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Sins of the Moon




"Unity makes strength"




Because we are seven in the pack,
and our pack was seven,
we decide to go around 7.

There are 7 dots in the symbol to represent us,
and as well the 7 deadly sins
< greed, wrath,lust,envy,gluttony, sloth and pride>.

We already see and read about this sins in the Tribute Series.
We thought that is Tribute friendly.

The name of our pack means - The sins of the moon.
And our motto is connected with the triskellion
(the three pronged symbol on our sigil),
because is been consider a symbol of unity by many people.





















Alpha Oana sasu11













We choose prompt (3) : you are walking in the woods , when you meet your mate....only to find out that they are a group transporting a bear to attack your pack.

And our curveballs: #curveball1::::(1) your alpha orders you to kill your mate from a rival pack.

And #curveball 2:::::(3) either you or your mate can not reproduce and you need an heir.






Little Wolf



Nature whispers her secrets through the trees

Nose to the ground, My wolf and I track the scent of several voles skittering in the brush and my stomach growls. I have not eaten for a few days, the pack is unwilling to share their food with us, we were chased out of the hall we use for celebrations and feasts.

They don't want a cursed thing in their halls

So focused are on my next meal, that I don't register the scent of wolves nearby. Yellow eyes narrow and I leap, claws extended. We hear the squeal of a vole as it is pierced and my wolf lowers her head to feast on her morsel while the rest of the voles scatter. The meal would be tiny for most wolves, but my wolf and I am noticeable smaller than the rest of our pack. We were born a runt, small and inherently weaker than our brethren. The Alpha, my maternal uncle had only agreed to let me live on the condition that my mother made herself Barren to ensure she didn't have any more weak pups, and, once my first heat came, the same was done to me; bitter herbs and tea forced down my throat until my heat simply stopped.

My mother had always told me that, despite what the pack and the Alpha said, I was not a curse, I was blessed by the moon. Her touch was in my hair, while the sun was in my eyes, both were such an intense blazing yellow.

But the way I was treated made me feel exactly what they said I was. A curse, a sign of ill fortune. It was why they refused to let me eat with them. The only ones who ever fed me were my parents and a sickness had taken them several years ago, at least, my uncle claimed it was an illness, but I had seen the sly looks he gave the healer.

A snap of a twig distracts the wolf from her meal, ears go up and her head raises a fraction, lips skinning back from teeth.

As terrifying as a runt can be

A hand whips out from the thick brush and grabs my wolf by the scruff of her neck. She swipes at him with her claws, but she is quickly slammed down onto the ground. Winded, she snarls up at her attacker only for everything to change.

Nature stills when eyes meet

He steps back in shock, cobalt blue eyes widen as he stares at me. My wolf gets to her feet, panting loudly, trying to catch her breath.

A lift lip from my wolf makes his face darken. He steps back into her space and with a swiftness she wasn't expecting, he clamps her jaws shut when she tries to bite.

The struggle is brief before I force my way to the front of our mind, causing the body to shift from fur to skin. Cobalt eyes widen once more before moving away from my bare flesh.

"Janus... bring me a cloak..." He calls over his shoulder, keeping his eyes anywhere but on me. His voice has a curious accent, a cadence I have never heard before. It brings goosebumps all along my skin.

Another wolf appears from the thick trees, he also refuses to let his eyes touch my naked body. He quickly hands a thick black cloak to the blue eyed male before turning and heading back to where I assume the others are.

The male before me hands over the cloak and I wrap it around my body.

"Are you covered?" He asks, a strain to his voice.

"Yes..." I mutter, getting to my feet. He turns to look at me and I can finally take in his appearance.

Midnight black hair kept short on his head, almost as short as mine. A scar draws my attention to his mouth, it goes from just above his top lip on the left side, down his bottom lip and stops just above his chin.

I feel heat rising in my cheeks as he studied me with the same intensity, a frown forms between his brows when he takes in my build.

"You're a tiny thing, aren't you?" He says so quietly, its a strain to hear him.

I match his scowl, lifting my lip rudely.

"I'm a runt." I snap.

Instead of disciplining my like I expected, he simply cocks a brow at my tone.

My wolf growls at me, a warning about who I'm speaking to. This wolf is an Alpha, I can feel it in my bones. I'm shocked I can even hold his gaze so long.

It's because you're mates... My wolf whispers. I tell her to hush.

