XIII. I Kissed Him (unedited)

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♡Roshni's POV♡ 

I walk towards the refrigerator to grab the vegetables, which I chopped last night for the video of my YouTube channel.

Yes, I have started my channel two weeks back and named it "God's Green Kitchen." I post 5-6 videos every week and simultaneously begun the weekend cooking classes three weeks ago. Till now I am getting 2-3 females in each batch.

I haven't earned enough money and the channel might take a few months to generate revenue as my subscribers are just 236. But it is still the beginning, so I am not losing hope and staying determined to keep working hard.

Additionally, he has been motivating me each day from the past three weeks and not for a minute any negative thought has settled in my mind. His words urge me to remain optimistic and I am anything, but sad or disappointed.

There is no discussion of money or financial responsibility even after the kitchen budget has hiked. I was worried initially and planned to reduce the number of video post. However, he had lectured me on our friendship enough to not let me think of being a charity case or liability. And he is loving the variety of food served on a daily basis.

So, in a nutshell, we are happy with this new change in our life.

I walk back to the stove and check the ingredients before turning on the camera. But stop as I notice the amount of grated carrot is less for the recipe. I frown in confusion as I remember to chop them as per the written quantity. 

I am running short of time, so I don't marvel much on the thought and go to grab more carrot from the refrigerator. I return to the stove and take the grater to grate the carrot, only to freeze as the quantity of cheese cubes seem to reduce now. 

How are the quantities of the ingredients redu....WAIT A MINUTE!

I toss the carrot and grater on the island before clenching my fist in anger and storming outside the kitchen. I find the two thieves, Jay and Gaurav, eating the cheese by hiding behind the dining chairs. 

They smile at me sheepishly after I catch them and they wipe their mouth to hide the evidences of their deeds.

I am so sick of these two men.

Since a variety of food is always available here, they bring work from their offices with the sole aim to steal food and even raw ingredients from my kitchen. Actually, they steal anything that is edible and now I am thinking to install a huge lock on the kitchen door.

But for now, I grab my phone to call Durga. Even she visits often, not for food, but to help me in keeping these hungry thieves away from my kitchen. 

Yesterday they stole whipped cream and I had to ice the cupcakes normally, instead of piping a rose with leaves. Last week, they even ate entire brownie batter and complained it was less sweet on my confrontation.

Their stealing list goes on and on. But they call stealing food as 'helping' me to improve my culinary skills.

Helping my foot! Freaking thieves.

Soon Durga arrives and keeps them away from the kitchen after I give her Jerry's cricket bat. Her weapons are finally being used and now I can work peacefully for the video.


I sit to edit the video as we eat the toast sandwiches, which I made.

Wait, let me rephrase. I and Durga are eating, while Jay and Gaurav are gobbling the innocent sandwich, which I made skillfully for the video.

I swear, if they continue eating in this speed then they will be giving competition to the sumo wrestlers. 

I and Durga share a look of disgust as they lick their fingers before grabbing the water bottles with their nasty hands to drink.

Note to self, use rubber gloves to put these bottles straight away to wash. I am NOT touching it with my bare hands.

Durga states, "Guys haven't you ever had food? Eat with manners. Even the nastiest pigs on the earth will be ashamed after seeing the two of you."

I chuckle at her comment, but the boys comment dreamily in unison, "Food is love, true love and there is no place for words like shame or nasty in the world of food love."

Durga and I roll our eyes in annoyance with the boy's immature behavior before resuming our task in hand, while eating our lunch with good manners.

Whereas they face me to ask together, "What are you making next?"

I choke on my sandwich and scold them, "What do you mean by what I am making next? This is the fourth dish from morning and it's just 3 pm. Where have you both digested your food?"

Yes, I have recorded four dishes from morning, breaking my record of 5-6 videos per week because they are constantly hungry. And today is a public holiday, so they are idle to ruin my day to rest by ordering me to cook.

But now I had enough.

I announce, "I cooked enough food since morning and I am tired now. So, manage food on your own for the rest of the day."

Gaurav complains, while wiping his imaginary tears, "No one cares for her husband."

I roll my eyes and Durga shakes her head in disbelief, while Jay consoles his friend, "Don't worry buddy, Durga will make food for us."

But she denies before he can ask her, "I am not making any food. I want to rest as well and you people had enough for the day. Now stop eating or else you two will need a change of wardrobe."

I giggle, agreeing with her words and grab my sandwich to eat, but Gaurav snatches from my hand to eat himself.

Nasty fat hippopotamus.

I resume my editing work and Jay tells me, "Roshni, I know why you haven't got much subscribers in your channel."

I face him with a frown and he continues, "Because you have no respect for your husband. Don't you even know his importance?"

He elbows Gaurav, who adds in his friend's nonsense, "Exactly, Indian married women worship their husbands as Lord and here my wife doesn't even provide food for my empty stomach."

Empty? He had 4 vanilla muffins, 3 baked dry fruit kachoris (balls), 4 vegetable spring rolls and 1 club sandwich in the past 5 hours. Still his stomach is empty?

