The Gamers Destiny begins

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Last time oh here It was darkness's birthday and later he saw himself

Darkness: what's going on why do I look like frisk and why do I suddenly have the urge to flirt with someone and be extremely determined
Then his mom and brother came in

Cream Heart: honey is everything oka- WHAT THE


morgana: and I'm morgana

Button: where did he come from

Morgana: don't worry about that kid

Cream Heart: uh honey how do you feel

His mom knew he had a special power but never something like this

Darkness then saw four options
A I feel fine thanks for asking
B I feel great hot mama
C good but I feel flirty
D ...

Darkness is thinking to himself what the heck is this and why is the second option having me hit on my mom but he chose option A

Darkness: I feel fine thanks for asking and I feel determined to

Button: to do what

Darkness: I don't know anything

Cream heart: okay well we'll be here if you need anything

They left

Darkness: okay morgana what now

Morgana: well now you go out and see take your powers out for a test drive

They both go out to town and immediately they see some mares staring at them but mostly darkness

Darkness: oh boy this is strange

Morgana: yeah and here's some more information after playing the games you get the powers of the people you play as and it only works on games from another world

Darkness: oh cool but to bad I don't have a way to get there

Morgana: who said you had to go there to get powers

Darkness looks at him in confusion

Darkness: what do you mean Mona

Morgana: let's meet in your house and I'll explain okay

Darkness: okay

They walk home and they are in darkness room
Darkness is now back in his normal form

Darkness: what now

Morgana: now you do the moment of truth

Morgana the reached in his utility belt and just started pulling out every video game console known to man like the all the xboxs all the PlayStations the Atari, the Nintendo consoles and a phone and pc too

Darkness: what is all this

Morgana: now is the time for you to become the gamer legend so first put all these games and that Nintendo switch of your in a circle and sit in the circle and meditate and everything else will become clear

Darkness: hmm okay

Darkness puts them all in a circle and sits in the middle and meditates and his mind begins to separate from his body and he starts floating in the air

Meanwhile in darkness head it is dark and he is alone be not for long

Darkness: where am I

???: your in your subconscious
Darkness turns around to see these guys

Darkness: Dear Celestia

Mario: Im a Mario

Sonic: sonic is the name

Spyro: im Spyro

Crash makes  unintelligible noises

Spyro: and that's crash

PAC man: im Pac-Man

Rayman: names rayman

Mega man: I'm mega man

Bomber man: I'm bomber man

Darkness: what happened

Mario: after brought all the game consoles together you the consoles reacted to your magic
And brought us here to you

Darkness: wow

Outside of darkness head the consoles stared moving around darkness and then a bright light filled the room

Morgana pull out some sunglasses

Morgana: here it comes

Back with darkness

Darkness: why is this happening

Sonic: kid you don't know but you are far more special then you realize and right now your fusing all the consoles together to make one super console that you can use to travel different video game worlds

Darkness: wow that's cool

Mario: it is and since your the hero this time you'll be taking our place as when you use this new console so all we can do is wish you luck and see you soon

Darkness: well see ya guys

Spyro: see ya and good luck out their

They left

Darkness then opens his eyes and he glowed and hovered in the air

Morgana: hmm what going on now

Darkness the floats down and he then got he noticed he changed into a alicorn

Darkness: WHAT THE

Morgana: Your the first male alicorn

This wasn't done because just now a console dropped on the floor

Darkness: ... it's the nexus

Morgana: the what

Darkness: it's my very own console

Morgana: oh really this just got interesting

Darkness and morgana was in awe with what just happened darkness managed to create a new game console

Darkness: wow I here by dub this device the nexus

Morgana: cool so it's just a video game console?

Darkness: well there had to be something special

Morgana: by the way can you look different

Darkness: what do you mean

Morgana gets a mirror

Morgana: take a look for your self

Darkness looks in the mirror and sees himself

Darkness:... My God I'm the first male alicorn YAHOO!!

Morgana: must have been a side effect of you having all that power

Darkness: yeah and now I feel more powerful and not to mention I look cooler too

Darkness: yeah oh and but let take a look at the nexus

Darkness uses his magic to bring the console towards him and he feels magic radiating from it and off of instinct he used his magic on it and he managed to open a portal

Darkness: what the

Morgana: it's working

Darkness: what is

Morgana: the plan now let's go in

Darkness: okay

Darkness and morgana both go in the portal
And they ended up in here

(Imagine these are portals)

Darkness: what is this place
???: this is the gameverse

Darkness: uh who said that

Then a pony appeared in front of him and it caught him off guard

Darkness: gah who are you

Harmonia: I am the goddess of equestria but you may call me harmonia

Darkness: my Celestia well it's a honor to meet you but what do you mean by this is the gameverse

Harmonia: I mean this is a separate multiverse that you made when you fused all those video game consoles together

Darkness: so when I fused them together I actually created a universe inside but why would you want me to do this

Harmonia: because your are the chosen one to have powers of these hero's and villains from these things you call video games and I sent morgana here to help you on your quest so you can become the hero of equestria

Darkness: the hero of equestria what do you mean

Harmonia: I mean that your the new hero of equestria like your father

Darkness: my father

Harmonia: yes your Aten Fighter was the last hero of equestria and he had video game powers like yourself until he and his wife aka your mother had to give you to the woman you know today because they had to fight a dangerous battle that they couldn't come back from but luckily his legacy will live on with you his son you


Darkness was surprised when he heard this he found out the his father was a hero and he always wondered who his parents were and now that he found out the truth hit him hard

Morgana: uh you okay man

Darkness: .... I'm ready to be a hero

Harmonia: hehe good so the way this multiverse works is that there are many different worlds for you to explore and train and use your powers and meet new people and maybe some love interest

Darkness: I focus on training my powers for now

Harmonia: good now you know those guys you met recently the video game heros

Darkness: yeah what about them

Harmonia: when you train your powers they can also be your mentor so be sure to train wisely

Darkness: right

Harmonia: well then good until next time Darkness Mash

She then leaves

Darkness looks around and sees the nexus in all of its glory

Morgana: let's go back home it's getting late

Darkness: yeah let's go

Darkness open a portal with his magic and goes back to his house and he appears back in his room then his mom and brother came in

Cream: honey are ok-WHAT THE

Button: WOW cool your the first male alicorn bro

Darkness: I sure am

Cream heart was looking at dark and she couldn't help but notice how attractive he looked
Cream in head: no bad cream Heart that's your son

Cream: well it's time for dinner so go wash up you two

Darkness and morgana: okay

They both went to the table to get some dinner

Darkness: so mom I found out about my parents
Cream almost choked on her food when she found out

Cream: you did

Darkness: yes and I'm gonna be the hero equestria needs

Cream: are you sure

Darkness: yes now I'm ready for anything

Cream: oh and are you ready for us to move to ponyville

Darkness: uh what

Darkness looks at cream confused

Cream: well in three weeks we're moving to ponyville

Darkness: oh really what's it like there

Cream: well I heard it's a peaceful place to live

Button: I hope they like games and hey bro you
finally got your cutie mark

Darkness: yeah I did

Morgana: heh this just got interesting

Darkness: heh yeah it did

After dinner darkness went to his room with morgana behind him

Morgana: let's go to bed it's been a long day

Darkness: don't have to tell me twice

Darkness and morgana went to sleep wondering what kinds of adventures they will he having

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