A must read!

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Hey guys!

Obviously, this is not an update. But before I proceed to the reason for this important notice, I just wanna say a BIG thank you for over 1k reads and for the love you've all been showing for this book. God bless y'all for me.

Now down to business. You guys must have noticed the change of name for this book. My reason(s) would be stated.

The poor boy and I feels as though is the perfect name for this book probably because the guy's poor and the girl's rich, but I don't think it should be. That name is so not catchy and it's damn cliché, if you get what I mean. It feels like a Nigerian African magic movie, which I don't like. And as the author of the book, I sense that it's because of the title that's why most people ain't checking out the book. So that's why I've decided to use a more appropriate and catchy title– Gamed.

I so hope you all love the name.

Thanks for reading and staying this far with me. Keep up the good works and don't relent.

Ta ta. ✋

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