Chapter 30 ~ Sophie

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After yesterday's commotion the group decided to have a sleepover at the healing center. Elwin was the only one who went home after saying that he needed a break from people "almost dying".

"Ruy?" Sophie whispered, getting up slowly so that the rest of her friends could sleep in peace.

"Sophie." Ruy whispered back, turning to look at her. He moved the blankets at the end of the cot so that Sophie could sit.

"Are you even supposed to be awake? Walking?" she asked.

"I can walk around whenever I want. What do you think I've been doing all night?" Ruy asked, raising his eyebrows.

Sophie sighed, "Does it hurt when you walk around?"

"Not at all!" Ruy exclaimed.

"Yeah, totally. Don't lie to me!" Sophie scolded.

Ruy rolled his eyes. "Why don't we talk about if you're okay?"

"I'm fine." Sophie responded with a glare.

"Now you're the one to lie, little sister." Ruy laughed a little.

"Do you expect me to be okay? My brother just came back from a scary coma. Don't call me, little sister!" Sophie said.

"Fine, little sister." Ruy responded with a smirk.

Sophie ignored Ruy. "And Mr. Forkle is in the Neverseen. We found that out, no thanks to you!" Of course Ruy knew that Mr. Forkle was in the Neverseen.

"Wait, what?" Ruy looked shocked and a little taken aback.

"Mr. Forkle. Neverseen. You know the connection." Sophie accused. He knew and didn't even tell her. It felt like Sophie couldn't even trust her brother anymore and their connection felt widely spread apart.

Ruy realized what Sophie had just said. "No Sophie! I didn't know! I promise!" Ruy protested, blinking hard.

"Are you lying?" she asked suspiciously. The anger and hatred toward Mr. Forkle flooded her whole body. She uncurled her fingers in fury. Mr. Forkle!

"I'm not! I swear!" Ruy cried loudly. "If I knew, you think I wouldn't have told you?"

Sophie's face burned red with embarrassment. How could she ever think her brother wouldn't tell her if he knew about it. These days she was always assuming things and accusing people. "I- I didn't- I'm sorry."

"I understand." Ruy said with a sad smile. "I was with the Neverseen, the wrong team, and I officially quit but I could still be a spy for them."

"Of course you're not a spy, Ruy. You went through so many hard times with me." Sophie said. "It was all my fault that I accused you for something you didn't do."

"Well, at least you don't think I'm a Neverseen spy!" Ruy said.

Sophie gave him a small smile. "Mr. Forkle is being held captive and sedated in a secret spot. Once he wakes up after a few days, we can start the questions."

"You know, we should get revenge on that wrinkly dude." Ruy loudly said.

Sophie laughed, that's exactly what he was now. A disgusting fat old man. (Wrinkly dude)

                                                                                        . . .

Just after Ruy and Sophie finished talking her friends woke up.

"Finally awake sleepyheads?" Ruy asked, grinning.

"I guess so." Biana sat up groggily, shoving her hair behind her ears.

"I can enjoy my sleep, can't I? After all, I'm the one who first located the Caelia flower!" Keefe exclaimed.

"What flower?" Ruy asked, confused.

"Sophie didn't tell you?" Linh asked, her eyebrows widening.

"I guess my younger sister was a bit too busy getting mad about that wrinkly dude." Ruy laughed.

"I heard that!" Sophie yelled from the corner of the healing center where she was looking for the letter Keefe's mom gave to deliver to Keefe's dad.

"Anyone gonna tell me what I missed?" Ruy asked, impatiently.

"Well, since no one cared enough to tell you, I'll do the job. When the melder shots made your body in horrible condition you fell into a deep coma. To save you we had to find the Caelia flower, which is a very rare flower, it was the only thing to help you out of your coma. I was the one who found the Caelia flower and saved you just in time. You would've died. But I was the one who saved you!" Keefe took a deep breath.

"Thank you, my boy!" Ruy said with appreciation. "I'm glad my boy did well and saved me."

The rest of them rolled their eyes but Keefe had a look of pure happiness on his face. Sophie understood that this was a big deal for him, ever since he got his new ability and went to the human world, Sophie could tell he was working hard to do something that would help and now he was proud.

"I don't want to ruin these happy moments but we've got to go now. Hurry up and get ready." Sophie interrupted.

"Why?" Keefe whined. Tam sighed, knowing the answer.

"To deliver the letter to your dad." Sophie whispered.

"Oh," Keefe's proud look fell.

"It's going to be fine." Tam reassured him.

Everyone gaped, eyes widening. Then everyone rushed to get ready.

                                                                               . . .

"So, does everyone understand the plan?" Sophie asked.

"Yes." Ruy answered.

