sorry, break time." *walks off* 

Hah! Clearly they've never met Nikki.

Back at the theatre, Jonesy is breathing into his hand and sniffing his own breath to see if he smells alright... it's a negative. So, he uses some breath spray to freshen it up. Wyatt flinches and turns away, coughing at the smell, despite the minty spray.

Wyatt: *spots the girls* "They're here." *clings to Jonesy nervously* "They're coming this way!"

Jonesy: "Okay, relax. They aren't flesh-eating zombies, it's just a couple of chicks."

Wyatt: *hides behind Jonesy* "You don't have to talk to zombies."

Jonesy: "Man, you are hopeless. Leave the talking to me, learn from the master."

Brittany: *on the phone* "He didn't say that! No he didn't! *gasp* No he did not! I don't believe you."

Jonesy: "Welcome, ladies, to the best evening of your young lives." *shoves Wyatt forward*

Wyatt: "I didn't catch your name this afternoon."

Brittany: *on the phone* "Shut up! *to Wyatt* Oh, not you. *on the phone* You are so bad."

Gina: "What'd she do?"

Brittany: "Gina, I'm talking." *on the phone* "I gotta go, some dudes are taking us to a movie. Later." *hangs up, to the boys* "Sorry, duty calls."

Jonesy: "You ladies ready?"

Gina: "Let's go. I'm Gina, by the way."

Wyatt: *smiling nervously* "Hey."

Jonesy: "I took the liberty of buying the tickets, we're going to see Monk of the Green Dragon at 8:10."

Wyatt: "Uh, are you sure the girls want to see that?"

Jonesy: "Of course they do, lots of fights and ninjas and stuff." *makes ninja noises while throwing fake kung-fu punches*

Gina: "I wanted to see that Neuquen At Paltrow movie, kissing a moody, dangerous man."

Brittany: "Or that Kate Hudson movie, My Boyfriend Needs Some Work."

Wyatt: *to Jonesy* "Maybe we should exchange the tickets."

Jonesy: "No way, those movies bite and speaking of biting, shall we head over to the snack bar, they have these awesome new nachos and cheese."

Gina: "Are they low-carb?"

Jonesy: "Sure, if you eat one bite."

Wyatt: *counts his change* "6, 7, 750, 760..."

He follows Jonesy and the girls into the cinema.

Jonesy: "You girls are lucky I could fit you into my schedule this evening. I have a lot of responsibilities in my current retail venture."

Gina: "Don't you work at the Staple Hut?"

Brittany: "I thought you worked at the Shoe Pit."

Gina: "Ew! You shop there?"

Brittany: "As if."

Gina: *to Jonesy* "And didn't you work at the Party Lime?"

Brittany: "And the Denim Hole?"

Gina: "And Belts, Belts, Belts?"

Wyatt: "He gets fired a lot."

Jonesy: *to Wyatt* "Yeah, but I've been at this job for three days now and haven't been fired!"

And once again the girls were on the phone, so this gave Jonesy enough time to talk to Wyatt.

Jonesy: "What's the idea of making me look dumb in front of the girls?"

Wyatt: "You don't need my help. Don't you think you're being a bit obnoxious?"

Jonesy: "Buddy, chicks like a dude who can take charge. It's been that way since the caveman days."

Wyatt: "Dude, you're forgetting that Y/N has 3 girlfriends, 2 that keep giving into temptations and one of them is loyal to him and on equal footing with him when it comes to leadership."

Jonesy: "You'll see, after tonight, you'll never question the Jones-Meister again. Let's get some snacks."

Moments later they're inside the theater, about to see their movie. They chat for a while until the motion picture begins. However, it's not as Jonesy hoped it would be. There weren't any action scenes or ninjas or any sort of the things he was expecting to see.

But to the girls and Wyatt, it was a rollercoaster ride of emotions for them and once the move ended, they were in tears.

Gina: "What a sad ending. It was so incredibly--"

Brittany: "Moving? I know. I saw Paula tryin' ta call through and I didn't even answer."

Wyatt: "It was incredible. What did you think, Jonesy?"

And his response? Jonesy's loud snoring.

The group is then seen coming out of the movies.

Jonesy: "That was so lame. I feel like asking for my money back."

Wyatt: "You slept through the best part."

Jonesy: "But it was in black and white, how cheap is that?"

Wyatt: "It's meant to point out the bleakness of the life of peasantry and Imperial Japan."

Jonesy: "I still say for $12, you should get color."

