Chapter Six [Secrets Rarely Told]

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There is a special thing at the end that is super cool and what not. Read the chapter before looking at it. I really want to make this book more fun and engaging.



Chapter 6 [Secrets Rarely Told]


Day in and day out, Adam woke to the same routine. See, Seto reluctantly gave Adam a small unused room to sleep in, nothing much, simply a bed. And from there Adam would wake at the first signs of daylight. Now hold on for a moment, how would he know the sun was rising when he was at the bottom of a ravine that literally blocked out all daylight and he needed magical floating flames to find his way?

The simple answer was Seto.

The more complicated answer was the sound of an explosion, and Seto cursing and swearing pretty much every morning. On Adam's first day here with Seto, after the whole dying and coming back to life thing, Seto put Adam straight to work. Adam worked quickly to clean the blood off the ravine walls as best as he could, and he found it honestly revolting. Seriously though, he was scrubbing and scraping himself off the walls! And it took every fiber of his being not to vomit. Thankfully after only a few days he was able to do it.

The next thing Seto ended up having him do, and was still doing, was pretty much run errands for him...

From Player to errand boy, well, he supposed it was alright. It was better than nothing.

Adam rolled out of his bed and yawned, there was another explosion and a loud cry of 'fuck!' Or something like that--an object shot past his head and smashed into his room. The glass vial shattered against the wall and splattered its contents everywhere. Adam ducked and covered his head in response.

"I said duck, pay attention!" Seto grumbled, walked past Adam, and inspected the damage.

"What was that?!"

"Failed potion, I was experimenting, unfortunately the properties seem to affect the bottle itself."

"O-oh," Adam stood up and noticed none of the potion got on him thankfully. Last time a potion exploded on him he walked around as a floating torso and Seto refused to get rid of the effects. Needless to say he felt like an idiot and even his new friends laughed.

"Well, I'll clean this up; there are a few boxes over by the entrance. I need you to unpack and sort them for me. Later I'll have you deliver a delicate package to the surface. So get started."

"Yes sir!" Adam wasted no time leaving his room and entering the main room. He noticed the boxes Seto mentioned, three of them. He pushed them into the cave and opened them one by one. He figured if he knew what was inside them it would be easier to decide which to organize first.

One box held books, no surprise considering this room had books stacked in really inconvenient locations. But Seto didn't want him to organize those, stating he would never find anything if Adam moved what was already here. Which made it hard to organize anything if he had to ignore the growing mess.

The other box contained odd objects, Seto described them as ingredients for potions. Some of them were everyday things, carrots and fish, even a rabbit foot, which he guessed wasn't an everyday thing, but still a thing he thought was weird to be here. Other objects he noticed were compressed blocks of glowstone (compressed [anything] just means stacks), odd wart like plants he's never seen--ew! Adam threw down what looked like an eye.

Adam moved on to the next box, in this box were so many compressed bottles filled with an odd, glowing liquid that changed from shades of green to yellow. He had no idea where to even put these, "Seto, sir, what are these glowing bottles, and where would they go?"

"Don't touch those, you'll be delivering them later. They are very fragile." Seto answered him.

"Yes sir!" Adam left the box alone, despite his curiosity, and began organizing the other objects around him.


"You did an ok job, if you've taken care of everything else, then the last thing I need you to do is take that last box to Level G. Be careful not to drop it, that right there is equal to several months worth of collecting, now hurry up. When you're done with that, don't come back for a few hours. I need some peace."

Adam nodded, he strained to carry the box before walking out into the darkness and following the flames. At least it was only Level G and not Level A.

Adam did his best to seal up the box with its flaps before using one hand to support it as it balanced on his head. It gave him a headache, but he needed one hand to hold onto the ravine wall.

Since Level I was on the ground the path to Level H needed no climbing, it was as simple as walking up the slanted path and then he was on Level H, but he would need to climb in order to get to Level G.

Over this past week, Adam has had a lot of time to think. He knows he isn't strong, which is probably why he lived on the very bottom level doing grunt work like this. As a way to get him up to speed, or as close to speed as they could get him.

