Chapter Forty [A Slice of Cake]

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Another chapter for y'all! We're getting to some good stuff. My girl Alista will be coming on stage real soon! GAME OVER was the original story Alista and her family were in before I also put them in the Falling to Rise/Destiny Calls story



Chapter 40 [A Slice of Cake]


Seto stumbled up the ravine's path, without his magic which was bound to his mother's staff he didn't have the benefit of flying at his disposal.

And his head. His head was filling up with his memories of Jason, many of which were forgotten over time. They resurfaced like a plague and sickened him as the overflowed into his brain. He couldn't focus. This onslaught of memories felt more forced, like he was being made to see them. What had Adam done to him.

"Mr. Stars informed me you requested my assistance?" Jason approached the mouth of the cave with quiet and hesitant steps.

Seto was quietly working at his desk fully expecting his appearance and he didn't hesitate to respond, "Sit," Seto pointed to nowhere in particular. Jason hesitantly walked into the cave and found an unoccupied part of the floor.

"Did you need help cleaning? I-I don't mind, I'm good at that--"


"Ok...Did you need help with--"

"Just sit." Seto didn't turn around and continued to work despite the growing discomfort Jason felt. Those feelings simply unfazed Seto.

As Seto worked, he felt Jason's gaze wander around his study until finally landing on its target. A box. There was a slight gasp.

"Take a piece, it was yours to begin with," Seto said. He flipped to the next page in his notebook and continued writing in his hardly readable scripture.

"N-no than--"

"I insist. It was a well crafted cake and you'll find you won't be disturbed here..." Seto paused before adding, "It'd be a shame if I had to finished the last slice myself."

Jason's eyes wandered back to Seto's backside in shock, "Did you eat this entire thing yourself!"

Seto frowned and stopped writing, he thought this kid was intelligent, at least to some extent, "Of course not, there is still one slice."

Jason was silent and Seto resumed scribbling notes into his notebook.

"You're not what I was expecting..."

"Oh?" Seto responded.

"I've heard all these rumors that you're this unwavering, soulless sorcerer with a thirst for death," Jason remarked.

"I see," Seto was not a stranger to such remarks, but with his curse he took no offense. Seto snapped the book he was referencing shut and stood from his desk. Jason watched as Seto walked over to a shelf, but he didn't put the book back into the shelf. Instead Seto placed the book into a tower of books next to the shelf as he carefully peered into the shelf before pulling out another book. Seto took the new book back with him to his desk and continued working.

"Your father," Seto interrupted, "You're not fond of him, correct?"

Jason quietly glared down at the ground, "We aren't close. I was raised by the first family my father became acquainted with when we moved to the small town of Evra. As prime contributors to the kingdom, the Clarks were very well known, but I'm sure you know that. Regardless, at the age of four, my father dumped me with them and came to work here for the next 20 years of my life. He never visited, never called, and never wrote, but here I am now...responding to his call to be his apprentice," Jason spat.

Seto nodded. Experiences of abandonment and long-term separation lead to the detachment of the supposed father-son-bond that should have been exhibited given the precedent. "So the Clarks, you view them as your family, you'd rather be with them, than here at the AHD."

"Well..." Jason contemplated, "Wh-what about you, Seto sir? Did you take over your job from a family member?"

Common subject change tactic, he could indulge. This was easily accessible knowledge anyways, "I became a Council Member after my mother passed, but I joined the AHD of my own volition."

"Did you want to?"

Seto thought about his answer, there was no reason to hide this either, "No, but it was the only way to get what I wanted."

"What...was that?"

"The chance to eliminate Enders from existence."

"Th-the Enders, you mean those people below the surface?"

"Monsters, not people,"

"R-right, you think...that they are evil or that maybe it is possible they are good like us?"

"They are murderous, bloody monsters, anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool."

There was silence.

"Did someone you love die because of an Ender, is that why you hate them so much?"

Seto looked up from his book, he stared at the wall in front of him and thought for awhile, "I don't remember. I just hate the Enders."

Jason shifted on the ground and stretched his legs out. He leaned back and placed most of his weight on his hands that supported his upper body.

"What about your dad? Did he make you do things?"

"Why do you have all these questions?"

"You haven't told me why you needed me here."

"It was for your cake."

"Wh-what? Was that really all, is there no other way I could help you?"

"As the sole magic user in Rekrium, I am the only one who can carry these tasks no."

There was silence.

"You know, you're really nice."

Seto looked at Jason who smiled at him, "Nice? What gave you that idea, I'm cursed to lack feeling. There is nothing nice about me, I'm simply returning what was yours...and besides I ate most of the cake anyways. How is that nice?"

