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Italy 2001

Alex: I think I should stay behind for reasons
Koichi: because of your childhood friend
Alex: yes
'That's too far in let's go back'
'May 8 1982'
Holy: she's beautiful
Sadao: she is
Holy: Jotaro say hello to your baby sister
Jotaro: she's so small
Holy: 'she smiles'
'few years later' 'before 1987'
Holy: anything
Sadao: nothing
Holy: our baby is gone
Sadao: I will find her
Bruno: please wake up
Rohan: Alex
Bruno: all of sudden she passed out
Rohan: we need to get to the hospital now
Nurse: I'll be back 'she called back up'
SW member: we'll watch over her
Nurse: you two please wait as long you can
Rohan: thank you
Bruno: I hope she'll be okay
'90 days later'
Alex: 'I slowly woke up'
Nurse: you're up
Alex: it's like I was cursed
Nurse: who knows
'few years later 1999'
Alex: wait up
Koichi: sorry
Alex: geez your fast
Koichi: well yeah
Alex: watch out
Koichi: 'he face planted'
Alex: what
Jotaro: here's the thing I've come here to find the Higashiata family
Alex: Higashiata hmm let me think
Jotaro: maybe an address will jog your memory does Jozenji 1-6 ring a bell
Alex: *thoughts Jotaro Kujo*
Koichi: you can get to Jozenji by pretty easy by going on the number 3 bus it won't be long before another one comes along
Jotaro: thanks kids
'the bullies came along and Koichi talked nervously but for Alex she hid behind Jotaro and the bullies left'
Alex: I hate them already and sorry
Jotaro: it's fine
Koichi: don't like boys like them
Alex: no either wise something would happen
'Josuke talked to the bullies and few minutes later'
Alex: the turtle is healed
Koichi: but how
Alex: he deserves that
'we walked to Josuke and talked to him while Jotaro explained everything to him'
Alex: *thoughts I swear all three of us could be related somehow*
'after school'
Alex: guys let's go quick 'we ran to the konbini and look'
Josuke: holy
Cop: back away from the scene now
'We did and Josuke got tackled' 'the next day'
Alex: that Josuke
Rohan: still training your stand
Alex: yup
Rohan: do be careful out there
'few minutes later'
Alex: is that
Josuke: it sure is
Alex: hi officer Higashiata
Ryohei: oh Alex hello
Alex: oh he's here
Jotaro: Josuke take the bottle
Alex: 'I covered my eyes'
Josuke: 'he tried to heal his grandpa'
Alex: no
Jotaro: not even stands have that power I'm sorry
Alex: he was always so nice
'3 days later'
Alex: is it safe to help
Jotaro: yes and no
Josuke: 'he used diamond to grabbed aqua'
Alex: gross
Josuke: 'Dora Dora Dora'
Alex: let's kick some ass
'Josuke turned Angelo into the rock'
'during the time of 1999 Alex helped Jotaro and Josuke to find the rat that has a stand'
Josuke: your right in my crosshairs 'he shot the bullet'
Alex: that rat is dead yes and oh
Josuke: let's see how long that stuff takes to heal if not we'll heal your brother together
Alex: yeah
'July 1999 few weeks before things have gone peacefully'
Alex: it's summer now
Josuke: it may be nice but wait somethings not right
Alex: my brother and Koichi 'I ran as fast I could'
Josuke: shit 'he ran too'
Alex: no no no no no come on 'I called out Fleetwood Mac' please please heal
Josuke: I'm almost done and I'll help you
'We healed Jotaro and Koichi'
Jotaro: careful you just healed me
Alex: sorry
Jotaro: I'm glad your safe
'the death of Yoshikage Kira'
Jotaro: 'he pulled me into him and covered my ears'
Rohan: what now
Alex: I go with Jotaro or stay here and finish school
Rohan: your choice really
Alex: stay here for now
'we said goodbye to Reimi'
Alex: I wanna name my future daughter after her
Koichi: she would love that
Alex: maybe you could stay with my biological parents
