Chapter Two [Jason Stars]

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Heyo! Back with another chapter of GAME OVER! I'm so excited for this story honestly, and I can't wait for this adventure to unfold!




Chapter 2 [Jason Stars]


Adam was currently relaxing in his home reading the book he picked up from his job. He was very happy with his choice. And even in his small apartment he didn't really feel alone. It's like that feeling a person gets when they're so immersed into something they hardly realize their surroundings.

And in this situation...that is exactly what was going on.

Adam was reading his book. It was getting late into the evening, but he didn't notice his door open, he didn't notice two figures enter his apartment and holy Notch Adam was too focused to notice them talking to him.

"Does he really not see us? Or...hear us for that matter." Tyler asked his partner Ty, Ty in return shrugged.

Adam himself was flipping through the pages quite quickly... and still completely oblivious.

Ty grew impatient with the man and grabbed the book from his hands. A single page was torn in half.

Adam was brought back to the alarming situation before him. And reality fell upon his shoulders.

"Huh! What the--" Adam looked wildly around and his gaze settled upon the tall red-eyed man before him and the goofy looking nerd behind the first man.

Adam was too shocked for words.

"Hello there! Sorry to intrude, but we were wondering if we could help us find an item that we hear you are currently in possession of. An item we lost--"

"You lost," The red-eyed man interrupted.

"Heh, heh..., right, I lost," The man with glasses cleared his throat, "Anyways, Adam, right? The item we are looking for is a--"

"Holy shit!" Adam breathed, "I'm dreaming," Adam stood up and walked around his apartment. Tyler looked confused and shocked, and well... did he mention confused.

Adam walked straight out of the small living room and down a small hallway to a small bedroom. He flopped down on his bed and hugged his pillow close. He screamed into his pillow and then sat up and sighed, "Alright, I think I'm awake now."

Adam walked out of his room and stopped to see the two people still there.

"Ahem, sorry, are you ok?" Tyler asked Adam.

"You're real?"

"Pretty sure, yeah?"

More silence, "Can I....Can I have your autograph!" Adam exclaimed.

For those confused, standing before Adam are members of an organization known as the AHD. Short for the Association of Human Defense. Standing before Adam was Tyler Lox and Tyler Brotato, should this be phrased....celebrities of the AHD.... Ty more so than Tyler however.

"I'm sorry what?" Tyler asked

Adam started to jump around, "Holy shit! Holy shit, oh my Notch! You're both real, the TnT duo. Ty the Undying, and his partner! I can't believe you're here, I'm not even sure why, I don't care!" This has always been a dream for Adam. He was Player obsessed, these were the heroes that protected the kingdom from monsters and ruin. They were the ones that made peace possible for this kingdom.

And Adam was a huge fan. Adam was the kind of fan that collected anything involving the AHD, especially his role model, which happened to be Ty. It was said that Ty was a Player that in his entire service to the AHD, has never once died.

"O-Oh. Ohhhh, I get it now, you're one of those people, a fanboy or something like that. I'm sure I can give you an auto--"

"What about Ty, can I have his too, please?" Adam begged.


Adam rushed back to his room, he flicked the redstone switch for the lights and was careful with taking down a poster. Yes a poster, not official since the AHD didn't sell official anything, but still it was one of his most prized possessions.

"--don't think that is a good idea..." Tyler finished with a sigh. This was common. Ty was more popular, being the more skilled fighter. He himself was an OP, he hardly had to worry about death, though pain could be inflicted, killing him was a lot harder. He could fight yes, but he specialized in other duties for the AHD. OP's have a special skill known as Permissions. Which will be explained much later.

Adam came back holding out an unofficial poster of Ty. It was a photograph taken by some unknown person that sold the photo into poster sized images. A perfectly captured scene of Ty wielding a spear to battle a swarm of zombies. From a battle 452 years ago. Quite a long time, but to a Player or even an OP that time is quite normal. It was a pain for Adam to acquire this image considering he wasn't alive when it was taken.

