XIII. there's an ache in you put there by the ache in me

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THIRTEEN. there's an ache in you put there by the ache in me

When Five walked into his childhood bedroom, McKenna stood in the middle with her back towards him, like she was waiting for him. At the sound of his shoes on the floor, she turned around, and his stomach twisted into painful knots. She was younger but she was still the same. The same long brown hair and glistening eyes. The same freckled face and long eyelashes. "Hi." She spoke first, her nerves evident and clear.

"Hi," Five said back, unsure of himself. He walked to his closet and opened it to see all his uniforms. They were all exactly the same. "Ah, shit."

"I can't believe you're here."

He kept his back to her. "The feeling's mutual. I was sure I would never see you again." He spoke blankly.

McKenna was hurt by his words.

He pulled out one of his uniform and turned around, seeing her still staring at him.  He twirled his finger around. "Do you mind facing the other way?"

Blinking, she turned around and faced the wall. She heard the shuffling of him changing his clothes. "I-I don't know what to say. . ."

"I'm not sure there's anything to say."

McKenna frowned. "You're angry." She stated.

"Of course I'm angry, McKenna. Why wouldn't I be angry?" His voice darkened slightly.

She nodded, trying to keep calm. "You have a right to be angry."

Five paused putting on the uniform shirt. "I've been angry for a long time. Too long, actually." He said with a sigh.

McKenna could feel tears threatening to form. "I didn't think I would ever see you again." Her voice wavered. Five didn't answer and it was dead silent. She looked over her shoulder and saw him examining himself now dressed in his uniform. It fit him to a T and that's what hurt him. "I always wondered what you looked like at this age."

Five scoffed under his breath. "Not much to be excited about."

"That's not true."

He finally looked her in the eye. A dreadful feeling clouded over both their heads. She stared at him, looking completely sad, and it tore him apart inside because he was too angry to feel sad. "I don't know what to say either." He started.

"I'm sorry, Five."

He shook his head. "I knew what would happen." He almost whispered.

With tears in her eyes, she walked toward him. "They were going to kill me. I didn't have a choice."

He stared deeply into her eyes. "I would've killed them first." He spoke what she already knew.

"No, you couldn't have. That's not how it works." When she took another step, he visibly gulped. "I'm so sorry. Please tell me you know that."

His facial expression stayed stoic but his eyes showed all the emotion he was hiding. "I would've went with you. You know that."

"I didn't know where I was going,"

He clenched his jaw. "It doesn't matter. Wherever you ended up, I would've been right there with you."

McKenna sucked in her cheeks to keep from crying but a tear rolled down her face.

"But that's in the past, right?" He added before he could stop himself. His walls rebuilt themselves around him.

She fluttered her lashes and more tears came falling. McKenna swallowed back her feelings, but she as if she was on fire. Her breath was rigid. "Right." She knew what they had was over and it was a shot in the dark thinking it was still alive. "I'll let you get settled back in." She said with a fake, wavering smile.

Five watched her leave the room and he closed his eyes. McKenna leaned her back against the wall and pressed her hand to her mouth. The tears from her eyes fell on her hand.

McKenna walked into Diego's room and he was as on his bed. She leaned against the dorm frame. He glanced at her. "You didn't tell me that you knew him." He spoke first.

"I couldn't." She stated.

"Why not?"

"You don't understand, Diego—"

He quickly stood up. "Then tell me, Mac. I don't want secrets between us."

McKenna shuffled on her feet. "Five and I. . . It's a complicated story, Diego. Actually, it's not a story at all. It's something that I don't want to remember." She stated quickly.

Diego pursed his lips.

She took another step towards him, tilting her head back in the process. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But there's things you don't tell me either and I don't pressure you into telling me. So please don't pressure me into this." She begged.

Diego sometimes forgot how old she actually was when she gave them the begging eyes. He was a tough person to get through but she somehow knew exactly how to get to him. He sighed. "Okay. No pressure."

She smiled at him.

McKenna stood with the Hargreeves siblings outside, the rain pouring again, and they stood under umbrellas. Except Diego, who was being stubborn and just let the rain soak him head to toe. "Did something happen?" Spoke Grace with a smile.

Everyone looked at each other. "Dad died. Remember?" Allison responded, slightly confused.

Her smile fell. "Oh. Yes, of course."

McKenna glanced at Five, both of them standing on either side of Klaus, his tiny pink umbrella not far exactly keeping them dry.

Pogo walked outside and joined them. "Whenever you're ready, dear boy," he said to Luther.

Luther hesitantly took the top of the urn off and held it out. He dumped the urn over and all the ashes came falling straight to the ground. McKenna almost gasped and she quickly covered her mouth to keep from doing so. He looked distraught. "Probably would've been better with some wind."