Rohan: perhaps
Alex: oh Josuke the docks let's go
'The docks'
Josuke: BYE GUYS
'March 2001'
Alex: feels weird being back in Italy
Koichi: right cause you lived here until moving to Morioh
Alex: yeah
'Koichi got his things stolen Alex on the other hand got caught up with Giorno on the trolly'
Giorno: couldn't stay away huh
Alex: hmmm nope
Giorno: at least sit somewhere else then
Alex: I'd rather not
'a familiar face sat down and talked to Giorno'
Alex: 'my eyes widened' *gasp*
Bruno: 'he looks at me and only winks knowing he still remembers me'
'Bruno and Giorno talked and argued until the fight happened'
Alex: Fleetwood Mac 'she came out behind me'
Giorno: you too
Alex: mines a different story so I don't want to hurt him but you
'we fought until we found Bruno and fought again until Giorno didn't do nothing'
Alex: you could've but didn't
Giorno: a drug addict
Alex: only 13
Bruno: but you
Alex: I'm pure and only hurt enemy stand users
Bruno: that's why you were sick badly
Alex: I'm a Joestar
Bruno: 'he's talking with Giorno'
Alex: 'I leaned on him'
Bruno: 'he wraps his arm around me'
Alex: *thoughts I feel like I've always loved him*
Bruno: right you two want to help right
Alex: mainly him
Bruno: right come along
Alex: why here
Bruno: he resides here in this building
Giorno: b-but this is it's a prison
Bruno: that's right polpo was convicted and promptly sentenced to 15 years in prison he still issues orders and manages the famiglia but he does it all from within those walls he can leave his confinement whenever the desire strikes him but he chooses not to he simply has no need
Giorno: perché (why)
Bruno: your answers inside listen Giorno and Lex in a matter of minutes he'll conduct you two interview it's imperative you two pass it's no different from an ordinary interview his mood will dictate its content and remember he cannot find out
Giorno: I understand before I forget you mentioned our powers are called stands yes I never asked how did you acquire yours and do others have them
Bruno: once again the answers waiting inside if you pass
'Alex and Giorno went inside and got checked by security until Alex asked to stay outside the bars due to being uncomfortable and Giorno came back to only disguise the lighter as a flower and few minutes later both Alex and Giorno are up against Polpo's stand with Koichi's help'
Alex: Joestar team up
Giorno: against Polpo's stand sure
Golden Wind: muda muda muda
muda muda muda
Fleetwood Mac: ora ora ora ora
'We kept on fighting until black sabbath got defeated'
Alex: Koichi
Koichi: right that call 'he dialed Jotaro's number'
Giorno: 'he canceled the call'
'they talked about the arrow'
Alex: this stays between us
'The next day' 'again Alex is sitting this one out'
Alex: I'm thinking about staying
Koichi: because of your friend
Alex: yes and help Giorno out
'We walked with Bruno'
Alex: you did something did you
Giorno: not really
Alex: you sir are dark I like you
Alex: hmm
Bruno: I've brought along the new associate we talked about pay attention don't dishonor us
'Okay now for first person right I introduced myself and Giorno too and Bruno he had to take a call and head outside until Giorno drinked what was inside the cup and Bruno walked back in telling is we had to leave' 'outside'
Alex: 'I grabbed Bruno's hand'
Bruno: 'he intertwined his fingers with mine'
Alex: 'I became a little red'
'Yacht place' 'we got the yacht and sailed off'
Alex: the sea smell is so good
Mista: how long do you known Bucciarati
Alex: since childhood actually and it's a long story too
Fugo: you said something about the smell why's that