"Where are you from, Little Wolf?" He asks, tilting his head a fraction.

I swallow thickly, pulling the cloak a little tighter around my body, wishing that I hadn't left my clothes so far away while I went on a hunt.

"The Far South..." I mumble, dropping my gaze to his feet, noticing that he isn't wearing shoes.

He inhales sharply. "You're quite far away from your pack..." He comments. "You're very nearly heading into the South's territory..."

I cringe. I hadn't realised I was quite so close, the Alpha was very lax when it came to marking territory.

"Where... are you from?" I ask, lifting my gaze to his.

"The Far West... as far West as West goes..." He grins. His curious accent suddenly makes sense.

"And you're the Alpha there?"

He simply nods. I swallow again.

"And what... are you doing here? In the Far South? The Alpha-"

I'm cut off by a vicious roar, though its not from any wolf. I stiffen when I hear it.

Before I can stop myself, I push past the blue eyed Alpha and towards where the other wolf went to, into the thick canopy of trees until I stumble across the other wolves from the Far West.

Eyes widen and my heart beats wildly in my chest when I see the great bear they have chained to the ground and several trees, the beast roars its displeasure but can't break free of the iron holding it.

I step backwards a few paces before my back meets the solid body of the encroaching Alpha. His hands capture my shoulders, easily holding me in place. I lift my head to look at him.

"Why... do you have a bear?" I squeak. Fear turning my blood to ice.

"Take a guess, Little Wolf..." Gone is the ease he showed earlier, replaced by a hard edge.

I look at the bear again, it looks like a male, and by the spittle coming from his mouth, he is as hungry as I am.

"You can't..." I breathe. "We have so many newborn pups... You can't..." The tremble in my voice is obvious. I cannot let him loose this bear on my pack, I cannot let the innocent pups be slaughtered by the hulking beast.

I've always had a soft spot for pups, ever since my Alpha took away my means to have my own.

I try to pull out of his grip, a pointless endeavour, he is an Alpha.

"Stop trying to fight me, Little Wolf..." He sighs with annoyance. "You won't win."

A snarl escapes me and the wolves travelling with him all turn their gazes on me, echoing my sounds in warning.

"I won't let you kill innocent pups for some stupid territory!" I growl, snapping my sharpening teeth at his throat. He gives another sigh, like my attempts to fight him are simply irritating, like a fly buzzing in your ear.

"Little Wolf-" He begins.

"Alyth." That makes him pause. "My name is Alyth." I take a few deep breaths, trying to still my fury and calm my wolf. "Look... if you let me go back... I can talk to the Alpha... see if we can find another path... one without bloodshed... please..." I didn't mean to beg, it came unbidden from my lips; the softest plea.

He pauses and then sighs, looking over to the wolves and pulling me away from the encampment.

He gives me a small shove in the direction of my pack.

"Go then... and be quick... I will give you withintwo days and I expect you to come back with your Alpha's answer... am I clear, Alyth?"

When my name passes his lips, I feel a shiver of pleasure so intense, its hard to hide. I blush and nod once, turning to leave before pausing and looking back at him, meeting his cobalt gaze.

"I need your name." I state and the male tilts his head again.

"Nero..." He replies. "Now be on your way, Little Wolf... I shall see you again within two days... if I do not... then I will charge into your pack settlement and take you back to me by force... ending any wolf who gets in my way..." It's not a threat, it's a statement of fact.

"I'll be back. I promise." I say before starting to walk towards a large tree, once I duck behind it I slip the cloak from my body and shift back into my fur. My wolf shakes herself out and starts trotting in the direction of our unwelcome home.

She glances back once we're about ten meters away and sees him clutching the cloak, bringing it to his nose. He catches her spying on him and makes a shooing gesture while smiling without a hint of teeth. My wolf gives a soft bark before breaking into a steady run. I urge her not to push it too much as we've not eaten enough.

A few hours later we're back home, having grabbed our clothes on the way and shifted back. I make a beeline straight for the Pack house, where my uncle resides. The warriors guarding the main entrance stop me with growls and disgusted looks.

"I need to see the Alpha." I say firmly, raising my chin and meeting their gaze. "It's important..." I growl.

Before they can start to threaten me, the Alpha pushes his way out of the door, his nose crinkling when he sees me.

