Twenty one.

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Anita's POV

We got to South Africa safely. The flight was a somewhat tranquil one.

It was evening now. I was really pissed after Samson entered my room without permission. You don't even want me to tell you what happened. He really broke the last straw of the camel's back. And now, he has to face the dire consequence.

I set my bed and plopped on it. Plugged my charger to my phone, and began to do something with it. The room was cold and cozy. It was really lovely.

As I stared at my phone, chatting, there was a knock on the door. Who's that now?

I dropped my phone on the bed and stared at the door until I heard a second knock. I grudgingly stood up and went to check who it was. If it was Samson, I was going to murder him 'cause I already told him I never wanted to see his feet in my room again. If only I would never see his face again, that would be a lot better.

I opened the door. "Good evening miss Anita. I was told to come ask you if you would want anything for dinner." It was one of the workers here in the hotel. He was a white man, and was of average height.

Thank goodness. "Er...what do you guys have?" Did I just ask that? Yes I just did. I barely even knew what they made here, and I asked that.

"Well miss Anita, we have–." Before he could complete his statement, I injected.

"Just anything soft is fine. Thanks." I smiled at him.

"Okay then. If you may excuse me now." He was so polite and humble.

"Sure." I was quite surprised at the way he treated a young girl like me. It was so...okay, this place was like heaven to me.

I watched him walk away. He didn't stop at Samson's door to ask him? As I was in my train of thought, Samson's door opened. He was the one.

Okay you know in movies where the male comes out from a place and he jams the female, and then they begin to look at each other like forever, that was what was going on right now between Samson and I.

He looked like he just had his bath though. He was putting on a singlet, which exposed his biceps and revealed the size of his chest and shape of his six packs, with a jean trouser that was unbuttoned, hence falling down a bit. On a nutshell, he looked sexy. He had a pretty nice figure.

After much staring, I frowned my face and shut my door.

"Wait Anita." I heard him say from outside but I didn't open up, instead, I locked the door. He then gave a light knock on the door. "Please Anita? Open up, let's talk." He said rather too calmly. That was the sweetest way I heard him talk to me.

I just sat down on my bed and continued to press my phone.

"I know you're very angry with me, and I'm really sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen. I thought you said..." I plugged in my earphone, so I couldn't hear his remaining words. I chuckled to myself. Only if he could see what I did right now.

Minutes later, the white man brought my food. It was a food I'd never eaten before, but I ate it anyways. It was so nice and satisfying.

Before I slept, I did a video call with mum and dad. Tracy wasn't interested in the video call so I didn't force her.

The next day, which was a Sunday, I woke feeling happy. No reason for my happiness, I was just very happy. I guess it was because it was a brand new day. 

I went to the bathroom to have my bath and brush. Done dressing up, I was set for the day. There was a knock at the door. "Coming!" I packed my hair in a ponytail, then I did a bun. Done with that, I jerked the door open and saw the same white man. "Good morning Sir. I'm so sorry for the delay."

"No problem. Hope you had a wonderful night."

"I sure did Sir."

"Anyways, I came here to inform you that Mr. Shedrack wants to see you and Samson downstairs." He was referring to our principal.

"Okay Sir. Thanks." Before I could close my door, he said. "Please inform Samson. I've been knocking on his door but he didn't open. I guess he is still fast asleep." He smiled then walked away.

Oh, not again! Why does it always have to be me to end up calling him? "Argh!" I groaned.

I went into my room, unplugged my phone and went out. I rolled my eyes in annoyance before knocking loudly at his door. Thankfully, it was only both of us that stayed in this floor. I knocked again but no response. I started panicking. What if something was wrong with him? My heart started making different sound beats. I heaved a sigh before opening the door.

I gasped as I saw that he was lying dead on his bed. I checked if he was breathing, and yeah, he was. Goodness gracious! He was still sleeping like a goat that he was. The duvet was covering his lower part but his upper part was naked. He left his bare chest to sleep. What if he was naked? Oh gosh! And also, wasn't the cold much?

I gulped before walking slowly but steadily towards him. I tapped his arm gently. It was his back view that was facing me.

"Samson." I whispered. "Wake up." I hate to disturb people from their sleeps. I found it rude. I tapped him again. He moved his body and faced the other side. I pouted my lips out of frustration. "He is such a deep sleeper." I said through gritted teeth. "Does he think that he's in his father's house? I guess he has never slept in a comfortable place like this before."

I tapped him again but he wasn't waking up. "I know what to do." I placed my earpiece in his two ears and played a music on my phone to the loudest. Boom! He jolted up.

"Ouch!" He abruptly took my earpiece off his ears and frowned at me. "What did you do that for?"

I folded my arms around my tits and frowned at him too. "You're such a goat. I've been waking you up since but you didn't want to wake up, so I decided to find another way to wake up."

He looked around his room. The duvet was still covering the lower part of his body, so I wasn't so sure if he was naked, but the sight of his upper part was beautiful. He had a complete six packs with a nice chest; not too big not small.

He rubbed his face with his palms. "What time is it?"

"Ask that to yourself." I made my way to the door.

"Wait. Wh...what...why are you here?"

"Mr. Shedrack is calling both of us."

"Who's that?"

I sighed and looked at him like he was dumb. "Our principal." I said with a forced calm voice.

"Oh." He paused for a while and snapped his head at me. "Principal?! Why?"

"Please can you just get ready and come down immediately."