Jason chuckled, "Lacking the ability to express feelings shouldn't technically mean you lack feeling. You just can't physically express those feelings, but I'm sure they are still there--I hope I can be as nice and as kind as you."

Seto turned back to his book. He skimmed the words, but he wasn't really reading. He wondered if he could feel emotions at this moment, would he be smiling or frowning? He wasn't sure what he would rather want it to be. He couldn't remember what it was like to truly smile or even frown. He was sure that either one would be equally puzzling to him. In the end, all he could do was mimic the expressions.

"You should do what you want to do, if it gets you what you most want, then follow that path. Regardless of what your father wants, do what you want..." Seto said at last.

Jason smiled. He stood up and walked over to the box that held the last slice of his cake and carried it back to where he sat previously. He sat down and opened the box to see a set of clean silverware inside. He smiled again and quietly dug in as Seto worked in silence.

Seto struggled to walk the path in a straight line, the narrow and craigy ravine path felt like it was moving underneath his feet. He narrowed his eyes at Adam's shrinking figure above him. The damn useless fool was fast and become a nuisance even faster.

He'd kill him once he reached him.

He only wanted one thing, "One thing," he muttered. "Kill the Enders." But for the past five centuries, he'd been blinded by other elements in his life making his original resolve weak. His hate was all he had in terms of "feelings". It was the only thing that gave him purpose, he didn't even have a desire to break his curse.

So it must be a good thing, a good thing Jason had died. He could finally take a step forward in his one and only pursuit.

Seto clutched his chest and tugged at his clothing as he stumbled to his knees. Even the impact of his knees to the rocky surface couldn't seem to compare to the pain in his chest. But why was it hurting? There was nothing rational about this pain in his chest.

He huffed and pushed himself to his feet and continued climbing. He was almost there. Seto ignored the growing pain and continued to the top of the ravine, "Adam you bastard," Seto glared at Adam's back. Adam turned around while tightly holding onto Seto's staff, "Hand me my staff and I'll be sure to kill you quickly."

Seto outstretched his hand and took a shaky step forward. Seto barely noticed the crowd gathering around the two of them, nosy bastards.

"No," Adam responded. He took a step backwards and glared at Seto defiantly. Adam was committed to stopping Seto.

Seto's hand drew back and formed into a fist that shook in rage. This damn brat would dare try to stop him?

"I saw what you planned to can't do such a horrible thing. It's a suicide mission!" Adam's pleading was annoying. Everything about him was annoying. Like Jason. Jason had always been annoying, always a gnat buzzing by his ear, a thorn in his side. Adam and Jason were one and the same he needed to tell himself. They were both annoying, he didn't need anyone in his life.

"You think you can stop me?" Seto straightened himself and narrowed his eyes, "I've lived longer than you have and will continue to live even after you've died. Your life is worthless compared to mine, if the Enders plan to attack, I'll stop them. Even if I have to blow the entire tow--"

"I know!" Adam yelled, "I saw, you can't do that! That's wrong, all those people there don't need to die because you're having a tantrum and don't know how to shed a couple tears for your dead friend," Adam hissed. Adam's hands shook because his next course of action was surely reckless as he raised the staff above his head.

"You wouldn't," Seto took a step forward.

"I have to!" Adam brought the staff down and snapped it over his knee. Splinters of wood flew everywhere and the beautiful diamond crystals that once floated at the top of the staff crumbled uselessly to the ground. Adam tossed the pieces to the ground and raised his own fists up, he wasn't going to die here. He didn't have his amulet.



"I appreciate everything you've done Council Member Magi. Your assistance in strengthening our arsenal against criminal and monstrous threats is greatly valued," the tall, tanned man before Seto bowed. The metals that adorned his uniform expressed his centuries of service and recognition.

"No need for such flattery. The criminal has been captured and that is all there is to it."

"Of course," Captain Mau rose from his bow and watched as the last traces of his force's investigation cleared out of the streets, "though the man still insists he was framed."

"Such a common default of people." Seto lamented.

The Captain nodded, "If you'll excuse me, I must talk to my daughter about her transfer..." he glanced back at Seto, "unless you have a reason she should stay."

"I could care less," Seto responded. The Captain frowned and sighed.

Captain Mau left Seto standing there in the moonlight. He turned away and saw the eager wave of one glasses wearing dimwit. Seto ignored Tyler and turned away once more, this time he caught a glimpse of Jason who was sneaking away from his father who was too occupied talking to DROP officers and giving them his report. Stars had played a fairly important role in today's joint mission with DROP, so it was no surprise he was busy.

Of course Seto found it annoying so he and long since made it clear he would send a written report the next day to avoid communicating with the dimwitted officers.

Seto narrowed his eyes at Jason, once again he felt inclined to follow the troubling brat.

