Chapter 2 ~ Sophie

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"Wake up!" Edaline shouted from downstairs. 

Sophie sighed as she threw off her covers. Some people are such good sleep ruiners. 

"Miss Foster, your friends and the collective are waiting for you." Sandor told her.

"You could have told me earlier!" Sophie said loudly, jumping up to stand on her feet. 

"Sorry," Sandor muttered quietly. 

Sophie raced to get ready. She took a quick shower, fixed her hair into a ponytail and put on a tunic that Flori made for her with many pockets. She wore black pants and her boots also with pockets and ran down the stairs. 

"Good morning, Miss Foster. Your friends told the collective that you had some important news to tell us." Mr. Forkle said. 

Sophie told the collective and the parents the news since no one else wanted to say it. 

"So, how are we going to find him?" Biana asked, once Sophie was done explaining.

"We could search for him right now!" Linh supplied.

"Let's go search for our Lord Hunkyhair!" Ro exclaimed. "When he comes back I will punish him with flesh eating bacteria!"

Sophie rolled her eyes. Ro would never admit it but Sophie knew that she actually cared for Keefe. Like a lot. 

"We will not be searching for Keefe right now, all of you will be attending foxfire to continue your studies." Mr.Forkle told everyone.

"No!" Sophie snapped. 

"Sophie, I know you care about Keefe but. . ." Mr. Forkle started. 

"No, we all care about Keefe." Sophie corrected, glaring at him. 

"And we are going to look for him." Sophie looked at her friends for support. 

"Yeah, we are." Biana said strongly. 

"We are." Everyone else echoed. 

"Sorry, but you guys will not be looking for him." Mr. Forkle replied. 

"Dex will be helping us to set up cameras to find Keefe but that is all we are going to do for now until we get more information." Blur added.

"We will also let the council know." Mr.Forkle said. "And for today I want all of you to take a break and enjoy the day off from school."

"But. . ." Ro and Sophie started.

"No buts, you kids are going to take a break today. We can start looking for him tomorrow after school." Mr. Forkle interrupted.

"No!" Sophie protested but they weren't even heard. The collective each held up their crystals and left. 

"What the heck?" Sophie screamed. "They know Keefe is gone and they don't do anything." 

"Yeah. What's wrong with them?" Dex asked. 

"Let's just go find him now, by ourselves!" Fitz said. 

"Guys, you need a break. Please listen to Mr. Forkle." Della pleaded. 

Edaline nodded "We will definitely look for him tomorrow. Go have some fun today, you guys haven't come over in a long time. Let the adults do the work and be kids for a day."

Grady nodded along with Edaline saying "Why don't you go shopping." But when they were talking about Keefe, Grady was silent the whole time. Sophie made a mental thought reminding herself to ask Grady about why he was quiet.

"Let's go shopping! The boys can hang out somewhere else. This will at least help us take our minds off Keefe." Biana exclaimed, pumping her fist in the air.

"Yes! It will also help us take our minds off Keefe." Linh agreed, echoing Biana.

"Ugh, no shopping!" She protested, already thinking of all the dresses she would have to try on.

"Come on, Sophie. It will be fun." Biana added.

"I know your way of fun. I will suffer through all of those dresses." Sophie groaned.

Biana and Linh didn't listen. They pulled her hand, dragged her and together they leaped together to Atlantis with their bodyguards. 

"Come on, come on. Let's go there." Biana squealed.

Sophie lifted her head and saw that her friends were leading her to a dress wonderland called "Fancy Dancy".

When they entered the store a young woman came to help them.

"Welcome to our place, My name is Jane. How may I help you wonderful young ladies?" Jane asked.

"Hi, we are looking for simple dresses." Biana replied, already getting excited that they were going to buy new dresses.

"Ok, then. Right this way." Jane said, motioning for them to follow her. "So here are the dresses, you can start looking through them. When you find a dress that you like, just let me know and I can get it fit for you."