Ty let out a sigh, "We're looking for an amulet, we know you have it in your possession."

Adam stood there confused for a moment and then something clicked in his mind. He reached under his shirt and pulled out the amulet he bought earlier that day, "You mean this? How did you know about it?"

"Ah! You really did have it! Oh this is good, Jason won't kill me now," Tyler sighed in relief, Adam looked even more than confused.

"That amulet is property of the AHD, it was misplaced and sold into your hands without your knowledge. We will reimburse you for the cost we simply ask for it to be returned," Ty stated, he held out his hand.

The pieces clicked in Adam's head and he realized what was going on, "Oh!" He set the poster down and took off the amulet before placing it in Ty's hands, "I'm sorry, I didn't know."

Tyler walked up to Adam a notepad appeared in his right hand, and a pen in his other. Adam's eyes widened in amazement he was awed by the trick, "Oh wow!"

Tyler chuckled, "Just write down your name and the amount you paid for the amulet." Adam nodded and took the pad and pen. He quickly squiggled down some messy but still decipherable writing before handing the items back to Tyler. Tyler thanked him and the items vanished.

"Sorry to disturb your night, ah! I apologize that my partner isn't very social, but if you still want an autograph I'd be more than willing to give you mine."

"Really!" Adam squealed, this couldn't possibly get any better. Who knew buying a neat necklace would give him this once in a lifetime opportunity to meet his role model and get a signature from an AHD figure.

Tyler nodded with a toothy grin before the pad and pen appeared again. He signed it and ripped out the paged before handing it to Adam who stared at it with pride, "Thank you!" Today was the best day ever!

"Tyler, hurry up, we're already late."

"Sorry Ty," Tyler waved to Adam, but Adam was to mesmerized to notice. The two left and the door locked automatically behind them.

"Well that was easy," Tyler was happy everything went smoothly. Ty nodded to him and pulled up his hood, He then handed the amulet to Tyler. He glanced down at it and was just about to put it away when he glanced at it again as they left the apartment complex.

"Um...the amulet isn't supposed to be on right?" Tyler asked.

"On? What do you mean on? It isn't even activated."

Tyler flipped the amulet over to see green numbers saying '10' on the back, "So if it did happen to be on..." Ty stopped walking, Tyler stopped and looked back at Ty with a worried gazed.

"Do not tell me that," Tyler noded as Ty spoke, "Jason will kill you..." Tyler sighed and dropped his head before nodding sadly. They marched back to the apartment in which Adam was getting ready for bed with a content smile.

Ty pulled out a key card, a card that allowed access to nearly everywhere, being that he was one of three individuals who could possess such a card. He slid the card in, the door unlocked automatically. Ty slammed the door open and the noise echoed throughout the apartment complex as it hit the apartment wall. Adam jumped from his bathroom and nearly swallowed his toothpaste.

He nearly shrieked as Ty came storming into his bathroom, Adam was still fully dressed, not yet in his night clothes. With a mouthful of toothpaste he tried to utter a few words but was quickly dragged away by his shirt collar. His toothbrush quickly deposited in the sink. Adam didn't have the time to scream.

Adam was dragged out of his apartment, the door left hanging open, Tyler following quietly behind, and a few drowsy heads of neighbors poked their head out and saw the scene unfold. Of course tomorrow it would be the talk of the neighborhood.

'That golden-eyed boy with his heads always in the clouds finally did something to piss of the officials', they would say, 'He had it coming', they would answer.

In a sense it was true, however, it would one day become the opposite should fate allow it. One day he may not be 'that golden-eyed boy with his heads always in the clouds'.


Adam was completely at a loss for what had transpired. It was nearly 11 at night when he was getting ready for bed. But he was suddenly abducted with no clue as to why.