Sophie gave him a look, "How many times do I have to tell you that you aren't coming?"

"I am coming! Even Elwin said I could go!" Ruy said.

"Still." Sophie insisted. "You can't even walk around quickly without a look of pain."

"I've been worse." Ruy said simply.


"Sophie, I said Ruy could go, what more do you need? Just let him come." Elwin said. "You know how you don't listen to us when we tell you to stay in the healing center."

Sophie glared at Elwin, grumbling. "Fine."

"I'm glad you made it through the safety session." Keefe told Ruy.

"Me too." Ruy replied with a smile.

Sophie glared at them both. "Now that everything is settled, we can-"

Someone burst through the door, interrupting her, "Wait!"

"Mom! Dad!" Sophie ran forward, hugging them tightly. Behind her parents she saw Della, Alden, Fitz, Kesler, Juline, the triplets and the rest of the collective. Sophie took a step back as everyone entered the healing center.

"First of all, we have many things we need to talk about, so if everyone would mind having a seat." Blur said. Everyone sat except Grady.

"Ruy, I'm sorry." he whispered. Edaline placed a gentle hand on her husband.

"It's alright, Lord Ruewen." Ruy said.

"No, if you want me to stay away from-" Grady started.

"No, no, no! Please stay. I'm glad to speak with you." Ruy interrupted.

Grady nodded, taking a seat.

"First things first, Ruy what do you have to say about your position now?" Blur asked.

"I know it might be hard to trust me." Ruy started.

"We all trust you, Ruy. You've been through so much with us already." Sophie interrupted. "You know, the people who I don't trust are actually the collective."

"I-" Wraith started but Squall started speaking loudly.

"Sophie is right. She has no reason to trust us after Mr. Forkle betrayed us." Squall said.

"We-" Blur stopped when he realized there was a possible reason for Sophie not trusting him.

"I'll see if I can trust the collective or not." Sophie said. "We're leaving for important business. Come on." Sophie linked hands with Ruy, Linh, Tam, Biana, Keefe, Livvy and Elwin but before they could leave a voice stopped them.

"Wait." Fitz said loudly.

"We're busy. I didn't ask for another interruption." Sophie glared at Fitz.

"I'm joining." Fitz said.

She glared even harder. "You didn't even help me save my brother and now you want to join so that you can see how Keefe's parents ruin his life?" she asked. Keefe glanced at Sophie awkwardly.

"I'm sor-" Fitz started but Sophie didn't want to hear his sorry's.

"I get to decide when I want to trust you and right now I'm busy so get out of my way." Sophie held up the crystal and they left before Fitz could join.

                                                                                         . . .

"Sophie," Keefe started when they were at Candleshade. "Maybe you should let Fitz join."

"I get to pick when he joins." Sophie responded. The rest of their friends made room for them to talk privately.

"Sophie. Please." Keefe whispered. "He's a part of us."

"I know, Keefe." she said gently. "But what did he do other than make us fight with each other."

"I can't keep losing my best friend." Keefe slowly said.

"Well, I can't let him join us now." Sophie tried to shake out her anger.

Keefe stood still, "Sophie, whatever he is right now, don't make him a monster."

Now it was Sophie's turn to stand still. Keefe was right, Fitz was still their friend. If he turned into a monster like the Neverseen. . . . Sophie shook off the thought. "I'll talk to him later, Keefe. Right now let's just do what we were here for." Keefe nodded but didn't answer as they headed back.

"Is everyone ready?" Biana asked.

"Yes." Linh said enthusiastically.

"Keefe." Sophie said.

"I'm ready."

Biana turned invisible and grabbed Keefe's hand. They both disappeared.

"Ready guys?" Sophie asked the twins. Tam and Linh nodded. Livvy and Elwin were standing to the side and nodded for them to go on. Sophie knocked on the door and linked their thoughts telepathically.

After a few seconds Lord Cassius opened the door widely and took a step outside. "It's great to see you again, Sophie Foster!"

"We have to give you something, it's from Gisela. She gave us direct information. She'll kill you if you do it wrong; put the letter on a table and then read the letter out loud. Then, fold the letter and put it in a safe locked place. Then open the door again to check if anyone is watching." Sophie lied.

NOW! Sophie told Biana and Keefe.

"Alright then, if you have nothing more you may leave. Thank you for your time and pleasure." Lord Cassius said. He slammed the door.

Sophie glared at the figure she saw through the window. Lord Cassius was the worst dad ever and Keefe didn't deserve anyone like him. 

Hi! I'm glad to be back and updating! Hope you liked this chapter! I'm very grateful for all your love and support for me and my writing, thank you! Have a great day or night! Bye :)

Mysterious Miss S out -> 

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