Level 46: The end(?)

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Starting off with everyone watched the result of Parado's death and his driver and the gashat was on the ground

Ray: "...Dam you!!!"

Alex: "This was his judgement he defied me and my power so he committed suicide to kill a god

Fujikawa: "It doesn't matter because his death was not in vain and the same goes for Poppy. This game will have an ending!" Then Alex laughs

Alex: "Kamen Rider Chronicle will never have an ending!" He kept laughing manically as he sees the CPUs and their sisters "Oh great they're here? Well whatever with or without Gamedues I am still strong!" He then takes out his driver and puts it on and takes out his gashat and press the button

Kamen Rider Chronicle!

Alex: "Henshin!" He inserts the gashat and open the lever

Gashat! Buggle Up! Ten wo Tsukame Rider! (Wow!) Kizame Chronicle! Ima koso Toki wa Kiwamareri! (Wow!)

Then the others were about to join in but Fujikawa stepped up as he takes the gashat gear dual the one Parado uses and inserts it onto his driver

Dual gashat! The strongest fist! What's the next stage? The strongest fist! What's the next stage?

Fujikawa: "Max dai henshin." He open the lever

Gachan! Mazaru Up! Akai kobushi tsuyosa! Aoi Puzzle rensa Aka to ao no kousa! Perfect Knock Out!

Then Fujikawa started to fight Alex by himself which was stupid because it's the time stopper vs the bugster with the power of a brawling game and a puzzle game which was stupid move because he was fighting with rage something that was rarely used for him

Alex: "Come on is that it?" He then kicks him aside

Fujikawa: "Shut up shut up SHUT UP!!!" Then he summons the gashacon parabragun and did the following: One he closed the lever

Gachon! Urawaza!

Second as he still have the gashacon parabragun he takes his gashat gear dual beta and insert it onto the gashacon parabragun

Dual gashat! Kimewaza!

Then finally he takes out the Toki Meki Crisis gashat and inserts it onto the kimewaza slot

Gashat! Kimewaza!

Then he does a triple finisher on Alex

Gachan! Perfect Knockout critical bomber!

Fantasy Simulation critical finish!

Toki Meki critical Strike!

With all of this, this could be a simple and quick case close with a level 99 and level 10 finishers he would end off Alex there right? Wrong because again Alex paused time


Everyone were standing there as time was frozen nobody did anything except for Alex for which he walk up to Fujiakwa

Alex: "All of the three bugster's attacks against me? Heh don't make laugh." First he press the 'A' button


Then he press it again

Critical crews-aid!

Alex roundhouse rider kick Fujikawa and you think it would end there? No because he takes his driver and now become the gashacon bugvisor zwei and used the chainsaw mode and press the 'A' button


He then press the 'B' button

Critical Sacrifice!

He then slashes Fujikawa but it doesn't stop there he was gonna overkill him as then uses the beam gun mode and press the 'B' button


He takes aim and press the 'A' button

Critical Judgement!

He fired and blasted Fujikawa and then puts the bugvisor back on the buckle

Alex: "You three's game has no meaningful value in the market." He then press the 'A' and 'B' button again to restart time


When time restarted nobody knew what happened and Fujikawa's finishers were gone but he didn't felt anything until he fell onto his knees and multiple hit marks show everywhere as he was blasted to the ground where his armor disappear and started fading away this time having to reaction except for the amount of pain he took as Ray ran up to Fujikawa which Fujikawa was crying because this death felt more painful then last time and knowing it was a quick he started reaching his hand towards the others which Nepgear and Ray ran toward

Fujikawa: "Dam it I lost...again..."


Nepgear: "Please just keep living." She started crying as Fujikawa hugs her one last time before a bit of speck left on Ray's hand and soon he was gone knowing that he was gone this meant that he can't transform stuck to see that he died

Ray: "...DAM YOU!!!" He face Alex but the others stopped him including Nepgear

Kadoya: "This fight we'll do this by ourselves Ray." The others takes out their gashats

Taddle Legacy!

Bang Bang Simulation!

Bakusou Bike!

Jet Combat!

Mighty Action X!

Dangerous Zombie!

Kadoya, Katsujuro, Yamashita, and Ryan: "Henshin." They insert their gashat onto their drivers and open the lever

Gashat! Gachan! Level up! Tadoru Rekishi! Mezameru Kishi! Taddle Leg~acy!

