Level 15: Another player joins the game

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Author: "Surgical intern Ray Rune had to convince with Kadoya Kuyusami somehow agreed to his condition and also gave back Ray's gashat. As the two did a successful operation not only did they save Kazuki's life from the game virus and from his cancer. But from hidden from the spotlight Katsujuro got some evidence from Ray's blood and was positive for the bugster virus. Now it's time for the three doctors to be faced with a new player who will help them or help with Ryan. That's the fate he's gonna connect and hopefully knock it out of his system and to find what's the next stage."

Starting off at night with Katsujuro already about to end his stream

Katsujuro: "And with that the stream shall end. See you prey next time this is Juro signing out." He ends the stream and sighs "Honestly this is why I love it here mostly the doors and the least amount of people here. Though I can't believe we have to deal with her." He was referring to Nico but he didn't cared because she cared that he beat M (Aka Emu) but that part he won't do because he isn't a killer but she could have meant beat him in a game but as when he end the stream all he could think is the fact that he could go for either a donut or Chinese takeout


Parado had a gift for Fujikawa as Fujikawa was back from doing stuff which was playing games at  nearby arcade

Parado: "Hey Fujikawa."

Fujikawa: "Hey what's up?"

Parado: "Here." Then he hand him the gift which he opens it to find it was a gashat

Fujikawa: "Eh? Awesome!"

Parado: "Ryan said something about needing data and said it'll be an exercise test for me but why would I want to fight? Besides I got games to play."

Fujikawa: "Awesome."

The next day

Ray wakes up early to hear the sound of the usual Neptune chasing Peashy to which he didn't give a dam so he went to make coffee

Nepgear: "Good morning Ray."

Ray: "Morning. So is this gonna be a regular thing." Then he sees Compa and If "Oh hey guys."

Compa: "Hey Ray."

If: "Sup."

Ray: "Well guys I should get going." Then he went back to his room and gets dressed and then he runs to work but then realized that there's another way to get to the hospital quick which was that he takes out the Bakusou Bike gashat and for some reason when he pressed the button he was able to summon the bike "Ok this works great." Then he drives to the hospital


Ray was out of the ER because he had a panic attack as Kadoya actually had to help him get out

Kadoya: "I can't believe that you had a panic attack. Look you should relax." Then he had a flashback


It was early in the morning like 4 in the morning as he was about to walk to work he got a call from Katsujuro though he couldn't recognize the number

Kadoya: "Hello?"

Katsujuro: "Hey surgeon we need to talk. Since you're at Lowee meet me at a nearby cafe in 10 minutes." Then he hangs up

Kadoya: He sighs "Well great I hope he paid for coffee." Then he went to a nearby cafe which luckily it was where Katsujuro was at "What do you want to talk about ex-doctor."

Katsujuro: "It's about the death of the motorcycle rider Yamashita."

Kadoya: "What do you mean?"

Katsujuro: "His death. It was weird that he wanted to talk to us about something and it had to do with ex-aid."

Kadoya: "What about the intern?"

Katsujuro: "Remember how he made that game with the gashat?"

Kadoya: "Yeah?"

Katsujuro: "Well I did my investigation and got a bit of his blood. He's positive for game disease."

Kadoya: He was shocked "So that makes sense."

Katsujuro: "Kadoya you should never tell him this unless you want a dead doctor."

End of flashback

Kadoya: "The only thing you're good at is taking out bugsters and curing people of the game disease." Then he walks back to the ER where surgery resumes as Ray makes his way towards CR


As Kadoya finished up with surgery he went to CR to check up on Ray which he looked perfectly fine as then the two didn't got any call on anything as they just waited and waited and waited until the lights went out and started flickering


Ray and Kadoya's thought: "Why would a ghost haunt us? If any case we're just good peopl-" Then Ray got a call

Ray: "Hello?"

Neptune: "Hey Ray can you come to Lastation for me please and bring your doctor friend."

Ray: "Why?"

Neptune: "Ok hear me out I had nothing to do with it."

Ray: "Neptune just spill it."


