chapter 1 : waking up in a new world

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Deep into the forest lays a body covered in wounds that are healing at a rapid pace he has raven black hair that goes all the way to his waist he looks to be about 6’5 in height. His eyes fluters open the sun's ray which passes through the little gaps in the leaves shine on his sliver green slits eyes, groaning in pain as he sits up he places his back against a tree painting in pain he looks down at his body as he sees his cloths covered in blood shocked and confused at why he is covered in blood he raised his cloths up but finds that there is no wound on his body sighing in relief he looks around him finding nothing but trees around him looking up he sees the emerald green leaf a roar can be heard deep into the forest, with birds chirping in the surrounding feeling scared and amazed at his surrounding he tries to get up only to and he feels a sharp pain in his head placing both hands on his forehead due to the pain which passed after a few seconds he placed his hands down.

Getting up he looked around his surroundings one more time to see if he missed something finding nothing he picked a random direction he began walking not knowing that he was walking deeper into the forest….. A couple of hours pass by as he comes to a slightly open surrounding looking ahead he sees a corpus of a man walking closer to the body he sees that there are claw and bite marks around his body couscous he raises his guard up taking slow steps towards the body he began to search the body and manage to find a pouch which has 20 gold coins, 5 silver coins, and 20 copper coins he also finds an empty water pouch, looking at the armor which he is wearing which is in good condition taking it off he sets them aside looking around some more he finds a sword and dagger which are also in good condition putting on the armor and and equipping both the sword and dagger he looked at the body deciding to pay proper respect for his help he dug a grave and placed the body in it.

Meanwhile, in the darkness of the forest a being preys on him with hunger in it Crismon blood eyes, moving around the shadow as it watches him it moves closer to him without wasting any more time it lunges at him.

Seth p.o.v

I have had a feeling of being watched for a minute now whatever it is that is watching me isn’t trying to hide its bloodlust, I can feel it coming closer to me getting ready to jump out of its hiding spot.


Author p.o.v

The sun hung high in the sky, casting shaded shadows through the canopy of leaves in the slightly open area. The air was thick with tension as Seth stood at the clearing's edge, unsheating his sword which gleamed in the light. Opposite him, the dire dark wolf emerged from the shadows, its dark fur blending seamlessly with the darkness. As both Seth and the dire wolf circle around each other waiting for one of them to make the first move, Without a word, they lunged forward, Seth with his sword raised slashing horizontally through the air, The dire wolf dodged with a swift movement, a hint of darkness trailing behind its form The battle began, a symphony of metal clashing against the sharp claws of the wolf strength using shadow magic, as the wind whispered through the leaves, a silent witness to the unfolding battle.

As the battle progressed with Seth and the dire wolf he began to use mana although unconsciously to strengthen his weapons as the battle progressed he unleashed a burst of fire magic, coating his sword with flames he slashed out realising a horizontal slash the flames licking at the wolf's fur. Undeterred the dire wolf retaliated by covering its claws with wind as it slashed out against him dogging the sharp wind claw he sent out a fire wave blocking the vision of the wolf unfazed by this it sent out its wind claw once again causing an explosion.

Using the explosion to its advantage the wolf rushed into the nearest shadow and jumped into it, once the dust settled Seth couldn’t find the wolf raising his guard even more he looked around his surroundings, reappearing behind him with a menacing growl it slashed at him this time with it’s claw covered in darkness having no time to dodge the attack he covered both his sword and dagger in fire and wind magic strengthening his flames although he manage to block the attack it pushed him back a bit and left a tine slash wound on his armoire with blood dripping down.

As the battle raged on, each combatant weaved between slashes, dodges, and magical attacks, Seth learned to utilize the elements that he learned during the battle and implement them into his fighting style, using wind magic to enhance the speed of his strikes sending out wind blade after wind blade using flame magic to enhance and deal more damage.

The dire wolf, in turn, used its dark magic to cloak itself strengthening its defense and attack, using the shadows in the surroundings to appear and disappear at will.

As the battle came to a close both fighters were covered in slash and claw marks in various degrees both panting in tiredness

Seth: what do you say we end this battle with one final attack.

The wolf looked at him and growled in acknowledgement it began gathering the shadows around the clearing, absorbing them to amplify its strength at the same time it began gathering a ball of darkness at it mouth as it got bigger. The man, recognizing the danger, focused his mana around the tip of his sword as he gathered both wind and flame together at the tip of his sword as it condensed and rotaioned due to its speed it began to heat up changing it color from bright red to blue it surrounding heating up and mletting the blade tip.

Knowing that he was losing control of the flame he called out in his mind flame wind combination magic: enhance flame bullet* at the same time the wolf howled as it realized it attack as well as both attack met in the middle resulting in a explosion of blinding light in a haste seth put up and earth barrier when the dire wolf jumped into the shadow but it was a fruitless effort as the flame covered the surrounding in a blinding light causing the wolf  skills to disable while being hit by the shockwave and flame, while seth shield was destroyed by the shocked wave causing internal damage and burnes around his body in various degree.

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