The train

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As we boarded on that train, our lives changed forever. For starters my sister mabel depended on me instead of being strong and independent. I sat down on the hard cushion seats and but my elbows on the table. I didn't care. My sister got the message when she but her entire head on the table, and I laughed as she fell asleep on the table not realizing the gum. But I pulled her up and luckily the gum stayed on the table. "Hey!" The train conductor said. "What?" I asked, Mabel started too wake up. "Aren't you those Pines twins?" He asked. How did he guess? I looked around. Duh, Dipper! we were the only kids on the train.Then he brushed his mustache. "Um yes." I answered quietly so he'd understand to be quiet. "I hate to break it to you but this train goes to Oregon as its last stop. This is the Hollywood train."  I nodded, "I know sir, could I get my sister and I something to eat?" I asked  as Mabel's stomach growled. "Sure what do you want deviled eggs, tea sandwiches, custard?" the train conducter asked. "I think mabel wants a bowl of deviled eggs and may I please have a black coffee?" I asked. "Aren't you a little young to drink coffee?" He answered. "Try me." "You know your the first kid I've ever seen drink coffee." He said then left with our orders. I pulled out my wizzard of oz novel. It was my mothers, and she urged me to read it. When she was alive that is. So now I am. The waiter came back and brought out the deviled eggs and coffee.  "Thank you sir I said handing him a five nickels. "Thank you young man" he said as if he was delisted and turned around. He murmerd something on the way back I could understand. Maybe a foreign language. "Pines?" A voice asked. I jilted towards the voice. A man, who looked live he could pull the train by his teeth glared at me. "Yes?" I asked. "Are you related to Alison and Richard Pines?" He asked through gritted teeth. "Umm those were my parents." He grinned when I said parents. "I hate to break it to you but they died." His grin grew wider. "I know." He smiled. "I know lots of things." 

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