Level 36: The Invincible Rider

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A week passed by and starting off with Ray back at the hospital and was able to walk straight as his back was healed and then he hands the prescription of painkillers to the doctor who prescribed it to him when he broke his back and then he went back to CR 

Ray: "Alright i'm back everyone!"

Ryan: "Well it looks like your back is normal."

Ray: "You mean healed?"

Ryan: "You know what I mean!"

Ray: "Alright so what's our progress."

Fujikawa: "We don't know but if we can use the Hyper Muteki gashat this should allow us to be immune from the time stop but it's unknown if for how long or is there a requirement."

Ray: "So that means we have to gamble it when we fight Alex."

Katsujuro: "It's kind of obvious. So for now we should be on standby because not a lot of people are entering the hospital due to most of Planetune were not even considering re-joining the game."

Ray: "So that means that if we can get their gashats and take out Gamedues it'll be over."

Katsujuro: "Yeah basically."


Alex back at Genm Corp with this right and lefthand men and Alex wasn't happy because nobody was playing Kamen Rider Chronicle

Alex: "You know what i'm getting bored. Time for an ultimate challenge one where everyone will have the chance to win."

Kadoya: "And that'll be?"

Alex: "Those who can kill me can obtain the ultimate reward."

Yamashita: "And with that there goes the remaining population of Planetune."

Alex: "Honestly i'm close to being angry just." He sighs "You guys go and do whatever you want i'll go and spread this all on the internet." They nodded and went to do their own thing


Yamashita was driving towards Leanbox and then without any care in the world and drove towards the basilicom on his bike and this caught towards multiple guards but he just ran them over

Yamashita: "Sayonara suckers!" Then he crash into Vert's room which the whole time she was playing online games and didn't even heard the whole thing that happened a few minutes ago "Hey!" No response "HEY VERT!!!" He sighs and he puts on his driver and he then sees a plug and removed it from a plug in which turned off her computer

Vert: "Hey what do you think-" She gasp "Ya...mashita?" He then takes out his gashat

Bakusou Bike!

Yamashita: "Gear zero. Henshin." He inserts the gashat onto his driver and opens the lever

Gashat! Gachan! Bakusou Dokusou Gekisou Bousou Bakusou Bike!

Vert: "What the? Why are you here? I thought you were dead!"

Yamashita: "I was brought back with a new purpose. Assassination." He press the button near the kimewaza slot to select his stage

Stage select!


Alex managed to get the people of Planetune to re-join back into Kamen Rider Chronicle and about who to take out which was a rider named Kamen Rider Chronos aka Alex Mercer and everyone were trying his best to take him out but Alex was too strong to be taken out

Alex: "Where is their maximum power?!" He then threw multiple people aside as they were still too weak no matter what they try most of them were killed as Alex uses most of his power to eliminate those who were a pain "Is there anyone who is stronger than me?!" Then the ground he was standing was changing

Stage select!

He sees Yamashita and Vert (Already in her CPU form) fighting one another. Yamashita was in his Bakusou Bike proto Jet Combat form which became a air fight

Alex: "Why am I here?" Then he sees Ryan, Fujikawa, Katsujuro, and Ray standing there

Ryan: "Those who uses my devices and abuse it YOU SHALL FEEL JUDGEMENT!!!"

Ray: "Alex we are gonna end this game and you once and for all!" Then the four takes out their drivers

Fujikawa: "I can't wait for this to end." Then they take out their gashats

Maximum Mighty X!

Bang Bang Simulation!

Mighty Action X!

Dangerous Zombie!

Katsujuro: "Mission 50..."

Ryan: "Grade X-0..."

Ray and Fujikawa: "Max dai..."

Katsujuro, Ryan, Ray, and Fujikawa: "Henshin!" They insert their gashats onto their driver and open the lever

Gashat! Gachan! Level up! Mighty jump! Mighty kick!Migh~ty Actio~n X! A gacha! Danger! Danger! Death the Crisis! Dangerous Zombie! (Zombie Screech)

Dual gashat! Gachan! Dual up! Scramble da! Shutsugeki Hasshin! Bang Bang Simulatio~ns! Hasshin!

Dual gashat! Gachan! Mazaru Up! Jōgi no chikara! Shirei-kan no zunō! Issho ni zankoku ni naru! Fantasy Simulation!