Next, Ross doesn't like him. Not at all, he's not sure why, but he just doesn't like him. Like, just a day or two ago Seto had him climb to Level A and well here's what happened.


"Oh dear Notch!" Adam gasped for air, he felt his strength dying on him. It was easier going down than up, which for obvious reasons made sense. But still, why was it so hard for him to climb up this ravine. Twice when he tried climbing up the wall to reach the next level path he slipped and nearly fell off the side. He was pretty sure he scrapped his legs up because he was limping

Adam collapsed on the grassy ground and breathed out a sigh of relief, "Thank the Aether!" Grass has never felt softer to him. Adam opened his eyes and sat up, he winced in pain and noticed people staring at him. A sudden heat rose to his cheeks and Adam jumped to his feet and looked down as he walked.

He wasn't paying attention to where he was going and bumped into someone, Adam looked up to see Ross look at him in surprise as they both fell. The folders Ross carried fell from his hands and their contents scattered to the ground. It took Adam a moment to gather his senses.

"You idiot!" Adam snapped back and looked at Ross, "Look at this mess you've made, Jason is going to kill me now because of you!" Ross grabbed Adam by his shirt, Adam felt tiny claws at the tips of Ross' fingers.

"S-Sorry, I wasn't looking--"

"Fuck you man!" Ross's little nose twitched and Adam suddenly found it very hard to focus on Ross's rage and focused more on the twitching nose. It was kinda cute, the way it wiggled. And he wasn't saying that in like a weird way, but seriously, if he had a dog or cat, or anything like that, he's probably laugh at the twitching nose. He wished he had a puppy. Weren't they just so cute?

"Hey!" Ross jabbed a finger in Adam's face, Adam winced, he was sure that tiny little nail poked through his skin, "Are you liste--"

"Ross!" Ross looked up and his rage vanished. Jason stomped over, "What are you doing, where are those folders I asked you to find--Why are they all over the ground! You've ruined the precise ordering of all the papers!" Jason yelled.

"Sir, I--" Ross stood up.

"And what are you doing," Jason looked down at Adam's wide-eyed face, "Why is Adam so scratched up, are you trying to damage it? If there are any damages to that amulet then you'll have hell to pay. Those resources are valuable and rare!"

"But I didn't do--"

"I don't like excuses, hurry and pick everything up, meet me in my lab when you have. I have to talk to you."

Jason spun on the heel of his metal boots and stomped away.

Adam felt bad, it was his fault and he was scraped up from the climb, not because of Ross. He should clear this up with Jason, for Ross. Ross grumbled as he picked up the folders and papers, "Ross, I'm sorry. This is my fault, I should clear things up with Jason for you--"

"I don't need your help or pity, you're just a dumb Human rank. Just because you have a little special treatment now, doesn't mean you aren't a nuisance," Ross turned and spat at him. Ross then left and Adam stood there in shock.

He could hear people talking.

'Poor kid, it wasn't even his fault.'

'It was that Human, this is why Humans should stay away. They wouldn't understand this kind of world.'

'That, or get a more suited user.'

It reminded him a lot of his home. The way people spoke behind his back like he couldn't hear them, it should make him mad, but he never got mad.

He was ok with it.


Adam sighed thinking about that, he still didn't know how to make up with Ross. Whenever he visited Jin and Barney on his free time, Ross was always there and he blatantly ignored Adam. And he made it quite obvious his dislike for Adam. It got to the point sometimes the only thing the four of them could do was sit in awkward silence.

The last thing that came to his mind during this week, mainly in response to what happened between him and Ross, was that Ross was right. People here were no doubt annoyed by his presence. He was inexperienced, weak, and lacked focus. Even Jin and Barney who were as goofy as he was, could snap into a serious mode whenever need be. While it took Adam ages to really get serious once his concentration was broken.