Ray: "Woah woah woah. Monster? We'll be there." He hangs up "Kadoya we got a call apparently a bugster is let loose."

Kadoya: "Where?"

Ray: "Lastation."

Kadoya: "Well then let's run."


As they made to Lastation the CPUs, their sisters, and Peashy were in Noire's room as then Ray and Kadoya entered inside the Basilicom

Ray: "Ok can someone explain what the hell happened?"

Neptune: "You see."


As Blanc and Noire were discussing about something and then Neptune comes in crashing and landing onto Noire something was odd as something dropped from Noire's hand

Neptune: "Hey Noire what's that?"

Noire: "Get off of me first and then i'll explain." Then Neptune got off of her "Ok I don't know why but Katsujuro left this here." Then she shows it was Katsujuro's gashat as she then press the button

Ban-Bang Sho-sho-sh-shooting!

Noire: "What the?" Then suddenly Noire collapsed on the ground

Uni: "NOIRE!!!" She went up to her as then a bugster came out


Revol: Then a bunch of soldier bugsters appears "Men take aim! Fire!!!" Then the bugsters fires as then everyone took cover as then Revol and the soldiers were gone

End of flashback

Ray: "..."

Katsujuro:  He enters the room"...ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDIN ME?!"

Neptune: "Woah who are-"

Katsujuro: "I head everything. Noire you idiot!" He grabs his gashat "Whatever i'll just eliminate the bugster. Just don't try to follow me."

Noire: "Tch why are you even here?"

Katsujuro: "I left my gashat here and now I heard that you're infected with the virus." Then he looks at the others "I don't care why you're all here except you." Then he points at Kadoya

Kadoya: "Dam it." Then Katsujuro left as the other doctors does the same but Ray was stopped by Vert

Vert: "Wait Ray I need to ask you about Yamashita. Where is he?"

Ray: He started to have a flashback and a mild headache "I...don't know." Then he runs and Vert could tell he's lying. As the other doctors found Revol walking attacking people

Katsujuro: "I can't believe this is happening." Then the doctors take out their drivers and their gashats

Taddle Quest!

Bang Bang Shooting!

Mighty Brothers XX!

Ray, Kadoya, and Katsujuro: "Henshin." They insert their gashat onto their drivers

Gashat! Let's Game! Metcha Game! Mutcha Game! What's your name?! I'm a Kamen Rider!

Ray then opens the lever

Gachan! Level Up! Mighty Brothers! Futari de Hitori! Mighty Brothers! Futari de Victory, X!

Then they all fight which became weird as Katsujuro was going at Revol but his attacks missed every time

Katsujuro: "What the hell is going on?"

Ray: "What the?" Then Ray got the soldiers off of him as then Ryan appears

Ryan: "Ray i'll be deleting that bootleg game." Then he puts on his driver and takes out his gashat and press the button

Dangerous Zombie!

Ryan: "Henshin." Then he inserts the gashat onto his driver and press the red button

Buggle Up! Danger! Danger! (Genocide!) Death the Crisis! Dangerous Zombie! (Zombie Screech)

Ray: "If this is your way to say you hate me then." Then he closes the lever


Ray: "D~a~i~ Henshin." Then he opens the lever

Gachan! Double Up! Ore ga Omae de! Omae ga Ore de! (We are!) Mighty! Mighty! Brothers (Hey!) Double X!

Ray L-side summons the gashacon keyslasher

Gashacon Key slasher!

Then the two Rays tag team against Ryan which looked funny for them but not for Ryan because it's annoying. Meanwhile Katsujuro and Kadoya takes out their second gashats

DoReMiFa Beat!

Jet Combat!

Katsujuro: "Third phase."

Kadoya: "Proceeding with level three." Then they insert the gashat onto the second slot and open the lever

Gashat! Gachan! Level up!

Taddle Meguru! Taddle Meguru! Taddle Quest~! A gacha! Do-Do-DoReMiFa-So-La-Ti-Do! (Yeah x2) OK! DoReMiFa (This is the Beat they ask for) Bea~t~! (To the Beat x2)

Ba-Ba-Bang! Bang-Ba-Bang! (Yow!) Bang Bang Shooting! A gacha! Jet! Jet! In the Sky! Jet! Jet! Jet Comba~t!