Brittany: "Gee, Wyatt. You sure know a lot about filmmaking."

Wyatt: "Well, this girl I dated once loved going to the movies. In fact, she didn't wanna go out with me anymore right here."

Both girls: *cling to Wyatt* "Awww."

Gina: "Did you date long?"

Wyatt: "Only for a couple of days, but it still hurt."

Jonesy: "Huh?"

Then, the "Jones Meister" watches as the two sexy chicks leave with Wyatt.

Brittany: "Do you want to talk about it?"

Jonesy: "Hey, wait up!" *follows them*

[At the Grind Me coffee shop]

Wyatt: "I really felt for the main character, you know? I mean I understand his loneliness."

Brittany: "Oh yeah! I mean, I've never really been lonely, but I can totally relate."

Jonesy: "Hey, how about the way those kooky Japanese people eat with those big toothpicks."

Wyatt: *deadpanned* "They're called "chopsticks."

Gina: "Duh, don't you ever eat sushi?"

Jonesy: "Raw fish? Hmm, lemme think... No."

Brittany: *shivers* "It's cold in here."

Wyatt: *takes off coat, puts it on Brittany* "Here, take my coat."

Brittany: "Thank you."

Gina: *looking at Jonesy* "Brrr."

Sadly, Jonesy's too stupid to catch the hint, he just keeps slurping and sipping his drink.

[Back to you at Gamestop]

It's another slow day at Gamestop and only 2 customers have come into the shop looking to buy something, but after that, the shop is pretty much empty and you've already made a double-check on the inventory, so there was nothing left to do except read a magazine and just chat with your boss, who's also bored.

Boss: "So, how's life been treating you and your friends?"

Y/N: *while reading a game informer magazine* "Where do I even begin? First off, my friend Jude's bummed out because he hasn't had much luck with girls and then Caitlin says "you should get in touch with your feminine side to score more girls."

Boss: "Seriously?"

Y/N: "I know, right? I was all "Say whaaaaa?!" And aside from that, two of my best buds wound up going on a double date with these two ladies, all because one of them was too scared to take a leap and try to look for other fish in the sea, not enough backbone." 

Boss: "I see. And what about the other one?"

Y/N: "Overconfident, thinks he can take charge, thinks he knows how to get chicks, but he can't even hold a job, it's pathetic. Me, I'm hoping to not get roped into any of these shenanigans because I prefer to keep it real and enjoy a little... me time. Like right now."

Boss: "Ain't nothing wrong with a little me time. By the way, just a random question, which Dragon Ball Z soundtrack would you say is your most favorite?"

Y/N: "Heh, obviously the one composed by Bruce Falconer. That dude brought the Dragon Ball Z series to life with that music!"

Boss: "Yeah, me too! Which songs would you say are your most favorite songs in the series?"

Y/N: "I'd go with the Pikkon theme, Vegeta theme and lastly... the Ginyu Transformation theme."

Boss: "Ooh, not bad choices." *hears watch beeping* "Oop. Look at that, it's time for you to take your break."

Y/N: "Alrighty then. I'll see you later."

[Back at the Big Squeeze]

After you arrived, you blink at how many magazines there are on the table and even Nikki isn't liking any of them.

Nikki: "Okay, I must not be a girl, because none of this matters to me at all. "Must-haves for Summer?" Ah, says who?"

Y/N: "Exactly. And by the way, you are a girl, Nikki, you're just one of those... "tell 'em like it is" types of girls. The "I don't give a shit" type and I prefer having you that way."

Nikki: "Thanks, babe.'"

Jen: "And thank you both. If anyone ever learns anything remotely useful from these magazines, I'll drink a cup of lemon juice straight up."

Caitlin: *smug* "Is that a bet?"

Jen: "Yeah, that's a bet."

Y/N: "Ooh boy."

Caitlin: "You'll see how well they work. Jude knows female body language now."

Y/N: "Oh, Jude... how far must you fall?"

Jude: "I'm bi-lingual, dude."

Caitlin: *hands him a drink* "There you go, Jude. A virgin pina colada lemon slush for the student."

Jude: "Dudette... it's almost too beautiful to eat. But I must eat it, for that is my destiny."

The skater boy walks off with his drink just as Jonesy and Wyatt come back from their double date and Jonesy is pissed.

Jonesy: *to Wyatt* "You totally torpedoed me with those girls!"

Wyatt: "Trust me, you didn't need my help."

Jonesy: "You made me look like an idiot."

Wyatt: "I treated them like they were people! Not just miniskirts! You should try it."

