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(WARNING: Very, VERY long!)

~ Laurance's POV ~

I was walking down the street on a normal day. I woke up, went to work, finished work, and started to walk home. But a not-so-normal thing happened. I walked by a alleyway and heard a small whimper. I turned to the alleyway and saw a tiny dog. The puppy limped forward. I leaned down and grabbed the poor pup. It looked like it had been abandoned. It's blonde fur looked messy and it's blue eyes looked a little confused. Naturally, I took it home.

When we got to the house, I prayed that Dante and Travis would let me keep it.

"Dante! Travis!"

Dante and Travis tumbled down the stairs. "WHAT?"

I raised the puppy in my arms a little.

"PUPPY!" Travis screamed. I think that's his approval.

I stared at Dante. "Can we keep him?" I have Dante begging eyes.

Dante sighed. "Fine. . . ."

"Yay!" Travis yelled. "What's his name?"

"I was thinking along the lines of Garroth?" I said.

"Perfect!" Travis grabbed the small dog. "Garroth!"

"Yip yip!"

~ Time Skip ~

We've had Garroth for a while now. He often sleeps in my room and follows me around the house. It's strange. This dog hardly leaves my side.

~ Garroth's POV ~

I have lived with Laurance, Travis, and Dante for a while now. Ever since I woke up in that alleyway with no memory at all, saw a passing figure and tried to attract it's attention, and watched that man take me home, I knew I was in the right place. Whenever Laurance held me in his arms, it felt. . . . Right somehow. I always followed him around the house whenever I could. When he gets mad I bark as much as I can at whatever he is mad at. I want to defend him, as much as I can. I am small and not very old in human years, but in dog years I am around Laurance's age. One night he hopped into bed and I didn't hesitate to follow. He chuckled. "What would you do without me?" I whimpered at the thought. He cuddled me closer to him and started to snore.

~ Laurance's POV ~

I woke up the next day and saw a blonde man in bed next to me. I fell out of bed and yelled.

The man woke up. "W-what?" He stuttered, getting up and yawning. He looked at me. After a awkward moment of silence, I noticed he wasn't wearing clothes. What happened last night? I remember going to sleep with Garroth --

Then I looked at the top of his head and noticed blonde werewolf ears.

"Garroth?" I whispered.

"What?" The man said again, werewolf tail wagging like Garroth's would whenever I said his name.

"Is it really you Garroth?"

"Yeah, it's me. Who else would it be -- AGH!" The man looked down and yelled in surprise.

"It is you, it must be you. . . . Oh my Irene." I realized.


The man flinched. "U-uh. . . . I don't know what happened!"

I started to pace. "Well, we better figure it out. When Dante and Travis find out --"

"Find out what?" Dante opened the door and his jaw dropped.

"That Garroth is human?" I said timidly.


Garroth rolled his eyes. "Yeah. That's what he said."

I snickered.

"Well, first, lets get him some clothes." Travis suggested from the doorway.


~ Time Skip (sorry this is so long. . . .) ~

A little while later Garroth came out of the bathroom fully clothed. I have to admit, he looked pretty cut -- no! Bad Laurance!

I must have stared a little too long, because Garroth started blushing. "Uh, L-Laurance?" He stuttered.

Well, I'm screwed.

~ Big Time Skip (about a year to be exact) ~

Garroth has been living with us for about a year now. He gets really flustered when I jokingly flirt with him. I wonder what that's about. . . . Does he -- NO LAURANCE! BAD!

~ Garroth's POV (I nearly wrote Garrance omg) ~

I have been living with the guys for about a year. And. . . . I think I have a crush on Laurance. I wasn't raised this way. I never even thought of liking a guy. But Laurance. . . . He's special. The way he flips his hair nearly overwhelms me, (bless your soul if you got the reference) his eyes are so easy to get lost in, and he occasionally flirts with me. He's been doing it more often, and I always get just as flustered.

I think I love him.

One day I walked down the staircase and saw Laurance, already up, making breakfast. The boys had given me a spare room to live in, so don't get dirty minded about where I sleep. (Garroth! The fourth wall!) Oops. . . .

Anyways, Laurance was making breakfast. He noticed me (NOTICE MEH SENPAIIII!) and smirked. "Hey, cutie." He winked, and my face got hot. I sat down at the table. "Hello, Laurance."

He still had that mesmerizing smirk on his face as he took what looked like unfrosted cupcakes out of the oven. I noticed he did it with bare hands.

"Aren't those hot?" I asked, instantly regretting it when I saw Laurance's smirk.

"Not as hot as you." Well, I set myself up for that one.

I blushed. He chuckled.