Imagine the surprise Adam felt as his childhood hero dragged him out of his home and practically threw him in a car with great strength. It was somewhat exciting and terrifying at the same time, and he was still confused.

"Excuse me, I don't mean to uh...well, can you tell me what's going on? I gave you back the necklace, so everything is good, right?"

"No! Everything's not good, dammit!" Ty, who was driving slammed his hands against the steering wheel. This action causing his friend and partner to jump in his seat. It seemed he was sleeping.

Adam sat shocked in his seat, he wasn't sure what had just happened.

"Ahem, Ty calm down. I'm sure we can get everything fixed--"

Ty interrupted Tyler with a great big sigh, "You better pray that Jason will remain as calm as you are right now."

Adam noticed Tyler's body stiffen, "Haha...ha...right."

Adam frowned but stayed quiet. They wouldn't tell him what was wrong, but on the plus side....

He was going to the AHD! He was going to the AHD! That is a huge deal!

His dream to go to the AHD and he finally has that chance! And, if he heard Ty right, and he did, Ty said the name Jason. Jason as in the Jason. Practically the sole person responsible for 60% of their technological advancements made in the last 500 years! Heck, maybe even more. This guys is a genius, no one could top his skills, and he was the one who made the necklace. And Adam might get the chance to meet the real guy, in person! He could hardly believe it.

Adam was fidgeting in his seat with excitement, he wondered what the guy was like. Probably so smart he could answer any question he asked. He was probably calm and collected, and very clean and organized. If Adam remembered from the countless hours of Drive searching, then Jason was a Player also!


The sound of glass shattering against the stone wall with such force caused Adam to jump in his skin. An angry scream reverberated through his skull and the entire camp.

It was nearly 6 in the morning when Adam and the car he was in arrived. The sun was barely peeking over the horizon and Adam didn't even have a chance to take in the sights before he was pulled out of the car and immediately directed towards a bland stone building.

There Ty shoved him through the doorway and left, Tyler came through the door looking a bit nervous.

"Whatever you do, say absolutely nothing and let me do the talking...ok?" Adam nodded, he was a little unnerved by that warning, but it was quickly replaced with excitement as the gravity of where he currently was settled in his head.

He was finally at the AHD, this building must be the place the one and only Jason Stars of the AHD resided.

The hallway they walked through opened up to a larger room. Adam held his breathe as he followed Tyler quietly. Tyler held out his arm for Adam to stop and he did, he couldn't yet see the room. Tyler knocked against the wall, "Jason, it's me Tyler."

No reply.

"Right, uh so. Long story short I may have screwed with your necklace and well now I need your help. I know you are probably busy and--" Tyler stopped speaking, "Uh Jason?" Tyler took a step into the room. This allowed Adam more room to see what the place looked like. The place where the greatest inventions and machines were made. Adam's heart filled with excitement, and he was well...more or less shocked at the mess and clutter of the room. Papers and books scattered to the floor, broken glass. Tyler walked into the room and headed straight towards a table to the farthest wall.

Adam stayed back unsure of what to do, he noticed the slumped figure of a man sleeping on the table. Was that...him?

"Ahem," Tyler placed a hand on the man's shoulders and gently shook him, "Jason, it's me Tyl--" The man stirred and suddenly he sat up and looked at Tyler. He grabbed the nearest thing to him and swung at Tyler with it. Tyler stumbled back and dodged the attack.

"Whoa! Jason! Calm down--" The man jumped from the chair he was just sleeping in and landed with a metal thud on the floor, he threw the object in his hand at Tyler. Tyler ducked and the object slammed against the wall right next to Adam. And thus they are back into the present.

"Holy Notch!" Adam yelped and fell back against the wall. He slid down in shock and looked at the spot where the glass object shattered right next to him. The remnants of a poor defenseless mug.

"Tyyyyy....ler!" The man shouted menacingly in the room. The man was quite short, he wore an oversized coat that hung over his hands and the sound of the metal thumps of his boots thudded loudly as he stomped his way towards Tyler.