Then the two attacks as still Katsujuro misses his attacks and even if he made a hit they did nothing

Revol: "Men retreat!" Then Revol fled as Kadoya took care of the last soldiers and Ryan and Rays were still fighting

Ryan: "A god shall punish the filthy mortals for playing with the tools of the gods!"

Rays: "Oh i'm sorry we aren't Prometheus." Then they roundhouse kick Ryan which he was on the ground and got back up feeling nothing

Ryan: "I'll have to deal with you later." Then he fled

Ray: "Self proclaim god wannabe." Then the three doctors removed the gashats from their drivers and their armors disappears and the two Rays merge back to one

Gachon! Gashun!

When Ray was back to being one he then receives a headache again

Kadoya: "Still that dam virus."

Katsujuro: "There's one way of dealing with all of this crap." Then they all went back to the basilciom where Noire was just laying down in bed

Ray: "Well we have some good news and bed news. The bad news is that the bugster fled."

Noire: "Wow great doctors."

Ray: "Wow rude. But the good news is that we just need you not to stress out or you'll...vanish."

Noire: "Well if my hands are gonna be fated by you three i'm just gonna-"

Katsujuro: "Can someone explain why the hell is there a camera in your bedroom."

Ray, Kadoya, and Noire: "Huh?" Then they look at where Katsujuro was viewing and by surprise it was a camera pointing at Noire's bed as then Katsujuro picked it up

Katsujuro: "Wow I heard stalking and this takes it to the next stage."

Ray: "Well should we even figure whose the one behind this." Then Noire gets up

Noire: "Well then i'm coming with."

Ray: "Yeah and my policy is to not let anyone who has the game disease out of bed so..." Then he got kicked in the knee by her

Noire: "You dare question me?"

Ray: "Why?" He was on one knee still trying to hold back the pain

Noire: "Because shut up and let's go." Then they decided to leave but before Katsujuro would leave he got a phone call from an anonymous number

Katsujuro: "Hello?"

???: "Well well if it isn't Juro."

Katsujuro: "What?"

???: "I'm giving you a warning try to approach me and i'll reveal that secret Juro."

Katsujuro: "Wait you know my secret?!" Then the caller hangs up "Are you freakin kidding me?" He sighs and then went to follow with the others


Ryan enters back in the warehouse with pure rage while Parado and Fujikawa were playing some Street Fighters


Parado: He whispers to Fujikawa "I think you should run before he comes after you." Fujikawa nodded and teleported out of the warehouse and made it to Lastation where he was on top of a old building

Fujikawa: "Well this sucks." Then he sees the CPU candidates "Eh? Why are they here?" Then he sees the CPU in their goddess forms and was able to notice something odd on Noire "So she has the game disease. Sucks to be her." Then he decided to take a snoop around the building which he started by teleporting to the ground and started walking the place as he heard some odd clicking "Huh? Are my ears playing trick?" Then he decided to open the door which he heard the sound of the clicking

Fujikawa: "Eh?" Then he accidentally opened the door too far to where he tripped and falls

???: "Huh? Who are you?"

Fujikawa: "I should ask you the question. By the way have you heard any weird sounds of anybody walking around?"

???: "Nope sorry."

Fujikawa: "Well then i'll be going." Then he walks away as he then finds Revol so he stay above the boxes. As the CPUs and the doctors were walking around they stumble and find the unknown robot

Ray: "FBI OPEN UP!!!" Then the robot turns around "Wait you're the stalker?"

Noire: "And hacker!"

Ray: "Wait what?" Then Noire explained everything on how Lastation's security was hacked

Ray, Kadoya, and Katsujuro: "Ohh."

Noire: "Yep."

Ray: Then he looks at the robot "So got a name before I pound you." Then he takes out his hammer

Anonydeath: "My name is Anonydeath and yes I was the one stalking Noire."

Kadoya: "Wow that was so polite and honest."