"Does anyone wish to speak?" Pogo moved on.

None of the siblings responded. To them, there was nothing to say.

He nodded. "Very well. In all regards, Sir Reginald Hargreeves made me what I am today. For that alone, I shall forever be in his debt. He was my master. . . and my friend and I shall miss him very much,"

McKenna glanced around awkwardly at the silent siblings.

"He leaves behind a complicated legacy—"

"He was a monster," said Diego.

Klaus released a laugh. McKenna's eyes widened at his interruption. "Diego."

He ignored her. "He was a bad person and a worse father. The world's better off without him." He spat.

"Diego!" Said Allison.

"My name is Number Two. You know why? Because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names. He had mom do it."

"Would anyone like something to eat?" Grace suddenly asked, smiling again.

Vanya turned to her. "No, it's okay, mom." She declined gently.

Her mother continued to smile. "Oh, okay."

"Look, you wanna pay your respects? Go ahead. But at least be honest about the kind of man he was." Diego continued.

"You should stop talking now." Luther threatened.

"You know, you of all people should be on my side here, Number One."

"I am warning you—"

"After everything he did to you?"

McKenna, Five, and Klaus exchanged looks. Klaus took a drag of his cigarette.

"He had to ship you a million miles away,"

"Diego, stop talking." Luther grumbled again.

Diego pointed his finger in his chest. "That's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you!" He yelled.

Luther smacked his hand away and went to punch him but Diego ducked. The two of them started fighting and everyone backed away.

"Boys, stop this at once!" Pogo ordered.

Klaus held his arm out in front of Five but he gave him a look and smacked it away.

"Come on, big boy!" Shouted Diego.

"Diego, stop!" McKenna exclaimed but it was drowned out by him pounding his fist on Luther's back.

Klaus laughed out loud again. "Welcome to the family, Kenny."

She gave him a wide eyed glare.

"Stop it!" Vanya called out.

"Hit him! Hit him!"

The fight started to escalate farther and everyone was tired of it. "I don't have time for this." Five commented and turned around to walk back inside.

McKenna clasped her hands behind her neck and exhaled through her nose. She watched the brothers continue to fight and she gasped when Luther knocked over Ben's statue.

"And there goes Ben's statue." Said Allison with pure annoyed.

McKenna heard Vanya shout Diego's name. When she turned around, she saw Diego throw his knife and it sliced across Luther's arm. "Diego!" She shouted in complete shock.

It went silent and Luther held his arm. He looked at Diego and his siblings before stumbling to go back inside the house. McKenna quickly went inside, avoiding Diego's eye.

By the time the funeral service was over, McKenna was ready to get out of the dress. She sat in the kitchen with Klaus and Five and he rummaged through the cabinets. It was an awkward silence. Neither of them made an attempt to speak. McKenna was still hurt by what happened in his room. She refused to look like a fool by begging for his forgiveness. She didn't have a choice.

Klaus sat at the end of the table. He looked between them. "I'm still very curious as to how you two know each other." He wiggled his finger.

The pair looked at him.

Klaus smirked. "Give me the details. What was it? Did you meet on the street? Fight crime together? Did you try and kill each other?" He gasped loudly. "Were you lovers?"

"Shut up, Klaus." Five grumbled.

McKenna exhaled a deep breath. She tugged on her earlobe.

Allison came walking into the kitchen. "Where's Vanya?" She asked when she didn't see their sister.

"Oh, she's gone," Klaus answered.

"That's unfortunate." Muttered Five, Allison agreeing.
"An entire square block. Forty three bedrooms, 19 bathrooms, but no, not a single drop of coffee."

"Dad hated caffeine."

"Well, he hated children, too, and he had plenty of us!" Said Klaus.

McKenna chortled and they fist bumped.

Five and Allison didn't laugh. "I'm taking the car." He  announced.

Her laughter died down and she sat up in the chair. "Where're you going?"

"To get a decent cup of coffee." He answered hastily.

Allison gave him a look. "Do you even know how to drive?"

"I know how to do everything." He stated and blinked away. They then heard the car engine turn on from outside.

Diego entered the kitchen. "All right, I guess I'll see you guys in, what ten years? When Pogo dies?" He announced.

Allison scoffed. "Not if you die first."

"Yeah, love you too, sis." He sarcastically responded. "Kenna, you coming?"

McKenna stood from her chair. "There's something I have to go do first." She told him.

"Okay, well—"

She teleported away before he could finish the sentence. Klaus jumped. "Good Jesus!"

Diego sighed dramatically. "Yeah, that's gonna get annoying."

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