"U-uh, so what are t-the cupcakes f-f-for?" I asked.

Laurance laughed. "Don't you remember? Aph's having a party at her house today! Kawaii~Chan said she ran out of materials so I had to make the cupcakes!" He whined a little.

I laughed too. "Oh yeah."

~ Time Skip (I know, I know. . . .) To The Party ~

"Hey, Garroth!" Aphmau was one of the first people who met me. . . . The human me, to be exact. She was a good friend of mine in no time. And now she was calling me to her.

I jogged over. "Yeah, Aphmau?"

"Can I talk to you in private?" She gestured to her room.

"Yeah! Sure!"

Once we were in her room and she had locked her door, she turned to me with a serious expression.

Uh oh. . . .

"Garroth, you have been acting very strange around Laurance. Be honest with me. . . . Do you like Laurance?"

No, no, no! Not that question!

"U-uh. . . ." I sighed. "Yes."

"YEEESSSSSS!" Oh, goodness. It's fangirl Aphmau.

Moments later, she ran out of the room, yelling, "GARRANCE IS REAL! GARRANCE IS REAL!"

I walked out of the room with a sigh, head down.

"I wonder what that's about." I look up to see Laurance.

"Yeah, what's Garrance?" I laughed.

Then, I heard Kawaii~Chan scream: "LET'S PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!"

Irene bless our souls.

~ Yet Another Time Skip (SORRY SORRY SORRY --) ~

We were doing pretty good and got through the game with no kiss dares so far. Then Aphmau said, "Garroth! Truth or dare?"

I didn't want to be called a wimp, so I said, "Dare."

Do I regret that decision? Yes, very much.

"I dare you to kiss Laurance!"


Aphmau must have seen something in my expression, because she said, "You have to, it's a dare~"

Sometimes, I hate Aphmau.

I turned to Laurance, blushing a bright red. He was also blushing.

Kawaii~Chan squealed.

I leaned in, and Laurance copied my actions. Soon enough our lips connected. There was a spark in my stomach as he started to kiss back. I was sad when we had to pull away for a thing we humans call air.

Laurance smirked. "Hey, Garroth, you're not a bad kisser." My face became extremely hot.

Aphmau made a fangirling noise that sounded like she was choking.

"Are you okay, Aphmau?" I asked, actually concerned.

"I'm more than okay," Aphmau insisted, though her face looked insane. "Garrance is real! Girls, how many pictures did you take?"

"Kawaii~Chan took a lot!" Kawaii~Chan fangirled.


"Uh, dur! It's our job as fangirls!" Aphmau laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "Very annoying fangirls, I might add."

Laurance laughed, and I smiled, a light blush on my face.


"Oh, shut it."

~ This Oneshot Is So Long That It Has To Have So Many Time Skips Oh My Irene ~

When we got home, I went into my room and collapsed on my bed. What a day.

Not too long after I entered, there was a knock at the door. I groaned, still laying lazily on the bed. "Come in."

The door opened, and Laurance came in. I bolted up. "H-hey, Laurance!" I greeted.

"Garroth, I want to talk to you." He closed the door. Ah, memories.

He sat down on my bed next to me, and my face got a little hot.

"Garroth, do you like me?"

~ Laurance's POV ~

"Garroth, do you like me?" I asked him. He always got flustered around me, and the question had bugged me for a long time.

Garroth smiled, his face a light pink. "Yeah! You're a great friend, and --"

"No, Garroth." He looked confused, so I continued. " Do you like like me?"

"Y-you mean. . . . Do I l-l-love you?" His blush darkened.

I nodded. "Do you?"

"L-Laurance, I. . . . Y-yes, I do." He admitted.

I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't that. I was stunned for a moment, but then I smirked.

I'll be honest with you, I liked him too. Some part of me wouldn't except the fact that I was most definitely gay, so I never mentioned it to anyone. But once I heard those words, I embraced it. I loved that gay side of me almost as much as the man who made me gay.

Without warning, I tackled Garroth down onto the bed and kissed him. In that kiss, I showed him how much I loved him. I showed him how deeply I loved him.

"GARROTH, WHERE'S LAURANCE --" Travis barged through the door and stared at me and Garroth's position. I was on top of Garroth and kissing him.

Oops. I forgot to lock the door.

"Oh." Was all Travis said.

"You could have knocked!" Garroth complained.

"I'll just leave you two be. . . ." Travis closed the door, smirking.

Garroth looked up at me. I smirked. "Garroth. . . . Will you be my boyfriend?"

"Yes!" Garroth cried.

Then, we got to kiss in peace.

. . . . And maybe just a little bit more.

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