"Okay okay." He wanted to stand up from his bed but I stopped him.


"What?" He snapped his head at me like there was problem.

"Let me first leave before you stand up." Okay, that sounded weird. 

At first, he seemed perplexed as to what I said but he later grasped, which made him give me a smug smirk.

I scoffed at him before swiftly walking out.

I went down to meet Mr. Shedrack. He was busy with his phone. "Good morning Sir."

"Hey Anita. How was your night?" He cheerfully asked.

"Very fine Sir." I returned the smile.

"Erm..." He looked behind me with squinted eyes. "What about Samson?"

"Oh." I muttered. "He is coming Sir. In fact, he just–" I stopped myself immediately in trance. It would be so wicked of me if I told him he just woke up from sleep. He might even scold him.

"He just what?" He inquired.

"He...he just...he is coming sha." He had better be fast.


Whilst Mr. Shedrack was sitting down pressing his phone, I was standing waiting for that goat head of a boy.

"You can have your seat." Mr. Shedrack said to me.

"Thank you Sir." I sat down and started pressing my phone just to wile away time.

Minutes later, Samson rushed down the stairs. He even almost fell but he stood his balance.

"Good morning Sir." He greeted the principal.

"Why are you just coming down now? Even a girl didn't take much time in the bathroom like you did."

"So sorry Sir. I..." He sneaked a glance at me. " so sorry Sir. It wouldn't repeat itself." He said.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Hope it wouldn't. You can have your seat."

"Thank you Sir." He sat down.

"Tea or coffee?" He asked out of the blues.

"S...sir?" Samson stuttered.

"I said, tea or coffee? And I'm asking both of you.

"Coffee sir." I answered. My reply made Samson look at me.

"Coffee?" He mouthed at me. I just rolled my eyes at him. "Okay, tea Sir."

"Okay then. Sandwich or toast bread?"

"Toast bread sir." "Sandwich." Samson and I said simultaneously.


"Ladies first."  Samson smiled at me.

I cocked a brow at him. "I choose sandwich Sir."

"What about you Samson?"

"Uhm...I also choose sandwich." He sneaked a glance at me.

"I thought I heard toast bread."

"Yeah, he initially chose toast bread, so I don't know why he is choosing sandwich now." I said

"'s none of your business which I choose." He retorted.

"Pfft! It can never be my business. I just hope you would eat it like a normal person." I said, sarcastically.

"Seriously?" He frowned at me, and I wanted to burst out laughing.

"Enough students. I only asked what you'd eat and not turn it into a food argument." He paused before speaking up again. "Are you sure you want sandwich, Samson?"

"Yes Sir."

"Then...sandwich it is."

After we had our breakfast, we went on a tour around the hotel. It was really a big and beautiful one. When we were done with that, Mr. Shedrack left us to be alone outside the hotel, after he had told a lot about the hotel; the history and many more, and he had also instructed us to be either out where we were right now, or inside the hotel. He also told the security men to keep a close watch on us.

Samson and I were now sitting on a plastic chair outside.

After some minutes of silence, Samson decided to start up a conversation. I knew he was going to anyways. He couldn't keep shut whenever he was with me. "Anita, can we talk now? At least we are alone." He said.

I stopped what I was doing with my phone, then hesitated before looking at him. "What now Samson?"

"Look, I promise not to take much of your time. I'd just say what I wanna say and leave you alone, promise. If you even wish, let's not talk throughout our stay here, I would manage. But please...just listen to me this once." He pleaded. The least I could do right now was to give him listening ears.

"Speak." I sighed afterwards.

"Thanks." He adjusted himself and faced me directly. "Okay, what happened yesterday afternoon wasn't my fault."

"How would you–"

"Hun hun...just let me do the talking here." Samson shut me up. He fucking shut me up. "It wasn't my fault. When I knocked, you told me to come in, and I basically did."

"Wait there mister. I didn't tell you to come in, I told you I was coming but you basically did what pleased you."

"I heard come in."

I rolled my eyes. "Can you just get to the point already."

"Okay, I'm really sorry for seeing your nakedness. I didn't mean to. I didn't even know you were naked at all. I'm just so sorry."

"Please...sorry wouldn't change anything."

"Okay okay, I could go all naked for you if that would make you forgive me."

"Ew! Never. Look Samson, the deed has been done already. Nothing can be done again."

"That's why I want you to forget about it."

"Of course I have."

"But you are still angry with me."

"Look Samson, we can't be friends, so stop trying."

He looked at me hurtfully. "Are...are you always like this with other guys, or it's only with me?"

"Why do you care?"

" hurts! I'm trying so hard to be friends with you but all I get in return is your insults. I don't want to date you anymore since you don't want that, so why can't we be friends?" It was evident that he was hurt real bad.

"I don't want to be friends with you, is it by force? You're the one hurting yourself not me." I told him truthfully.

He gazed at me for a long time. "You're so...argh! Never mind. I'm done with you and your drama. Have fun." He stormed out of my midst.

I looked at him walk away. Okay, I was hurt now. I felt bad for treating him that way. But what could I do? I was only trying not to make mistakes again. I wish I could tell him.

As I continued to watch him walk away, angrily, a tear dropped from my eye.

* * * *

Okay, that didn't just happen!

This book is getting more dramatic as each day goes by now. What do you think guys?

Anyways, how was the chapter honestly?

IG @joseph_adedayo_😉

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