Before I can voice out my thought, he adds, "Whenever an Indian wife performs an important task or starts a new work, she touches the husband's feet for blessing. But here someone started cooking class and YouTube channel without even seeing her husband's feet. So, how will they find success?"

I face Durga, who rolls her eyes in annoyance, but smirks after I wink at her. Then I keep the laptop aside and stand to walk towards my 'husband.'

I apologize dramatically with a bow, "I am so sorry, My Lord. Forgive me for my sins and I beg you to bless me for the success. Bless me, so I can earn money to purchase more ingredients and cook delicious food to present in front of you, my Lord Husband. Please bless me." 

He feigns a thoughtful face and I bend to pinch his feet with my both hands, making him yelp and jump in pain. I continue to pinch his feet and hear Durga's giggles as he pushes me away, while pleading me to stop.

I fall over Jay, who holds me and allows his poor friend to run away. But Durga comes to my rescue and tickles her husband, so I can chase after my husband for completing the 'blessing procedure.'

I enter the bedroom and find him, sitting on the bed and grabbing the pillow to shied himself. So, I grab his pillow and try to pull away, making him fall sideways.

I plead dramatically, "My Lord, let me take your blessings properly. I beg you."

He pleads genuinely, "I am begging you, Roshni. Please leave me, I am sorry. Please."

I giggle and hover over him, while taking another pillow. I apply pressure over his shielded pillow to suffocate him, while he struggles under me.

I ask mockingly, "Should I touch your feet for blessings, My Lord Husband?"

He denies, "Never in a million years, Your Majesty. Now please show some mercy and remove the pillows or else you will become a widow soon."

I laugh at his words and toss away both pillows, but stay straddling his waist. He breaths heavily and glares at me after calming down. I wink at him and he gathers himself for revenge, but the doorbell stops him.

We face each other with a frown, though realisation hits us soon and we mutter, "Pratham."

I move aside and we run to the living room, watching Durga and Jay near the door. Jay turns to glare at us as we walk closer and Durga bangs the door on Pratham's face.

Gaurav whispers, "I told you, this is a bad idea."

I whisper back, "Let me handle."

Well I had planned to reunite Pratham with Jay and Durga. Gaurav tried to stop me, but how long will we keep the grudges of the past and why should he be punished for something, his sister did without caring for anyone.

I walk closer to open the door, but Jay pulls me back and pushes me towards Gaurav, while glaring at me. The playfulness is completely gone and now I can see that furious Jay of whom Gaurav kept warning me.

But I am the most stubborn person on the God's green, but slowly polluting planet earth.

So, I glare back to scold, "Is this a way to treat your friend? Slamming door on his face instead of inviting him inside."

He snaps, "Invite? Are you crazy, Roshni? Don't you know, he is Tanushree's brother? The one, who could have stopped her from ruining Guarav's life."

I reason, "Tanushree wasn't a child and blaming Partham for-"

He interrupts in a louder tone, "He was blinded with his sister's love and kept ignoring the carelessness in her nature. We always warned him to take care of his sister's activities. But he didn't."

I open my mouth to response, but he continues to yell at me, "And for God's sake Roshni, you have been betrayed as well. Will you be able to forgive his sibling and invite them over to your house? Will you tolerate spending time with someone, who could have saved that relationship and protected your feelings? Tell me."

Durga warns her husband, sensing the sadness in my eyes, "Jay, enough."

I feel Gaurav's arm around my shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze and other hand coming to wipe the tear, which I didn't realise flowing.

I sniff before telling in a weak voice, "No, I won't forgive my ex's sister or invite here because she insulted me and my feelings on the very first time, we talked and my ex defended her. You cannot compare her with Pratham because he didn't defend Tanushree unlike my ex's sibling, who knew the reality and still blamed me for everything. In fact, Pratham disowned Tanushree and apologized to Gaurav after realising his mistake to not take everyone's warning seriously. Yes, he was partial initially and ignored her carelessness. But she was his only family available as their parents never cared for them. Yet after your and Durga's hatred, he didn't go back to his sister. He chose to stay alone because he is waiting for you both, for your forgiveness and hoping to gain that friendship back."

I take a step back, making Gaurav drop his arm and conclude, "If you still think my ex's sibling and Pratham are comparable then I promise to never keep a contact with him. I will follow your footsteps, Jay."

I turn around to make my way towards the bedroom. I sit on the bed and my eyes start developing tears to dehydrate me.

Why do I cry so much nowadays?

I should stop drinking water or anything liquid then I guess, my eyes won't be able to create tears for the crying session.

Stupid brainless eyes.

I am pulled out of my thoughts by a knock and I lift my gaze to find Jay with Durga at the doorstep. They walk inside and close the door before he sits beside me, while she stands.

He apologizes, "I am sorry to bring up your ex."

I confess in a low voice, "Your reminder won't change the reality and it always remains in the back of my mind. I just don't give importance to it."

I sniff and he wraps his arm around my shoulder to give it a gentle squeeze. I lay my head on his shoulder and grab Durga's hand to make her sit on my lap. She wraps her arm around my neck and I relax under their warmth.