"What do you want?" He sneers and I try my best not to hunch my shoulders. I hate it when he makes me submit to him.

"The Alpha of the Far West is in the territory." His eyes widen and he pales a little. "He has a bear... the biggest one I've ever seen and they're keeping it hungry." The Alpha tells the warriors to leave and then grabs my arm, dragging me into the Pack house.

Inside it's almost the same as when I left it almost twenty years ago, when the Alpha kicked my family and I out once I was able to walk.

"Tell me everything." The Alpha says, going to the liquor cabinet and grabbing himself a glass.

So I tell him everything. The bear, the camp, the number of wolves with him, the threat to loose the starved bear on the pack. When I mention that Alpha Nero is my mate, my uncle pauses. I quickly move on, saying that if we can come up with some kind of arrangement that suits both packs, then we can avoid bloodshed.

"So you need to go back within two days..." My uncle is two glasses down, fingers rubbing his temple. Finally he grins and sits up.

"Alyth... how about you stay here in the meantime... not that shack you usually stay in..."

I can't help but narrow my eyes. My uncle is never welcoming unless he wants something from me.

"What do you want, Alpha?" I ask warily.

He leans back on the sofa, an easygoing smile on his face.

"Can't an uncle do something nice for his favourite niece?"

A scowl crosses my face.

"You've never done anything nice for me uncle..." I say the word like it's something dirty. "Just tell me when you want from me."

His smile vanishes and he narrows his eyes. "Fine. When you go back to this... This Alpha Nero... I want you to take silver with you... tell him I agree to give up half my territory to him, along with a third of my warriors... then I want you to do whatever it takes to get close to him... seduce him if you have to..." He takes another gulp of clear liquid. "And then slit his throat." He growls.

I blanch. Nausea twists in my stomach at the thought.

"You want me to kill my mate?" I hiss.

He nods. "Yes... I do..." He then sneers. "Besides... there's no use for you as a mate to him..." He gestures at me. "You're Barren... what use would you be?"

I clench my fists so hard I draw blood. "It's your fault I'm Barren..." I growl and he has the gall to simply dismiss me with his hand.

"Just get it done... and I'll make you Beta..." He promised, making me laugh.

"You say that like I don't know that the second I slit his throat, the wolves with him will kill me..."

My uncle looks bored now. "Well then you had better put your agility to good use..."

My wolf lets her fury be known and I quickly turn around and head for the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" The Alpha calls.

I turn my head a fraction to glower at him with one blazing yellow eye.

"I'm going to give the visiting Alpha your answer..." I say with as much fake sweetness as I can manage.

My uncle goes back to his drink.

"Don't forget the silver..."

Hours later, I'm following the scent of a campfire back to the Alpha of the Far West

Back to my mate where I belong

I see several of his wolves take offensive stances as I approach before they recognise me and relax. A few of them part and Nero steps through, his cobalt eyes bore into mine and he waves me closer.

I feel the silver burn through my clothes

My body relaxes once I'm stood in front of him and it makes me frown. I don't recall ever feeling relaxed in my entire life.

He takes my arm, touching me over my long sleeves, it's at this point I notice he hasn't actually touched my skin yet.

He brings me closer to the campfire and I welcome the warmth, I glance over to see the bear fast asleep, a small pot of burning herbs being wafted over it by a gentle breeze.

Alpha Nero notices what I'm frowning at.

"It's just some herbs to put him to sleep... that way my Warriors and I can rest without fear of a hungry bear..." He explains and I nod.

The smell of roasting meat fills my nose and my stomach growls loudly. Nero raises a brown and indicates for me to sit on one of the logs around the fire.

"Hungry? Well my warriors and I were just about to eat... would you like some?"

He sits down next to me while one of the wolves who I recognise as Janus removes a roasted deer, a few rabbits and what looks like a goat from the fire and begins carving them up. He brings a plate to the Alpha first and then one for me, before he and the other warriors fill their own plates.

Alpha Nero takes the first bite, tearing a large chunk of deer and chewing it. The rest of us take that as permission to start and I start gorging on the food, eating so quickly I give myself hiccups. I begin to blush and the Alpha chuckles.

"Take it easy, Little Wolf... before you choke on something..." He hands me a metal mug filled with water and I gulp it down.

Once the hiccups clear I continue eating like the starved creature I am, every ravenous bite makes the Alpha's smile disappear to be replaced by a deep frown.

