How much l love you ? ✨

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At Night ,

Snow falling down in America .

Everyone of BC soul staying in a hotel trying to asleep plus keeping themselves warm covering their body with Blanket oning heater but it couldn't help them .

Val not sleeping just laying on the bed no one with her alone throwing her arms and legs starting at the window whom was beside the bed .

Moon was not showing up it's face or neither it's light for the dark black clouds silence .... Silence ....

Then She again imagined something what She don't want to remain again .

Flashback ,

It was Lui VS Red Eye , both of their Bey was trying to defeat each other with their full powers and critical moves .

Val's P.O.V ,

I was watching it carefully with my friends cause the battle was geting more interesting . But who knows my happiness and excitement becomes my baddest nightmare when the secret Males mask broken into half two pieces and falls down on the ground showing up his secret face .

That Boy again with gorgeous chrisom Red Eyes , White Long hair this face whom l searching for day by day missing him a lot after we choose different paths for our own good l was very thirsty to see this Albino face again wanna hug him so badly like don't want to let him go again .

He was about to leave that place bending down his head not showing his angry face .

Hey!!! Don't go like this l run towards the male telling him pls stop but he was walking away from me ignoring my words then l hold his shouldrs by my two hands stopping him " Shu where was you l was searching for you now it's really great l found you again l said making a crying face but the male don't say anything he pushed me but this time l'm not backing l again hold his shoulders shaking them calling by his name Shu Shu what happen to you it's me Valt ..........

" HEY!! YOU ARE MY WEAKNESS GET OUT OF FROM MY WAY WHY DO YOU CARE IF I'M ALIVE OR NOT " The Chrisom Eye's Albion said to me while pushed me so hardly that makes me fall on the ground .

Ends Of Flashback ,

Valt's P.O.V ,

I like to sleep in cold night cause l always feels comfortable in this weather . But also knowing that if l close my eyes l will surely have bad nightmares about what happened in those past few days so l don't try to sleep plus also not feeling sleepy .

So I decided not to lay down here will walk outside for some company but who will give me company .

l have no one to share my feelings to feel lighter it was one and only Shu whom l could trust more then anyone else but * signs * .......

Then l get up wearing my dark blue coat , boots , mittens , pants and a blue scarf matching with her coat colour not to get fever in this cold night . First have to cheek out everyone is asleep . if anyone saw me will ask me tons of questions . l sign cause the way was clear .................

Nope l will choose elevator cause don't want to get tried of being walking on stairs . Pressing the button and went all the way down .

After the elevator down Val left it and started walking on the ice cold snow * Crunch * Step * crunch * Step * all alone in the jungle btw the female was much brave right .

It was sooo cold outside Brrr...... Brrr....... Thinking if l Wear three more coat that will be not going to enough for me but it's k .

To much silence plus clam no crowds . The clouds was so gray that you can't guess it's Day or Night l look up as Snow falls falling down on me now l'm feeling much better then before .

( I Couldn't find the right pic pls imagine snow was falling * Sweat Drop * )

I sat down on the soft grasses .

if l say the hole area was looking like a White flowers field for covering by snow falls .

When l feel bad , defeated by someone in Beyblade battle , Heart broken , Sad , Angry , Build by someone .

l always do this sat besides to my rooms window looking at the moon light night this is my childhood habit and it helps me a lot to get up again plus make me forgot the past things and gave me more faith to go ahead for future cause if you stuck in past that will give you more sorrow and pain through now moon is not showing but l'm still happy and fine ...

BTW no one is here l want to sing a song cause l don't want anyone to make fun of me .

l'm really a bad singer * Takes deep breathe and starts singing *

" It's the beginning of a twinkling world
Am I dreaming it's such a pleasant experience
Even on tearful night even feeling fear for
Tomorrow no matter what days may come
l want to Be with you...... The wind brushing my cheeks .......The moon rising in the night sky
and stars in heaven It's because l'm with you ....
This sepia scenes begin To fill with colours
l want to always be seeing them With you ~ ".............

( Note : - Ending Song of Code Realize Anime you can watch it not so bad Anime was awesome )

* Shakes * Shakes * Stops singing * Huh!! What - What was that l said getting up slowly going forward the moving bush looking up and saw a little baby bunny alone by itself .

No P.O.V ,

Val thinking this bunny must be lost she/ he might be scared . She looks around seeing a rabbit hole as She carry the baby bunny it started shivering .

" Shh... It's ok buddy don't need to be afraid of me ..... I'm just trying to help you " Val whisper softly pating it's head .

