Episode 2: City Escape

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(*Cues: Escape From the City - Sonic Generations*)


(The story continues at the big city, where we see our World's Fastest Hedgehog greeting B.D. Joe, who is driving a taxi and running through the streets before jumping off the bridge and makes a smooth landing.)

Sonic: "Piece of cake. No sweat."

(Meanwhile, a portal is somehow seen close to Sonic and coming out of it was Sash Lilac.)

Sash Lilac

Lilac: [looks around before spotting Sonic] "Hey, isn't that...?"

(She goes to Sonic.)

Lilac: "Hey, Sonic!"

Sonic: [meets Sash] "Lilac! Long time no see! What are you doing here? How did you get here as a matter of fact?"

Lilac: "I saw a portal back at my treehouse and it led me straight here. I don't know how it'd got there, but I have a feeling something's wrong."

Sonic: "You don't say..."

(Suddenly, the pair heard a cow roar.)

Lilac: "What was that?"

Sonic: "Let's go find out, shall we?"

(*Cues: Gekko - Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots*)


(They head toward the source of that roar and once they arrived to the source, they are surprised to see several Gekko attacking people from The Sims.)

SIMS Man: "What the hell are those things?!"

SIMS Woman: "I don't know, honey."

(One of the Gekko fired its gun at the couple while the other kicks the other man. One of the Gekko spots Sonic and Lilac.)

Lilac: "Uh oh. They spotted us."

Sonic: "Hmph! I'm ready when you are!"

Lilac: "Let's do it!"

(The duo takes action as Sonic Spin Dashes under Gekko and trips it by kicking its leg. Meanwhile, Lilac took down 3 Gekko with her Dragon Boost technique and slices one in half with her Rising Slash attack. Then we see 5 Gekko surrounded Sonic, who jump on one of them, causing it to go on a shoot out of control taking down the Gekko surrounding it before shaking Sonic off, much to his surprise before Homing Attacks the last Gekko. Sonic lands as Lilac regroups with him.)

(Meanwhile, when they finished dealing with several Gekko, a teenager is seen on top of the building and watched the whole thing.)

Rex Salazar

Rex: "Well, that's something you don't see everyday."

(Back to the duo, while Sonic and Lilac looks around for anymore signs of Gekko, everything seems clear. But then:)

(*Cues: Porky's Theme - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate*)


(Porky (inside his mech) suddenly drops down behind them, catching their attention.)


Lilac: "What is this? One of Eggman's robots?"

Sonic: "To be quite honest, I have no idea."

(The mech fires a laser, which is quickly dodged by the duo. Porky then proceeds to run over them, causing Sonic and Lilac to run away, running up a building in the process. Rex soon see's this and hides away as Sonic, Lilac and Porky reach the top. Before both of them start another fight, Rex comes out of hiding, charges at Porky and tackles the mech, falling down from the building with it, slamming it hard on the road and knocking few cars that are present there. Barry Allen is seen with the crowd as he see's a fight going on between Rex and Porky and quickly goes somewhere to change. Sonic and Lilac get worried as Rex apparently gets unconscious.)

Lilac: "Where the heck did that guy come from?"

Sonic: "Beats me. But if he's in our side, then we better help him out."

???: "Sonic!"

(The duo turns to see Tails who is flying a plane and swoops down to get Sonic and Lilac.)


Sonic: "Hey, Tails! Cool to have you here on time, buddy."

Tails: "Well, I can't let you have all the fun now, can't I?" [turns to Lilac] "Hey, Lilac!"

Lilac: "Hey, Tails!"

(Back on the road, Rex gets up, as well as Porky. Sonic, Lilac and Tails are shown approaching to help Rex. Rex is then knocked into a car by Porky and is in trouble. But then, another speedster comes to the surface and knocks Porky down before revealing himself.)


Flash: "Catch me if you can!"

(Porky gets back up only to get hit by a car that was thrown by Rex, causing an explosion and serious damage to Porky's mech.)

Rex: "Take that, you big dumb robot!"

(However, Porky gets back up again and gets enraged, as it calls in reinforcements. Several Pigmask surrounds Rex and Flash, which they prepare to fight. However, they heard Sonic.)

Sonic: "Hey, guys!"

(Rex and Flash turns around.)

Lilac: "Climb on!"

(Tails swoops the plane down and Rex and Flash quickly successfully climbs onboard.)

Sonic: [turns to see Porky and its army of Pigmasks] "Whoa! That's a lot of enemies."

Flash: "You telling me."

Rex: "Ditto."

(The episode ends with Porky and his army of Pigmasks watching Sonic's group escape before everything fade to darkness.)

Group 2: Sonic, Tails, Sash Lilac, Flash and Rex Salazar.

Episode cleared.

(A/N: I know what you all are thinking: What happened to Alex Mercer? Well, I decided to make a replacement for him in this episode and I'd thought about Rex Salazar. Seems like a good pick. Don't worry, I'll find a way to add Alex in. Just give me some time.)

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