Level 11: The Black Ex-Aid?

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Author: "Welcome back everyone and you know who I am so let's go back to what happened on the last level. Intern Ray Rune had a hard time to work with the other doctors as he and Neptune came up with a plan which worked as they all obtained the power of level 5 but not all of things were fun and joy because that was for Ryan to gain data to complete his ultimate plan. Now then time to spread some joy because it's almost there. I may be early but who cares. Let's continue this game."

Starting off as Christmas was coming close the bells were ringing and Ray was working of course as he and Emu were just talking like mentor and intern

Ray: "It's sad that I only have one week until this internship is done."

Emu: "Yeah but hey you

Ray: "Yep." Then he got a phone call "Hello?"

Neptune: "Ray pick up some pudding when you get back home!" She hangs up

Ray: "Why didn't she just sent me a text message instead." Then that was when he notice one of the patient who was a small kid started to feel ill as he fell to the ground "Oh god!" He went up to the kid and uses the game scope to find out he was infected as then he takes out his game driver and his gasaht

Mighty Action X!

Then suddenly the orange blob started to flea the hospital which cause Ray and Emu to chase after it to where they were outside as then the blob forms

Ray: "What the? Salty? I thought you were killed I just saw-" Then he notice his hat as well as Emu "Wait his hat is different why does he have a white hat?"

Emu: "Probably his black hat got some stain and this was the only hat he could find?"

Salty: "I've powered up. Now then time to end the host so that i've become powerful!"

Emu: "Well not if..." Then he pushes Ray forward "He can stop you."

Ray: "Low blow Emu, low blow. But not wrong. Henshin." Then he inserts the gashat onto his driver and opens the lever

Gashat! Gachan! Level up! Mighty jump! Might kick! Mighty Mighty Action X! 

Ray: "I'll clear this game with no continue." Then he went to attack Salty however most of his attacks were weak against Salty as Salty just punches him in the face over and over which Ray's gauge was running low "Oh god!" Then he got Salty off of him as he pulls out the Drago Knight Hunter Z gashat as he press the button

Drago Knight Hunter Z!

Then he closes the lever and inserts the gashat on the second slot

Gachon! Gashat!

Ray: "Dai Dai Dai Dai Dai Henshin!" Then he opens the lever

Gachan! Level up! Mighty jump! Might kick! Mighty Mighty Action X! A gacha! Do-Do-Drago! Na-Na-Na-Kni~ght! Dra-! Dra-! Drago Knight Hunter! Z!

Then Ray went on the attack as he started to breath fire and then started striking him so many times that he was dominating the bugster however the dragon was taking influence as he was flying in the air

Ray: "Huh?" Then he flew far "HELP!!!" Then he flew away as Salty runs away

Emu: "Ray!!!"


Neptune and Noire were having a chat but the question is that why is Noire in Planetune? Who knows

Neptune: "Oh come on Noire you know that you're having some feeling for that doctor."

Noire: "I have no idea who you're talking about."

Neptune: "The one whose a Kamen Rider, an ex-doctor, one who carries a gun with him, and-"


Ray: "AHHH!!!! GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!!!" That was when Noire looks up as it was too late for her as Ray lands on her as his armor disappear and his gashat dropped to the ground

Gachon! Gashun!

Ray: "Ugh...so much flying."

Noire: She mutters "Can you please get off of me?"

Ray: "Huh? Do you hear something Neptune?"

Neptune: "You crashed and landed on the lonely tsundere."

Ray: "Huh?" Then he looks down and got off of her "Oh sorry!"

Noire: "Would you explain how you fell from the sky?"

Ray: "Drago Knight Hunter Z."

Noire: "...What?"

Meanwhile at Genm Corp.

Ryan: "Well it looks like all the gashats has been almost complete you just need Shakariki Sports and that'll be it."

Yamashita: "Eh."

Kadoya: "What?"

Kadoya: "Nothing."

Katsujuro: "You're a pain towards everyone here and we can agree we hate you."

Yamashita: "Even if i'm hated I don't care. Besides I should get going I got some stuff to do. By the way Katsujuro, Kadoya good luck." Then he left the office which made Ryan a bit mad

Ryan: He mutters "That bastard is a pain to deal with."


Neptune: "Soo...you got the pudding?"

Noire and Ray: "...Neptune are you dumb?"

Neptune: "What?"

Ray: "Neptune how do you expect me to get pudding while I was fighting a bugster and then was flying in the air?"

