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{I Don't own Nanbaka or Sword Art Online}

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A tan skinned male was jumping in joy when hearing about the release of a new game , one of which allows you to go into a game in a avatar like body,   and one of which had a cool head set, yet he was in joy because the prison had gotten a copy sent to it, yet with only one set of gear to hook up with it.

And thus lead us to this moment where a male with green hair was excited because they had placed said game in the arcade room, the place that he had gotten as a prize for winning the new years tournament last year, he did wonder if it was a good idea but than again his excitement kinda clouded his judgement, so when they announced the game he wanted to try it first. 

His cell mates and friends didn't really complain for they didn't want to break his heart or have him snap, even after he had taken his medicine , he wondered what name he'd pick for this and what he wanted his avatar to look like.

"Remember number 25 we'll allow you Fifteen minutes to play for now" a male with a monkey tail stated as he helped put the gear on the boy, to which he was still wary of, though since a bald male had been unlucky and gotten sick somehow , he was in charge of the males building till he got better and helping the kid into the gear and onto the bed they set up for the game, who knows as to why, he watched as the younger boy pulled on the helmet for the nerve gear before going in, the monkey like male kept his stare on the male and started the timer.

Said green haired male was now surrounded by pixels and soon he had to pick his in game name, he had many thoughts as to what he wanted it to be but he had no clue as to what to pick, he had made his avatar look a bit interesting , he may have accidentally picked a female avatar though it didn't really matter, even after all the thinking the male had decided just to use his real name because it was original.

Soon everything changed for the green haired male whom kept his green colored hair and tan skin for his avatar, just without his bandages and the fact he was female in this game, he wasn't certain as to why his hand hand slip but it did, and he knew he only had fifteen minutes to explore, and he did just that.

Yet when it was time to log out he froze swiping his hand with a froze, something was missing, something all games had, something this one didn't seem to have, maybe it was a glitch but there was no log out button.

And before he knew it a bell was ringing and he along with many others were standing in the middle of the town on the first floor, he had spawned next to someone whose avatar had messy hair and had on a large over sized sweater some how, along with a sword sheathed hanging on their hip, their posture was a bit lazy yet he didn't focus that much on them as the sky began to bleed red, and a figure appeared the creator of the game itself.

"Attention players I welcome you to my world"

"What does he mean by that?" a male mumbled, he was a Beta tester and was somewhat important to the story we may seem him again later.

  "My name is Akihiko Kayaba and as of this moment, I am in control of this world" the cloaked creator stated everyone was a bit scared of him and some though this was an event of sorts, oh no it was much worse, "I'm sure most of you have already noticed an item missing from your main menus -- the log out button Let me assure you, this is not a defect in the game I repeat, this is not a defect, this is how 'Sword Art Online' was designed to be"

"He's kidding right?" someone whispered to the male that asked the question earlier speaking of them they had stood a bit close to the other two whom this story would mainly focus upon.

  "You cannot log yourselves out of SAO, and no one from the outside will be able to shut down or remove the 'Nerve-Gear' from your head ,if anyone attempts to do so, a transmitter inside the Nerve-Gear will discharge a microwave signal into your skull, destroying your brain and ending your life" Kayaba stated and the green haired male was shaking a bit at the moment.

The male whom asked if he was kidding earlier decided to asked the male next to him , "Are you listening to this crap? He's got to be nuts, right? Right, Kirito?"  he asked.

  "He's not. The transmitter's signals in the headgear work just like microwaves If the safety's   disabled, it could fry your brain"   The male now know as Kirito Explained to the idiot that decided to ask such a stupid question.

  "Couldn't someone cut the power or...? "

  "That won't work. The Nerve-Gear's got an internal battery" 

  "This is crazy! It's totally crazy!"

The lazy like person standing next to the green haired male yawned, "I wanted to go home and sleep but seeing this I won't be able to" they said their tone sorta lazy, some gave them odd looks but the green haired male just blinked confused as they looked forward when the the insane creator decided to speak up again.

 "Despite my warning, the families and friends of some of the players have attempted removing the NerveGear, an unfortunate decision, to say the least" His tone unwavering "As a result, the game now has two hundred thirteen less players than when it began, they've been deleted from both Aincrad and the real world" 

"Two Hundred and thirteen" Kirito whispered clenching his fist.

"No way.... I Don't believe this" the male idiot stated.

"How *Yawn* boring" the lazy like person yawned again deciding they were quite bored with this decided to lay on the ground while others where busy panicking.

  "As you can see, international media outlets have round-the-clock coverage of everything, including the deaths" Kayaba pulled up screens showing many deaths happening in real life,
"At this point, it's safe to assume the likelihood of a Nerve-Gear being removed is minimal at best, I hope this brings you a little comfort as you try to clear the game" he didn't seem to care that much for the deaths or he had yet didn't show it in his tone,
"It's important to remember the following, there is no longer any way to revive someone within the game, If your HP drops to zero, your avatar will be deleted from the system... forever" No emotion whatsoever no care for everyone whose lost their families, "And the Nerve-Gear will simultaneously destroy your brain, There is only one way for a player to escape now -- you must clear the game, Right now, you're gathered on Floor One, the lowest level of Aincrad, If you can get through the dungeon and defeat the boss, you may advance to the next floor.
Defeat the boss on Floor 100, and you will clear the game"

  "We can't clear all 100 floors...That's freaking impossible... even the beta testers never made it that high! " the idiot stated the obvious yet again.

"Annoying" the one laying on the ground yawned again.

  "Last but not least, I've placed a little present in the item storage of every player.
Please have a look", after the insane creator said that everyone checked their storage only to find a mirror and soon their true appearances were shown.

Everyone had glowed and changed looking how they looked in real life, and some how the game had gotten the green haired males bandages just right, yet he was busy looking down at the lazy one on the ground whom now had long orange hair yet showed no real gender yet.

Kirito had changed as well and was shorter along with the idiot whom didn't quite understand this at the moment, yet many wondered why the creator did this in the first place before speaking up again.  

 "Right now, you are probably wondering why, Why would Akihiko Kayaba, developer of Sword Art Online and Nerve-Gear, do this? " the insane male stated "Ultimately, my goal was a simple one, the reason I created Sword Art Online was to control the fate of a world of my design" yeah he had a god complex , like all bad guys, "As you can see, I have achieved my goal, this marks the end of the tutorial and the official launch of Sword Art Online, Players, I wish you the best of luck" and with that the creator vanished.

And many had lost it yet the green haired male was frozen staring at his hands, he had a frown etched on his face, he was trapped in a game one of which he needed to escape from, how long could this take, for every minuet he was trapped here he might just one day be dead.

"Don't be worried to much" he heard the lazy voice of the orange haired person whom yawned again as they got off the ground, "I'm Sloth" they were to lazy to hold out their hand for a shake.

"I'm Nico, nice to meet you Sloth-Chan!" he told them, he wasn't sure of their gender but somehow they knew that he was worried and before he could react they had climbed onto his back just to rest their head on his shoulder.

"I've *yawn* decided your my new *yawn* companion" Sloth yawned for they were tired of all this already.

"Okay Sloth Chan" Nico smiled brightly not really caring for the fact he had more things to worry about for he was trapped in a death game, huh not that he realized it this was every Otaku's dream, to be trapped in a game just to escape it , so from now on he'd try and get through this, plus he wasn't alone he had Sloth , even if they seemed pretty lazy, maybe just maybe he'd make it through this alive.

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{We all knew If I did a SAO and Nabaka crossover Nico had to be one of the main characters because he's the gamer , Otaku , so it fits}

{Also Sloth is Gender neutral, because why not?}  

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