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Now a lot of people have been telling me they could not submit a graphic or they didn't like the round. Due to the fact of not much superhero knowledge and pairs. I feel really bad be someone almost dropped out feeling they weren't a good graphic designer and this is for fun and to improve. Understand each one of you are all unique and talented and I love you guys not in a weird way haha. Another thing I hate is that a partner told their partner that their graphic sucked, won't point out who but know I don't tolerate. I apologize for this round so there is NO elimination, but I will say as graphic designers like it or not please learn to adapt to a theme, it'll help you! Anyways these guys I, so thankful they submitted you deserve a round of applause.

newsies- SourStrawberryGirl 🥇

These are soooooooo creative just look how great they are! I knew you two working together would be good idea. I knew that newsies could make threads, but sour strawberry really impressed me especially this being her first time making one. Fantastic work on these!

Smileyfacecompany ThatWeirdBanana 🥈

Now I think this needs a little more improvement but the reason I chose you guys is because you had a well played idea, you guys are a good team, and both used the rip effect. I'm proud to see both of you guys cooperating and bringing fresh graphics, y'all should be proud :)

nullities PhantomInvasions 🥉

These are perfect graphics! You guys have the same theme almost like one graphic designer in one and I'm happy that you guys came through last minute to show your talents. Great job working together and I think this simple hero thing is cool. Nice work:)

Honorable Mention
Geek-Goddess225 🏅

So I know your partner wasn't there to cooperate but props to you for making g these. I think that you had a great idea and it stood out by nobody else would've thought of an oil painting like style. You are a good designer and keep at it every time!

154B3LL3 pxndoragrxphics 🎖

I do love that both of these share a lot in common but still contrast and I'm really impressed with pandora by this is a graphic I haven't seen before, both of you are getting better each and every time thanks for submitting means a lot.
You can only get better at graphics.

6| Hobies_Hope CharlottesCookie
7| graspingthorns bkmelen
8| AmeliaLuck calntyne

Didn't submit or tried to drop out
zalaxy- dat_girl_next_door Glowgirlmi LightningVibe-Satyr- MagicMissColor xFinitely fanfictrash250 DOWN IN THE COMMENTS BELOW GIVE ME IDEAS ON THE NEXT ROUND YOU WANNA SEE AND HOW TO IMPROVE THE CONTEST PLEASE! I need to know how you guys feel about everything and I want you guys to continue showing talent. If you can submit your graphic next round no elimination. Much love you guys<3

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