Jonesy: "Yeah right!" *mockingly* "Oh, look at me, look at me, I'm Mr. Sensitive." *serious* "Excuse me while I take this knife out of my back."

Wyatt: "I can't believe you said that! I'm going to work."

And there goes Wyatt while Jonesy sits down to mope some more.

Jude: "Whoa, that was close."

In the midst of their argument earlier, Jude was trying to make sure he didn't spill his drink and he succeeded... until the bottom of the cup caved in and the drink spilled all over the floor just moments after Jonesy and Wyatt went their separate ways."

Jude: "Well, that's a shame." *steps forward, slips and falls* "OOF! So was that!"

Jen: "What was that all about?"

Jonesy: "Wyatt totally hosed me. I got us a date with two hot chicks and he pulled the "Sensitive, Smart Guy" routine, now they think I'm a dork."

Nikki: "Maybe it's because you are a dork."

Y/N: "Besides, it's not his fault he's genuinely nice. If you stopped pulling a Johnny Bravo on every "hot chick," as you put it, you wouldn't have to deal with having... L rizz."

Jonesy: "Gee, thanks a lot. *to Jen* He didn't have to crank it up so much."

Jen: "It's not just a routine, Wyatt really is just a nice guy."

Caitlin: "Yeah and girls like honesty."

Jonesy: "No way, girls want a guy who's got an edge. A guy with attitude." *looks to random chick* "Watch this." *walks up to chick, confident* "Hey, baby, you look tired. I think what you need is a little Vitamin J and I'm a lifetime supply."

Lady: "Beat it, loser." *walks away*

Jude: "Okay, that body language said "Get out of my face, jerk."

Caitlin: "Right! A+!"

Y/N: "Edge, my ass. See, Jonesy? Your way of picking up girls shows you're cursed with L rizz."

Jonesy: "Oh? Like you can do any better? I'd like to see you try and pick up a check that's NOT already your girlfriend."

Y/N: *to Nikki* "Hmmm... shall I?"

Nikki: "He needs to learn some humility. So, go nuts."

Y/N: "Alrighty. Let's see..."

You look around for any sort of lady and then... you spot one just a little ways away from where you stood.

 Y/N: "Perfect. Let's see... dah, who am I kidding? I'll just go nuts and pull out the big guns."

So, taking a deep breath, you get her attention by using the sound of your soothing, smooth singing voice.

[stop at 0:34]

She turns to you in confusion, but then... she recognizes you instantly and her eyes begin sparkling at how well you sounded. The two of you approach each other and the moment you call her a "precious jewel," she swoons and melts into your arms. You catch her in a dip position as you finish your number.

Girl: *swooning* "Wow... you're just full of surprises, aren't you?"

Y/N: "Sure am. I remember you from the Stereo Shack. You're that cute girl with the ponytail."

Girl: "You think I look cute in a ponytail? Really?"

Y/N: "Sure, you look good in anything. By the way, sorry for not introducing myself earlier. The name's Y/N, nice to meet you?"

Phoebe: *blushing* "I'm... I'm Phoebe." *giggles* "Hey, you have a nice singing voice, Y/N."

Phoebe = (feebee)

Y/N: "Thanks. Glad I got to know your name, Phoebe."

Phoebe: "Glad I got to know the cutie who made me feel special. See you around sometimes, Y/N." *she pecks your cheek*

And just like that she leaves with a smile.

Jude: "Okay... those body languages said something along the lines of "Who's that cute guy?," "Pinch me, I must be dreaming," and "I hope to see him again real soon."

Caitlin: "Correct on all 3! Another A+!"

Jonesy: *defeated* "It can't be true! What's happening?!"

Caitlin: "You have a great personality, it just needs a little... tweaking."

Y/N: "A little? Cait, baby, this is Jonesy we're talking about, the guy needs more than just a little."

Nikki: "Damn, since when did you get so brutally honest?"

Y/N: "Probably because of you, Nix."

Caitlin: "Well, still. I say we can rebuild Jonesy, right guys?"

Jude: "We have the technology."

Nikki: "We can try."

Jen: "What the heck? He can't get worse."

Y/N: "Unless he's a lost cause, but whatever."

Caitlin: "We'll make him sweeter, kinder, more sensitive! *to Jen* Get ready to down a glass of lemon juice, Jen."

Jen: "Somehow, I'm just not that worried."

Jonesy: "Oh, whatever, I can do this. Wyatt will not be the only nice guy in this town."