Alex: my brother is a marine biologist and I'm working under him so most the time we're around sea so
'Bruno explained us going to Capri and everyone is shocked at the news about Polpo and few minutes later shit happened'
Alex: what the hell
'Everyone got hit with the sword besides me and Bruno'
Zucchero: surely you see the seagulls around you I suppose we are finally approaching land and I finally you two to myself Bucciarati and your little girlfriend
'Bruno and Zucchero are talking still until I said something'
Alex: black tailed gulls
Zucchero: huh come again
Alex: those birds are black tailed gulls not seagulls if you're wondering how I can tell it's because they like they're meowing you mentioned before they were seagulls but they're really balck tailed gulls
'The boat is rocking until Bruno grabbed me and used zipperman to hold me tighter and we hopped off'
Alex: let me
Bruno: 'he used Zipperman'
Alex: Ora
Abbacchio: 'he smiled at Bruno and me'
Alex: glad you're okay Abbacchio
Narancia: that hurts damnit
Alex: 'I healed the bump'
Narancia: how
Alex: Fleetwood Mac can heal as well not only to help me defeat stand users
'Few minutes later' 'torture dance'
Alex: I'm joining in 'I followed Mista,Narancia and Fugo'
Alex: what
'Abbacchio let me listen and look' 'Mista and Giorno went on the island and the rest of us joined'
Alex: 'I bowed my head too'
'Pericolo explained to us about Trish and how we have to look over her'
Alex: another girl for the time being nice and oh let me heal that Mista
Mista: fine
Alex: 'I smacked all three boys with Fleetwood Mac'
Fugo: ow
Narancia: ow
Mista: that hurt damnit
Alex: respect Trish here okay I'm respecting Trish cause I'm a lady
Trish: oh thanks
Alex: of course
'We headed off to a safe house and I went with Narancia'
Alex: everything seems fine okay nevermind
'Narancia got smaller and smaller and I picked him up'
Formaggio: Who the fuck are
Alex: Alexandra Joestar Kujo that's who the fuck I am and I'm about to kick your loser ass
Formaggio: Bring it on little girl
Alex: Okay then (Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora)
'Few minutes later Narancia started to look bigger'
Alex: 'I got him out of my pocket'
Narancia: let me kick his ass 'he blew up the street'
Alex: 'I closed my eyes and covered my ears'
'Back at the safe house'
Alex: 'I'm a little shaken up'
Abbacchio: come with me
Abbacchio: talk if your ready
Alex: I guess my ptsd came back when fighting Formaggio
Abbacchio: and what happened when your ptsd came back
Alex: 2 years ago a killer by the name Yoshikage Kira got his head crushed by an ambulance wheel and my brother pulled me into his chest and covered my ears so I wouldn't hear that and that memory came flooding back
Fugo: can you continue
Alex: I'll try
Bruno: we're leaving soon
Alex: okay
Mista: the boss sent you an email
Alex: does that not happen
'Fugo,Giorno and Abbacchio went on the mission and succeeded' 'we had to move immediately'
Abbacchio: Narancia when you get a sec let me see that key I risked my life for
Narancia: huh here
Abbacchio: no don't throw it *groans* that hurt dumb-ass
Narancia: you are such a drama queen I'd be happy my hand had feeling at all given what you just went through
Abbacchio: that damn thing has been only be reattached for thirty minutes you idiot so happy or not it still hurts but enough of that *sigh* you safeguarded my daughter's life and therefore you have my gratitude go to Napoli Centrale binario six look for the turtle at the water fountain and use the key you are to take her to Venezia by train postscript says directives will cease once we've in Venezia what the hell are we supposed to find at this water fountain
