Level 29: Max (α) vs Max (β)! Bugster vs Bugster!

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Starting off with the rescue of Poppy but that was just it as Emu making his way seeing that Poppy was back to normal and Parado already mad

Emu: "Leave them alone!"

Parado: "Emu there's something you should know one thing...You are me. And Ray you and Fujikawa are one in the same." Then he turned into particles and possess Emu

Ray: "EMU!!!" Then they all went towards him "Emu!!!" This was when Ray got a punch to the face and him falling to the ground and this was when he takes out the gashat gear dual

Fujikawa: "What the?! Parado!!!"

Emu: "Henshin." He twist the dial to Knockout Fighter and press the button

Knockout Fighter! The strongest fist (Round 1)! Rock and Fire! The strongest fist (Round 1)! Rock and Fire! Dual up! Explosion hit! Knockout Fighter!

The Emu went to attack Ray but Fujikawa put up a barrier to stop him from attacking

Fujikawa: "GET OUT OF HERE!!!" They all nodded and run off

Emu: "Dam you..." Then he stops and his armor disappear and left


Ray and the others (except Emu) were back at CR and were shocked what happened

Ray: "Guys did Parado...?" They nodded "Look we should-" Then he noticed that his driver his gone and all but one of his gashats were taken "Wait where's the other gashats?!"

Fujikawa: "And your driver! Dam it Emu must have taken it."

Ray: "Ok we should deal with that but first there's something I want to talk to you Fujikawa. When Parado said that him and Emu are one and the same and the same about us tell me is this true?"

Fujikawa: He sighs "Well then it's time for me to tell you about the day I was born."


Author: "Hey guys this is your author Rgarciatiger/Tiger god. Now here's the backstory for the two (Ray and Fujikawa). It all started in the year 2000 and on that year it was when Y2K was at the time a thing for those who didn't know mostly millennials like myself when 2000 was about to come that was when technology was about to go down. Well it didn't happened but enough of that anyways on January 15, 2000 that was when Ray Rune was born but he wasn't born like normal people as when he was one year old his mother was gone not knowing how but it was due to her having the bugster virus. Basically it was Ray and his father and the two were somewhat ok as they never been seeing one another as Ray's father was working to provide for his son and was taken care by his aunt from his mother's side which he lived a regular life. When he was 9 his father gave him a gameboy color with Pokemon Red and then he started playing the game and was getting addicted towards video game (But no to where it's a problem) and started to play other games. At the age of 12 he started middle school at and early age but he wasn't feeling fine when he was at school. During one of his class he fell out of his chair and passed out. He was taken to the hospital and was positive for the bugster virus. Apparently the virus transmitted from someone in his family. Later one night we was bored as he doesn't have someone to play with so he started thinking of a player two/imaginary friend which he fell asleep and then the bugster (Fujikawa) was born knowing that he was born from him he couldn't let him know about his identity so he fled and was doing his stuff. Ray started to know about his father which he was a doctor and so it caught his interest. Later in his life he was in medical school and was doing alright."

End of flashback

Ray: "Well then I guess now I know how you were born."

Fujikawa: "Yeah but for now we should find Parado and Emu." They nodded and left CR


Emu was alone and takes out the game driver and the Mighty Brothers XX gashat and press the button

Mighty Brothers XX!

Emu: "D~a~i~ Henshin." He inserts the gashat onto the driver and opens the lever which for some reason he was in his level X form which resulted in two Ex-Aid one was Emu and the other Parado

Gachan! Double Up! Ore ga Omae de! Omae ga Ore de! (We are!) Mighty! Mighty! Brothers (Hey!) Double X!

Parado: "Emu this is how we're destined...to fight one another." Then he summons the gashacon key slasher

Gashacon key slasher!

Parado: He toss the key slasher to Emu "Emu fight me."

Emu: "What? No!" Then Parado went to fight Emu which he didn't even fight back and that was when Parado was stopped by a certain doctor, Ray

Parado: "What the?"

Ray: "STOP THIS!!!" Then he swung his hammer right at his face which Parado grabs it and then threw Ray to the ground and was about to use it but Emu use the key slasher to stop him

Fujikawa: "Parado stop this!"

Parado: "Why should I you and Poppy decided to sided with the humans!" Then he went to attack Fujikawa

Fujikawa: "Please just le-"

Parado: "Fujikawa you are dead to me." This shocked Fujikawa as he didn't attack

Fujikawa: "What...?"

Parado: "You heard me. You were just a bugster that had a weak mind."

Fujikawa: "But all this time...I considered you and Graphite as a brother..." He started crying "You just used me?!" Then he was angry as he takes out the gashat gear dual β and twist the dial to Taddle Fantasy

Taddle Fantasy! Let's going king of fantasy! Let's going king of fantasy!

Fujikawa: "Henshin!" He press the button on his gashat

Dual Up! Satan appeared! Say "Ma~ou"! Taddle Fatasy!

Then he charges at Parado with full rage and this was when Emu takes out the Maximum Mighty X gashat and inserts it onto the key slasher

Maximum gashat! Kimewaza!

Then he charges at Parado

Maximum Mighty critical finish!

This then resulted in Parado to be reprogrammed with human DNA and Parado's armor disappears but this was a big mistake for them. As the other doctors Nico and Noire made it where they were Parado started laughing

Ray: "What's so funny? You lost, you're outnumbered."