I have grown so close to these two after marriage that we can talk or share anything. They never judge me neither do I and whenever I am sad or disappointed then they pamper me like a baby.

My three Musketeers are jealous of them now, but they are equally happy for me because I am not alone when they can't reach me.

I request, breaking the silence, "For me, can't you patch-up with him? I am not asking you to become as earlier, but give it a try. Please."

They sigh in unison and agree, "Fine, but only for you."

I smile before thanking them and they complain dramatically about me misusing their love. They call me a spoiled brat, which only makes me giggle and they roll their eyes in fake annoyance.

We leave the room to join Gaurav and Pratham in the living room. The couple announce that they will try to forget the past and move ahead. I grin at Gaurav, who seem utterly shocked and Pratham thanked me for convincing them.

The rest of the day, the trio stayed to talk and catch-up over the things, they missed in each other's life. My participation was minimum, but I didn't mind giving the group their space.


I sit on the bed, resting my back against the bed rest, completely exhausted with the day's event. I set my alarm for the next day and turn to face him for wishing good night. But he seems to be drown in his own thoughts, while lying on his back

I place my hand on his chest and ask, "What are you thinking?"

It breaks his trance and he faces me before holding my hand, which is still resting on his chest. I raise my eyebrow at him and he shifts closer with my hand in his grip.

He states unbelievably, "I never thought Jay and Durga would accept Pratham back in their life."

I inform with a smile, "But they did."

He nods before smiling and states, "Only because of you. Thanks."

I just smile in response as I know, he has more things to say and tonight, I will be the listener. I shift closer and caress his knuckles with my thumb of the hand, he is holding.

After a few minutes, he confesses, "Pratham was lonely after the entire mishap. Tanushree didn't care for him, Jay and Durga were annoyed, plus he had an encounter with Sourav, who insulted him. He was deeply hurt."

I continue to caress his knuckles and inform, "I know. I saw the pain and loneliness in his eyes, during our first meet and I am well aware what inappropriate things a lonely person can do."

He asks as I look away to push my painful memories in the back of my mind, "What do you mean?"

I shake my head and deny, "Nothing, you say."

The very next moment, I am pulled towards him and he demands rigidly, "No, tell me please."

I straighten up, while sighing heavily and share without facing him, "During every summer vacation of my childhood, my parents made me join different classes like drawing, calligraphy, glass painting, henna designing, thread jewelry making and so on. They never allowed me to sit at home and by chance, I didn't join any class. Then my mother got story books or next academic year's textbook for reading or writing to improve my handwriting skills. I was never idle."

I take a deep breath and add, "But they never made Ruchi join any class, she spent entire vacation with parents or nearby relatives. I needed my family, but they always made me join some or the other class to keep me busy. Slowly, I found solace in them, though I never got perfection because those things were not a part of my choice."

I pause to not cry and clear my throat before continuing, "I guess, that made me lonely, short tempered and cold. I could never become a people's person. I never had a close relation with neither cousins or any relative because even if they visited us during vacation I was busy with classes. I craved for company, affection and care. I believe, my craving was the reason that I got attracted to the care and affection, which Danish offered me. I was blinded and realised too late that his care would last only till I become his girlfriend. Then he would start making excuses and force me to understand his situation each time. If anyone has to blame for my failed relationship, cold behavior and mistakes then it's me, only me. Because I failed to control my loneliness and turned into a colder person with his reckless behavior."

I turn to face him and for the first time, I saw tears in his eyes. In fact, I wasn't crying today, but why was he? I move my hand to cup his cheek and wipe the tear with my thumb, while staring into his eyes.

I ask in a whisper, "Why are you crying?"

He questions in response, "Why didn't we meet before we met our exes?"

My eyes widen in surprise at his words, but before I can react further, he moves his head closer to lay on my lap. His gesture surprises me and I watch his eyes welling up again with tears.

For some reason, it hurts me to see him vulnerable. He is always cheerful and makes me happy with his silly gestures or talks. But why is he so sad now? It is my life story, not his.

Though I don't marvel much on that thought and move my hand to stroke his hair. He grabs my free hand in a firm grip, just staring into my eyes. His eyes reflect pain and it makes my eyes well up with tears too.

I whisper, "I am fine now. That time has passed."

Why am I consoling him? Shouldn't he do that? And why has our role reversed tonight?

I continue to stare into his eyes and he brings my hand close to his lips. He plants a long kiss on the back of my hand and laces our fingers, caressing my hand gently.

He whispers, "I am sorry."

I shake my head in negative and do something, I never thought I would do in my entire life.

I bend to kiss his forehead!

Then I wrap my hands to embrace him, the best I could do in this position and he buries his face in the crook of my neck. I close my eyes and none of us utter a word for the rest of the night.

I don't know why he became so vulnerable on hearing this part of my past. I know he cares for me, but this is something else. This isn't his normal reaction of pulling me in his embrace and consoling me. Tonight we reversed our roles, yet I feel content.

And I am still surprised that I KISSED HIM!


That's all for now.....will update next part as soon as possible.....hope you liked this part, do give your reviews...till then Keep Smiling and Take Care

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