In no time at all, my plate is empty, while everyone else still has food on their plates. I look around my blush deepening.

"When was the last time you ate, Little Wolf?" The Alpha asks, his voice dangerously low.

I take another gulp of water before I peek up at him.

"I ate a vole before you found me earlier..." I shrug.

His frown doesn't fade. "And when was the last time you ate before that?" His question is tinged with a growl and I can see his wolf glaring out through cobalt eyes.

I swallow a lump in my throat, dropping my gaze to his bare feet.

"I don't know... three or four days." I mumble.

A growl rumbles in the male's chest.

"Do they not feed their females in your pack?" He snarls and I flinch involuntarily.

"They do feed the females..." I say softly. "Just not me." My head hangs low.

His large fingers flex, like he wants to touch me, but he stops himself.

"Do you not want to touch me, Alpha?" I question. Desperate to change the subject before he digs himself too deeply into my troubles.

Silver is heated by the fire

He clears his throat and finishes his food. "I won't touch your skin until I have your explicit permission to do so... I also won't look at your bare flesh without your consent..." He takes my plate from me, taking care not to accidentally touch my fingers with his. "It's something every male is taught from birth at my pack... Our mates are a gift from the moon and should be treated as the precious gifts they are..."

Guilt settles in my stomach and I have to look away from his intense blue eyes.

You don't deserve such praise

The thought isn't mine, its spoken in the voice of my uncle.

Now it's my turn to clear my throat and I turn my head to look him. I open my mouth to speak, but my voice dies in my throat when I see the way he is looking at me.


Both he and his wolf look at me with such reverence, it brings tears to my eyes. No one has ever looked at me like that aside from my parents.

He looks shocked when he sees my tears trickle slowly down my cheeks. His hand reaches out to comfort me, but he stops himself again.

I hastily wipe at my eyes. An embarrassed flush making me feel hot.

"Why are you crying?" His words are soft and gentle, it only makes me want to weep more. Out of the corner of my eye, I see that his Warriors have given us space, moving further into the camp and out of earshot of us.

I sniffle and look at the fire.

"You've still not said anything about my this..." My fingers reach up to brush against my silvery hair. "Or my eyes..." I touch the space under my eyes. "None of your Warriors have called me cursed or wrong yet..."

"Do you think you're wrong, Little Wolf?" His voice is still soft and I peer up at him. There's no mockery in his eyes and not a hint of disdain. "You're a little smaller than most... but you're not wrong in any way..."

"My pack believes I am..." I whisper. "I've never felt welcome in the place I was born... not once... Not ever..." My voice cracks. "The only ones who treated me normally were my parents... and they've been gone for years." I don't know why I'm admitting this to him. I had told myself not to let him know my problems. Not when my Alpha had ordered me to kill him.

The Far West male frowns and his eyes lower to my mouth.

"Alyth..." No nicknames this time. My name is a siren's call from his lips, drawing me closer to him, his magnificent blue eyes become my world. "Alyth." He says it again, a warning this time, that I am too close.

"Kiss me... Please..." I breathe. "Let me feel normal..." The last part spoken so quietly, I can barely hear it myself.

A groan escapes him and he curls his hand around the back of my head, pulling me closer and crushing his lips to mine.

Skin on skin

My wolf hums her delight and I can't stop gasping into his mouth, the electrifying feeling is almost too much. It overwhelms all that I am. For a moment, I forget my purpose here and simply feel.

A few breathless moments later, I reach down to my waist and free the handle of the silver knife from its hiding place. He doesn't notice, too focused on my lips. Nipping and sucking.

I raise the knife slowly, keeping behind him as fresh tears escape me.

My wolf snaps at me, and I feel it like a physical blow, tearing at the marrow of me. I have to push her down as far as I can. The strain makes my hand shake. Firelight glints off the silver blade.

And then I drop it.

I pull away from him so quickly, I fall over the log as the silver blade lands on the ground with a soft thump.

Nero frowns and turns to look at the discarded blade. His face shifts to one of pure shock before he looks down at me.

"I can't..." I whimper. "I won't!" The cry is to my Alpha, to the man who made my life miserable.

"Alyth..." His voice is wary and his cobalt eye are dark with wariness.

I scramble to my feet, wiping roughly at my eyes before I hang my head in absolute shame.

"I-I'm sorry..." I gasp.