Bruno: don't know but the boss said there was a way to travel under the enemy's radar it'll be risky but we have to trust him
Narancia: speaking of the boss do you think he's maybe already there I mean it kinda sounds like it
Bruno: that doesn't concern us our focus is on finishing the mission there's a train bound for firenze in ten minutes that we don't want to miss Mista we alone
Mista: looks like we're in the clear for now once we get to the station though I bet the place will be swarming with rats ready to snitch
Fugo: I can't imagine what you must be going through suddenly having a target on your back because of an estranged father it must be terrifying
Mista: oh I feel you Fugo
Alex: here 'I handed her my flannel'
Trish: 'she puts it on'
Alex: I swear you the only person who treats women with respect is me because of my mom back home in Japan
Mista: I've been preoccupied by our lively new friends too if you know what I mean
Fugo: eh? no that's not what I
'he falls but Fleetwood Mac catched him'
Mista: please miss you gotta forgive Fugo he didn't mean to come off as an overeager horn-dog I know it seems like we hit the breaks so my man here could peek at those jaunty jiggle-sacks but I give you my word that's not it blame his weakness in the face of boobs
Fugo: just shut up would you
I was bracing for impact and you're making it sound like I was trying to cop a feel
Alex: boys these days
Trish: what was that you to catch Fugo
Alex: Fleetwood Mac my stand
Trish: I see
'Train station'
Alex: can we make this quick
Bruno: still trying to find the turtle
Alex: wait look
Bruno: Buon lavoro amore
Alex: Grazie
'Inside the turtle key'
Alex: could we talk in private
Bruno: of course mio dolce
Alex: I know I only have one and the truth is the other one got smashed two years ago
Bruno: it was only a Walkman
Alex: but it was the one you and your mom picked out for me before I left for Morioh
Bruno: I'm not mad Bella
Alex: your not
Bruno: no as long you have the one I picked out is what matters
Alex: where do we go from here if the boss turns out to be an enemy stand user
Bruno: then we keep Trish
Alex: mine and her age gap doesn't matter to you
Bruno: not at all plus if we stopped the boss I might step down so we can be together
Alex: 'I hugged him'
Bruno: 'he wraps his arms around me'
Abbacchio: sorry to interrupt but something is happening
Alex: 'we ran outside' crap FLEETWOOD MAC 'I'm staying young' should we Mista
Mista: yeah
'We got out of the turtle'
Alex: shit
Mista: two users
'Few minutes later' 'Mista got hurt badly and Bruno got out of the turtle'
Bruno: end this zipperman
Alex: no
'We kept on the fighting until I fell' 'outside the train' 'the train stopped'
Bruno: 'he takes the fishing line' Ari ari ari ari ari ari ari ari ari arrivederci
Alex: 'gasp' 'I ran out of the train and towards Bruno'
Bruno: amore
Alex: 'I hugged him'
Bruno: your okay
Alex: she's a stand user
Bruno: yeah
Trish: well answer me
Alex: it's hard to explain
Bruno: yeah
'We journeyed more until we found out the boss is a stand user and Fugo decided he wanted to be alone until I convinced him not too and Narancia swam back to the boat so our journey continues'
Alex: well shit
Abbacchio: he's out cold
Bruno: 'he smiled'
Alex: squid ink pasta can change your lips
Bruno: that is true
Alex: 'stand thoughts Giorno something is different'
Giorno: 'stand thoughts he changed after the boss'
Alex: 'stand thoughts your right' 'I ran to Trish and hugged her'
Trish: 'she hugs back'
Alex: right we need to continue keeping her safe
