Shortcut P3

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He parked in the garage before walking to the back and there he was, looking as handsome as ever. Senpai's face was flushed red a bit, but he waved to Garcello and ignored the feeling. "Hey! Garcello!" He called making Garcello turn around to face him. "Hey, you really came quick kid? I just got down here," Garcello replied. The word kid hit Senpai straight in the heart, he thought he was a kid. "I'm 18 actually," He informed Garcello.

"Alright, I really want to say thank you for doing this, you really didn't have to," he thanked Senpai. "It's no problem," He responded. Garcello opened up the back of his van, it was floor to ceiling boxes. Senpai carefully grabbed one of the boxes at the top, it was a bit heavier then he was expecting, making him quiver a bit. Garcello grabbed one as well, before shutting the trunk. "Why are ya shutting it? We're going to be back in like two minutes," Senpai questioned him.

"cuz' some people stole my shit earlier and I don't wanna risk it again. Good thing it wasn't any too valuable or I would have lost my shit man," Garcello kindly explained to Senpai. Senpai nodded a bit in understanding before Garcello went to the stairs. "Ah shit this place doesn't have an elevator does it?" Senpai asked him. The phrasing made Garcello nervous, and apologetic. "Sorry, you don't have to do this if you don't want to," Garcello replied.

Senpai quickly interjected "No, no it's fine, I still want to do this, I didn't come here for nothing." That seemed to calm Garcello's nerves as he opened the door to the stairs. "I'm lucky enough to only have to go to the third floor but still, there's quite a lot to bring in. Not to mention the heavy shit," Garcello commented. Senpai shrugged with a smile "Guess I'm getting my workout early." Garcello giggled a bit but the rest of the trek up the stairs was silent.

Garcello unlocked his door, opening the door. Garcello's place was pretty bare since he had just moved in; it had a kitchen attached to the side of the living room with one bedroom with a bathroom attached. The only thing in the whole place was a toothbrush and toothpaste in the bathroom and a sleeping bag in Garcello's room. "Should I just put the box by the door?" Senpai asked Garcello. "You see the writing on the side? Put it where it says," Garcello explained to Senpai. Senpai looked at the side of the box, on every side it said "Bedroom."

He placed the box in the Bedroom like requested. It took hours to get everything up, It wasn't too horrible seeing as Garcello didn't have too much big stuff besides the couch and his bed. When he was taking up the last box he couldn't help but notice a little piece of paper peeking out of the top. He didn't want to be nosy with Garcello's stuff but it was hard not to with this since it was right out there. He grabbed the seemingly homemade card, It seemed to be made by someone pretty young seeing as the drawing on it was made using canyons. On the top it said "Happy Birthday" well, it was a bit misspelled instead it was written like "Hpapy Birtday."

It had a drawing of a birthday cake on the front, he opened it up to see a poor drawing of what seemed to be Garcello. It was hard to tell, seeing as how poorly it was drawn. The drawing of Garcello was with someone with blonde hair. They were drawn with flowers around them both, on the other side of the card it said "Frmo: Garcello" with "To: Senpai" underneath it. Wait, wait- it said Senpai? But Senpai knows that Garcello was a bit older than him, he doesn't even remember meeting him before. Plus Senpai knows that Senpai isn't that common of a name, it was a big city sure, but there was like only 1,500 people in the US that have that name! Maybe that's why Garcello was so trusting of him so fast, maybe he recognized Senpai unlike Senpai who didn't recognize him at all. 

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