Neptune: "Plot?"

Ray: "...Neptune you may be my idiot but if you say anything dumb i'm gonna have to teach you a lesson."

Neptune: She laughs "Sorry sorry."

Ray: "Right...well anyways can you take me back to the hospital because I think you might be able to take me there fast in your CPU form."

Neptune: She pouts "No."

Ray: "Why?"

Neptune: "You called me an idiot jerk." She pouts

Ray: "Nep Nep please."

Neptune: "No."

Ray: "Do you want me to get you more pudding when my shift is over?"

Neptune: "Even if you give me all the pudding in the world it won't change my mind."

Ray: "What if I give you something for Christmas that will make you love me?"

Neptune: "Pfft challenge accepted."

Ray: "Bring it."

Ray's thought: "Well...shoot I don't know what to give her. Maybe another game? This will take a while. How long do I have until Christmas?

Ray's thought 2: "10 days so you should come up with something fast."

Ray's thought 1: "Jeez thanks for that now I shall panic."

Ray: "Ok so can you take me back to work please?"

Neptune: "Fine. I was just gonna take a long gaming marathon." Then she transforms into her CPU form

Ray: "So how will this wor-" Without any warning she grabs both of his hands as then the two were in the air which lead to Ray looking down which didn't surprised him

Purple Heart: "So enjoying the view?"

Ray: "Context. If you're talking about the ground then yes, if you're talking about the view of you than to be honest you look beautiful."

Purple Heart: "Aww thanks." Then they made it to the hospital which then Neptune safely lands as she lets go of him "Well we have arrived to your destination."

Ray: "Well thanks." Then this was when some people notice the two which lead to an awkward position they're in "Soo...see you later when my shift's over." She nods and flies back to the basilicom


Now it was only Ryan, Parado, and Mr.Puzzle just standing in the office as Ryan was on a laptop

Ryan: "Dam there is something I need for this game to be completed."

Mr.Puzzle: "And you need a data on death."

Ryan: "What?!"

Parado: "Eh?!"

Mr.Puzzle: "I guess you can say that I have some sort of skills that no other people has. Oh yeah I recall I infected a kid with Salty."

Ryan: "Well that'll conclude that part just need to bring the kid somewhere secluded and this can be over and the ultimate game will be a true god! And I can show those goddess what real power is."

Mr.Puzzle: "Wow I think that proto gashat made you go addicted for power. Huh I feel like addiction and a small item to transform sound familiar....Oh well who cares i'm gonna try and eat a do not, do-donut." Then he walked out of the office and the building to a nearby pastry shop


Ray arrives back at CR which was decorated Christmas theme which looked cool as he sees Poppy and Emu both talking and sees a cake

Ray: "Umm guys can someone explain what's going on?" Then Emu explains to him what happened which was the child who was infected with the bugster virus whose name was Shuhei Yamanaka and explains about how the kid loves cake but hated Christmas which felt sad for Ray and Emu so the two looked at the cake as neither of the two had any response

Poppy: "Eh?" Then she looks at them "Hey! Guys?" Then Ray receives a call

Ray: "Hello?"

Ryan: "Ahh good thing I got in touch with you. I heard that another patient has the bugster virus."

Ray: "How did you know?"

Ryan: "Words travel fast for me. Anyways I need you to transfer the patient somewhere because i've been getting words of the Ministry of Health that they were behind these bugster virus."

Ray: "Well I...well...ok." He hangs up as meanwhile Ryan has the proto gashats as he then leaves his office


Ray, Emu, Poppy, and Shuhei at a empty field which was weird why Ryan told him to be here but however they were met with Ryan already in his level three form

Ray: "Oh great. What are you doing here?"

Ryan: "Isn't it obvious i'm here for death." Then he grabs the wheel and then prepares to throw it at them which lead to Emu blocking it with his body but when he took the hit he got blasted down as he was knocked out "EMU!!!" Then he takes out his driver and his gashats

Mighty Action X!

Drago Knight Hunter Z!

Then he inserts them onto his driver


Ray: "Dai Dai Dai Dai Dai Henshin!" He opens the lever

Gachan! Level up! Mighty jump! Might kick! Mighty Mighty Action X! A gacha! Do-Do-Drago! Na-Na-Na-Kni~ght! Dra-! Dra-! Drago Knight Hunter! Z!