"Y-yes? Tyler held his hands up in surrender as Jason stalked towards him.

"You. Are. Late!" The short man jumped at Tyler and grabbed him by shirt collar and shook him wildly. Tyler's glasses were knocked off.

"You're late! I've been expecting your return for several hours now and look what's happened, this building is an utter mess! How do you explain that! The mission was simple, present the amulet to the king and return immediately so a suitable vessel could be found. You've been gone for nearly 2 days dammit!"

Tyler tried to speak but unfortunately couldn't utter a word with the way Jason was shaking him.

"I've been up all night waiting for you to return my device to me, where is it! Did you damage it! Is that why you were late!"

"N-no... It's--" Jason stopped shaking Tyler and let him go. Tyler stumbled to regain his sense of balance but only succeeded in falling on his bum.

"Well! Where is it! I swear to Notch if you--"

"Jason," Jason turned to glare at the new voice, Ty's voice. Ty was standing in the hallway next to the wide-eyed Adam who was still on the ground with shock. In Ty's hand was a mug.

"What is it!" He hissed.

"Here," Ty held out his arm with the mug and Jason walked over to it. He grabbed it, looked down, and sniffed the steaming mug. Instantly his eyes lit up.

"Coffee!" He took a large gulp, instantly winced and coughed from the heat before diving right back into the drink. He finished it in seconds and sighed happily, a cheery grin on the face that just a moment ago was frowning. Jason let the cup drop, and Ty caught the cup before it fell to the ground.

"Be careful, if you keep breaking mugs we'll stop making you coffee." Ty grumbled.

"Well, I won't work without my coffee, hmph!" Jason replied back, he placed his hands on his hips and turned his head.

"Here," Ty held out his other hand, in that hand was the amulet, "You're amulet is fine, however you can blame Tyler for the trouble that he caused."

Jason took his necklace, he studied it thoroughly and gasped, "Who the nether turned it on!" Jason looked to Tyler who hung his head.

"Sorry. I may have misplaced it, and the kid over there is linked to it now." Tyler raised a pointed finger and Jason looked to see who he was pointing at.

Adam the golden-eyed boy with wonder and awe in his eyes was still numb with shock at the entire scene. Though Jason was not at all what he expected him to be, he found the genius inventor to be even more amazing that he previously thought.

Jason walked over to Adam. Adam jumped up and stood tall, he wasn't sure why but he felt he should. Jason looked Adam up and down, he furrowed his brow and said, "He's the one the necklace linked to?"

Tyler nodded his head, "Hmm... He's just your average human..." Adam flinched at those words, and was just about to say something until Jason spoke up again, "This is perfect!"

Jason shoved the amulet in Adam's hands and walked back to Tyler. "Shoo! Shoo! Out!" Tyler was forced to his feet and barely had time to grab his glasses before he and Ty were shoved down the hallway past Adam and out the door, "Come back in a few hours when I'm done with this boy!"

Jason walked back to Adam with a wide grin. Adam wasn't sure what was going on, "You are a Human rank right?"

"Uh, y-yes."

"Good! Come, come!" Jason hooked his arm around Adam's and pulled him into the messy lab, "Don't mind the mess, I'll clean it up. Here, sit down." Even though Jason was smaller than Adam he had such strength he forced Adam to sit on this chair. Jason rummaged through his table and grabbed hold of a pen and pad.

"Uh, what's going on?"

Jason glanced at Adam and grinned, "Say, do you wanna help me with a lab experiment?"


Whoop! Now you guys know a little more about the AHD, you all have just met Jason, and see that Adam is a complete fanboy!

I need to finish coloring the maps, and I need to draw characters. I really want to draw Jason, he's adorable looking.

And his personality is great, he's moody, acts like a child, and is super smart. Also thrives on coffee and sweets.

Tell me what you all think so far of the book, and other neat things.


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