Maximum gashat! Gachan! Level max! Saidaikyuu no Powerful Body! Dariragan! Dagozuban!

Ray press the ex-aid head down

Maximum Power~ X~!

Ray: "Let's go!" They then charge at Alex which he then had to deal with a four vs one which he was annoyed but was able to deal with them

Alex: "Dam you stupid pests!" Then Alex uses the gashacon bugvisor zwei's beam mode and fired at them all the while Yamashita having a semi advantage towards Vert but he doesn't because while being a flying machine his attacks were of a level 0 so in short term they are strong but strong against a CPU? Probably not

Green Heart: "Why are you doing this?!"

Yamashita: "Because I owed my life and nothing more." He looks at Ray and the others "But for now let's cherish the moment we have with his fight." Then he takes the Jet Combat proto gashat from his driver and onto his kimewaza slot

Gashun! Gashat! Kimewaza!

Then Yamashita press the button

Jet critical strike!

Yamashita: He then locks onto Vert "Lock on and..." Then he took fire as multiple missiles towards Vert to which she had to dodge but most of them were locked on so she uses her spear to destroy them but this was bad as they create smokes to block her vision and then one missile hit her which then exploded and as she reverted to her human form on the ground "Time to say good-" Then suddenly he was shot in the back "Who the?!"

Parado: Already in his level 99 form "Yo."

Yamashita: "Well looks like more bugsters arriving to the party but..." He looks at Ray and the others "We already won and lost."

Alex: "Time to end this!" Then Ryan takes out the hyper muteki gashat and press the button

Hyper Muteki!

Alex: "What the hell? What kind of game is that?

Ryan: "Hyper Muteki a game where the character is invulnerable to the enemies attacks!" He then removed the Dangerous Zombie gashat from his driver closes the lever and inserts the Hyper Muteki gashat in its place

Muteki gashat!

Then Ryan opens the lever but before he could Alex press both 'A' and 'B' button to freeze time


Then everything was frozen but...

Gachan! (Muteki!) Level up! Mighty jump! Mighty kick!Migh~ty Actio~n X!

Then Ryan's body started glowing gold


Ryan: "I AM A GOD!!!" Then he went to attack Alex and as so Alex fought back which the two were evenly matched but...

Time up!

Ryan: "WHAT?!" Then Ryan's body stop glowing gold and his body was frozen and now only Alex was the one able to move around the frozen time stop

Alex: "God dam it." Then he deals a power blow by press the 'A' button twice

Kimewaza! Critical crews-aid!

He does a roundhouse kick against Ryan and then press the 'A' and 'B' button again


Time resumes as Ryan was blasted towards a wall and his gauge was at zero

Game over!

Then Ryan pops out of the purple pipe

Lives remaining: 87

Ryan: "Man that hurts." Then Alex and Ryan fought each other again as Ray went to intercept them but was stopped by Parado

Parado: "Hey you do realize that your fight is with m-" Then he was tackled by Fujikawa

Fujikawa: "Your fight is with me!" Then the two started fighting one another

Ryan: "Now time to end this!" He tries to use the Hyper Muteki gashat but Yamashita shot it out of his hand

Yamashita: "Thanks for the brand new gashat."

Ryan: "DAM YOU!!!" Then Ray and Yamashita started fighting each other

Ray: "I can't believe we had to fight each other!"

Yamashita: "You should have seen it!" Then he kicks him "Coming!" Then he takes out the Shakariki Sports proto gashat and closes the lever and removed the proto Jet Combat gashat and substituted for the proto Shakariki Sports

Shakariki Sports!

Gachon! Gashun! Gashat! Gachan! Level up! Bakusou Dokusou Gekisou Bousou Bakusou Bike! A gacha! Shakariki! Mechakogi! Hot! Hot! Shaka! Shaka! Kogi! Kogi! Shakariki Sports!

Then the two continue fighting

Yamashita: "You should know that this isn't personal." Then he takes the gashat from his driver onto the kimewaza slot and press the button on it

Gashun! Gashat! Kimewaza! Shakariki critical finish!

Then he threw wheels on his shoulders at Ray which wasn't enough to have his armor disappear but enough to knock him down on the ground

Alex: "Good job Bakusou Bike. Now hand me the gashat." He puts his hand out hoping for him to give it to him but what he didn't see coming was that he roundhouse kicks his hand aside as he tosses the Hyper Muteki gashat to Ray "WHAT THE?!"

