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SEE HIM DOWN THERE?❞ Tony said, pointing down to Stephen. "He's in trouble. What's your plan? Go."

Peter crouched down, studying them for a moment. "Uh, okay...umm... Oh!" Peter stood up, looking up at Tony. "Okay, you ever see this really old move, Aliens?"

Lucy and Tony glanced at one another before giving Peter a look.

STEPHEN YELLED OUT, THE PAIN TOO MUCH FOR HIM. Maw smirked. "Painful, aren't they? They were originally designed for microsurgery. And any one of them..."

The sound of banging made Maw trail off before turning around. Tony stood behind Maw, both repulsers raised.

"I could end your friend's life in an instant." Maw threatened.

"I gotta tell you, he's really not my friend. Saving his life is more of a professional courtesy." Tony replied.

Maw moved towards Tony, lifting a block of metal effortlessly with his mind. "You've saved nothing. Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine."

"Yeah but, the kid's seen more movies."

Tony fired at the side of the ship, making a hole in the wall. In an instant, it created a vacuum, sucking Maw out.

"I call the Doctor! Dibs!" Lucy yelled, slinging a web around Stephen's torso. She webbed on to a random piece of the ship, but it quickly snapped from the pressure. They neared the hole quickly and Lucy placed her feet on either side of the hole, pulling with all her strength. "U-Uh Peter?! A little help!" she screamed.

Peter webbed her, pulling as well. From the back of his suit, eight robotic spider legs stuck out, digging into the ship and helping him pull. "Yes! Wait, what are those?"

Once the three were inside the ship, Tony patched it up.

Stephen landed with a loud thud on the ground, accompanied once again with his cloak.

"Hey, we haven't officially met." Peter said tiredly, sticking out his hand to the cloak. The cloak seemed to look at Peter's hand before floating away. "Cool."

Stephen stood up, his hair disheveled. "We gotta turn this ship around."

Tony scoffed, walking by as his armour slowly disintegrated off his body and back into his arc reactor. "Yeah, now he wants to run. Great."

"I want to protect the Stone." Stephen corrected sternly, following him.

"And I want you to thank you now. Go ahead, I'm listening."

"For what? Nearly blasting me into space?"

"Who just saved your magical ass?" Tony shot back, spinning on his heel. "Me."

"Actually, it was me." Lucy whispered under her breath, frowning. Peter glanced at her, rubbing her shoulder sympathetically.

"I seriously don't know how you fit your head into that helmet." Stephen said, pursing his lips. Tony glared at him. "Admit it, you should've ducked out when I told you to. I tried to bench you—you refused."

"Unlike everyone else in your life, I don't work for you." Stephen fired back with a cold glare.

"And due to that fact, we're now in a flying doughnut, billions of miles from Earth with no backup."

"We're backup." Peter added, raising his hand. Lucy nodded, gesturing between then.

Tony waved his hand, dismissing them. "No, you're stowaways. The adults are talking."

"I'm confused as to the relationship here." Stephen turned to look at them with narrowed eyes. "I mean, what are they? Your ward?"

"No." Peter shook his head before stepping forward with his hand outstretched. "I'm Peter, by the way. This is Lucy."

"Hi." Lucy smiled, offering a small wave.

Stephen ignored his hand shake, nodding at Peter. "Doctor Strange."

Peter stepped back, lowering his hand. "Oh. We're using our made-up names. I'm Spider-man then. That's Spider-girl."

Stephen stared at Peter before walking away.

"This ship is self-correcting its course. Thing's on autopilot." Tony muttered, crossing his arms.

Stephen walked up to him. "Can we control it? Fly us home?" Tony didn't answer. "Stark."

"Yeah?" Tony said, snapping out of his trance.

"Can you fly us home?"

"Yeah. Heard you. I'm not so sure we should."

"Under no circumstances can we bring the Time Stone to Thanos. I don't think you quite understand what's at stake here."

"No." Tony snapped, moving to him. "It's you who doesn't understand that Thanos has been inside my head for six years since he sent an army to New York and now he's back! And I don't know what to do.

"So I'm not so sure if it's a better plan to fight him on our turf or his. But you saw what he did; what he can do. At least, let's hope he's not expecting it. So I say we take the fight to him, Doctor. Do you concur?"

"All right, Stark." Stephen said, nodding slowly. "We got to him. But you have to understand, if it comes down to saving you, or the Stone, the kids, or the Time Stone...I will not hesitate to let either of you three die. I can't. Because the Universe depends on it."

"Nice. Good. Moral compass. All right... kids," Tony nodded, drawing the two near. Tony cross his arm from Peter's left shoulder to right before touching Lucy's left shoulder and her right. "You're Avengers now."

Lucy's mouth dropped. "No way. Just like that?! But, you just met me!"

Tony nodded, shrugging. "Yeah, well, you remind me of the kid. Welcome to the team." Tony gestured to Peter. He placed his calloused hand on her head, gently ruffling her hair before walking away.

Lucy beamed as she silently turned to Peter, embracing him in a tight, happy hug.

HEY, WHAT'S GOING ON?❞ Peter asked, him and Lucy ambling up to the two adults.

"I think we're here..." Stephen said hesitantly.

"I don't think this rig has a self-park function." Tony said before moving to one of the steering arms. "Get your hand inside this steering gimbal. Close those around it."

Peter rushed forward, copying him. "Yeah, yeah. I got it."

"Understand? This is made for one big guy. So we need to move at the same time."

Lucy slowly made her way beside Stephen, glancing up at him awkwardly.

"Uh, you might wanna turn, turn, turn. Turn!" Peter shouted, eyes widening as the Q-Ship neared a blockade.

The ship crashed into the object, shaking the ship. Lucy stumbled, accidentally grabbing onto Stephen's arm. Stephen looked down at her with sharp eyes. Lucy widened hers, slowly letting go. "Sorry, Mr. Strange."

Stephen dismissed it, using his powers to set a barrier around them all. Lucy gasped, allowing her spider mask to cover her face once again.

As the ship crashed into the ground, it broke in two. It slid for a moment before haunting and tilting to the side with a loud creak.

"Are we on Titan?" Lucy asked, her mask peeling away.

Stephen let down the barrier, helping Tony up. "You all right?"

Tony let out a breath. "That was close. I owe you one."

Peter slowly lowered from a web, outstretching his hand. "Let me just say, if aliens wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something—and I eat one of you—I'm sorry."

"I don't want another single pop culture reference outta you for the rest of the trip. Luce," Tony looked at her. Her back straightened. "You neither. Understand?"

"Mr. Stark? H-He's trying to tell you that we've got company..." Lucy said nervously.

double-upload today
cuz i'm feeling generous

&&i want stephen + amber
to reunite already, damnit

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