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♡Roshni's POV♡

"For the sake of my sanity, stop being so optimistic, Candy. Everything doesn't have a hidden positive agenda. Life was cruel, is cruel and will remain cruel till I die."

"But why do you think negative in every situation, Rosh? Maybe this Lakeet guy is your perfect match and can heal you. Just have faith in God."

This is my another friend Candy, a.k.a. Surithi, the most optimistic girl on the God's green, but slowly polluting planet earth.

She will give you positive reasons for every damn situation and make people believe good. God knows how we became best friends. We are completely opposite. But opposites attract, I guess.

AND the reason for our little argument is that I am back to square one.

Yup, the conversation with Harsh last week consisted of emotional blackmail. And today I am meeting a new guy for the marriage.

His name is Lakeet Nankani and works in a multinational company in the marketing department. I didn't pay much attention to his photos as his requirement in the bio-data, grabbed my sole attention - Looking for a traditional girl, who can be my friend and supporter in the journey of life.

I am anything, but fit to be a friend or supporter. Why can't my family see I can't be good for anyone.

I sigh in defeat as I walk back towards my home, while listening to Candy's positive speech, "If God gives you pain then the intention is to make you strong. One should accept challenge as lesson. And Rosh, stop allowing your past to affect you now. It's been 2 years, come out of it and live your life to the fullest."

My steps halt without realizing and my eyes again well up at the painful memories. Not only was I hurt by that one person, I was hurt by my parents and sister too. It has caused a permanent scar in my heart, which is only worsening with time. I can't forget those words and how they behaved with me.

But I take a deep breath to calm myself and push away those thoughts to concentrate on the current situation. I really don't want to meet this guy, but I have no choice. Even Navu and Jerry (nickname for Jinal) were saying to meet and see if he is really the perfect match.

I don't know why, I am not confident about this meeting. Since morning, I am getting some strange vibes, though I can't put my finger on it.

"Candy, I will call you later. I have reached at the building and just have one hour before those people arrive. I even have to get ready."

"Ok, all the best and meet with a positive approach. Not all people are same."

"Yes, Momma Optimistic, I will keep that in mind."

I disconnect the call as she giggles and make my way to the elevator, but a sweet sound catches my attention. I look at my right to find two grey tabby kittens, searching for something around the plants.

Aww they are hungry.

I call the security guard to bring a container, while I remove the tetra pack of milk from the shopping bags, I am holding. Mamma had sent me to bring some snacks and milk for the guest. But now I have no time to bring more milk and these poor angels need this milk.

So, today me and my sister will have black coffee, whether she likes it or not.

Soon the security guard returns with the container and I pour the milk for the kittens before slowly making my way closer to them. They obviously get scared, but I place the container down and take a few steps back. Sensing the safety, the kittens slowly move towards the container and start drinking the milk. Though they halt after a few licks and meow in unison as if thanking me for giving them food.

This definitely made my day and I smile. Animals are much better than humans. I wish, I could adopt a pet instead of marrying a man. Life would be so much beautiful.

"Your Majesty is very generous."

I frown at the familiar voice and immediately turn around to find that roadside philosopher from Harsh's home, grinning at me. He walks closer and greets me dramatically with a bow, "Your Majesty."

I smile at his gesture before greeting him, "Hi. What are you doing here?"

And he CHUCKLES before commenting, "Wow! Straight to the point."

"I have never seen you in my residence before and today if you have made an appearance than it must have an interesting reason."

"Good observation and to answer your earlier question. I have come to meet you and your father."

I frown at his words and open my mouth to ask another question, but Harsh comes into my view. We greet each other with a hug and his eyes fell on my shopping bags then he pinches my cheek.

"Got snacks for me, how sweet of you."

"Not for you chimpanzee, today a new idiot is coming to see me for marriage. These snacks are for him and his family's hospitality."

His smile fades and he faces that philosopher, who has a frown on his face.

Well, I still don't know his name. So, Mr. Philosopher is it.