Adam reached the end of Level H and sucked in a huge breath. He gripped the side of the ravine wall with his free hand and pulled himself up, he felt himself wobble and his breath caught in his throat. He climbed up, bit by bit, slowly but surely. Once he was high enough he carefully slid the box onto the path and used both hands to climb up onto the path. He breathed a sigh of relief when he had safely reached the path. He picked up the box again and walked up Level G, he was looking for room G04.

He'd passed the door many times, but never had to go in. He wasn't sure what this level was for actually. He knew level F and C were dorms, Level B was for extensive care, unlike the hospital on Level A, Level B was for more serious injuries and illnesses and such. Level H was storage. He hadn't been to Level D and E yet, so no clue there, and Level A was surface level things. The buildings mainly for official business and surface level training, and Jason's lab.

Door G04 was a thick metal door, a lock pad keeping it closed was drilled into the door. He remembered Seto telling him the code, but he may have not been paying attention... Shoot! Adam really needed to focus, he always had his head in the clouds, just like people said. He was the 'golden-eyed boy with his head in the clouds.'

"Hey there kiddo!" Adam jumped and he heard the clinking of all the bottles in the box and winced. He hoped nothing broke. Tyler was next to Adam, but here's the strange part, Tyler should be on his left if he came down from the levels above, but Tyler was on his right. Meaning he came from a room below, he didn't even see him!

"Tyler--Sir, you scared me sir!"

"Just call me Tyler, kid. Anyways what are you doing here?"

"Well Seto told me to deliver this box of bottles here and well, I don't remember the code he told me to get in..." Adam hung his head, "I'm not very good at this am I?"

"Nah, don't worry about it, you're working your ass off in order to get better. That's what counts, here." Tyler grinned and then punched in the code. The metal doors swung open and the room built with metal walls and metal floors lit up with a dull blue light. At the very center of the room was a giant metal machine carrying the biggest glass container Adam had ever seen. Inside was more of this glowing green and yellow liquid.

"W-Whoa!" Adam took a step in, his mouth hung open in shock, "What is all of this?!"

Tyler grinned, "This, kid, is all the Experience collected over many generations! Well, subtracting what was used, but otherwise this is the lifeline of Rekrium. Without this bad boy built by Jason's father many, many centuries ago, before I was even born, our kingdom would be dead."

"Jason's father?" Adam wasn't sure if he heard of that guy, he didn't know another Stars member worked at the AHD at one point.

"Yea, the guy doesn't get enough credit, considering he designed this machine after discovering the properties of Experience and what it could do....but this did have to remain top secret, so you can't tell any of your Human friends."

"O-Ok, so where do I put all these bottles?"

"Follow me," Tyler walked around to the other side of the machine, "Set the box down and let's take out some of those bottles and empty them here."

On the other side of the machine was a series of clear tubes and a large hole connecting them. Adam set the box down and watched as Tyler opened up the box. He began tossing the bottles into the hole, and all of a sudden the machine lit up and the bottles thrown in shot up into the many tubes and vanished into the ceiling.

Adam's mouth hung wide open as the liquid from the bottles rained down into the giant container and then the bottles were deposited out other tubes and rested there.

"Pick up those empty bottles, we'll need to make them into stacks again so just set them on the floor while I dump everything.

"Right!" Adam did as he was told, as Tyler threw the bottles in, Adam took the empty ones out. He placed them on the ground out of the way. Eventually the two of them were done and Adam was saddened as the machine powered itself down after several minutes of inactivity. He liked the way it glowed and was astounded that such a thing existed.

He noticed Tyler peering at the machine curiously and realized he didn't know why Tyler was here in the first place, "Hey Tyler sir, is there a reason you're here too?"

Tyler perked up, "Oh! Yeah, The King and the Council agreed that it was time for a restock on diminishing supplies."

"Huh?" Adam tilted his head and placed his hand on the machine.

"Right, you don't know much...Ok, how about this, if you promise you won't tell anyone, then I will explain and show you what I mean."

Adam started to feel a bit scared, "Wait. If I'm not supposed to know, then why are you telling me?"