'The days went by and everyone was safe in a safe house that I bought and me and Giorno stopped Diavolo but he fled away'
Alex: I'm sure someone will stopped him
Trish: is it over
Alex: by the looks of it yeah and we need to tell everyone
Giorno: Bucciarati is seriously stepping down of Capo
Alex: he told me himself
Mista: Giorno are you willing to be Capo
Giorno: we stopped the boss so yeah I am
Mista: let's get the others and Polnareff
Alex: I wonder how to break that down to my brother
Giorno: I found another stand arrow for your brother
Alex: I'll give it to him
'safe house'
Bruno: ready when you are
Polnareff: tell me is he safe
Alex: he is and he's a marine biologist
Polnareff: that Jotaro ever since our trip to Egypt he's been fascinated by fish when we had to escape the submarine from an enemy stand user
Alex: he didn't told me that
Polnareff: tell me does he still have that old polaroid picture
Alex: it's on his desk at his work
Polnareff: don't tell him this but after going back to France I decided to go back to this place where I got turn into a child and got taken care by my now wife
Alex: weird but sweet
Bruno: we don't more time the ceremony is shortly now
'Giorno became Capo while Bruno stepped down'
Alex: I'm ready
Bruno: we're bringing Trish
Alex: are you sure
Bruno: yes
Alex: my backpack is still in tacked surprisingly
Bruno: it still is
Alex: we leave tomorrow
Bruno: okay
'April 6th 2001' 'airport'
Alex: ready
Bruno: as I ever be
Trish: kinda
Alex: you'll be fine okay
Trish: okay
'Kujo mansion'
Jotaro: that wasn't long
Alex: got an extra stand arrow apparently there's multiple but some got destroyed
Jotaro: right
Holy: my baby 'she hugs me'
Alex: 'I hugged her'
Holy: aren't you going to introduce your guests
Alex: right this is Bruno Bucciarati my boyfriend and our daughter kind of Trish
Holy: 'she let's go of the hug and hugs Bruno and then Trish'
Bruno: I pretty much watched over her
Holy: thank you
Jotaro: Jolyne no running around the house
Jolyne: sorry daddy
Alex: she's wonderful
Jotaro: she is
Trish: what do you mean adopted
Alex: I pretty much looked over you and protected you
Trish: our age gap
Alex: doesn't bother me
Bruno: do you think we can add another to the Joestar family
Alex: maybe
Holy: another granddaughter would be nice cause I have two now
Alex: true
Jolyne: 'she hugs me'
Alex: 'I picked her up'
Jolyne: hi
Alex: hi
Jolyne: you're pretty
Alex: thank you
Trish: 'she smiles'
Bruno: how's your health
Alex: slowly getting there
Jotaro: still experiencing that
Alex: yeah
Jotaro: it will take some time to heal from that but for now enjoy this
Jolyne: eh 'she reaches out for Bruno'
Alex: wanna hold her
Bruno: of course
Alex: here 'I gave Jolyne to Bruno'
Jolyne: uncle
Alex: 'I smiled'
Bruno: that's right I'm your uncle
Trish: do you want your flannel back
Alex: keep it if you want to
Trish: okay
Holy: how long
Alex: days actually we had to protect her but things didn't go as plan with her so called biological father
Bruno: 'he's all quiet'
Alex: Jotaro
Jotaro: I got Jolyne 'he grabbed her'
Alex: come on
Alex: you've been quiet about that why can't you tell me
Bruno: I had to revive myself after that fight cause the boss had other plans with Trish but I stopped him I'm sorry bella
Alex: but I could've stopped him if I went
Bruno: I didn't want to lose you like my dad
Alex: oh Bruno 'I hugged him'
Bruno: I love you so much and I don't wanna lose another person I love
Alex: you love me
Bruno: yes
Alex: I love you too
Bruno: I was serious of having our own child
Alex: let's wait for a child
Bruno: you were blushing when I was taking off my jacket
Alex: shut up
Bruno: 'whispers in my ear' you like seeing me like that