But what's happening between them? Their posture has suddenly become tensed and the atmosphere has drastically changed from playful to stressful.

Did I miss something?

I clear my throat to grab their attention and ask with raised eyebrows, "What happened?"

Harsh forces a smile and asks, "Uncle didn't tell me about fixing the meeting with a new guy."

I sigh in defeat, "You know how Papa behaves when it comes to his favorite nephew Sujay."

He nods, knowing how Papa favors him over me every time and I continue, "This guy is related to him and Papa organised a meeting trusting the snake, I mean Sujay."

He shares a look with that philosopher again, ignoring my hateful comment for my cousin and I frown in confusion. But never get a chance to voice my doubt as Harsh asks me, "We will stay till the end of the meeting, is that fine with you?"

I nod my approval and that philosopher sighs in relief? What's going on?

But I have no time to dig into the matter as I am running short of time for the meeting. I guide them to my home and rush to get ready in the Indian outfit, while the men chat with my father.


I swear to God if my parents find another idiot, I will kill myself in rage.

That Lakeet was the most disgusting man I had ever met in my entire existence on the God's green, but slowly polluting planet earth.

He replied coldly each time Papa or Mummy asked anything. Then when I asked a few general questions like his expectations from me, his preferences than he suddenly stood up and declared that I am too blunt and rejected me.

HE rejected me!

That thumb sucking baby man!

Can't handle a woman strong enough to ask some general question in front 10 people, out of which 6 were strangers?

He can't speak with politeness and calls me BLUNT!

I swear to my bag of assorted chocolates hidden in my laptop bag, I will kill Sujay with my bare hands. First, I slit his throat with a paper cutter then use a cricket bat to break his rib cage. Later, I will use a blade to cut his arms and scissors to chop off his-

"Hey, Volcano. Stop fuming and change in something casual. I am taking you on an ice cream treat."

I can continue my dangerously murderous imagination later because Harsh's ice cream offer is more appealing, "Give me 5 minutes."

I quickly strip out of the long Indian dress with long sleeves and a heavy dupatta, which was suffocating me since 2 hours. Then I wear a loose t-shirt and jeans before exiting my room.

I wave at my father, who is mourning over the rejection with a cup of tea in his hand. After all, his favorite Sujay had sent him, so that Lakeet was undoubtedly special.

I sigh in defeat as sometimes I feel if I would have been a boy than his behavior towards me might be different. I hate to admit, but when Papa shares everything with Sujay first, it makes me jealous. His one call bring a grin to my father's face even if he is facing a rough day. But I never saw same effect when I share a good news or achieved something in the school or college or anything in general.

Then my eyes fall on my mother, who is busy giving guidance to my younger sister Ruchi for becoming an ideal girl. Talk limited, don't ask unnecessary questions, never interfere in elder's matter and don't cross question anyone. The way Mummy is caressing her hair and looking at her with affection, almost brings tears to my eyes.

But I have accepted the fact long back that Papa loves Sujay the most, while Mummy loves Ruchi. Because I am not the girl of their expectations.

But can't I get some affection, just a tiny bit for being their own blood? Or am I too unworthy?

It's not my fault if I own a different personality than the other members of my family. I have my own opinion, which I wish to express and I like to question people when I feel something is incorrect. Everyone is born with a nature, if I can accept them with their nature then why can't they do the same?

I shake my head, pushing and kicking away those negative thoughts. It will only bring tears to my eyes and an unbearable ache to my heart. But crying is not allowed, it makes me vulnerable and I am strong to ignore it.

I need to relax for myself and for the ice cream treat, after all, deserts are the best cure for sadness.


I stare at Harsh and Gaurav with a frown as they start a silent conversation through their eyes after eating the ice cream.

Well I finally got to know the roadside philosopher's name when Harsh addressed him earlier.

But that's not my concern, I have noticed them being secretive and communicating through eyes since they have arrived. If they didn't want me to know anything, I can just leave. My home is just 10 minutes of walk from here and I won't feel offended because I don't know Gaurav to interfere in their matter. Plus, I am not even nosy.