And the plan was put into motion to turn Jonesy the jerk into Jonesy the gentleman.

Caitlin: "Jonesy, any good makeover starts from within."

Jen: "She knows the lingo."

Nikki: "He doesn't stand a chance."

Caitlin: *clears throat* "And I know just how to do that. The greatest invention ever in the history of womankind. The magazine quiz."

Y/N: "Well, this just got interesting."

Caitlin: *flipping through pages* "Rate your man, how to be a better boyfriend, rock her world, are you a selfish pig?"

Jonesy: "Those are cheap quizzes! Do they really work?"

Caitlin: "Duh! Without them, I never would've known I was a slave to fashion and a high maintenance menace. You're gonna take all of these tests so we can determine what work has to be done here." *hands him a pen*

Jonesy groaned in frustration, but he went and took the test nonetheless and you couldn't wait to see the bad results.

And moments later, here's what he got.

Nikki: "Woo, okay, congratulations. You are officially... a not-so Mr. Nice Guy and a love life leper, your selfish knob goes up to 11 and you're an ugly creep who smells bad."

Jonesy: *skeptic* "You threw that last one in yourself."

Nikki: *laugh* "Guilty."

Y/N: "Man, I knew you were lousy when it comes to girls, but this... this just takes the whole damn cake."

Jonesy: "Alright, I get it! You don't have to keep rubbing it in."

Caitlin: *concerned* "Oh, this is worse than I thought. We're gonna have to use drastic measures. One of us will have to be a pretend date for Jonesy to practice on."

Jen: "Nuh-uh, no way! This was your stupid idea."

Y/N: "Uh... *checks phone* Oh, look at the time, I should definitely be getting back to work, so uh... yeah... YEET!!!" *bolts outta there*

Nikki: "Well, there he goes. And plus, I'd rather watch someone eat my hand."

Caitlin: "Oh, come on, guys! Someone has to be our test girl!"

And as if time was against him, Jude shows up with a magazine and ice cream in each hand.

Jude: *hides his face with magazine* "I can feel you looking at me, but I'm hoping that if I ignore you, you'll go away."

Moments later, we now Jude is dressed up as a lady with a ginger wig and purple high top with his belly showing.

Jude: "Bad strategy."

Jonesy: "This is so humiliating."

Jude: "Dude, at least you're not the one in a tennis dress."

Jen: *giggling* "Sorry, it was all I could find."

Caitlin: "It'll be good practice for you, Jude. Remember your femine side? *to Jonesy* Now, for the next level of boyfriend training, "Judy" is your date. You have to be polite, gentlemanly and accommondate her every need."

Judy batts his eyes just to get in character.

Jonesy: *cringes, looking away* "Ah, man, don't do that!"

Jude: "I'm just gettin' into the mood."

Caitlin: "Why not start with a little compliment? It's always nice for a girl to feel she's attractive."

Jonesy: "Are you kidding me?"

And Jude pretends to cry.

Nikki: *playing along* "Oh no, you've made her cry!"

Jonesy: *not buying it* "Can it, Jude."

Caitlin: *stern* "It's "Judy," and that's no way to talk to a girl!"

Jude: *girly voice* "Yeah."

Jonesy: *groans, quietly* "I gotta get some new friends."

Little did he know, you were watching everything going down from a distance and you could not help but wanna bust out laughing.

Caitlin: "Try again."

Jonesy: *begrudgingly, to "Judy"* "You look really pretty today... "Judy." Have you done something different to your hair?"

Jude: *girly voice* "That's so sweet of you to notice... dude."

He inches towards Jonesy on that last word, making him fall backwards out of shock.

Jonesy: "Is that more like it?"

[Back at Gamestop]

Your boss is laughing it up as you told him every single thing that transpired with your friends.

Boss: "You're kidding me! He actually said that?"

Y/N: "Not only that, be he believes that's what girls want in a guy, it's so wrong it's pathetic!"

Boss: "I hear ya. I mean, sure some girls like a guy who's confident, but overconfidence can spiral downhill really quickly."

Y/N: "No kidding."

Boss: "What about you? How's your luck with the ladies?"

Y/N: "Uh... it's alright, so to speak."

Boss: "I know that look. Come on, tell me the gist of it."

Y/N: "Okay, okay. I sang to this cute girl named Phoebe and... I kinda made her swoon and she kissed me on the cheek."

Boss: "Oh-ho, look at you, Bruno Mars."

Y/N: "Mhmm. But you know... that trick won't always work."

Boss: "Oh yeah? How do you know?"

