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Only half a mile was left unmarked when the sun took cover behind Mount Baker in the long spring sunset. It was the most important part of the seal: the southern limit, from the lake shore up to the old sawmill. But it was also the most dangerous, because it ran within a hundred yards of Markus' place. So Thames and Alex decided she would complete the seal after dinner, when volunteers were already back home and safe. Until then, Phil and Sean would keep a watch on the southern limit and the house on the cliff. But the place was oddly quiet, which made everybody suspicious.

The first stars showed when a group gathered at the furthest end of the graveyard behind the church. They stood silent in a circle around a pile of firewood ready to burn. Harry Bormstone's body rested on top of it.

Thames, the Corbans, Tom and Mark lit white candles while Father Jason said a prayer for the dead hunter. They listened with their heads low, knowing this was but a taste of what they'd feel in a day or two, when the time came for Jack's funeral.

Aidan stood by the body with a burning torch. When Father Jason finished his prayed, he buried the torch in the firewood, setting it on fire. All of them watched the flames blaze up, as a shower of sparks shoot up in the closing darkness.

They were all surprised when Bass and Graham joined them before the fire was out. Alex stepped up and held Bass tight, letting her friend hide his face against her shoulder with a suffocated groan. When he got a grip on himself, he stepped back and nodded hi at the others.

"So what's next, Al?" he asked.

"For you, holding your folks up, Bass," she replied softly.

"Why? Is that bringing my little brother back? Would that prevent this from happening to somebody else?"

"Alex is right, boy," said Graham. "Your folks need you right now. And they need you in one piece."

Bass set his jaw and shook his head. "No. My place is fighting with you guys. Making damn sure nobody else has to go through this shit."

"Great. We can use a good shot tonight," said Aidan, ignoring the disapproving frowns around him.

"We're closing the seal tonight," said Claire, taking everybody by surprise. "Until then, we need to keep an eye on Markus' place. Phil and Sean have been there for hours. Bet they can use a break."

Bass nodded, spun on his heels and strode away. Everybody turned to Claire, who raised her eyebrows at their questioning looks.

"Enough picking who's left behind," she said, meeting Alex's eyes.

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