Get out!

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Zenix pov
I got up from the floor, was it morning night? What? I looked around and I saw Jay and Garrothe bubbling around something crying. I walked over to them to see what they were crying about... it was Dante. "W-What happen!" I asked. Jay stared at me and cried out, "You-You killed him!" "N-no..." I mumbled as it felt like I was falling. I couldn't have killed him! I would never! Right? I looked at Dante's lifeless body. I went over to the corner to get away from everyone to think about what happen and what's next. I heard the door open, I turn around and saw Takkar. He looked at me like differently, like I was the bad person here. "Come on." He said grabbing my arm. He didn't said anything else the whole time. We finally got the Michelle. "I saw what you did. And I'm so proud of you! We need to tell mom and dad!" Michelle said smiling. I known that smile, it was the smile of success. "But first let's get you ready." Michelle said leading me to her room. "Ok how about this?" Michelle asked holding up the shadow knight outfit. I looked at myself think how right I was. I knew Takkar would come and get me, I knew she would take me to change into these clothes, and I knew that mom and dad would want me to kill the others. A hour past when we finished eating and talking. "Zenix, you know we should, well... kill the others!" My mom said. I grinned, knew it. I guess they were thinking I was saying yes, so we started for the jail. They handed me my weapons,

(Weapons she got)

They grabbed Jay and Garroth and hold them down. Dante was still in the corner.I pulled my kusarigama (first weapon) out and swanged it around ready to hit Garrothe. "3. 2. 1!" I yelled hitting the they fell as I threw Garroth the second weapon (I don't know what it's call but the deacons pic.) and Jay the third weapon (3rd pic.). Dante also got up and I gave him a sword. I looked over at Jay, mom and dad. They were shocked but got ready to fight. We will fight till the end. But were just going to skip 5 hours of fighting. We ran out of the building to the portal. Jay, Garroth, then Dante jumped out. I was going to jump but I heard Michelle yell, "YOU ARE NO LONGER MY SISTER!" I wouldn't care but that hurt me. I jumped though. I saw the others standing outside of the portal..... "W-we can't brake it..." Jay yelled scared. I looked at everyone, "I'm sorry..." I said jumping back in.

Jay pov
"ZENIX!" We all yelled. Dante was the first to go to the portal. He jumped through but we saw him on the other side. "She broke it." Garrote said slowly. We heard noises behind us. "GARROTE! DANTE!" Aphmau yelled hugging them. "W-where's Zenix?" Takkar asked. Me, Dante, and Garrote pointed to the portal.

-time skip 15 years there now around 35-

Zenix was still missed. Ever year at that date we would celebrate. We ate Zenix's favorite food which was candy.... I was the city healer. Amy was a warrior. Astra was also a warrior. Aphmau and Aaron were lords, and everyone else same as before.

Astra pov
Me and Amy were doing our normal watch. We were called to the gate because someone was there and wanted to enter. When we got there we saw a woman in a dark red and black hoodie with jeans on. The hoodie was ripped and so were the jeans. Her face was covered with a white and red mask. "Who are you?" Amy asked. "Y-You don't remember me?" She asked. "Who are you!" I yelled next. She removed the mask and we gasped with shock

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