Y/N: "Because girls have different preferences on what they want in a guy and sometimes there are ladies who are more attracted to other ladies and I think that's beautiful."

Boss: "Okay and your thoughts on guys liking other guys?"

Y/N: "I say love is love, no matter what gender you are. Me, personally, I'm always gonna be 100% straight, yet I support couples of all kinds as long as they make each other happy."

Boss: "Someone's been taught well in the ways of love."

Y/N: "I should be. *points to yourself* Mama didn't raise no jackass."

Boss: "That's true. Anyways, it looks like we've got some customers coming in, you know what you have to do."

Y/N; "Yes, sir." *turns to customers* "Hello and welcome to Gamestop, how can I help you?"


Moments later you showed up back at the Big Squeeze and Jude is still dressed as a girl while Jonesy and Wyatt are coming back from their dates, looking all smug.

Y/N: "You guys seem chipper today. So, what's the sitch?"

Jonesy: "Dude, you're not gonna believe this when I tell you."

Y/N: "Tell me what?"

Wyatt: "The girls we went on a date with... they only liked us as friends. Turns out, they thought we were gay and told us they wanted darker, moody guys that don't treat 'em well."

Y/N: "Oh damn! Also... *laughs* They actually thought you two were gay? Just what the hell gave 'em that impression?"

Jonesy: "I have no idea and don't laugh too hard, I'm already disgusted enough as it is. I mean seriously, do I look gay to you?"

Y/N: "No, but I do know one thing about you, Jonesy. Would you like me to tell you what?"

Jonesy: "I'm probably gonna regret this, but... what?"

Y/N: *whispers* Asante sana, *aloud, away from his ear* squash banana, wewe nugu, mimi hapana!"

Jonesy: "And what's that supposed to mean?"

Y/N: "It means you are a baboon... and I am not." *laughs*

Wyatt: "Alright, enough torturing Jonesy. The thing is, they were using us to go shopping."

Y/N: "Oh, why didn't you just say so?"

Caitlin: "Ouch, sorry to hear that."

Jonesy: "Ah, there'll be other girls. Got anymore of those magazines?"

Caitlin: "Do you wanna take another quiz?"

Jonesy: "No way, those quizzes suck. But there are a lot of hot babes."

Y/N: "Why am I not surpised? Well, for me... I'm just gonna chill... and get my game on."

You sat yourself down and then pulled out your 3DS XL from your pocket and began playing some Ocarina of Time.

Jude: "Models, I like those chicks."

Jonesy: *smirks* "Jude."

Jude: "Dude." *hi-fives Jonesy*

Caitlin: *gasps, takes away magazine* "Your feminine side wouldn't say that!"

Y/N: "That's because he's a guy, Caitlin. Haven't you heard the old saying "boys will be boys?"

Caitlin: "Fine, live in ignorance."

Y/N: "I think you mean "live freely." Did you really expect Jude to change into a girly man?"

Jen: "He does have a point, Caitlin."

Nikki: "So, what happened to your dates?"

Wyatt: "Oh, I think they might be busy for a while."

So, while Brittany and Gina are busy washing dishes, Jonesy and Wyatt are laughing it up.

Nikki: "Nice, I guess nothing that you learned in training stuck, huh?"

Jonesy: "You know, I did learn something. I should try to be a little more like Wyatt and Wyatt should be a little more like me. Then maybe, just maybe, the world would be a better place." 

Jonesy and Wyatt: *breaks down* "YEAH RIGHT!" *laughs*

Y/N: *while playing his game, deadpanned* "Typical Jonesy."

Just then, a man wearing a staple costume shows up and is looking unhappily at Jonesy.

Man: "There you are! You missed your shift, buck-o! You're fired!" *walks off*

Y/N: *keeps playing his game* "Not big surprise."

But Jonesy and Wyatt just keep laughing it up.

Caitlin: "They are so immature."

Nikki: "Surprise, surprise."

Jen: "Ugh, men!"

Y/N: *puts game down, deadpanned* "I'm right here."

Girls: "Not you, Y/N. You're fine."

Y/N: "Alrighty then." *resumes playing Ocarina of Time*

Well, another typical day at the Galeria Mall has come and gone and it seems like Jonesy and Wyatt aren't planning on changing their ways anytime soon, but oh well.

[A/N: And another chapter is finally finished. This one had me laughing my ass off for the most part. But anways, I'll be posting another great chapter in due time. And this next chapter will be one of my personal favorites, so... STAY TUNED!!!]

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