Yamashita: He smirks "You fell for it like a true idiot."


During the fight with Yamashita, Fujikawa, and Ray

Yamashita: He whispers into Ray's ear "Go along with us being enemies until the time comes. Don't worry about me just make sure to eliminate Alex."

End of flashback

Ray: "Heh I really should start trusting you there but the time. Alex let's settle this now!" Then he takes the Hyper Muteki gashat and press the button

Hyper Muteki!

Ray: "Hyper dai henshin!" He then inserts the gashat on top of his driver instead of normally of the slot of the drivers


Alex: "Za Warudo!" Then he press the 'A' and 'B' button


Alex: "I don't know what you were planning." Then he walks up to Ray "But your gashats will be destroyed for go-" Then the Hyper Muteki gashat suddenly open a panel as Ray was ejected from the mech armor

Bakkān! Mu~te~ki~! Kagayake~! Ryuusei no Gotoku~! Ougon no Saikyou Ga~mer~! Hyper Muteki Ex-Ai~d! (Open it up! Mu~te~ki~! Invincibility~! Shine bright! Like a true shooting star! The ultimate gamer, clad in gold! Hyper invincible Ex-Ai~d!)


Ray: "Well looks like i've obtained the powerful form I can reach. The invincible rider. One whose body and heart of gold fighting to defeat those who uses their power for their evil desire. I AM KAMEN RIDER EX-AID HYPER MUTEKI!!!"

Alex: "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO YOU ARE!!! WHAT YOU WILL BE IS DEAD MEAT!!!" Then Alex charges at Ray but Ray moved faster then him to where he was behind him "What the-?!" Then he got kicked from the back "YOU PEACE OF!!!"

Ray: "You are too slow."

Alex: "SHUT UP!!! I'LL SHOW YOU!!!"

Ray: "Time for game master Zero's title show it's real meaning. A player with no loses!" Then he grabs Alex's hand and turns him to face Ray "Also." Then he press the button on the top of the Hyper Muteki gashat

Kimewaza! Hyper critical sparkling!

Then Ray leaps into the air and went on the kicking spree after one kick he hops off and kicks Alex again and again as then Ray was behind Alex

Alex: "..." He looks at himself "HA WHAT DID THAT DO-" Then suddenly multiple hit signs were shown as then Alex crashes into multiple buildings and was in the air and crashed into the ground as time resume and Ray got revenge from what Alex did to his back


Ryan: "What happened?!" Then Ray points to Alex who his armor disappears and that not to mention his back cracked not to where its broken but wasn't able to stand straight for too long

Alex: "GAHHH!!!! MY BACK!!!"

Ray: "Revenge is best served cold. You lost Alex." Then Alex disappears but isn't dead (He fled) and Parado fled as well because he knew that if he doesn't wanted to end up like Alex than don't mess with him

Yamashita: "So. How about we get out of here."


Ray, Ryan, Fujikawa, Katsujuro, Yamashita, and Vert were back at CR where Vert started slapping Yamashita in the face. Afterwards he shows the ten of the proto gashats

Yamashita: "OWW!!!"

Ray: "You deserve that also good job on getting the ten proto gashats."

Yamashita: "Yeah its nothing also i'm gonna start getting used with Ryan aren't I?"

Ray and Fujikawa: "Yep."


As Kadoya was back at CR what he was doing...nothing but reading and Alex was in a wheelchair

Alex: "DAM IT!!!"

Kadoya: "Sir what hap-"

Alex: "SHUT UP!!! NOW I WANT YOU TO LISTEN TO ME VERY CAREFULLY! I NEED YOU TO KILL EX-AID FIRST AND THEN TAKE OUT THE OTHERS!" Then he takes out the gashacon buggle driver zwei "Or you know what happens." Then he materializes Hiiro's girlfriend and his own mother


Next time on Game Start!

Alex: "Now then whose fate will you hold dearly?!"

Kadoya: "Once I defeat them this will be over."

Katsujuro: "GRAPHITE!!!"

Graphite: "Looks like fate must have driven us closer."

Katsujuro: "I will end what should have happened 5 years ago!"

Noire: "Katsujuro!"

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