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The bell was rung for closing, which meant that Samson and I were supposed to meet so we could go to my place. I waited impatiently for him to pack his books into his bag. He actually took like forever.

"Done!" He looked at me with a grin plastered on his handsome face. Did I actually just think that he had a handsome face?

I sighed exasperatedly. "Finally!" I raised my hands in the air. "For a moment, I thought you wanted us to sleep in the school." I rolled my eyes with my arms folded around my tits.

"Us?" He flinched an eyebrow before bursting in a fit of laughter. "Like if I suggested that, you would even think of it talk more of doing it." He smiled as he carried his bag in just one shoulder.

"Are you ready now?" I scanned the class and it was empty, asides from the both of us. "Tracy would probably be waiting for me in the car now." I rolled my eyes before strutting out of the class.

Immediately we'd closed, I'd told Susan and Ola that they should leave already 'cause Samson and I needed to study for the competition we didn't even know when it would occur. But nonetheless, we had to prepare so that we wouldn't be caught unaware.

As soon as I left the class, Samson followed suit. Of course he had to, except he wanted to go his house and study alone.

"What took you so long!" Tracy bawled as soon as I reached the range rover car that would to take us home. Her tone made me slightly angry, but I wouldn't dare shout at her. She was my elder sister, if you'd suddenly forgotten.

"Er, so–"

"And who's this?" She cut me off, eyeing Samson that was standing behind me. I looked at him and I could feel that he was uncomfortable with her stare on him. I needed to save him the trouble so I immediately spoke up.

"Uhm...he is–"

"Save it!" She placed her palm in front of my face, shushing me. I mentally rolled my eyes. "You don't have to introduce the nerd to me, I know him already. So let's get into the car." She hopped in, after which I followed suit and Samson hesitated before entering.

The ride home was a silent one. Tracy sat at the window side so did Samson, making me sit in the middle. Not like I hated it, but it made me feel like I was the foreign one. I looked at my left where Tracy sat, she was busy– busy with her headphone on, probably listening to music. I looked at Samson's side. He looked so uncomfortable, yet he sat comfortably. He was probably still pinching himself from the dream of being in our car. I smiled at my thought. Silly me.

The driver took a u-turn, which meant that we were very close to our estate. Finally, we got to the big gate of our estate. As we drove in, the security men waved at us and I waved back at them. I was obviously their favorite  between Tracy and I. But when it came to the family at large, dad was 'cause he always gave them money to compensate their hard work. I wondered why he did so though. Not like it wasn't their work.

Our estate was very large. We had to pass so many buildings before we could get to ours. Mind you, the buildings were very huge and beautiful.

Tracy ran into the house as soon as she got down from the car. I nodded my head at her action. As I was about to enter the apartment, I remembered that I had brought Samson along with me. I halted and turned to look at him. Samson looked wowed with what he was seeing. His mouth was in agog, so was his eyes.

I laughed out loudly, making him jolt a bit before looking at me in embarrassment. I rolled my eyes, then beckoned him to come in.

"Welcome to my humble abode." I said as soon as we stepped our feet into the house.

"Wow!" He exclaimed. "Your house is BEAUTIFUL!" He opened his eyes in 'awe.'

"Thanks." I smiled genuinely. "So what can I offer you?" I dropped my bag on the floor beside me.

"Er...nothing." I knew for a fact that he lied.

I chuckled. "Do you really have to lie? Feel free to order anything. We don't bite." I said in a 'duh' manner.

He chuckled sheepishly. "Uhm...I really am not used to this. So just get me anything you have, I'd be fine." He shrugged.

"Kay-Kay" I hurried to the kitchen and greeted the chef, who was frying turkey. No wonder the house smelt really nice when I got in. Not like it didn't smell nice on a norm, but the aroma of the turkey added to the already pleasant smell.

I took two cans of malt from the freezer, with a pack of chocolate cookie biscuit and placed it on a tray before strolling out of the kitchen to where Samson stood. He looked intimidated by the house but when he saw me walking to him, a smile took over that intimidated look of his.

"Do we study in my room or the library? Which do you prefer?"

"You have a library?!" A confused look graced his face. He sounded so flabbergasted.

"Shocked right? Even I was shocked when my mum told me."

I was in jss1 when mum told Tracy and I that we had a library in the house. She said that she felt it was the right time for us to start studying there, since we had entered secondary school. That was how we knew we had a library in the house.

"So which do you prefer?" I repeated the question.

"The library's preferable."

"Thought you'd say that." I turned to make my way to the library, but I halted to say something. "And help me get my bag on the floor." I said before continuing to make my way to library.

We got in and immediately, I placed the tray on the empty table that we were about to use.

"Your house is really big." I heard him say. It then confirmed my prediction that he wasn't so rich, even though not poor. I didn't say anything.

I sat down and gestured for him to do same. We were now seated, opposite each other with an uncomfortable silence. For the first time, I actually felt awkward with a guy. 

