Chapter 11 ~ Sophie

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Sophie woke up and didn't know where she was. Wait, where was she? Why wasn't she at home in her bed? Why was this room so dark? What happened? Why was she in bonds?

Then it all hit her. Having a sleepover with her friends, talking to Ruy and getting captured by the Neverseen. Just as Sophie got up she heard someone walk into the room.

"Hey, moonlark." Gethen said, walking into the room. "Great to see that you are awake!"

Sophie ignored him and tried transmitting to Keefe, but she couldn't. Then she tried inflicting on Gethen, but she couldn't.

"Just getting ready," Gethen told her.

Sophie was trying to act brave. But in her mind all she could think of was the horrible memories the Neverseen gave her. Hopefully she could escape when Gethen wasn't looking right?

"Just wait" Gethen told her, laughing. "Don't try to escape. You won't be able to anyway."

Sophie growled.

Gethen laughed again, "Just funny to see the moonlark so helpless."

Alvar, Amelia and Ruy walked into the room. Sophie panicked.

"Ready?" Gethen asked them.

"Yeah" Amelia grinned.

Sophie stared at the ground. What were they planning? Would Ruy hurt her? Sophie glanced at Ruy. Ruy turned his head.

"Ruy, want to say something?" Gethen asked.

Ruy shook his head.

"Ah, sure." Amelia said. "Let's just start."

"Moonlark, if you don't answer the questions we ask you then you are going to get cut. Remember that and start talking." Gethen told her.

"What is the Black swan planning to do next?" Alvar asked.

Sophie just shook her head and didn't talk.

"I said, start talking." Gethen repeated.

Sophie just stared at the ground.

"Talk!" Gethen growled.

Sophie just stayed quiet. It was better to get cut then talk.

"Talk!" Gethen growled. He took out a small but sharp knife and made a cut in Sophie's hand.

Sophie screamed and clutched her hand.

"Now talk!" Gethen yelled.

"No, I won't" Sophie yelled, her hand hurt so badly all she could do was stop herself from crying and talking. Don't talk. Don't talk. Don't talk. She told herself. You need to keep your friends and family safe.

Gethen took out the knife and threatened to cut her again. She still didn't talk. Gethen almost cut her hand again when Ruy let out a scream.

"Stop!" Ruy screamed.

Gethen dropped the knife. "Ruy?"

Amelia grinned, "Can I tell them, Sophie?"

"Stop!" Sophie yelled.

"Why should I? How will you stop me?" Amelia asked her.

Sophie realized that she could do nothing to stop this.

"Ha, finally realized that didnt you," Amelia grinned again.

"Whatever it is, just tell me now!" Gethen demanded.

Sophie tried to say something but Gethen stopped her and covered her mouth, "Go on, Amelia"

"Yesterday, Ruy was talking to Sophie around midnight before we captured her," Amelia told Gethen and Alvar.

Gethen and Alvar turned to Ruy, "Is that true?"

"Ummmm....." Ruy trailed off.

"Is that true, Amelia?" Alvar asked.

"Yep!" Amelia said, smiling.

"Ruy?" Alvar asked. "Ruy, why?"

"Done, you're done!" Gethen shouted to Ruy. "Get out and save your life, let the moonlark die. You only get one chance. Don't come back until you know who's actually better!"

Gethen grabbed his knife and lunged at Sophie. The knife cut her other hand. Sophie screamed. Her hands felt like it was on fire.

"Stop!" Ruy took out his knife out quickly and cut the bonds that were around Sophie. He grabbed Sophie's hand.

"I gave you a choice, Ruy!" Gethen yelled at him, throwing a dagger at them.

Ruy quickly put up a force field around them.

"Amelia! Alvar!" Gethen yelled.

"Come on, Sophie!" Ruy told her, helping her up. "Teleport!"

The Neverseen's flasher came running out of nowhere and destroyed Ruy's force field.

Gethen took this chance to hit Ruy with a dagger. Sophie screamed as Ruy fell to the ground.

Think Sophie, think, She told herself. Amelia quickly threw another dagger which hit Sophie right in the leg. Sophie couldn't handle the pain and fell to the ground, dropping Ruy. The last thing Sophie could feel before she was sedated again was pain in both her arms and leg.

Hmmm, Ruy does help Sophie. Such a nice older brother! Lets see!

The person above ^^^^^^ is what I kinda pictured Amelia to look like. Without the snow in her hair and mittens, of course. And dont forget she has to have an evil evil grin which this girl doesnt have!!!

Mysterious Miss S out -> 

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