They started looking through the simple dresses.

"Hey guys, I found one!" Linh exclaimed.

(The dress below is the one Linh choose)

"Do you guys need any help? Oh, I see how may I help you dear. Do you need to get this dress fitted?" Jane asked coming to check out the dress Linh chose.

"Can I try it on before?" Linh asked as Jane led Linh to a fitting room.

"I found you the perfect dress, Sophie." Biana turned around and showed Sophie a red dress. "Red is your color. Go try it on."

(The dress above is the dress Biana has recommended for Sophie)

"Okay, okay. Calm down and don't get too excited." Sophie said.

Crash. Sophie turned her head to the noise and she could see racks of dresses falling down.

"What was that?" Biana asked.

"I don't know, should we check it out?" she asked.

"Sure, let's go." Biana said, racing towards the fallen clothing.

"Oh, hello. It's so wonderful to see you again, moonlark. Ah, I see. You're with the Vacker girl." Lady Gisela laughed from a corner. 

They jumped startled. "What do you want?" Sophie snapped.

"Oh, you know what I want! Just tell me and I can leave all of these 'innocent' people alone." she replied.

"You know that we aren't going to tell you what you want." Sophie glared.

"Tell me where Keefe is or else all of these people will die." she threatened.

"Don't kill these people, they didn't do anything. I won't tell you where Keefe is." Sophie snapped. "Why do you need to know, so that you can hurt him more?"

"It's never about hurting him, Sophie." Lady Gisela warned. "Keefe is my son, I care about him very deeply." 

"You hurt him a lot, okay. Stop acting like you didn't do anything."

"The building is falling over." a customer yelled through all the noise.

"Everyone, get out of the store." Jane yelled.

"Ah, enjoy the fun." Lady Gisela said as she glittered away. "I'll be back later to find out where my son is. After all, I have many plans for him." 

"What!" Sophie screamed.

"Hurry, we need to get out of here." Biana said, dragging a furious Sophie out of the shop.

"Yeah, we do." Sandor informed her. 

There was a huge crowd of people. Everyone ran out of the store at once. Once Sophie and Biana were outside and safe they stopped running.

"Wait, where's Linh?" Biana asked. 

Sophie metally slapped herself, "I don't know, do you think she's safe?"

"Linh! Linh! Linh!" Biana shouted.

"Biana stop yelling, I'm right here." Linh said, coming from behind them.

"Do you guys know what happened?" she asked them.

"Lady Gisela was talking to Sophie and then the whole building fell." Biana exclaimed. "She just said enjoy the fun and left."

"It has to be the Neverseen who made the building fall." Sophie said angrily. "What did she want with Keefe?"

"Wait, what did she say about Keefe?" Linh asked.

"She asked me to tell her where Keefe is." Sophie caught Linh up on the whole story.

"She probably wanted to check if he got a new ability." Biana answered.

"Yeah." Linh agreed.

"Should we tell the collective about this?" Sophie asked.


"Okay." Sophie said. 

She grabbed her friends' hands and they lept to Havensfield. She was ready to find Keefe and beat the Neverseen. She hated Lady Gisela. 

                                                                              . . . 

"Wait, do you see Grady and Edaline?" Sophie shouted. "They aren't inside! I checked everywhere!"

"Wait, what?" Biana asked. 

"They aren't outside either!" Linh yelled from outside. 

"And they didn't leave any note for me!" Sophie added. 

"Miss Foster, I don't think they are here." Sandor told her. 

"They're missing!" Linh shouted.

Sophie ran outside and fell to the ground. First Keefe was gone and now her parents were taken by the Neverseen.

"We'll find them Sophie. We will." Biana and Linh wrapped Sophie in a hug.

Sophie felt more tears falling out of her eyes. Now her family was taken and there was nothing she could do. She had never felt so helpless in her life. 

Alrighty! End of chapter two!!! Hope you enjoyed and thank you for all the support for this story! 

Mysterious Miss S out ->

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