Alex: 'I became red' don't make me use Fleetwood Mac to slap you
Bruno: but still I can't wait have kids with you
Alex: at least wait I'm older
Bruno: true
Alex: we should get back cause Jolyne is probably asking for us
Bruno: we make a perfect aunt and uncle
Alex: we do
'Living room'
Alex: had to talk to him privately
Trish: uncle Jotaro put Jolyne down for a nap
Alex: accepting us as your family
Trish: well of course
Alex: you might need new clothes there's nothing wrong with the clothes you have now since you'll be around Jolyne I suggest new clothes
Trish: doesn't hurt to get new clothes
Alex: I should have some old clothes that might fit
Holy: I'll get them
Alex: thanks mom
Holy: not a problem 'she left to get my old clothes' here
Alex: any thing
Trish: hmm that top and shorts
Alex: good choice and maybe you can wrap your now flannel around your waist
Trish: yeah
Holy: her too
Bruno: that's correct
Holy: must've been hard for you
Bruno: yeah
Jotaro: you didn't mentioned anything
Alex: I was effective by Dio's curse of my stand but I was weak
Jotaro: but you manage to handle your stand
Alex: I can heal and put men asleep
Jotaro: like a siren
Alex: in a way yes
Jotaro: dad's mainly sorry for losing you
Alex: my fault too I lost track
Holy: you had Rohan to raise you
Alex: I know
Bruno: never noticed music has been playing
Holy: I surprised my husband's record player still works
Alex: I kinda remember this song but I was a baby at the time
Bruno: may I have this dance
Alex: you may
'Dream A Little Dream Of Me'
Alex: perhaps this could be our first dance song
Bruno: planning ahead
Alex: what can't I plan our future wedding
Bruno: there's nothing wrong with that
Josuke: sorry for dropping by
Alex: 'I stopped dancing with Bruno' Josuke 'I ran towards him and attacked him in a hug'
Josuke: hey cuz
Alex: this is Bruno I told you about
Josuke: hey
Bruno: your the cousin
Josuke: the only one she has
Bruno: this is Trish
Josuke: hi
Trish: hi
Josuke: Okuyasu had things to do and good thing he isn't here
Alex: well she's fifteen
Josuke: well you are older than her
Alex: true
Bruno: can I ask you something
Alex: of course
Bruno: wanna be my girlfriend
Alex: yes
Bruno: oh Cara
Alex: but Zucchero calling me your little girlfriend I'm not that short
Bruno: to me you are
Josuke: how was your health
Alex: okay I guess
Josuke: Jotaro covered your face and ears but still
Alex: I helped kinda
Bruno: that's why I had the others do the work
Alex: true
Jotaro: that's why you stayed
Alex: yeah
Josuke: there's an Italian restaurant in Morioh
Alex: oh yeah but nothing beats his mom's cooking
Bruno: thanks Bella
Alex: I asked to fly to your dad's funeral
Bruno: that's why
Alex: I wanted to be there for you
Bruno: oh amore
Alex: how did you get that
Bruno: that is a story for another day
Alex: mind staying here
Bruno: not at all
Alex: great
Bruno: I wish I could've said something to you but couldn't
Alex: what you did was right
Bruno: I had no other choice when I was younger
Alex: I know
Trish: is there room for three
Holy: there's a big enough guest room unless you want a small one
Trish: my own
Alex: we'll take my room
Josuke: talking stands
Alex: six bullets annoying little buggers but cute
Bruno: true
Alex: 'whispers' unless you want privacy
Bruno: I mean
Holy: there's a good hotel not that far if you two want some privacy
Alex: mom 'I blushed'
Bruno: it wouldn't hurt
Alex: not you too
Bruno: it'll be you and me only Bella
Alex: I know
Bruno: Trish will be fine
Holy: I can watch her
Alex: thanks
Trish: I'll be fine mom 'she accidentally said that' I didn't
Alex: it's fine