Gashat! Gachan! Level up! Bakusou Dokusou Gekisou Bousou Bakusou Bike! A gacha! Buttobi! Jet! To the Sky! Fly! High! Sky! Jet Comba~t!

Dual gashat! Gachan! Dual up! Scramble da! Shutsugeki Hasshin! Bang Bang Simulatio~ns! Hasshin!

Gashat! Gachan! Level up! Mighty jump! Might kick! Migh~ty Actio~n X! A gacha! Danger! Danger! Death the Crisis! Dangerous Zombie! (Zombie Screech)

Then they all attack Alex

Kadoya: "Being doctors mean to carry the burden of others no matter how bad the situation is!!!" He charged fourth against Alex

Alex: "Heh coming from someone who doesn't give a crap about the feelings of his patients!!!"

Kadoya: "THIS IS THE MEANING OF A DOCTOR!!!" Then he was struck down by Alex as he now used Gamedues' weapons and next was Katsujuro who kept shooting him

Katsujuro: "As long as I live I promise THAT NOBODY WILL DIE IN MY HANDS OR OURS!!!"

Alex: "Heh that's your promise?! YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO PROTECT ANYONE!!!"

Katsujuro: "YOU WON'T KNOW BECAUSE I'LL MAKE SURE TO END YOUR SORRY ASS OF A CEO!!!" Then Alex bashed him with the shield down then Yamashita flew in the air as he take aim and fire

Yamashita: "Dying is something we suffer but in the end we will protect others who are still living."

Alex: "Heh as long as I stand you won't ever beat me!!!" Then he leap in the air and grabbed him by the leg and threw him down as he drop kicks Yamashita and Ryan full on punches his broth- I mean Alex



Game over!

Alex: "I had enough of this." Then he pause time


Then he took them all out one by one


Every one of their armor disappear and their gashats ejected from their driver and as for Ryan well he wasn't shown but he's still alive as he only has one life left meaning that now he's back with one measly life

Kadoya: "Dam it." Then they notice that the day turned to night and the CPUs were freaked out about it

Alex: "Heh taking you all out will be a simple piece of cake." Then he sees Ray charging towards him with his hammer but just took the fight which did nothing "You know there is still one thing I must take care of." He then pushes Ray back as he pause time


Alex: "Ex-Aid you faced me like a man and i'll end you quickly in front of everyone-" Then he didn't realize was that Ray was able to move again "What the hell?!"

Ray: "ALEX!!!" He then took a rage punch toward Alex's driver causing time to restart and for his driver to be damaged


Then Alex was pushed back the force as the others ready themselves

Ray: "Alex you see what we can do as Kamen Riders and doctors? We have given the power to help others." Then they all took out their first gashats and press the button


Mighty Action X!

Taddle Quest!

Bang Bang Shooting!

Bakusou Bike!

Ray: "We will change our patients fate with our own hands!!!"

Ray, Kadoya, Katsujuro, and Yamashita: "Henshin!!!" They insert their gashats onto their drivers and open the lever to their level 2 form

Gashat! Gachan! Level up! Mighty jump! Might kick! Mighty Mighty Action X!

Gashat! Gachan! Level up! Taddle Meguru! Taddle Meguru! Taddle Quest~!

Gashat! Gachan! Level up! Ba-Ba-Bang! Bang-Ba-Bang! (Yow!) Bang Bang Shooting!

Gashat! Gachan! Level up! Bakusou Dokusou Gekisou Bousou Bakusou Bike!

Then Ray hopped on Yamashita as they all prepare with their gashacon weapons ready except for Yamashita because he's a bike

Ray: "Let's go!" Then they all charge toward Alex as first Ray jumps off of Yamashita as he rams into him and for Vert to strike him multiple times with her spear. Next was a trio combination as Katsujuro running around shooting at Alex Uni was standing far from them and just took aim and fire at Alex with Noire just slashing him. Third were Kadoya, Blanc, Rom and Ram, Blanc and Kadoya both charged out with their anger towards Alex as they continuously strike him as Rom and Ram bashing Alex with their staffs creating ice spike on the ground causing Alex to get stuck as finally Neptune, Nepgear, and Ray were up as the two CPU sisters goes on a continuous slash towards Alex as he was getting weaker and then suddenly from the air Plutia in her CPU form just straights up whip the ground as Alex was slashed and whipped mercilessly and a Purple Pipe appear as Alex came out and already in his level 2 Mighty Action X form slashes him with the gashacon breaker. Ray saw that he was getting weaker and so he uses this opportunity as he takes his gashat from his driver and inserts it onto his kimewaza slot

Gashun! Gashat! Kimewaza!