Then Ray went on the attack as he and Ryan were not evenly match with Ray having a powerful form as then the dragon took influence causing Ray to act unintentionally which lead to him taking hits after hits as then before another strike from Ryan with a wheel, Ryan throws it as Yamashita tackles Ray to the ground

Yamashita: "HEY SNAP OUT OF IT!!!" Then he slaps Ray in the face a few times until that was when Ray was back in control

Ray: "Huh?" Then that was when the other doctors shows up

Kadoya: "Wow for a lier you want to lie to him."

Yamashita: "I still believe in Ray even if he's a nice guy."

Katsujuro: "Whatever I'm here for the gashat." He points to the Shakariki Sport gashat Ryan has

Yamashita: "What are we waiting for? Let's get started." Then they all takes out their driver and puts it on as they take out their gashats and press the button

Taddle Quest!

Bang Bang Shooting!

Bakusou Bike!

Yamashita, Katsujuro, and Kadoya: "Henshin." They insert it onto their drivers

Gashat! Let's Game! Metcha Game! Mutcha Game! What's your name?! I'm a Kamen Rider! 

Ray: "Alright!" Then he removes his Drago Knight Hunter Z gashat as they split into four and the doctors each got one





Kadoya: "Proceeding to level 5

Katsujuro: "Mission 5."

Yamashita: "Fifth gear." Then they inserts the gashat onto their driver and then opens the lever

Gachan! Level up! Taddle Meguru! Taddle Meguru! Taddle Quest~! A gacha! Do-Do-Drago! Na-Na-Na-Kni~ght! Dra-! Dra-! Drago Knight Hunter! Blade!

Gachan! Level up! Ba-Ba-Bang! Bang-Ba-Bang! (Yow!) Bang Bang Shooting! Do-Do-Drago! Na-Na-Na-Kni~ght! Dra-! Dra-! Drago Knight Hunter! Snipe!

Gachan! Level up! Bakusou Dokusou Gekisou Bousou Bakusou Bike! Do-Do-Drago! Na-Na-Na-Kni~ght! Dra-! Dra-! Drago Knight Hunter! Lazer!


Ray: "I'll clear this game with no continue!"

Kadoya: "Commencing Black Ex-Aid's removal operation."

Katsujuro: "Mission start."

Yamashita: "Let's rev it up!"

Then they all attack Ryan which was hard enough to deal with four level 5 doctors as the Shakariki Sport gashat was knocked out of his driver causing him to go to his level 2 form and his gauge was at a low level

Katsujuro: "Now you should tell us who you are or you'll die slowly from my hand."

Ryan: "Dam it!" Then he inserts a white gashat onto his bugvisor as he grabs the Shakariki Sport gashat from the ground and inserts it onto the kimewaza


Gashat! Kimewaza!

Then he press the button

Shakariki Critical finish!

Then he went for a rider kick towards Poppy and Shuhei

Ray: "I won't let you!" Then he intercepts an counter the attack causing Ryan's gauge to reach zero as he notice it so Ryan takes the bugvisor and used it on himself causing for him to be saved from death as a title was shown on the driver

Yamashita: "Oh come on! I call hacks!" Ryan laughs

Katsujuro: "Enough of hiding tell us who you are."

Ryan: "I guess there's no point of hiding my identity." He laughs "My name is Kamen Rider Genm."

Ray: "Genm?" Then Ryan closes the lever and removes his gashat

Gachon! Gashun!

Then Ryan's armor disappears to show himself which shocked Ray but not Yamashita because he's right

Yamashita: "Told you guys."

Kadoya: "Well dam."

Ray: "Ryan? Why though?"

Ryan: He laughs manically "Why? Why should I tell you why? This world shall be ruled by one deity and that is me!" Then he uses the bugvisor as a distraction as he fired at them which lead them to be blinded as Ryan was already gone


As Mr.Puzzle and Parado were playing games in Ryan's hideout he was back with a bit of damage

Mr.Puzzle: "Oh you're back."

Ryan: "Yeah." Then he removes the gashat from the bugvisor


Ryan: "I've did it. I've created the greatest game." Then the image of the game is shown

Parado: "You're one crazy person."

Mr.Puzzle: "Yeah what did you do got yourself killed."

Ryan: "Yeah." That shocked them a bit "But now a new game has started!" He laughs manically

Next time on Game Start!

Ray: "I have to say it?"

Author: "Yep and don't worry about the fourth wall being broken i've gotten it insured."

Ray: "Ok well then guys it's almost time and a Christmas story or stories will be shown soon. Stick around."

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