Soulmate names p2

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Garcello had a beautiful voice. So deep and rough sounding, Senpai felt like he was going to fucking melt. "Sorry, you're just really pretty," he apologised, he attempted to sound not nervous but he didn't succeed. He was so confident other times why is he being all freaking nervous now?! Couldn't he be nervous some other fucking time? God damn his voice sounded so soothing, he could listen to it all day. The reply easily made Garcello flustered, red flushed over his face. "This is Senpai, the dude I was talking about," Bf introduced him.

Senpai would admit, he didn't look like how he expected. He doesn't know what he did expect but it definitely wasn't this. "Heh Senpai, always thought that was a weird name," Garcello commented while Senpai was trying not to freak the fuck out which he was failing miserably at. "Holy shit- haha- sorry I'm really nervous," He admitted to Garcello. He wanted to meet him since god knows how long, and now he finally gets to meet him. He was so scared, what if he makes a bad impression? Or that he hates him? He just really wants him to like him.

Garcello gave him a grin, as he stared at him. "Relax man, I don't bite," He told him, putting his hands up in front of his chest. Senpai pouted, "Oh shush. I've been excited to meet you since forever man." Despite him pouting he had a huge smile on his face. Garcello giggled at his response.

"We'd love to stay but we have to get going, you two," Gf told them. "It was fun rapping with you Garcello," Bf told Garcello with a big grin. "You too little man, I'll keep your friend some company," he replied with a soft slime. With that, Bf and Gf grabbed each other's hands and left the alleyway. Leaving them the two alone together. Now that they were gone Senpai could tell this dude how horrible his fashion taste was.

Well not some dude, his soulmate. He didn't want to embarrass him in front of Gf and Bf. "God, your fashion taste is horrible," Senpai told him. "Huh? What happened to the cute little flustered boy a few seconds ago?" Garcello asked him with a smirk crossing his arms. "Well- w-well- shut up! How long since the last time you washed that thing? It's so dirty," He puzzled, his face flushed. "Just a few weeks ago man, Geez," He replied, rolling his eyes at him.

"God what have you been doing to make that thing so dirty so quick? And a few weeks? That is much too long," He asked him as he got closer to him and grabbed the edge of the jacket inspecting it. "I don't know, stuff man. I guess a few weeks is a little long," he replied, shrugging his shoulders. "Yes, yes it is. You really need to clean yourself up man," Senpai told him as he patted up Garcello's sides. Garcello's face flushed because of how touchy Senpai was being with him.

"You're really touchy," Garcello pointed out. "Is- Is that a bad thing?" Senpai nervously asked him. Senpai hadn't been anywhere near a real living being in almost a decade so he honest to god didn't know how to interact with people. "Hm, I'm fine with it, but someone else might have a problem with it. So just be careful," He advised before ruffling Senpai's hair with his hand. "S-sorry," he nervously apologised to him. 

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