BUT they asked me to remain seated.

After a brief moment, Harsh faces me and places his hand over mine, which is resting on the table. He gives it a squeeze with a small smile as I stare at him with a deeper frown, confused with his sudden nervousness.

"Roshni, trust me, I see you as my sister and I adore you for what you are. So, don't think that I am disrespecting you or your father is involved in it."

"Can you please show some mercy to my poor brain and get straight to the point, Harsh? I had enough drama for today to solve your puzzles."

"Gaurav wants to talk with you and Roshni, if I am allowing him then I trust him. So, please listen to him before reacting. Okay?"

I have never been so confused in my entire life as I am right now. What are they talking about? Why is Harsh nervous? Why does Gaurav wants to talk with me? And why does he seem scared?

Before I can voice any of my doubt, Gaurav asks, "Can we talk in somewhere private?"

I face Harsh, who gives me an assuring nod and I nod my approval to Gaurav.

This better be good or else I will make sure Harsh and Chaavi never enter the phase of parenthood.


I and Gaurav walk towards the lane behind the ice cream parlor. There are only residential buildings here, out of which some are under construction. This makes this locality silent in the late evening. So, if he tries anything with me then I can shout and people will easily come to help me. Or if he doesn't then we can have complete privacy for the talk.

Hitting two birds with one stone. Yup, I am a genius.

"Tell me, what do you want to talk about?"

"I know, it will sound imprudent to you, but Roshni-"

Roshni? No 'Your Majesty.'

"I...I want to marry you."

What the heck!

I stare at him as if he declared that he is the Prime Minister of India and his first step in developing the nation is imposing tax on the oxygen.

Ok I am over dramatic, but marriage, seriously?

No wait. He is joking.

I roll my eyes and open my mouth to comment on his pathetic joke, but he states as if reading my mind, "I am not kidding, I want to marry you."

What the hell on the God's green, but slowly polluting planet earth is he talking?

I take a step back in bewilderment, but he takes two forward before requesting, "First listen to me, Roshni."

"Listen my foot, how dare you propose me? That day, didn't I make myself perfectly clear that I am against of marriage? Didn't I express my negative thoughts on relationships? What the freaking hell is wrong with you? You-"

I pause for a second as a thought enters my mind.


Yes, he planned Gaurav to meet me that day and today got him here to propose me.

That bastard! I will make his life a living hell by getting Chaavi involve in an extra marital affair with a handsome dude. Then I will make his father disown him and give his beloved car to Ruchi to learn driving with my permission to bump in as many trees and walls as possible.

But that's for later, now let me teach this roadside philosopher a lesson.

"If you think, you and Harsh could trap me into marriage then you both are highly mistaken."


"Shut up. That day, you fooled me by saying, you are against of marriage as well. I trusted your words and practiced with you. But you betrayed me. And Harsh, I trusted him the most. Even he-"

"Harsh has nothing to do with my decision to marry you. Our first meeting was a pure coincidence. In fact, he was furious at first because we just met once and it took me four days to convince him to let me meet you."

I open my mouth to retort, but no words come out as I observe the sincerity in his eyes. He wasn't lying or fooling me. His unique aqua blue eyes were reflecting honesty and I felt myself believing him. Still I remain silent and he walks closer to me.

"I know, you have negative thoughts for marriage and even I wasn't lying about my disapproval. But you and I both know, we can never avoid marriage, our parents won't allow. So, we-"

"So, we should get married? Are you freaking insane? Or are you high on weeds? You are aware, I am struggling day and night to avoid marriage. Still you have come here to propose me? Is this some kind of joke to you?"

"Can you avoid marriage? Can you convince your family?"

I glare at him as I have nothing to say and he moves closer to say, "No, right? You can't convince your family neither can I. So, I am proposing you for marriage to avoid all our problems."

He hesitates to place one hand on my shoulder and explains calmly, "Look, this marriage will be more of an arrangement for us. We will remain as friends or roommates at my home. I won't expect anything from you, I promise. You can continue your life as you wish and I will never interfere. I will give you all the freedom, you desire."