Bruno: see
Jotaro: I have to stay due to Jolyne
Alex: right
Josuke: I tried fixing that walkman but it was really damaged
Alex: what
Josuke: it was after that fight but Akira really destroyed your walkman
Alex: you tried
Josuke: yeah but since the story you told me I tried my best to fix that walkman
Alex: at least Okuyasu beat the shit out of Akira
Josuke: yeah he did
Alex: either wise we would've lost gramps
Holy: your telling me
Josuke: guess gramps didn't told you or Jotaro either
Holy: no
Josuke: I'm your nephew apparently
Alex: someone in our family pretended to be gramps and made Josuke with his mom
Holy: I may have a brother my mom told me about my brother
Jotaro: Hol Horse then
Alex: why would he use gramps' name
Jotaro: revenge I guess
Trish: um mom
Alex: yes
'Bruno is on the floor'
Jotaro: Star Platinum the world 'he used star platinum to get Bruno's heart pumping'
Alex: is he going to be okay
Jotaro: make sure you call speedwagon foundation now
'Few minutes later'
SW member: my mom looked after you
Alex: makes sense
SW member: right since he became immoral his heart did stop but since Jotaro used his stand we have to watch over him
Alex: would he be okay
SW member: yes
Alex: okay
Holy: it'll be fine
Trish: maybe Jolyne shouldn't be here at least
Jotaro: she will make a fuss about leaving her uncle and aunt
Alex: true
'few hours has past'
Holy: you need sleep dear
Alex: I know it's just
Holy: I get it he was there for you and you want to be there for him but trust the speedwagon foundation they got this trust me
Alex: okay 'I went to my room and slept'
Trish: mom he's up
Alex: 'I ran to the room'
SW member: just keep and eye on his heart monitor
Alex: your alive again
Bruno: sorry for scaring you bellissima
Alex: I don't know why Fleetwood Mac didn't sense it
Bruno: there's nothing to worry about your brother helped and the foundation of course
Alex: Josuke must've slept over
Bruno: I didn't want to say anything in front of Giorno on the trolly
Alex: I know
Bruno: what really happened
Alex: I wasn't with but Giorno turned one of Polpo's guns into a banana and changed it back
Bruno: the lighter trick
Alex: Giorno is already a stand user and when I got there an old innocent man was dead
Bruno: that's why Giorno killed Polpo well he wasn't trustworthy anyways
Alex: he was supposed to be Trish's guardian how was that supposed to work
Bruno: not well at least
Alex: glad we took over
Bruno: yeah
Trish: is that why the others were coming after me
Alex: yes
Josuke: I'm glad you're up
Alex: where's Jotaro
Josuke: still sleeping
Alex: 'I noticed Jolyne' you young lady should be in bed
Jolyne: sorry I just wanted to check on uncle
Bruno: I'm okay now Jojo
Jolyne: that's what grandma calls my Daddy
Alex: it's cute
Bruno: it sure is
Alex: 'I picked her up' how about pancakes
Jolyne: yes
Alex: okay let's make some pancakes
Alex: any preferences
Jolyne: a bear
Alex: I could try
'Back in the room'
Josuke: you should
Bruno: I would love too but me and her are waiting
Josuke: you two know each other for how long
Bruno: since we were kids
Josuke: then ask her to marry you
Bruno: maybe after her birthday
Josuke: see
Bruno: then I should
Josuke: my aunt already loves you so
Bruno: true
Alex: ta da
Jolyne: oooh
Alex: morning
Holy: I was wondering who was in the Kitchen
Alex: just making breakfast for Jolyne
Holy: do you think he might
Alex: we're waiting on that mom
Holy: I'm just saying
Jolyne: can I be the flower girl
Alex: of course Jolyne
Jolyne: yay
Trish: what
Alex: I don't think I've seen your hair down before it's nice
Trish: I don't like it cause it's a reminder of him.