"Were you going to kill me, Alyth?" His softness is gone and it tears at me. My wolf snarls her distaste for me before turning her back to me.

"I... no... I don't know..." I admit. "He wanted..." I trail off with a sigh, my shoulders drop and my entire body sags. "He wanted my misery... as always..."

Silence stretches between us, even Natureholds her breath.

"Look at me." His order is clear and, in my shame, I cannot deny him anything. I raise my head to meet his gaze.

"Do you want to kill me?" His face is unreadable, and his eyes are impassive.

I shake my head. "No." Never

"Your Alpha doesn't want to cut a deal, does he?"

I shake my head again. "No."

The Far West Alpha scoffs. "Too afraid to face me himself? He had to send my terrified mate to kill me?" Disgust in his tone. "I hate cowards like him..."

"Are you angry?" My voice has a meekness to it that makes me uncomfortable.

He steps towards me. "No... You were just following your Alpha's orders..." A frown knits his brows together. "And from what little you've told me... He's made you feel worthless for a very long time."

When it's said aloud, I hear it's truth. My uncle has never been family.

The realisation hardens something within me, my wolf approaches and nuzzles close to my heart. I look my mate in the eye.

"My Alpha might not want to make a deal with you... but I will in his stead."

The blue eyed male looks surprised. "In his stead? What do you-"

"The Alpha of the Far South is my uncle." I scowl. "You can have the territory... I don't care for it... My only request is that you leave the females and their pups... I understand what will happen if the females or their mates fight back... but spare the pups." I take a shaky breath. "As for my uncle and his Warriors..." I bare my teeth. "Feed them to the bear."

The Alpha studies me for a few moments, his eyes sliding from my clenches fists, to my heaving chest and to my bared teeth.

"If I do... Will you come to the Far West will me, willingly?"

I manage a smile despite my sharp teeth. "Alpha... if you do this for me... I'll go anywhere with you."

Finally the Alpha matches my smile, giving me a small bow. "As you wish, Little Wolf."

The battle itself is over quickly. Some of the Far West Warriors corral the females and their pups away. A few fight back and I find myself stepping in to prevent any pups becoming orphans. The females mates are more resistant and some of them are lost to teeth and claws. Finally when most of the Far South Warriors lay dead, the rest chained in silver, my uncle squares off against Alpha Nero.

It's the first time I've seen my mate shifted. His fur is as dark as his hair, he looks like the Nightmade flesh.

The fight is embarrassing, and for the first time I can see how weak my uncle is. He is pinned almost immediately and submits almost as quickly.

True to his word, the remaining Far South Warriors who tormented me and kept me from food, are all dragged to the relocated bear, which snarls at the approaching meals. Each warrior is forced into the bears reach and devoured by the great beast.

My uncle is left last, he pleads and begs for his life. Prostrating himself on his knees before me.

I have no mercy for him.

I jerk my head towards the bear and the Far West Warriors push my uncle to his sharp fanged death.

Nero decides to leave Janus in charge of the Far South until it can establish a new hierarchy and settle into the new order.

He still hasn't touched me since the night I almost killed him, respecting his traditions and he only ever touches me over clothing. He's had me wrapped up in better clothing, it's light and a deep shade of red and it fits a little loosely on my small frame. I thank him for it, it's truly the nicest article of clothing I've ever owned.

We begin the trek back, occasionally shifting and dragging all the camping equipment using harnesses attached to our wolves. I'm given the lightest load to accommodate my smaller stature.

It takes over two weeks to finally arrive in the Far West. We're greeted by the entire pack, all smiling faces with no teeth and nothing but joy. It is a foreign sight.

Alpha Nero greets them all individually, nuzzling the pups who are delighted to receive attention from the Alpha.

Guilt settles like a stone

Once everyone has been greeted, he ushers me over and my introductions begin.

Not a single wolf gives me a disgusted look and the pups are eager to touch my silver hair, despite the Alpha telling them to stop. I tell him I don't mind.

The pups say my hair is the prettiest thing they've ever seen.

Finally there is a celebratory feast in their hall, it's much grander than the Far South one, it's decorated with intricate carvings, which I'm told show the history of the Far West. I'm wary of entering the hall, so accustomed to being chased out that I nearly weep when I'm welcomed inside like I've always been here.