I cleared my throat so as to break the choking silence. "Do you wanna eat or we should kick off with studying?"

"Your choice." He shrugged. Did he really have to place everything upon me, just because he was in my house?

I squinted my eyes at him. "You know I could actually just decide that we wouldn't eat at all." I stated matter-of-factly. 

"Okay." He sighed in defeat. "Fine, let's eat. I'm really starving."

I nodded my head and smiled. Former!

We finished devouring our snacks and cleaned ourselves, ready to study.

"Should we study arithmetic progression first?" I checked my bag for my maths text book. Besides, why was I the one to start a conversation? I rolled my eyes at my thought but stopped when I didn't find the text book in my bag, after I'd brought out all my books.

"Uhm...I'd be right back. I wanna go get my text book from my room." He nodded in approval as I excused myself. Can't believe I forgot my text book.

"Are you guys done fucking?" Tracy's voice resonated in my hear as I closed the door to the library. I looked at her in disgust at her question. Really? Did she think I was that cheap?

"Are you deaf?" She cranked up.

"We haven't even started studying, Tracy." I spat.

"Where is he then?"

"Inside." I pointed at the library door, before storming out of her midst. I couldn't stand her sight further or I'd burst.

It took me nothing less than ten minutes before I could find my text book. Finally! I hurried to the library. I had wasted a lot of time searching for my text book and Samson would probably be angry with me now.

I swung the door to the library open and was shocked with what I saw.

★ ★ ★

Samson's POV

Everything in the house amazed me. From the exterior design to the interior design.

When I got into the apartment, the bright light from the chandelier coupled with the all white painting blinded my eye sight. It was beyond beautiful. It felt like I wasn't even a house but in a castle. Anita's house was magnificent.

We got to the library that was upstairs. It was quite huge. We sat down quietly and began to munch on our lunch. I couldn't believe that I was shy with her. I admired her and all, but shy? That wasn't just me. I'd never been shy with a girl before except I had a crush on her, which was rare for me. Girls and I weren't friends. My goals were just to get good grades in school, go to a university of my choice, get first class and be successful. After which, I could think of marriage. So girls were my last priorities.

We devoured our snacks in silence. When we were done, we cleaned up the desk and ourselves.

I sneaked glances at her, not knowing what to say and also, I couldn't get enough of her beautiful face. She was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen in my life. Not exaggerating though.

"Should we study arithmetic progression first?" She brought me out of my thought. I looked at her as she checked her bag for something, probably a book.

She wasn't looking at me, so I didn't bother answering. I watched her as she searched for whatever she was searching in her bag. She had a little frown on her face. Seemed like what she was searching for was important.

I wanted to ask what she was looking for but she beat me to it.

"Uhm...I'd be right back. I wanna go get my text book from my room." I nodded in approval as I watched her leave the library and shut the door after her.

She had this very confident way of walking, which I admired. In fact, I admired almost everything of her. Her beauty, her smartness, the way she talked, her personality, just name it.

It'd been two minutes since she left and she wasn't back yet. Wondering how I knew, I had a wrist watch with me. I stood up from my chair and started pacing around the library before I heard the door to the library open and close. I snapped my head to the direction and saw Tracy sashaying to me.

I didn't know what to do, so I stood still.

"Hey pretty boy." She said in a very seductive way, which irritated me. "What are you doing here alone?" She was an inch closer to me now. We were so close that I could feel her hot breath in my neck. I was a little  taller than her.

"Er...I...I am waiting for...Anita to return." I stuttered. I didn't stutter because I was afraid of her, I stuttered because I didn't like how close she was to me and I couldn't go back any more, well except I wanted to enter into the book shelf.

She chuckled lightly and bit her lips in a seductive way, making her lips wet and pinker than it was. "You really don't have to be nervous around me. I don't bite." This statement reminded me of Anita, when we were downstairs. "Besides, we are classmates, so we should be free around each other." She sneaked her hands around my shoulders.

My eyes widened at her action. Where are you Anita? I gulped before I could utter a word. "Uhm...Tracy, could you please take your hands off me?" I tried to get out of her grip but she held me tighter.

"Are you scared that you wouldn't be able to control your libido around me?" He let out a soft laugh. You wish!

I tried to push her away from me, but she kept on holding me tight. I didn't want to go rough on her because she was a girl and most of all, Anita's elder sister.

She started tracing her hand from my chest down to my stomach and then to my chest again. On a norm, one was to be aroused or at least, enjoyed what she was doing but I wasn't in the least way having fun. In lieu, I felt disgusted. Low life bitch!

I struggled harder this time to push her away from me, but it seemed like she was stronger than she looked.

I heard the creaking sound of the doorknob. I tried to release myself from her grip so that anyone that was coming in wouldn't see us in such way, but she did the craziest thing a sober person wouldn't have done. She kissed me.

* * * *

Dun dun do you think Anita's going to react to this? What do you think of Tracy's behavior? Please drop a comment, it makes me happy.

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Thanks guys. 😘

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