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Hello ladies and gents I am your host and judge Izzy or Isabela! This is the first season of Game of Graphics. You will go through challenges that include Graphic Making and Writing portions. Whoever makes it to the finale and wins first place will be crowned as THE GRAPHIC CONQUEROR!!

•NO NEGATIVITY ALLOWED! If you are going to trash someone's graphic or complain. I am not afraid to kick you out of the competition and even replace you with another competitor. This is all for fun and a safe environment for fellow Wattpad members.

•ORIGINAL DESIGNS ONLY! Originality is a big factor to how I score all the covers and even the writing portions. It is okay to be inspired by a graphic but don't copy or else you get automatically in the bottom.

•NO LATE ENTRIES! If you are busy the least I will give you is a two day extension because it is not fair to those who turned their entry on time.

There will be 25 contestants at max
•There are going to be eight rounds
•Each round is gonna level up the difficulty of the challenge
•2-3 people will be eliminated each round
•You need to fill out a form in order to qualify

How I score
10 pts- Originality
10 pts-How it fits the theme
10 pts-Writing portion
10 pts-Difficulty level of cover
10 pts-Neatness

Tagging Contest
Whoever tags the most people can get ONE free save from elimination. If the person with the most tagging is not in the competition they can choose someone to save from elimination at any time which means the person above them gets eliminated

•Third place gets a free graphic from me, a place in the hall of fame, a permanent follow, and an honest review on a book

•Second place gets three free graphics from me, a place in the hall of fame, a permanent follow, three honest reviews

•First place gets The title of Graphic Conqueror, a place in the hall of fame, gets to co judge the next season, five honest reviews and a permanent follow:)


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