I sit on Nero's right and find the position uncomfortable. I haven't been officially declared as Luna yet, I think he's giving me time to adjust before I take the responsibility the title brings.

Food is brought to us and my stomach growls, my mouth salivates and I feel my hand flex, eager to fill my belly. I'm not gluttonous, my body is just so used to being hungry that the mere scent of food brings about a wildness inside I struggle to resist.

A soft warning growl from Nero settles my fur and my wolf whines her apology. Once the entire pack is seated and each have a generous plate of delicious smelling food, the Alpha takes the first bite. I expect everyone else to pick up their forks, but they don't I look around and see that they're all staring at me. A blush spreads up my throat before I take a forkful and put it past my lips. I try my hardest not to devolve into gorging like my instincts demand me to do. I faintly hear my mate chuckle at me before he settles a hand over my thigh, his heat sinking through my jeans.

The rest of the celebratory feast is filled with pleasant chatter, a few of the warriors ask me questions about myself and I struggle to answer most of them. It's only when the Alpha gives a warning growl that they stop and apologise.

When the feast is over, Nero says goodnight to each member of his pack, gently kissing each sleeping pup on the head before bidding their mothers a restful sleep.

It's a curious feeling when I enter the Pack house, my new home. Nero leads me up some rather beautiful stairs with wrought iron railings. He shows me to a rather minimalist room.

"This is your room... until you're ready to stay in the same room as me... and all that entails..." He adds with a wicked grin, causing me to blush. "You can decorate in here however you want... I'm sorry you didn't have more things to bring here..." His eyes turn sad.

I nod and thank him, exhausted and with a full belly I'm just ready to sleep.

"We have a few things to talk about, but that can wait for tomorrow..." He gives me a smile. "Goodnight, Little Wolf." He bows his head to me.

"Goodnight Nero." His eyes glaze a little as his smile widens.

"I love the sound of my name on your lips..." I don't think he meant to say that out loud, considering a slight blush that touches his cheeks.

I smile again and he closes the door. I change into the nightwear that was given to me, taking a moment to look over all my new clothes. No longer will I wear old clothing that's too big for me. My entire wardrobe is filled with clothes that fit and flatter and when I look down at myself in the nightwear, I feel feminine for the first time in forever.

I crawl under the covers and fall asleep smiling. My wolf is content.

I wake up cocooned in soft blankets and warmth. I'm reluctant to leave but the scent of breakfast makes my wolf surge out of my skin.

The nightwear is torn to ribbons as my wolf paws at the doorhandle, somehow managing to turn the handle down and pulling the door open with her claws.

She thunders down the stairs, nostrils flaring and her teeth bared.

She hasn't had breakfast in months.

The wolf bounds into the kitchen and growls at the females who are cooking, a warning to back off while she jumps up at the counter and snatches a string of handmade, raw sausages in her teeth.

She only manages to swallow down about two and a half from the string before a hand catches her jaw, fingers show into her mouth and force it open.

"That's quiet enough, Little Wolf... those are for everyone..." He admonishes firmly. My wolf yelps when he inches her ear and she drops the remaining sausages into his hand. He hands them back to the cooks who continue like nothing happened.

Cobalt eyes draw the gaze of the wolf and he shakes his head, gentle flicking her nose.

"Come on, Alyth... let's get you somewhere private to shift..." He leads the wolf by gently holding her scruff, leading her from the kitchen and past the dining room into what appears to be an office. He lowers the blinds so no one could accidentally peek into the window.

He scratches my wolfs ears and she purrs with delight, nipping at his fingers when he tries to pull away.

He chuckles at her love of his attention. "I'm just going to go grab you some clothes... I'll be right back." He leans down to kiss my wolf on her snout and she replies with a rather sloppy lick to the face. He laughs again before disappearing out the door.

While she waits, the wolf wanders the office, sniffing the fancy leather chair and jumping up at the desk to nudge some of the papers with her nose.

Nero returns and she gets down, trotting over to him with her tail wagging. He places the clothes on the table, his cobalt eyes briefly flickering over the papers with wet spots left by her nose before he leaves the room, telling me to shift and change before he shuts the door.

My wolf lets me push through, she enjoyed the attention from the skin side of her mate and she wants to meet his fur side properly, preferably soon.

I change quickly, smoothing the shirt down, taking not of the fact that almost all of my shirts have long sleeves, probably to make it easier for Nero to not touch my skin without my permission.