Anonydeath: "Yep and it's so wonderful that three handsome doctors are here. Write e a prescription of hotness." Then the doctors got weirded out "But the truth is that i'm a fan of Noire." Then he shows images of Noire

Neptune: "What the?! There are so many images of Noire!"

Katsujuro: "What the hell?" Then he sees one where Noire was sewing "Wait since when can you sew?"

Noire: "Uhh." She laughs nervously "Yep I guess that's the truth i've been sewing. But again this has nothing to do with-"

Anonydeath: "Oh? Then you're not gonna react to this?" Then he shows multiple pictures of Noire cosplaying

Author: "And in 3...2...1..."


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ray: "And with that i've seen so much that my life has flashed before my eye-" Then Kadoya and Katsujuro were about to leave but Anonydeath played and audio recording which was of Katsujuro's last stream "Wait isn't that Juro?"

Kadoya: "That live streamer who doesn't reveal his or her identity?"

Anonydeath: "Yep and one of you is him!"

Kadoya: "Wait who could..." Then he looks at Katsujuro

Katsujuro: "Oh come you believe a robot? This man or woman has no proof it's just and audio recording still the voice can't be recogniz-" Then suddenly Anonydeath played the same audio this time the application that Katsujuro used to make his voice anonymous was removed "..."


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ray: "Wait..." Then he kept thinking of Katsujuro and Juro "Ohh I get it, it was just the last part of your name. Clever." Then Katsujuro and Kadoya dragged him outside as then the two takes out their drivers "What the? Guys?" They press the button on their gashat

Bang Bang Shooting!

Taddle Quest!

Kadoya and Katsujuro: "Henshin." Then they insert the gashat on the driver and ope the lever

Gashat! Gachan! Level up!

Taddle Meguru! Taddle Meguru! Taddle Quest~!

Ba-Ba-Bang! Bang-Ba-Bang! (Yow!) Bang Bang Shooting!

Then the two went to attack Ray, Kadoya on the short range and Katsujuro on long range

Ray: "Why are you attacking me?!" Then he takes out his gashat and his driver

Mighty Action X!

Ray: "Henshin." Then he inserts the gashat onto his driver and opens the lever

Gashat! Gachan! Level up! Mighty jump! Might kick! Mighty Mighty Action X!

Then it became a 2 v 1 situation as Ray summons his gashacon breaker, Kadoya with his sword, and Katsujuro with his gashacon magnum as this continues Katsujuro aim right where Ray holds his other gashats and fired causing the Drago Knight Hunter Z gashat to drop and for Kadoya to pick it up

Kadoya: "Time to end this." Then he press the button on the gashat

Drago Knight Hunter Z!

Then one was made for Katsujuro

Blade! Gun!

Kadoya: "Proceeding with level 5."

Katsujuro: "Fifth phase." Then the two close the lever insert the gashat on the driver and then open the lever

Gachon! Gashat! Gachan! Level up! Do-Do-Drago! Na-Na-Na-Kni~ght! Dra-! Dra-! Drago Knight Hunter! Brave! Snipe!

That was when the CPU candidates heard the sound of what appears to be a gun and boxes being destroyed and went to find the sound and then that was when they all see the fight that was happening

Nepgear: "What the?! Ray?!"

Ray: "Nepgear!? Ahh!" Then he got strike in the back by Kadoya

Rom and Ram: "Kadoya! Stop this!"

Kadoya: "Sorry but this is an operation." Then they heard the sound of footsteps

Revol: "Now then it's time to become powerful-" Then he was wrapped in chains and then was hanged in the air "Help me! I hate heights!"

Fujikawa: "It's best to stop attacking him."

Katsujuro: "Stay out of this, this isn't your business."

Fujikawa: "It is if he's getting attacked. If you want someone to fight then i'll be your opponent." Then he takes out the gashat gear dual

Kadoya: "What the? What kind of gashat is that?" Then Fujikawa turn's the gashat's dial

Perfect Puzzle!

Then suddenly power up items appeared around the field

What's the next stage? What's the next stage?

Fujikawa: "Henshin." Then he press the buttons on the gashat gear dual and inserts it onto the buckle which was on the side of his waist

Get the glory in the chain! Perfect Puzzle!

