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HEY Y'ALL! PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE RUBBERBAND MAN! SING IT DRAX!❞ Peter called out, sitting in one of the seven seats in their new ship; the Benatar. Lexi craned her head, looking down on the lower level to see Drax asleep and snoring in his chair.

She giggled, flopping back in her seat before continuing to sing The Rubberband Man by The Spinners; a song from a third mixtape she and Peter created off his Zune. Reaching up, her slim fingers twirled some of her newly permed hair, loving that it was now curly instead of straight.

Rocket yawned tiredly in his chair, who was sitting behind Peter. "Why are we doing this again?"

Gamora, seating beside Drax, turned her head. "It's a distress signal, Rocket; someone could be dying." Rocket itched an area below his ear. "I get that, but why are we doing it?"

"Cause we're nice. And maybe, whoever it is will give us a lil' cheddar cheese for our efforts." Peter smirked, rubbing his fingers together greedily. Gamora pointed a finger at him. "Which isn't the point."

Peter quickly pointed back at her, glancing at Lexi who glared at him. "Which isn't the point! I mean, if he doesn't pony up..."

"We take his ship." Drax said, suddenly awake. Lexi laughed, bringing her hand up to cover her mouth. Gamora shot him a look, which he choose to ignore. Peter nodded, looking ahead again. "B-B-B-Bingo!"

"Exactly! All right." Rocket smirked. Peter looked down at Gamora, who gave him that look. Peter's smile disappeared as he shook his head.

"We are arriving." Mantis said, sitting in the back of the pilot quarters.

"All right, Guardians. Don't forget this might be dangerous. So let's put on our mean faces." Peter announced, driving the ship towards the distress call. He heard the beeping of Groot's video game and glanced over his shoulder at the teenage tree. "Groot, put that thing away, now. I don't wanna tell you again. Groot."

Groot glared at the back of Peter's head before staring back at his game. "I am Groot."

Everyone turned to Groot, protesting loudly.

"Woah! Language!"

Peter frowned. "Got some acorns on you, kid."

Rocket turned in his seat, glaring at Groot. "Ever since you got a little sap, you're a total d-hole! Keep it up, I'm gonna smash the thing into pieces!"

Groot glared back at Rocket as Peter put the ship into hyperdrive.

They exited hyperdrive with a light jerk, coming to a scene of destruction. Bodies floated freely in space, nearly being frozen from it. Pieces and scraps of metal floated about as well, some knocking into the Benatar.

Mantis leaned forward in her seat. "What happened?"

"Oh my god." Peter whispered, sickened by the gruelling sight. Rocket glanced at Peter. "Looks like we're not getting paid."

Before anyone could do or say anything else, two bodies slammed into their windshield, frightening everyone. Rocket cried out in disgust, waving his hand around. "Wipers! Wipers!" Rocket cried, waving his paw around. "Get it off!"

Lexi glared at him. "Don't be rude, you asshole! They should still be alive."

When the man of the two suddenly opened his eye, Lexi motioned out to him. "See?" She clicked off her harness, lifting from her seat.

Peter looked at her with wide eyes, grabbing her wrist. "Woah, woah, what do you think you're doing?"

"Being the hero, and bringing them in. Now open the back hatch." Lexi replied, slipping her wrist from his hand before moving away.

Peter turned towards her as she disappeared behind Mantis. "What are you, nuts?!"

     THE GUARDIANS CROWDED AROUND THE TABLE. They stared down at their two unwanted and unwelcome guests who were unconscious, thanks to Gamora checking their pulses.

Both were dirty; having blood, dirt, and variously coloured bruises over their face and exposed arms. The man had an eyepatch over his right eye. While the man donned black armour, the woman had gold armour, which was tarnished to a matte gold.

"How the hell is this dude, and this lady still alive?" Peter asked openly, leaning over the two. Rocket leaned forward, sniffing at the man's head while Mantis peered closely around his face.

Drax let out a pant, pointing at the blond man. "He is not a dude. You're a dude. This, this is a man." Drax shook his head, now speaking to himself. "A handsome, muscular man."

Peter squinted, pointing to his chest. "I'm muscular."

"Who are you kidding, Quill? You're one sandwich away from fat." Rocket shot back. Peter rolled his eyes. "Yeah right."

"It's true. You have put on weight." Drax said, making Peter look up at the alien with large eyes.


Drax nodded, patting under his own chin before gently patting his stomach. Peter looked at Lexi. "Do you think I'm fat."

Lexi smiled, walking up to Peter and wrapping her arm around his torso. "No. Even if you are, there's more of you to hug."

Peter couldn't help but smile, kissing the top of her head.

Mantis placed her hands on both of their heads. "He is anxious...angry. He feel tremendous loss, and guilt. She feels similar, only her guilt is replaced with terror."