I leave the office to find the dining room full of Nero's top warriors. I'm greeted by bows of respect and wishes of a good morning.

Nero is already sat at the head of the table, he greets me with a smile and nods to my seat to his right. I raise a finger, to just give me a minute. He nods and I head to the kitchen where the cooks are plating up the food.

"I just wanted to apologise for my wolf..." I say quickly. "She's... very food driven... I'm sorry if she seemed overly aggressive."

The head cook merely smiles and shakes her head. "It's quite alright, Luna..." I find it strange that she's already referring to me as her Luna, but her forgiveness is welcome.

I apologise again before returning to the dining hall. Everyone has taken their seat, so I quickly take my seat at Nero's right. He reaches over to touch my covered arm.

"Good morning, Little Wolf..." He smiles as food is brought out and placed in front of everyone.

As the hierarchy demands, the Alpha eats first, and again, the others wait until I've taken my first bite before they commence.

I'm too focused on the food to really notice the morning chatter, I vaguely hear something about organising future feasts and plans for a few upcoming hunts.

"Alyth?" I stiffen at the call of my name and look at Alpha Nero, a rasher of bacon hanging out of my mouth.

"Mmf?" I question through my food, quickly tearing the bacon and swallowing it down. "Sorry..."

I see a twinkle in his eyes as he tries not to chuckle at me.

"I was asking when your last heat was? It's tradition here for us to celebrate the Luna's first heat with the pack as it's a celebration for the future heir..."

My appetite is suddenly gone as cold reality settles next to my guilt. I lower my head and push my plate away before standing.

"C-Can I please talk to you in private, Alpha?" I ask with as much confidence as I can muster.

Nero frowns before nodding and getting to his feet. He places a hand on my covered shoulder and leads me gently back to the office. He shuts the door behind him and I realise how soundproof this room is.

"What's wrong, Alyth?" He asks, confusion knitting his brows together.

Tears burn in my eyes but I refuse to cry, instead I wring my hands and look at the ground, wishing for once that I had long hair, just so I could hide from his gaze.

"I can't give you an heir..." The words are so quiet.

"What do you-"

"I'm Barren, Nero..." I say a little louder, swallowing a burning lump in my throat. "My uncle... When I had my first heat, he forced me to take the herbs female usually take to stave off their heat... he gave me so much... until my heat stopped..." I'm blinking away tears now, my throat tight. "That was five years ago... I've not had a heat since..."

The admission hurts like silver on flesh, burning and burrowing into the very essence of me, making me feel hollow.

I can't bring myself to look at him, shame burns my face and twists my gut. My gaze is fixed on the floor.

"I'm sorry..." I whimper.

His silence hurts more than his hands could.

Finally he takes a shaky breath. "It's not your fault... Little Wolf..."

He steps closer and I lift my eyes to his. There is sorrow in his blue gaze, I can't tell if it's sorrow for me, or sorrow that I can't give him his heir.

He takes another breath. "It's expected of me that I have an heir..." He says slowly. "I can't deny my pack a Future..."

I nod, dropping my gaze to his chest. "I know... I... I expect that you have Breeders? Just in case your mate can't carry your pups..." I hate this, but I won't deny him an heir just because I couldn't stop my uncle from making me Barren.

He sighs softly. "Yes... I have some assigned Breeders..." His tone indicates that he wishes that weren't the case. "But before I organise anything with them... I want to bring you to our Healer... Maybe, if the Moon is willing, we can make you fertile again... I don't want to give you false hope... but it has been done before... only here... with the plants that grow here..."

I chew my lip and nod. "Alright... I'll try..." I meet his gaze and then step closer to him, getting in his space. "But I want you to promise me something, Nero..."

I see his sharp intake of breath, my lips are so close to his neck.

"Anything, my half..." He breathes.

"If it doesn't work... and I'm truly Barren... then I want you to use your Breeders... All of your Breeders... I won't have you deny your Futurejust because I have been denied mine... Am I clear?"

His nostrils flare and he wets his lips.

"On one condition, Little Wolf."

I cock my brow at him, a gesture he uses so much with me. "And what is that?"

"Let me mark you... tonight... You don't have to mark me until you're ready..." He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "I just need to know you're truly here... that you're mine... my wolf has been clawing at the walls... he wants so desperately to put his mark on you... we've been waiting a long time..."