Seto sighed and waved his staff. In an instant he vanished and caused Jason to jump as Seto appeared in front of him, "S-Seto!"

Seto looked down at Jason who glanced away guiltily.

"Stars," Seto saw Stars turn his way, "I'll be borrowing your son, excuse us,"and then Seto grabbed onto Jason as he teleported the two of them out of the city and back to his homely little cave. Seto frowned at his own wave of exhaustion but shook it off. He could handle the distance, but he'd been using his magic all day so he was quite drained.

Seto didn't hesitate to prop his staff up against his desk and navigate through the maze of books leaving Jason dumbfounded in the middle of the cave.

"Follow me," Seto said without waiting for a confirmation. Jason scampered after him, careful not to knock down any of the towers of books. Seto lead him into a small connected room that was quite barren except for a long bed and small dresser beside it.

"You must be tired, rest for a few and then you can leave," Seto pointed to the bed and turned to leave Jason alone.

Jason grabbed Seto's wrist, this confused Seto who glanced at Jason's trembling hand around his wrist.

"Why?" Jason said.

Seto didn't understand, "You were about to cause trouble if your father saw you leaving, I merely stepped in--"

"But why?" Jason let go of Seto's wrist and took several steps away from him. His hand was now tightly crossed over his chest and digging into his other arm through the sleeve of his shirt, "Why are you being so nice? At first I thought you were just trying to be polite or welcome me into the AHD, but then I noticed you don't pay anyone any attention--So why," Jason had tears brimming in his eyes, "What makes you think I deserve such kindness from you?"


"I don't deserve this! From the cake you returned, to the books you've lent me, or the times you've interrupted Stars while he was lecturing me, why do you keep doing this to me?"

Seto narrowed his eyes and frowned, why? Wasn't it obvious? It was because...because?

Seto...didn't know. He couldn't come up with a reason in that moment. If anything, when he thought really hard about it, Jason was a nuisance, he anticipated large amounts of trouble from him, but it wasn't that Jason was causing him trouble. No, Seto was causing himself trouble by involving himself whenever he saw Jason about to do something idiotic, so why did he step in for a brat he barely knew?

"I don't know why you keep doing such nice and wonderful things for me--but I don't deserve, I don't deserve it! Bad blood runs through me, I'm...I'm bad, I don't deserve your kind gestures!"

Seto snapped out of his thoughts and scowled, "Bad blood? Do you know how illogical that sounds?"

"It's true! You don't know what kind of man Stars is, what he's done, or what he plans to do--"

"Irrelevant! I don't give a damn what kind of man your father is, I don't give a damn what kind of man you are. But don't base yourself on another, there is no sound logic in sizing yourself up based on your bloodline. You said it yourself, you have no bonds with that man--"

"Except my blood!"

"But you've lived under guidance of another, you aren't shaped by the blood that runs through you. It is not because of your blood you have passion to help others, it's because of who you've been around you want to help others and your father isn't included."

Jason cast his eyes away, "but...but that man they arrested today. He was framed...I know because I framed him. Stars is the one behind all the attacks, he's been experimenting, but it's only because of the DROP's investigations that he ordered me's because I am that man's son that I can turn a blind eye to what I've done."

"Then why don't you go to the DROP headquarters and confess. If you want to break this chain you believe exists, go confess. I'll teleport you there myself, but then you'll be on your own."

Jason whimpered, but in the end he said nothing.

"You've chosen silence, you're willing to let an innocent man rot in jail, but that is done by your own free will," Seto turned away, "It has nothing to do with your blood, and besides, if the culprit was truly innocent, my magic wouldn't have singled him out as the culprit. Get some rest"

"Of course, there's no way you could be tricked," Jason spat behind Seto's back, but Seto didn't catch the mocking sarcasm in Jason's voice and ignored his comment.

Why did he continue helping Jason?

What his reason?


"Just what the Nether is going on out here!" Captain Mau pushed her way through the gathering crowd just in time to witness Adam slamming Seto's staff over his knee. The resounding snap reverberated through the ears of the crowd. Her eyes widened, that damn trainee would receive a deadly punishment from her if he even lived.

She flinched as intense waves of pressured began to radiate off Seto. This wasn't good.

"Everyone, this is an order, clear out immediately! Head to the nearest, earthquake sanctioned shelter and prepare for the worst case scenario!" Jess turned and grabbed hold of two soldiers, "I need you two to turn on our earthquake protocol, make sure everyone on the lower levels evacuates above ground and exits on the opposite of the ravine. No one is to come to this side under any circumstances."

The two soldiers nodded and ran off with urgency.