Alex: "I WILL NOT LOSE TO THE LIKE OF YOU!!!" He press the 'A' button twice and Ray press the button on the Kimewaza slot

Kimewaza! Critical crews-aid!

Mighty critical strike!

Then the two perform their rider quick on one another as it became a collision of power to see who would win which Alex thought he overpowered him but Ray then charge through and his kick was powerful then Alex causing for Ray and the other's victory as Alex's armor disappear and his driver and fried unusable to be able to transform and night turned to day and the rider's armor disappear and the CPU revert to their human form

Ray: "Now it's time for you to count your sins because now you'll be taken in by the Ministry of He-" Then by a sudden thing Alex takes the gashat and sticks it in himself as he started fading away

Alex: "Heh why should I besides this...is only the beginning!!!" He laughs manically as he vanished as the gashat broke

Negear: "What now? If he had the ability to be able to bring people back from those who died from the game and Zero Day what now?" 

Ray: "Those who died, we will do our best to bring back those who are in these gashats." Then he gets up and removes any dust on himself "But for now we should get going I need to give my report on what happened." The doctors and Ryan nod and walk off

Two years later

As Planetune was being rebuild yet again Ray was now in a press conference as he gave his report of what happened two years ago to news reporter and how CR will be needed to take care of any bugster virus around and to find a way to bring back everyone who died during Zero Day and from Kamen Rider Chronicle and as that meeting was over he sighed and went back to the CR meeting room where a few things happened, one Ray has a wedding ring and you can guess who he got engaged to, two ever since what happened Kadoya was back at Lowee where the hospital he used to work before transferred him to Lowee and now works as a surgeon there having his own intern and this time he finally didn't look like he would kill someone. At the old clinic Taiga and Katsujuro used to work was now given a renovation and Taiga regaining back his medical license with a bit of help from Katsujuro also Katsujuro started acting friendly to where he changed his hair color from black to a dark blue which made Noire hated the color as she kept hitting him every day he doesn't change his hair color whenever he comes back home. Yamashita was working at Genm Corp and for creation of vaccination of Salty's virus with the new CEO (For the third or fourth time) It was Tsukuru Koboshi as now Yamashita started being less of a lier and due to this Vert then kept making sure to see if he had any injuries which to Yamashita was kind of stupid as injuries at work was a rare thing and Yamashita asked something from Tsukuru. Ryan was well doing his thing not being able to work at Genm Corp he hanged around with Plutia. Now back to CR as the others arrived including Ryan with good news

Ryan: "Guys I have good news Ray can you show me your hands."

Ray: "Sure why not?" He then shows him his hand as then Fujikawa came out and spoke something odd

Fujikawa: "I will keep on living for my comrade's faith." Then he looks around "Wait what's going on?"

Ray: "You are now revived dude welcome from two years in the future." Then suddenly Poppy and Parado seprated from Fujikawa

Poppy: "EH?! TWO YEARS?!"

Fujikawa: "Yes he said two years don't make a fuss out of it also how was it possible we are back? I swear we are in some sort of wierd dream where we were dead and we saw three people who were called brain, heart, and medic? It was weird but we got along so I guess it was so-so."

Ryan: "Well long story short a bit of speck were samples from the virus each of you had so basically Poppy and Parado were leaching onto you and then you leached onto Ray meaning that now you three are back and I HAVE SHOWN THAT I RYAN MERCER AM I TRUE GO--" Then he was sucked up in the bugvisor zwei and see it was Plutia who was holding

Plutia: "Sorry he kind of gets a bit annoying so I use this to make sure that he needs to calm down."

Ray: "Wow that was brutal even for you a CPU."

Plutia: "Eh." She shrugs as everyone laughs

The Game is Forever

As the saying goes when story ends another opens

Meanwhile in another world

Two unknown person were standing on top of a building as all they was a city

???: "It looks like we should count up the amount of sins that would hurt this city." Then the person puts on a driver and takes out a small device


???2: "Agree." Then the other unknown person takes out a similar small device


???1/???2: "Henshin."

Cyclone! Joker!

Then a single rider is seen

???1/???2: "Now count up your sins!"

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