Bonus 6: Double hatred

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Starting off with the previous level where the two Rays were about to fight but glitches and were teleported back to the basilicom of Planetune which was terrible because it was in Neptune's room and then she was awake

Neptune: "Huh? Who are you?"

Ray L-side: "Umm..." He had nothing to say (Also i'm gonna place an image that represents Ray with Mighty Brother XX)

Ray R-side: "Hey why are we here?"

Neptune: "Ray?"

Rays: "Oh crap." Then Neptune squeals like a fan girl

Neptune: "Oh my god I can't believe it came true! Two Rays!"

Ray L-side: "Oh god dam it."

Neptune: "Now then you." She points at the left side of Ray "You'll be with me around every time we are in the public. And you." She points the right side of Ray "You'll be with me in bed~"

Ray R-side: "I may be the emotional side but the left side of me said no."

Ray L-side: "Wow you are a pervert."

Neptune: "And? What do I care I have two guys with me so if this is the start of a harem for me than all I need is the other doctors than i'll be set."


Kadoya and Katsujuro sneezed as well as Ryan

Ryan: "Hey is it me or did someone mention us?"

Katsujuro: "I don't know."


In what appears to be heaven Yamashita was watching the drama

Yamashita: "Nah i'm not into lolis because i'm not trying to get arrested like Kadoya. Soon."

Back with the two Rays and Neptune

Ray L-Side: "Yeah well it won't last for long." Then he closes the lever and removes the gashat

Gachon! Gashun!

The two reverted back into one Ray and then he pass out

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