"It's like a pirate and a baby with an angel." Drax commented lowly. Peter nodded as Lexi pulled away. "Wow...sorta like a wakeup call. All right, okay. I'm gonna get a Bowflex. I'm gonna commit. I'm gonna get some dumbbells.

"You know you can't eat dumbbells, right?" Rocket asked.

Gamora glided her hand up the man's forearm as Lexi squeezed his bicep before squealing to herself. "It's like his muscles are made out of Cotati metal fibre."

"Look at his muscles! They're so big!" Lexi gasped, looking up at Peter with wide eyes. Peter frowned at her, getting a pinch of jealous and anger in his stomach. "Stop playing with his muscles."

Lexi's smile disappeared in a flash as she dropped his arm, cringing when it hit the table with a painful bang. Peter shook his head before looking at Mantis. "Wake 'em up."

Mantis obliged, bending down and gently placing her hand on his forehead. "Wake."

The man spring up from the table, stumbling forward and crashing into the wall. His breathing was heavily laboured and seemed frightened. Slowly, he turned around, looking at the others.

Peter, Lexi, and Rocket all had their guns pointed at him, while Gamora and Drax had their sword and daggers. Mantis glared at the man as well, lifting her hands threateningly at him.

He eyed each one cautiously. "Who the hell are you guys?"

They all remained quiet. The man paused, looking down at his partner who still lied on the table, now shifted since his moving. "What did you do to her?"

When no one answered, he stepped forward. "What did you do to her?!"

Peter flinched back. "We found you two like this, okay?! Mantis, wake her up!"

Mantis repeated her actions. Suddenly, the woman's eyes shot open, and she leaped up, falling off the table and into the man's bulging arms. She clutched onto his forearms tightly, nails digging into his skin. "T-Thor.."

Looking up into his blue eye, hers suddenly filled with tears. "Oh, Thor."

As the two embraced in a hug, the Guardians looked around at each other awkwardly, not sure whether to let them have their moment, or to interrogate them.

As she pulled away, she looked back at the Guardians. "Who are they?"


"Hey, uh...Shit-Lord?" Amber trailed off, already forgetting Peter Quill's code name that he preferred to be called by. Her face twisted sourly, knowing that it wasn't his nickname, and she internally cursed herself for it.

Peter whipped his head around, instantly glaring angrily at the goddess. Behind him, he heard Rocket roar in laughter, literally falling to the floor, clutching his stomach, which only infuriated him further.

"It's Star-Lord!" Peter spat, a little too aggressively for Amber and Thor's liking. "How many times do I have remind you?! Star-Lord. Not Shit-Lord! Star-Lord. Also — who in their right mind would want to be called Shit-Lord?" Peter explained, over-pronouncing his words.

Amber giggled to herself, not phased by Peter's sudden rudeness. Her small laugh made Thor smile, who stood beside her. "Yeah...I was wondering why someone would call themselves Shit-Lord. It's stupid... Now that I think of it, Star-Lord is a bit dumb too..."

"I too, agree with Amber." Thor said calmly, gesturing to the goddess. He smiled at her, adjusting his borrowed covering over his broad shoulders.

"HEY!" Peter yelled, his voice filling the once tranquil ship. "You know, Free-ja is a stupid name!"

Amber shot him a confused but angry look. "It's prounluced Fray-ya, dumbass! And what are you, five?! You know, Freyja's a stupid name!" she mocked him, making Peter clench his fists. "...real original Peter!"

Peter's ears grew red with anger. Amber smirked, continuing, "At least I didn't give my nickname to myself. It's from Norse mythology. But of course, you wouldn't know anything about that."

When the ship remained silent in shock, she continued — now ambling around the small room. "You see, Peter, you have to give yourself a name that is cool, and catchy..." Amber looked at Lexi, and turned to her. "Do you have an alias?"

Lexi's eyes lit up and she quickly straightened her posture. "Yeah. I go by Sphinx sometimes."

Amber's mud-stained hand raised to Lexi as she looked back at Peter. "See? That's a cool nickname!"

Lexi chuckled, suddenly proud of herself. She looked towards Gamora, raising her fist at her side. "To cool names, huh?"

Gamora stared at Lexi for a long moment before rolling her eyes and softly bumping her fist against Lexi's, trying to hide her smirk.

Peter looked at everyone with wide eyes; exasperated! He glanced down at Rocket, silently asking for some support. Rocket—now standing again—raised his small hands, taking a step back. "You're on your own, Star-Munch."

Amber yelped in laughter as Peter threw up his arms dramatically, turning away. "Oh, come ON!"

reference for lexi's "new" hair ;

i didn't think my story
would blow up this fast!
thank you all for reading and
supporting this book! it
means the world to me :)

also, i wanna create a little
'poll' ;

comment if you ship

amber x thor (thamber)


amber x stephen (stamber)


(i actually ship amber and stephen more)
i want to know for later on in
the book (😉)

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