Parado: "Idiots thanks to Emu I can use this." Then he takes out a game driver which it was Ryan's and puts it on "With this now my heart is starting to dance like crazy." Than he takes his gashat gear dual and inserts it onto the driver

Dual gashat! The strongest fist! What's the next stage? The strongest fist! What's the next stage?

Parado: "Max dai henshin." Then he opens the lever

Gachan! Mazaru Up! Akai kobushi tsuyosa! Aoi Puzzle rensa Aka to ao no kousa! Perfect Knock Out! (Click and open! Mix it up! The fierce red fisted fighter! The clever blue chain puzzler! Red and blue now together! Perfect Knock out!) 

Parado: "Perfect Puzzle. Knockout Fighter. Two level 50 games come together as one. And it's known as Perfect Knock Out

Everybody was shocked to see his new form

Parado: "Kamen Rider Para Dx level 99."

Everybody else: "99?!"


Katsujuro and Kadoya: The two step up to the challenge "Well then time to show you whose the strongest." Then the two take out their gashat

Katsujuro: "Mission 50."

Kadoya: "Proceeding to level 2." Then the two inserts their gashats onto their drivers and open the lever

Dual gashat/gashat! Gachan Dual/level up! Scramble da! Shutsugeki Hasshin! Bang Bang Simulatio~ns! Hasshin!/Taddle Meguru! Taddle Meguru! Taddle Quest~!

Parado: "Oh finally some challengers." Then he summons his personal weapon the gashacon 

Gashacon Parabragun!

Then Kadoya and Katsujuro went to attack but they did nothing against Parado as he was a higher level then the two which then Parado press the 'A' button on the parabragun 


Now in its gun form Parado started shooting at Katsujuro who was firing back to which Parado takes the gashat from the driver and inserts it onto the parabragun

Dual Gashat! Kimewaza! Perfect critical finish!
Parado also taken some power ups which was the Sepration power up

Now with 8 Parado aiming at Katsujuro, Katsujuro closes and opens the lever

Gachon! Kimewaza! Gachan! Bang Bang critical fire!

Then the 9 fired which resulted in Katsujuro's defeat

Fujikawa: "STOP THIS!!!" Katsujuro's armor disappear and was injured and Kadoya takes the gashat gear dual β and twist it to Taddle Fantasy

Taddle Fantasy! Let's going king of fantasy! Let's going king of fantasy!

Kadoya: "Proceeding to level 50." He inserts the gashat onto his driver and opens the lever while charging towards him

Dual gashat! Gachan! Dual Up! Tadoru Meguru RPG! Taddle Fantasy~!

Then Kadoya attacks but his attack did nothing as Parado press the 'A' button again on the parabragun


Then Parado then press the 'B' button 7 times


Then he slashes at Kadoya

7! Renda!

With the 7 hit combo Kadoya was beaten easily as his armor disappear

Parado: "That was over with. Now then." He went up to Ray with his weapon in his hand and was about to raise his weapon Fuijkawa intercepted

Fujikawa: "Your fight is with me!!!"

Parado: "Oh? You want to fight me? Go ahead i'll let fight me because your weak a level 50 bugster-" Then Fujikawa laughs a bit "What's so funny?"

Fujikawa: "Oh Parado you stupid idiot. Remember how I got struck from Ray with the same method Emu did for you to become Perfect Knock Out?" This was when Parado gasp

Parado: "Like I matter you don't gave a driver-" Then Fujikawa takes out the driver Nepgear made for him

Fujikawa: "Now my heart is dancing with justice." Then he puts on the driver and inserts the gashat onto his driver

Dual gashat! I'm ready, King of Fantasy! I'm ready, King of Fantasy!

Fujikawa: "Max Dai henshin!" Then he opens the lever

Gachan! Mazaru Up! Jōgi no chikara! Shirei-kan no zunō! Issho ni zankoku ni naru! Fantasy Simulation! (Click and open! Mix it up! Power of a Ruler! Brains of a Commander! Combine to Become Crueler! Fantasy Simulations!)

Fujikawa: "Taddle Fantasy. Bang Bang Simulation. Two level 50 games united as one. It is now known as Fantasy Simulation."

 Parado: "Tch stop being a copycat."



Fujikawa: "You and me...your fight will be against me!!! Bugster vs Bugster!!!" Then the two started fighting one another which they were equal in power but design wise Fujikawa had cannons on his arms and fire at Parado "Aww what's wrong can't beat me?" He then use his precognition to see what's his next attack "First you'll strike me down." He dodges as he was correct as Parado strikes down "Then a side swipe." Also true and dodges "Then you'll attempts to use the power of Perfect Puzzle and then I punch you in the face." That also happened "Next you'll say: How did you know you dam bastard?! Am I right?

Parado: He groans "How did you know you dam bastard?!" He gasp as Fujikawa summons his new weapon the gashacon kawa striker

Gashacon kawa striker!

The weapon was a hybrid of the gashacon sword and magnum and blade part was the sword and the handle was the magnum and the 'A' and 'B' buttons were there

Fujikawa: "Let's dance." He said in a serious tone which then the two charge at each other

Next time on Game Start!

Parado: "NO!"

Fujikawa: "Parado. Know this as long as I exist i'll make sure to send you to hell."

Ray: "As humans and doctors we'll end this game."

Parado: "As a bugster i'll eliminate every single human being and the goddesses."

Ray: "What the?"

Poppy: "Kamen Rider Genm level 0."

Ryan: "I AM GOD!!!

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