Chapter Twenty-Seven [The Past Cuts; The Future Bleeds]

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UPDATE: Many of you guys saw my little hintsy doodle in my GO extras book. Huehuehue, let's hope it serves you well.

Guess what, guess what ;)

Since I reached 800 followers recently I'm going to have a mini GAME OVER marathon. There will be an update today (Saturday), tomorrow (Sunday), Monday, and maybe Tuesday.

Don't hold me to tuesday, I currently have tomorrow's and monday's chapter written and ready.

I should warn you that these next few chapters get a little crazy, and I mean crazy. Hold onto your horses, get some tissuses eventually (there might be some baaaad things coming) and be ready to theorize like crazy. 

Enjoy the mini marathon!



Chapter 27 [The Past Cuts; The Future Bleeds]


"Aack!" Adam sat up with a shout. He was laying on the stone platform with the End portal directly above his head. He glanced around wildly and saw Seto waiting for him, he still held his cloak, but Adam could not see within.


"Is anyone left in the End?"

"N-no, where is everyone else?" The entire mountain was empty except for the two of them.

"Did you forget, I manually set your spawnpoint to be here. So when you reentered Rekrium you turned up here. Everyone else is in the inn, their spawns were at their bed."

Adam faintly remembered something like that happening, "Come on now, stand up. I'll make this trip quick, hold onto my staff."

Adam stood shakily to his feet and grabbed hold of Seto's staff. A purple aura surrounded them and Adam found himself back in the inn.

"Whoa--" Adam fell to the ground as if his legs had magically disappeared. He felt sick and queasy in his stomach as he groaned.

"Side effects of teleportation is motion'll wear off. When it does go get ready with everyone else. We are leaving later this afternoon," Adam barely caught a glimpse of Seto leaving out the door and into the hall due to the sickness.

"Adam?" Adam recognized Ross' voice and looked up, he regretted the movement as his head pounded.

"Ugh, I think I'm dying," Adam flopped to the ground.


Adam looked out the window of the bus, most people were silent, wounded, or sleeping. Seto and Jason did not enter any of the buses, in fact when the buses drove away Seto and Jason were outside. Adam was worried as he saw Seto carrying his cloak again, no doubt the baby still there. He watched from the window as best as he could and saw Seto and Jason make their way towards the castle.

However despite not entering any of the buses...they were here. After an hour on his silent as hell bus, the two of them appeared in the seat in front of Adam. He was too tired to shout in surprise.

He guessed whatever they did they were done with.

Adam had glanced over at Ross who was sound asleep and Jin in the seat over who gave Adam a knowing glance. Seto was this time wearing his cloak.

Adam sighed with slight worry, but he couldn't let Seto know what he knew.

Adam's hand wrapped around his amulet, he didn't want to leave anymore. Not now, but Seto and Jason were talking amongst themselves and there was no time to try and bring up the subject with Jason.

They arrived back at the AHD past midnight, people sluggishly trudged to their rooms and other helped those injured to the infirmary for treatment.

Adam himself waved goodnight to Ross and Jin, he was glad to have them back as friends...actually he was never sure if he was Ross' friend, but he liked to think they were closer now.

Adam followed Seto to the bottom of the ravine and like everyone else fell on his bed to sleep.


Early next morning everyone from the End trip was gathered on the surface and made to stand in their team lines as both Tyler and Ty stood to address them.

"I would like to welcome you all home from your seemingly impossible journey. You stand brave and tall before me despite the difficulties you must've faced. Our casualties were only 7 permanent deaths and 23 injured.

"For your bravery--" Ty stopped talking for a moment. Tyler glanced in concern at his friend and gently tapped him on the shoulder. Ty cleared his throat a few moments later and continued on.

Adam glanced at Jin behind him as Ty continued his speech. Jin nodded to him, all three of them, Jin, Ross, and himself, had decided to reveal to Barney their secret. It seemed only fair, plus if they didn't they wouldn't be able to discuss anything with Barney around.

Tyler came to the front, "Now that you've all returned, enjoy these next few days to relax!"

The people cheered and the crowd dissolved into more of a blob. Tyler smiled and waved to Adam who grinned and waved back. Ty hurriedly left.

"Are we sure we should tell that id--lizard..." Ross grumbled.

"Well we have to, he is our friend too and he shares the same dorm as us. So we kind of need to if we want to be able to freely discuss anything in that room."

"Yeah," Adam added.

"He's your friend," Ross grumbled. The three of them made their way to the ravine side and walked down the pathway.

Since it was early the rest of the AHD was still sleeping, which would mean that Barney was still sleeping. Adam snickered as they made it to the door. Jin opened the door and Adam rushed in, "BARNEY!"

Barney sat up and shouted. He tumbled out of his bed onto the floor, "Whys!"

Adam was on the floor laughing, "Because it is funny! Oh man your expression was priceless," Jin thumped Adam in the head.

"Alright, I think Barney had a good scare, now let's just get started."

"Ow, jerk."

"You deserved it," Ross said.

Jin helped Barney up while the rest of them sat on the floor and formed a little circle.

"Sos, what is goings ons?"

"That's what we're about to tell you."


Adam's very presences marked a change in the events that will transpire now, in comparison to what happened 10,000 years ago. A history doomed to repeat, but slightly altered.

Jason Stars is a brilliant and young man, he was short, practically child size, but he was no child....even if he acted like one. He had the mind of a man who knew exactly what questions to ask and always acted to quench his curiosity. At this moment, Jason Stars was in his lab (of course); he was moving around some machines and reorganizing his supplies. It has probably never crossed your mind but one key difference between Seto and Jason was that Jason was a neat freak and Seto was a clutter bug. Indeed, Jason's lab itself may have been messy, but Jason never let a spare wrench move out of place. Every screw, every nail, and every useful supply was ordered to hang, rest, or sit in a specific order on any wall, table or cabinet. Everything had its place, and Jason was just making sure everything was in place.

Jason Stars also wasn't one who liked associating with people, he found most people annoying and foolish, and most of all appalling. But he did have a liking to Seto, Seto was the only person here who was bearable to be around. Two minds that thought in a similar fashion, had similar likes, though of course his was superior. At least that is what he would argue, and certainly it was in many aspects, but not completely in all.

Besides his mind being brilliant, Jason also had a photographic memory, he almost never wrote anything important down, he kept everything in his brain. The most valuable weapon he possessed was assuredly himself

Light footsteps sounded behind Jason and he listened, "Oh good, Adam put the amulet over there on my desk. Then you can find Ty or someone to fill out some paperwork about leaving."

There was no answer and Jason snorted in annoyance. This was another reason he didn't like people all that much.

"I sa--"

"Where is he?"

Jason stopped sorting his supplies and looked up, he didn't turn around.

"Where is who?"

"Don't play games with me Jason, I think you know exactly who I'm referring to."

Jason smiled, here was an interesting situation he was not expecting, but one he was welcoming fully.

"Oh? Please elaborate," Jason turned around and held his gaze with the man before him. A tall, spear-wielding man by the name of Ty.


Oh sheit thinks bout to go down. I imagine many of you flying out of your seats in utter shock, and if not now the next few chapters may change that. >:)

Theories, I bet some good ones are cooking, or will be cooking.

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