Fujikawa: "Kamen Rider Para-DX (Paradox )...Level 50."

Nepgear: "Wait did he say 50?"

Ray: "Yep and no your mind isn't playing tricks."

Fujikawa: "Let me explain what my games are." Then Kadoya and Katsujuro then attacks Fujikawa however their attacks barley did anything because he was 45 level higher than two "Perfect Puzzle: A game where you manipulate the power up items of the field. Here i'll show you." Then the blocks, barrels, and the chest on the field disappeared and the power up shows as they form in a square pattern 5 by 4 grid as he started moving them around "Now time to choose what I want." Then he got three power up items and used them together

Kōsoku-ka! Janpu Kyō-ka! Shinshuku-ka! (Speeding up! High Jump! Stretch)

With the use of three power ups Kadoya and Katusjuro's attack barley did anything as Fujikawa could stretch enough to dodge the attack as he then jumps in the air and takes the gashat from the buckle and then twist the dial back to its original stand and twist it back to Perfect Puzzle


Then he press the buttons on the gasaht and placed it back onto his holster

Dual gashat! Perfect! Critical combo!

Then he does a stretchy rider kick on the two which got owned as their armor disappear

All Clear!

Fujikawa: "Alright that's done with. Ex-aid let's play."

Ray: "Dam you this isn't a game!" Then he takes out the Mighty Brothers XX gashat and press the button

Mighty Brothers XX!

He closes the lever and replaces the Mighty Brothers X with the Mighty Brothers XX gashat

Gachon! Gashun! Dual Gashat!

Then he opens the lever

Gachan! Level Up! Mighty Brothers! Futari de Hitori! Mighty Brothers! Futari de Victory, X!

Ray: "D~a~i~ Henshin!" Then he opens the lever

Gachan! Double Up! Ore ga Omae de! Omae ga Ore de! (We are!) Mighty! Mighty! Brothers (Hey!) Double X!

Then the two Rays went at Fujikawa but these two are level 10 against level 50 so this had a somewhat slight advantage for them but barley anything as Fujikawa just blocks the attacks

Fujikawa: "Come on Ex-Aid is that all you got?" Then he threw the left side at the right side "I'm gonna switch games." Then he takes the dual gashat out and twist it to another game Knockout Fighter

Knockout Fighter! The strongest fist (Round 1)! Rock and Fire! The strongest fist (Round 1)! Rock and Fire!

Fujikawa: "Dai Henshin." Then he press the button and places the gashat back on his holster

Dual up! Explosion hit! Knockout Fighter!

Fujikawa: "Knockout Fighter: A game where two players fight until one is knocked out. The game is really self explained." Then the two Rays went to attack but Fujikawa was able to grab the left side and throw it aside and as for the right side he got a barrage of punches

Nepgear: "Please stop this!"

Fujikawa: "Huh? Sorry but we are currently playing games."

Nepgear: "You're just constantly attacking him!"

Fujikawa: "This is a game overall." Then he twist the dial and back to the Knockout Fighter


Then he press the button and place it on his driver

Dual gashat! Knockout! Critical smash!

Then Fujikawa went for a right uppercut on Left side Ray and then a right hook on the Right side causing the two to revert back into one as then


Ray started to have a headache again as Fujikawa turn the dial back to its original stand as he press the button as his armor disappear

Fujikawa: "Ray let's play again when you get serious." Then he was about to leave but Uni was in her CPU form and then fired at him but he knew that was coming so he created a barrier around himself "You know your next line is gonna be: "HOW DARE YOU!!! WHY DID YOU START ATTACKING THEM!!!" Am I right?"

Uni: "HOW DARE YOU!!! WHY DID YOU START ATTACKING THEM!!!" Then she gasp "How did-"

Fujikawa: "This is like an ability i've mastered. To read people's action. And speaking is also an action so basically this is too easy for me. Bye everyone. Stay safe." Then he teleported somewhere

Next time on Game Start



Fujikawa: "I'll take on Ex-aid my way..."

Ryan: "I'll be taking your gashats."

Ray: "Stop it!"

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