Alex: oh honey 'I put my hand on her shoulder' he is no longer a problem
Holy: you have us
Alex: see
Trish: you did stop him
Alex: how about we go somewhere else
Trish: okay
'Living room'
Alex: it was more Giorno stopping Diavolo than me but I stopped all of us from going to that colosseum
Trish: than we would've lose people
Alex: I stopped Abbacchio and convinced Fugo to stay
Trish: and hit all three boys
Alex: true
Trish: let's head back
Alex: yeah
Alex: something we didn't want Jolyne to hear
Holy: I see
Trish: yeah
Jolyne: wanna come to my tea party at lunch
Trish: of course
Jolyne: yay 'she leaves'
Alex: she seems excited
Holy: she did
'The phone is ringing'
Holy: I wonder who could that be 'she answered the phone' Alexandra it's for you
Trish: weird
Alex: okay 'I grabbed the phone' hello *gasp* h.hi
'Phone conversation'
A-Abbacchio L-Alex N-Narancia
L: I'm doing great
A: that's wonderful
L: Bruno is doing better
A: that's good
L: my family already claimed Trish as part of the family
A: nice
N: I wanna talk to her
A: fine
N: I know it's been a day but hi
L: hi Narancia
N: permanent taking care of Trish huh
L: yup
N: why go back home
L: I have a niece and she's wonderful
N: Abbacchio wants to continue talking with you
L: we'll have our own conversation okay
N: okay
A: what do you see in him
L: saved my life
A: you saved his
L: that's because I knew something wasn't right
A: and you saved mine
L: cause I trust you as well
A: and I trust you
L: did Bucciarati ever told you how me and him met
A: no actually
L: long story short we met as kids but I got sick really bad due to me being a Joestar and he stayed with me during that time and when I moved to Morioh it broke my heart
A: I see why now
L: I gotta go
A: bye
L: bye
'Phone conversation over'
Bruno: 'he wraps his arms around me'
Alex: you should be in bed
Bruno: I wanna be with you
Alex: clingy much
Bruno: not really
Alex: it was only Abbacchio and Narancia
Bruno: you did Abbacchio your home number
Alex: well Jotaro gave it to me and made a copy for Abbacchio
Bruno: wasn't expecting him to trust you
Alex: me and you know each other
Bruno: true
Alex: the cutest thing happened Jolyne asked Trish to her tea party at lunch
Bruno: that is pretty cute
Alex: it is
Alex: let her have this
Bruno: after what she's been through I'd say she enjoy this
Alex: explains the dolphin stuffed animal
Jotaro: that was a birthday gift
Alex: don't do that
Jotaro: sorry
Alex: Giorno isn't like Dio like you thought
Jotaro: Koichi told me
Alex: let me finish
Jotaro: right
Alex: I helped him to take down Diavolo and someone told me not to tell but Polnareff is alive
Jotaro: what
Alex: he's been helping all along
Jotaro: he went back to Paris so he must've been finding the other arrows
Alex: yeah
Jotaro: sure I was finding the arrows but stopped in Morioh to only find out that Josuke isn't gramps' son but grandson and finding you as well cause I didn't stop searching
Alex: why didn't you say anything when we first saw each other
Jotaro: I was focusing on Josuke
Alex: after you told me about your friend I stopped putting one piece hair out of my ponytail but my friend she told me to do it again cause she does it too
Jotaro: Koichi's girlfriend
Alex: no Ryoko apparently she's your friend's cousin
Jotaro: she's a Kakyoin
Alex: from what she told me yes
Jotaro: Noriaki only told me about his parents
Alex: Ryoko explained everything to me
Jotaro: even what happened to her cousin
Alex: no
Jotaro: Dio took his life
Alex: geez
Jotaro: but I stopped Dio
Alex: that explains star platinum the world
Jotaro: yes
Jolyne: wanna join us
Alex: sure
Bruno: I was talking to Josuke this morning about asking her to marry me
Jotaro: go for it
Bruno: I'm thinking about after her birthday
Jotaro: perfect
Bruno: I'm thinking about inviting my team still
Jotaro: Alex told me and how someone helped her
Bruno: Abbacchio helped her only cause I let her go with Narancia and didn't think someone was going to find her and Narancia
Jotaro: it happens
Bruno: 'he smiles a bit'
Jotaro: even tho Trish isn't Alex's she treats like Trish as her own not caring about the age gap
Bruno: Trish's father only wanted her to use her but ended up hurting her and I risked my life to save Trish
Jotaro: I see

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