As The Bunny stops shriving feeling comfortable and warmth from Val's arms .

She walks to the rabbit hole and saw other cute baby Bunnys .

" Aww You all are sooo cute ✨ " Val put the baby bunny back to it's home / Rabbit Hole .

" I wander which one of them will be females and males " * Thinking * " Hehehe..... What am l saying it's really difficult to choose " The Blue hair female chuckles At the five adorable rabbits how much cute they are looking together .

But something was keeping eye on them from the bush silently like a prey .

" K Guys bye hope we will me again Mr. And Mrs. Cute's " Leaving them waving her hand as bye .

" Grrrrrrrrr............... "

" Hmm... What sound was that " Val turn around where the sound coming from ? And saw a White Wolf come out from the brushs .

" Grrrrrrrrr................ " Growling at Val turning his face to the rabbit hole with hunting in his eyes .

Val backing away but noticed what the Wolf want to eat the innocent baby bunnies . She was feeling very disappointed leaving them in danger don't want them to be dinner of that wolf .

What She have to do now yeah! Distract him but how started thinking about a idea " Oh!! Come on man when l'm in rush l can't thought any thing well " Val hitting her head . She looks down and found it .

She throws a rock at it . Making it more mad on her . Val * Sweat Drop * " Hehehe Yo! Friend? And Started Running for her life " BYE FRIEND!!!! as fast as she could knowing .

If this mad Wolf caught her will surely not gonna leave her without killing .

She was running to the hard ways to get the wolf lose his track passing some old tree's branches got
some cut running though but the Wolf still on her trial , Jumping over a large tree log and keep on running as the wild Animal continued chasing her .

Val looks behind to check out is the Wolf still behind her for this She accidentally stepped on a stone "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!"
Going all the way down rolling like a ball .

" AHH!!! OFFFF!!! OW!!! OWW!! AHHHH!!! " Val stopped badly getting a bad hit on her back on a big Rock , She got up but feel so much pain from that fall .

" Ahh!! OW!! It's hurting a lot " Val holding onto her right arm it was bleeding . Maybe because running though the tree branches or falling .

* Grrrrrrrr.................... *

" Huh!! " Val turn around seeing that White Wolf again . His face was clearly showing up for the moon light have Chocolate brown eyes like her but his left eye colour was red strange also noticing there is something red on his right leg .

He was coming closer more closer to Val .

Val stepping back slowly pinning her back onto the Rock wall totally trapped nowhere to go or run .

That wolf now totally close to Val .

Val closed her eyes in fear not wanna see what's coming next on her but the Wolf not doing anything to her .

Val half opened her one eye to see what's wrong why is taking so much time for killing me is he trying to scare me but her thought was wrong .

That White Wolf Laying down on the ice cold snow ground like drying plus serving much .

His right leg was bleeding much like he want her to help him so that's why he comes all the way behind her he don't mean to hurt her .

" Oh!! Now l understand what the reason for chasing after me sorry for this buddy l don't understand you and also apology you come all the way running must be much difficult with this injury " Said Val as She kneels down checking him like a doctor .

" Don't Worry it's not that serious matter " Pating his head and take out a bandage from his pocket * Bandaging him * That Wolf was looking at him saying in his mind finally Val I found you Again but l think l'm to late but still happy .

" Ahh!! Done you will be fine soon pls just take some rest l don't know you are understanding me or not " Val scratching her head .

Then That Wolf trying to get up while Val Helped him to do it . Both of them now face to face as the Wolf licks her left cheek .

" Huh!! " Val confused what he is doing ? .

The white Wolf licks Val's injury from her bloody arm . Val blush little and good thing is that her pain was going away slowly and also unbelievable where the Wolf licking on her injuries parts it was getting recover quickly like she don't get any hurt there .

He suddenly Stops starting at her making a charming cute face .

" Hehehe!!!! So Dude l will take your lick as a return gift " Val laughing but that Wolf walks away though the Forest .

Val get up touching her licking check and smiles cutely , Having a look on her Watch " NANI!!! 3am Man are you serious how quickly time passed " Shouts Val as She started running back to the hotel .

Next Day Morning ,

" Val you still alive or dead " Honcho knocking on the door this might be for 20 times doing this but from that Female no response or opening it .

" Val pls open the door " Kit can't wait anymore .

" Kit get out from the way l have an great idea " Honcho going to charge on the door want to broke it .