I reach my hands up and gently take his face in my delicate hands.

"Deal..." I breathe, my nose touches his and his pupils dilate until there's no blue left. "Though I have one more condition I'd like to add..."

His chest is heaving, his body shakes under my touch.

"Name it..." The words are barely heard through his growl.

I smile.

"Let me mark you... And you have my permission to touch my skin... Make me yours completely..."

He groans and his hands find my hips, pulling my smaller body flush against his.

"It's a deal... My Little Wolf... My half..."

It is then, wrapped in his arms, surrounded by his scent, that I take my first tentative step into an uncertain Future with my half.

Almost two years have passed, and despite all our best efforts, I am truly Barren.

But instead of grieving for a Future that was never meant to be, I throw myself into helping my mates Breeders as they struggle through the last few weeks of their pregnancies. I think they expected both me and my Wild to be violent whirlwinds of fury, but we have accepted that we cannot give the gift of life, so I don't feel jealous of them, I am happy that by accepting them as I have, I can give the gift of aFuture to my mate, just not from my own womb.

The Breeders have become my sisters, I've always dreamed of siblings; another dream stolen by my coward of an uncle. The Breeders live with us in the Pack house, the only rule is that they don't ever sleep in mine and Nero's room. That is our space now, the one place where no one is permitted to disturb us.

My mate has taken every opportunity to enjoy the touch of my skin, we both bear each others marks, from both skin and fur and I finally feel complete.

The hollowness left in me from my loss of fertility has been replaced by the love of my mate, my pack and my surrogate sisters.

I helped the breeders decorate cribs for their pups and despite a few tears, it was a beautiful experience.

I'm torn from my work, pouring over plans to build extensions on the Pack house so the Breeders can live with us permanently and never be separated from their pups.

"Always so busy, Little Wolf..." He growls into my hair, it's longer now, probably the longest its ever been. "I hope you can spare some time for me?"

I chuckle as his hands capture mine and pulls them up to kiss each finger. I stand and climb over the sofa to him.

"Anything for you, my Half..." I purr as I nuzzle into his mark, nipping at him with my teeth.

He shudders and releases my hand just to twist his fingers in my hair. He tugs gently, baring my throat to him and teasing the soft flesh.

A soft moan escapes me before I pull away a little. "As much as I would love to just go upstairs with you... I'm not comfortable leaving the girls while they're so close to giving birth.

He rubs the back of his neck, looking a little sheepish. I'm the only wolf alive who can make him look like that.

"You're right... as always..." He grins and takes my hand, lacing his fingers with mine. "I've never met a wolf like you... I don't think I know a single wolf who could accept using Breeders the way you have... I..." A pink flush spreads across his cheeks. "You truly are a wonder..."

Now it's my turn to blush. "What kind of mate would I be if I couldn't accept our slightly odd Future together?" He raise a brow at him. "You are my half and I would do anything for you."

He leans close and gives me a chaste kiss. "You are a blessing, my Little Wolf... Now come... lets go see how the girls are doing..."

It takes only a few more days for the first pup to be born, a healthy, wailing male who only settles once he's in his mothers arms. Both Nero and I are present and helping, each of us taking a hand of the Breeder, both giving encouragements and praise.

Once the pup has settled and fed, she turns to me.

"Would you like to hold him, my Luna?" She says, her hair still slick from sweat.

The offer knocks me completely off guard. I'm honoured that she would ask me to hold him before his father. I nod and tentatively take the newborn in my arms.

He's still a little bloody, but the look of serene peace on his face is an enchanting sight. Tears spill from my eyes without warning and I feel Nero's lips on my head before he kisses my tears away.

"He's beautiful..." I sob. I hand him to his father before I clasp the Breeders hands in mine. "I am so happy to have you, sister..." I pull her close and kiss her as we both cry gently into each other.

Within the next two weeks, the other pups are born, two females The firstborn male is named after my father, while the firstborn female is named after my mother. When the secondborn female is placed in my arms, I peer down at her chubby little face.

"What is her name?" I ask her mother and my mate. The two give me a smile before the mother responds.

"I named her after the most amazing wolf I've ever met..." She says softly. "Her name is Alyth."









CH #1 POINTS: 50

CH #2 POINTS: 145

CH #3 POINTS: 1000










♪ Song: Omnia "Fee Ra Huri" ♪

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