"Oh I don't know, because you're my good friend, and I trust you. Plus I don't like keeping secrets like this anyway, it sucks being one of two OP's in the AHD branch with this skill. But Jess has seniority and gets to go out on actual missions instead of stuck doing chores, and she's a better fighter." Tyler made a face of joking dislike before looking at Adam and laughing.

Adam did nothing, "Anyways, you've learned of life before isolation, you've learned of the OP Wars, right?"

Adam did nothing again, "Well back then, OP's were very foolish and greedy, well, most of them, and there weren't a lot. But they were strong, and practically invincible. Not only can they not be killed so long as they retain their OP status, they have inhuman powers, currently called Permissions. They could fly, create things out of thin air, and some had Magick, very different from Permissions. Nonetheless, they used that to their advantage to take control of the world, and if not for the efforts of the first OP Magick user, they would've succeeded."

"Many centuries later, in the great war against the demons of the void, OP's who'd been vanished for their greed, were welcomed again as invincible warriors. But they were forbidden from using their gifts. And when Rekrium was ripped from the main world and isolated, not even a magick user or a regular OP could make it across that gap and survive. OP's were stranded in a world they did not belong in, and the OP's that had not died trying to flee from isolation, were loyal to the crown. You see, the people of Rekrium and maybe the rest of the world, believed that in the war between the Demons and Rekrium, the OP's had evolved to be less powerful. That they were without Permissions, and Magick was limited. If the world knew, they would likely still be afraid of us, believing in the cruelty of the actions committed by the first of our Rank. That's why you can't tell anyone, only those with high enough clearance can know, not even regular Players can know."

Adam was shocked, he had no words he could say, "It's with this gift of Permissions that it is possible to keep Rekrium alive. Do you think a small kingdom isolated from the rest of the world could survive on the finite supplies that exist, all the ores and natural resources were mined out centuries ago. Jason's father realized what made OP Permissions work, Experience, gather enough of it and anything can literally be created. But it's only used when the King and the Council agree the use is necessary to keep Rekrium flourishing."

"I still don't understand why you are telling me this." That wasn't Adam's voice.

"Adam. Adam, hey?" Adam snapped back to reality and looked to see Tyler with a worried look, "You ok?"

"Ye-yeah, sorry."

"Ok, good, I'm going to have to ask you to leave now. You're not allowed to be in here and my job is top secret, sorry kiddo."

"H-huh? But didn't you just tell me what your job was?"

"What?" Tyler looked at him funny, "I didn't say anything. You were just staring off into space funny."

Adam blinked in confusion, "Just stand outside the door and I'll give you back the bottles, all compressed, when I'm done here."

Adam nodded and left, he was confused. Tyler had just told him that he had this power known as Permissions. And he just explained what it could do and how powerful it was, did Tyler forget or something? No...something was off about the conversation. It sounded a bit off, Tyler's voice was higher, and he actually looked different too. But it was dark in the room, so it was hard to tell. He thought he'd been speaking the entire time too, but the voice wasn't his, it was too deep. It sounded almost familiar...

Adam shook his head, he was probably really tired. He hadn't had breakfast, since Seto kept no food down there. Like literally nothing. It was insane really, how could a guy not have food in like the place he not only lived, but worked. Adam felt his stomach grumble, right on queue, he probably was just confused and delirious from hunger and exhaustion. He needed something to eat, but he would have to wait for Tyler to give him the bottles back. Adam sighed as another grumble rippled through his gut.

Adam, you have much in store for you. And this, unfortunately isn't even the start of the secrets you will uncover, my dear, dear lost child of the ages.


Those boxes represent one symbol shown in the video below. It's a sentence, not one word, but it is written to look like one word, as spaces are what differenciate between words in this language.

Before you see the video, I will say, it is best to watch directly on youtube, mainly because the video description has IMPORTANT information, you might what to know to understand what is going on. It's too much for me to copy and paste here because I am lazy.

OOooOOoo, so mysterious, I wonder what it says. I hope you read the video descprition in order to understand things a bit more. Go do it if you haven't.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and quick animation :P


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