While it was true that sorcerers use staffs to channel their magic from their body, and gems of compatibility to collect that flowing magic into a concentrated power for spell execution...that was all for precise control only. Breaking a sorcerers staff only puts everyone at a disadvantage, and a sorcerers as old and as powerful as Seto could level all of the AHD in seconds. Plus...Jess assessed Seto's current expression, he was in an uncontrollable rage, his magic would only be more devastating.

Jess herself has only see the aftermath of something similar, it was a long time ago, just before her father died, and it was minor in comparison. A small section of Seto's staff had splintered releasing dangerous magic into the capital.

"Adam!" Jess yelled.

Adam was dumbfounded by Seto's intense gaze and radiating power, "C-Captain!"

"What the hell have you done!"

"Seto was planning on taking on the Enders himself, even going as far as destroying Sooul. I was just trying to stop him, but--"

"You made it worse."

"Y-yes," Adam flinched.

"Stay back," Jess pulled out her diamond sword and stepped in front of Adam. She would deal with him after, right now her top priority was neutralizing the threat and ensuring the safety of everyone here.

Of course that was easier said than done. Seto had the rank of an OP-Player which meant normally he was unkillable, like Tyler, but the moment his OP status vanished he was a Player. So even if he wasn't in OP rank mode, killing him as a Player would not stop him either since he would just respawn. And if he respawned back on LEvel I, that would put the entire structure of the AHD at risk. She needed to find a way to calm--

Seto flew towards them with alarming speed, Jess was too slow to bring her sword up to block. The Blow pierced past her slow defenses and landed itself into her gut. She felt her breath knocked out of her as she hacked up a fierce amount of blood.

The impact sent Jess' sword flying from her grasp and she flew back into Adam and sent the both of them flying away. Even though she could barely react, she grasped her own sense and ignored the pain. Jess' feet grazed the ground as she yanked at Adam's shirt and spun her own body to wrap around his. She felt the ground on her back first and then they were rolling and bouncing along the grass. Every impact was worse than the last and by the time they slowed, her grap had weakened and Adam and her separated.


Seto was truly a powerful foe, but why now of all times, why did he lose control? Jess drew in some air and coughed, the thick metallic taste in the back of her throat sickened her as she struggled to even keep her eyes open.

She couldn't stop here, Jess pushed herself up and almost immediately collapsed, her brain was still rattling in her head. Her ribs were definitely broken, if not cracked. Her eyes wandered to Adam who appeared unharmed and unconscious, but her vision was blurred. Her eyes switched to Seto who slowly approached her lost diamond sword. He reached down to pick it up. Jess needed to get up and stop Seto, she needed to--

Her eyes widened as from the corner of her blurred vision Adam was running to Seto.

That damn--!

But she couldn't even muster the words to yell at him to stop, she could only raise one shaky arm.

Adam dashed towards Seto who raised Jess' sword into the sky and was surrounded by a blinding light. Seto was using Jess' sword as a temporary staff since it was made out of diamonds, the very gem that was compatible with Seto's magic and soul.

And in a flash, Jess watched the two of them vanish and she collapsed unable to hold herself up.

How could she let this happen?

How could she...


I hope you enjoyed this! Jess isn't dead, she's an OP so she won't die from injuries of blood loss, but she still retains the damage. 

Theories? Soul?  (For some reason I'm bringing back the need for souls)

You're getting to learn more about Jason and Seto's relationship with each other. (It's not romantic and would never be even if Seto could feel.)

Also here's a little announcement about the future of GO.

I estimate GAME OVER to be about 60 chapters long, so we're reaching that point of conclusion, HOWEVER, there is a possibility of a second Arc. I wouldn't call it a second book. 

The Second Arc was originally planned as the second book to GAME OVER but IF I decide to write it, I will include it in GAME OVER as a second Arc titled LEVEL-UP.

The Second Arc would be shorter (probably) than GAME OVER, but it'd still be decently long. Updates for it will probably be inconsistent.

There is no guarantee the Second Arc will exist as the end of GAME OVER can technically stand alone. But I will make the formal decision at the end of GAME OVER on whether or not I will try to write it.

Now, when GAME OVER does end, regardless of whether LEVEL-UP will exist or not, I will do several short and fun shorts. I have one written (it's just the details on what all the characters are up to after the end of GAME OVER, it's fun stuff. ***Spoil*** Someone becomes king o.O)

I may do some Character QnA's and some short stories. Who knows what the future holds, OooOOooO~! (ADD the GO Extras Book to your library because that will be where I upload all extra content after GAME OVER ends)

Sweet Desire  is going through som slight plot modifications (actually big modifications) nothing that affects the current chapters but does affect the future ones. So it is still on hold until I finish up those replans

Anyways, I think that is it. Ask me questions down below. They can be about anything, about the announcement, about the books, the chapter, about me, about life(?) I'll try my best to answer them lol

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


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