I continue to glare at him and slap away his hand from my shoulder before grumbling, "Find someone else for this nonsense. I will find a way to avoid marriage. Good bye."

"How will you avoid marriage when your parents are least interested in your feelings?"

His words stop me and turn to face him to yell, "How dare you!"

He remains unfazed with my yelling and anger. Instead he walks closer and grabs my arm to push me towards a tree. My back press against it and eyes locked with his intense ones.

"Truth hurts, right?"

I don't utter a word as I fail to believe whether he is that same person, whom I met a week back at Harsh's place. Back then he was cheerful, calm and friendly. But now, he is blunt, furious and cold.

I feel as if I am standing in front of a different person. What happened to that roadside philosopher?

"I saw, Roshni. I saw how your family behaves with you. How your father was disappointed with the rejection instead of being grateful for learning about Lakeet's true colors in advance. Your mother wasn't happy when you asked some basic questions to know him better, which is important. Your sister smoothly comforted your mother instead of making her realize that the alliance wasn't fit for you. She isn't a child, she is a 20 year old girl, smart enough to know what is right and wrong."

His voice lowering gradually, "I heard the chat between you and your mother, who was instructing you to agree with everything they say. To not express your wish and ruin the chance of an alliance. Your father was telling Harsh that your stubbornness will ruin your life and he wants to get your married by this year whether you agree or not. But you were lucky, Lakeet rejected you or else your parents would have started marriage preparations by now itself."

I just stare at him and notice his features softening as he whispers, "Don't cry, Roshni."

I glare at him. My life may be miserable, but I am not a cry baby. I have taught myself to not cry over the problems and fight with them.

"I never cry."

He gives me a sympathetic smile and moves his hand to lightly brush his thumb over my cheek. Then he shows me his wet thumb and my eyes widen in shock.

I am crying.

I am crying after 2 years....after that dreadful night.

No, I had promised myself that I will not fall weak. I will not cry. I know my parents don't care for me. But I had convinced myself that I am old enough to take care of my own self. I don't need babysitters now, I am a grown-up woman. I am a strong woman. I am strong and strong people never cry. They handle every difficulty that life throws at them.

No, no....no crying....absolutely no crying.

I wipe my tears with my hands and notice that he is still watching me intensely. I push him away and turn to walk back home. I had enough for today. I want to sleep, I can't handle anything now. Not anymore.

"I know the reason for your negative opinion on marriage is betrayal from your ex."

I freeze at my spot in astonishment. It's impossible for him to know the reason because Harsh doesn't know a thing. I was never comfortable to share with him.

Only my friends, family and unfortunately Sujay knows as Papa shares everything with him.

Then how does he know?

I hear the sound of dry leaves crushing under his shoes before feelings his presence right behind me as I stare ahead aimlessly.

"It doesn't take much effort to know someone has hurt you, which has developed the hatred towards relationship. I am not judging you because I have faced the same."

I frown at his words and turn around to face him. His eyes now held pain and hurt of his past. He looked betrayed and didn't make an attempt to hide his emotions from me. It seem as if he wanted me to see and understand him, which I was strangely doing.

"The reason to propose you is that I believe, two broken persons can never hurt each other. You will never hurt me because you know the pain and same implies to me. We can't avoid marriage, but we can enter into an arrangement, which will keep our parents calm and give us the assurance of not being betrayed again."

I feel him holding my hand and lower my gaze. I find a visiting card in my palm and face him with a frown.

"Think about it and if you agree for this arrangement or want to ask anything then give me a call."

I don't react and he doesn't wait either. He turns around to walk away and I look at the card in my hand then at him as he disappears into the darkness, leaving me alone in my dilemma.

I can't believe how the day turned upside down in a matter of few hours.

I can't believe I cried in front of a complete stranger after 2 years.

But moreover I can't believe that he PROPOSED me.


That's all for now.....will update next part as soon as possible.....hope you liked this part, do give your reviews...till then Keep Smiling and Take Care

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