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          ❝THEN WE HAVE TO GO TO NOWHERE NOW.❞ Gamora announced uneasily.

"Wrong!" Thor called, turning away to stuff his food packets into a bag that was nearby. "Where we have to go, is Nivadellir."

Drax frowned, "That's a made up word!"

Without glancing back, Thor threw the bag over his shoulder. "All words are made up." Rocket hopped on to the table. "Nidavellir is real? Seriously?" he looked around to see everyone staring at him in confusion. "I mean, that place is a legend. They make the most powerful, horrific weapons to ever torment the Universe." Rocket started to laugh, which in turn made Thor smile. "I would very much like to go there, please."

"The rabbit is correct, and clearly the smartest among you." Thor said, pointing at the mammal. Amber crossed her arms, cocking an eyebrow with a glare. Thor swallowed dryly. "Aside from you, my love."

Rocket frowned. "Rabbit?"

"Only Eitri the Dwarf King can make me the weapon I need." Thor continued on. He looked down at Rocket with one ocean-blue eye. "I assume you're the captain, sir?"

Rocket nodded. "You're very perceptive."

"You seem like a noble leader. Will you join me on my quest to Nivadellir?"

"Lemme just ask the captain. What wait a second! It's me!" Rocket threw up his hands. "Yeah, I'll go."

Thor grinned. "Wonderful."

Peter frowned, inching forward slightly. He raised a finger. "Except for that, I'm the captain."

"Quiet!" Thor called out, walking towards the pod. Peter followed. "And, that's my backpack."

"Go sit down." Rocket shot at Peter, following the Norse god.

Peter quickly grew annoyed. "Look, this is my ship. And I'm not going to..." his words trailed off, forgetting the place that Thor mentioned. "Wait, w-wh-what kinda weapon we talking here?"

Thor turned now having a deadpan expression. "The Thanos killing kind."

Peter pursed his lips, gesturing to the rest of the Guardians, along with Amber who stood among the small crowd. "Don't you think we should all have a weapon like that?"

Thor shook his head. "No. You simply lack the strength to wield them. Your bodies will crumble as your minds collapse to the madness. The only other person on this ship who could handle one is Amber."

"Is it weird that I wanna do it even more now?" Rocket asked, leaning against the wall. Thor looked down at him. "A little bit, yeah."

"If we don't go to Knowhere and Thanos retrieves another Stone, he'll be too powerful to stop." Gamora stated, stepping forward.

Amber looked at her with hollow eyes. "He already is."

Rocket stepped away from the wall. "I got it figured out. We got two ships, and the largest assortments of morons. So me and Groot will go with the pirate-angel and his girlfriend here, and the morons will go to Knowhere to try and stop Thanos. Cool? Cool."

Thor smiled. "So cool."

Amber shook her head as Thor entered the pod. "I'm not going to Nivadillir. I have to go to Knowhere."

Thor's smile slowly disappeared. "What?"

"I can't go with you, Thor."

Thor stopped walking, turning to her with a puzzled look. "And why's that?"

She stepped back, joining Peter's side. "Look, if this was in any other situation, I would go with you without a doubt, but with Thanos coming..." her words trailed off, glancing around at everyone. "You saw what he did to Bruce!" Tears pooled her eyes.

Thor reluctantly nodded. "I see."

Amber walked to the pod, leaning in to passionately press her lips to his. Thor kissed her back, gently gripping the back of her neck and the side of her face. Rocket rolled his eyes, small a quiet disgusted noise.

After a long moment, they broke apart and Amber leaned her forehead against his. "Promise me you'll come back."

Thor nodded against her. "I promise."

Amber pecked his lips again before kissing the tip of his nose. Turning away, she smacked Rocket on the back of his head. "I heard that."

As Amber joined Peter's side and Thor made himself comfortable in the pod, Peter looked down at Rocket with a smirk. "For the record, I only know you're going with him because it's where Thanos isn't."

Rocket glared up at Peter as he backed away slowly. "You know, you really shouldn't talk that way to your captain, Quill. C'mon, Groot. Put that game down, you'll rot your brain."

As Rocket started up the pod, Thor nodded at everyone. "I bid you farewell and good luck, morons. Bye."

When Thor's gaze connected with Amber's he smiled sadly at her. Amber smiled back, pressing her fingers to her lips before blowing a kiss.

HEY, YOU GUYS?❞ Peter said, looking up from the weapons cabinet to see gamora and Lexi speak in hushed voices. "Do either of you know if these grenades are the blow off your junk kind or the gas kind? Cause I was thinking I might hand a couple of these on my belt right here, but I don't want to—"

"We need to ask a favour." Gamora said, glancing at Lexi who nodded with sorrow-filled eyes.

"Woah, we? It must be important then." Peter chuckled, walking towards them. Lexi closed her eyes. "Peter."

He nodded, frowning. "Yeah, sure."

"One way or another, the path that we're on leads to Thanos." Gamora started, speaking in a low, hushed tone. Peter nodded, tossing a grenade up in his hand. "Which is what the grenades are for."

Lexi and Gamora both gave him a look.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. What's the favour?"

Gamora looked at Lexi once more, and Lexi nodded in encouragement. "If things go wrong...if Thanos gets me, or Lexi. I want you to promise us...that you'll kill us."

Peter's soft expression suddenly went hard as he leaned his head forward. "What?"

Gamora looked away as Peter studied their faces for further information. "I know something he doesn't. If he finds it out..." Gamora walked away as Peter trained his eyes on Lexi's face.

"The entire Universe could be at risk." Lexi finished. Peter frowned. "Wait, you know it too? What do you guys know?"

"If I tell you, you'll know too." Gamora said, starting out the ship's circular window. Peter following Lexi as she stood by Gamora's side. "If it's so important...shouldn't I?"

"Only if you wanna die. And I can't let that happen." Lexi said, tears stinging her eyes. She placed a hand on his chest, which Peter grabbed and held tightly. Peter shook his head. "Why doesn't somebody always have to die in this scenario?"

"Just..." Gamora turned to Peter. "Trust me, and possibly kill me."

Peter perked his eyebrows. "I mean, I would. I really would, but—"

Gamora clamped a hand over his mouth as Lexi joined Gamora's side once more. "Swear to me on your mother." Gamora slowly let her hand down, and Peter nodded. "Okay."

Peter stepped forward, enveloping Gamora and Lexi in a tight hug.

A small crunch made them all pull away, and look to see Drax slowly chewing some food. Peter's face twisted. "Dude! How long have you been standing there?"

"An hour."

"An hour?" Lexi said, also equally annoyed.

"Are you serious?" Gamora asked.

"I've mastered the ability of standing so incredibly still... That I've become invisible to the eye. Watch." Drax slowly lifting his hand, drawing the food closer to his mouth.

"You're eating a zark nut."

"But my so slow...that it's imperceptible."

Everyone pursed their lips in protest. "No..."

"I'm sure I'm invisible." Drax said, slowly chewing his crunchy food.

Mantis and Amber stepped through the doorway to the room. Mantis smiled widely. "Hi Drax!"

Drax stared at Mantis for a moment before walking away. "Damn it."

i ship drax and mantis so hard, omg

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