wait what

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Jeremy's POV

To be honest, I didn't have a clue what was going on. My squip must've deactivated a ton of my senses, because I couldn't seem to speak, see, hear, or feel anything. All I could even do was smell and taste, and god, was that strange. I could smell weed and slushies, as well a faint scent of cologne, so Michael was definitely still there.

Suddenly I could smell and sort of taste mountain dew red and a little bit of weed. At that point  I had narrowed it down to two options; either someone was stuffing  a joint soaked in Mtn dew red in my mouth, or Michael had yet again saved me. I chose to believe it was the latter. 

JeeeereeEMy yOu havEN't SEEn thE lAst of ME YeT

It's voice was randomly changing tones from its regular to an extremely high pitched and squeaky one, then to a thick  Japanese accent. Suddenly all my senses turned back on and I was immediately hit with the sight of the blushing mess that was Michael and a bunch of murmurs around us. I had guessed my weird behaviour had caused a scene, but I was glad to see that Michael seemed fine except for-

I reached over and touched his now bleeding wrist. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I-I-I wasn't trying to-" his face lit up and he shushed me. "It's okay! I swear I'm fine! I'll just, uh, act like the cuts are self harm or something, or uh.. uhm.." He looked at his wrist again. "Shit."

"I'm sorry... W-what happened?" Silence. I could clearly tell he was trying to find the right words to say. "Your eyes.. they were this  cyan colour, they, they started to get glassy like you about to cry, then you grabbed my wrist and dug your nails really hard, harder then you should've been able to with how dull they are, right into my skin and.. and I.. uhm..I.."

He inspected the little rips  I had made in the fabric. I had no words. So I got up and hugged him tightly, I could feel tears swell inside my eyes.

I hated crying, because no matter what, those tears wouldn't go away. If you tried to shut your eyes and blink them away, they would only get bigger. And if you tried to dry out your eyes by not  blinking, they would still fall. If you tried to wipe them away before they fell, then everyone would know you were going to cry. It was a lose - lose situation. So I let them fall.

They dripped down my face slowly, and I pulled away a little while after, purely to dry my face of the tears. Michael smiled softly. "I'll be fine, now I gotta go get some bandages or something to stop the bleeding, kay? I'll be back in a second." 


I looked down and saw a bit of his blood had dripped on my shirt.

Narrator's POV

Michael hurried off to find some paper towels or tissues,  and though it had many wonderful things, he doubted that 711 had spare bandages for him. He quickly found a bunch of napkins and wrapped them around his wrist. He went back to Jeremy, holding his wrist with his other hand. 

He almost tripped as he bumped into some guy his age in a trenchcoat. He immediately thought of that old joke where a couple of kids would stuff themselves into a trenchcoat and pretend to be an adult. 

He smiled to himself, though that smile was quickly wiped away when he realized that Jeremy didn't know what happened. He wasn't sure whether to be relieved or suicidal. One one hand, he had kissed his crush. On the other hand, his crush thought that he shoved a joint soaked in Mtn Dew down his throat.

He inwardly cringed at himself. He probably had another option, but of course he had to choose the stupidest one. He sat down next to Jeremy, blood starting to soak through the napkins. 

Jeremy's cheeks had tear tracks from when he was crying, which made Michael feel even worse. Even though he would never purposefully try to hurt him, Michael couldn't help but think that he had caused those tears. He so badly wanted to hug him and possibly even kiss him- but he figured Jeremy wouldn't want to as well.

He was wrong.

Jeremy pulled him into a tight embrace. Michael immediately hugged him back. To Michael's delight and surprise, Jeremy softly kissed his cheek. A long time ago, it would've been pretty much nothing, when they were smaller they did it platonically all the time, and when they found out about the phrase 'no homo' they'd use it a shit ton. But as soon as Michael realized he was, in fact, full homo, (and that he had a huge ass gay crush) he and Jeremy almost never did it anymore.

Both of their faces turned a lovely shade of flaming lobster.

Jeremy pulled back. "..sorry. I know it's sorta awk-"

"I'm fine-- It's fine. Let's just, go."

Jeremy nodded and sat up, grabbing both of their slushies and handing Michael's to him. Michael held it in one hand and Jeremy's hand in his other. Jeremy tried his hardest not to blush, but failed. Thankfully, his face was still pretty red from before, so it was only a subtle change in hue.

They held hands all the way back, ignoring the disgusted glares people gave them and basically anything that wasnt each other.

They chatted casually about the things they might want to do in the summertime, or other things just for the sake of talking to each other. They walked to Michael's house together and stayed there for a couple hours, drinking slushies, playing video games and over all enjoying each other's presence.

time skip brought to you by me laughing my ass off at stupid shit

Jeremy's POV

It was time for school. Hooray. I poked Michael and told him. He groaned and turned off the game. We grabbed our Boyf Riends backpacks and headed out.

I reluctantly grabbed his hand. He let me hold it, and eventually we were swinging our arms back and forth in sync like we were little kids again. I couldn't stop smiling. Michael spotted Rich and Jake and called to them.

"Hey!" Rich called back. "Since when were you two dating? Prom?"


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