But couldn't kit opened it cause it was unlocked , Making Honcho fall down on the floor landing his face first " Ow ...... Why did you do that ? " Honcho groaned in pain .

" Oops Sorry dude but it somehow good for you if you broke this door have to pay for it right " Kit Scratching his head .

Honcho get up walking towards the blue hair female whom was still sleeping peacefully her body and face fully covered by the blanket .

" Val now it's time for waking up come on " Honcho lifting the blanket seeing her smiling face looking very happy .

" What Happen Rantaro why are you starting at her ? " Asked Kit .

" Nothing but one thing l don't see this smiling face after what happened after that Red Eye coincidence " The Yellow Hair Male said making a sad face .

As Kit nods his head Saying this You really take care of her like a big brother .

" No Way you are getting me wrong " Honcho blushing .

" Big Brother , Big Brother pls feed me , Big bro pls change my cloths , Big Bro pls take bath with me " Said Kit started teasing him .

" Stop it " Honcho started nose bleeding .

" No l will not " Kit refused And started teasing him again .

* Leaving them let's see what happing With Val in her dreams *

Val's P.O.V ,

Where am l WoW this place is soo cool l never seen this place in my hole life so beautiful where l look l just found myself in a red rose flower field plus different colours of butterflies flying besides me like they are welcoming me in their secret Land .

But the colour of flowers was very unique not like normally it was so deeper red plus brighter then blood so awesome l started running forward * Snap * I turn back seeing a charming and cute face it was that White Wolf again whom l helped before .

He was just starting at me like he wanna say me something .

I smile throwing my arms like wanna give him a warm hug , He understands as he rush towards me we hug each other for some seconds then he started licking on my face again making me feeling tickling as l started laughing enjoying his company .

Back Into the Real World ,.....,

" Come on Kit leave this nonsense things first think how will we wake her up it will be not easy " Rantaro Stopped arguing with him .

" Hmm... Right " Kit agreeing .

" Got it be ready for doing this " Honcho preparing Himself .

" But For What * He couldn't finished leaving him as Honcho jump onto Val and ............. *

" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! " Val screams in pain .

* At 9:00 am *

Val walking in halls for doing her regular thing Beyblade practice with friends but can't walk much cause Honcho jumped on her it was so powerful that making her stomachache .

" OW OMG!!! l can't walk anymore ....... that baka what.... he was thinking can't he get anymore idea inside his jerk head " Val trying harder to go ahead also feeling very sleepy as her version starts getting blurry for that She accidentally bump onto someone .

" Oh!!! No l'm so sorry Mister l don't mean it " Val apologise looking at the male with shocked face .

" it's ok miss it was also my fault to so l'm sorry " The White Hair male as he look up to Val shocked to .

The chocolate brown eyes starting at the
Gorgeous Chrisom Red eyes both of them was lost in their one thought .

In Shu's mind you are always beautiful my dream princess pls never change Val stay with me forever .

In Val's mind Your Red Eyes are so gorgeous like l art them your face is so cute and your lips... Ah!! l wanna kiss on them soo badly .

First Shu Come out of his thoughts shaking his head what am l thinking .

" Hey!! you get of from me you are so heavy why have to always bump on me don't you find anyone else for it ? " Shu in angry toon .

" Huh!! What did you just say l 'm not fat and l have no habit bumping on you it was just an accident OK " Val get of from him giving him a hand to help him getting up to .

Shu look at it but he just ignore it getting up by himself and going on his one way leaving Val behind .

" Hump!! Rude " Val pouts 💢

But She saw something on Shu it makes her body shivering in scare .

" Did I- I saw that Shu Have Nine Tail on his back and two fox ears oh hi-his he-head " Val pointing her one finger at the Spryzen Blader whom was walking front of her .

She blinks her eyes again and again is she daydreaming for not sleeping well or it's really but when She opens her eyes again she don't find Shu there " Where Did he gone he was just right there how did he walked so fast " Val questioned looking for the male but don't find him .

" No No I - I must be daydreaming Yeah!! There was no....... Nine Tailed Fox Yeah!! No ... No was it there no no it wasn't Yeah!! " Val started walking repeating this words again in her mind acting like a crazy person .

Shu starting at her hiding somewhere there maybe Val don't notice him " Oh!! It's was soo close and it's really relief thing that Val was thinking she must be daydreaming " Shu Signs in relief .

" But how far l will go like this l have to train more to take control on my powers ..... " Shu tighting his fist .

To Be Continued ,

Words : - 2815 .

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