The followers

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      ???? POV
      We let out the Shadow Hounds just this morning and the hounds already have there scent. "Ha! There slow and/or they have a lot of skin on them." I yelled. "Ma'am?" Karma asked. "What?!" I demand for an answer. "Dee. Tell her what you told me." Karma told Dee. "Um. It appears to be that Terra redid her... life." Dee explained. "That idiot! I don't she was thinking! Now she can be even worst! Hmmm but she needs an evil name for this." I smirked.  TERRA WILL BE MINE! We continue and stopped in a cold place. "Why did we stop?" I asked madly. "The Shadow Hounds lost the scent... FOR NOW!" Dee explained. I shivered, this was freezing compared to what I'm use to. "Mich... Ma'am! Here." Karma said reaching into his bag giving me a sweatshirt with a mask. The sweatshirt was black with red flames. The mask was red with black at the top. I looked at it then had a flashback.
  Terra was nine and I was 12. Terra still lived with us at time. We were playing, I was playing with my doll, Michelle and she was playing with an action figure,Zenix. "Sissy?" Terra would call me. I always hated to be called that but now all I wanted was for her to call me sissy. "Will we always be friends?" Terra asked. I was confused about this question at the time. "Of corse!" I answered back, "Why?" She looked at me. "I won't always be around." Terra told me slowly. "What do you mean?" I ask. She was silent for a very long time but then she answered with, "I'm not immortal." I though but then smiled. "Terra! You can just kill someone and then we can work together!" I could see a tear in her eye. "Michelle! Do you know I hate that!" I was getting mad. "Terra! You have to!" I answered madly. We looked at each other madly. We argued this was the first time we ever argued. It lasted a hour. I ended it with, "TERRA JUST SHUT UP! AS SOON AS I'M OLD ENOUGH AND BECOME INCHARGE I WILL MAKE YOU KILL SOMEONE YOU LOVE AND CARE ABOUT!" Terra looked at me then her action figure. "I'm done." She said as she left. "I WILL BE INCHARGE AND RULE OVER YOU AND EVERYONE!" I yelled at her. It was dinner time, I didn't hear a word from Terra. "Where's Terra?" My dad asked. "I'll get her." I said. I know exactly where she would've gone. I ran upstairs and knocked on the door. "Terra! Come on it's time for food!" I said. This is the part where she will usually say FOOD! And I would repeat her and we would keep saying food till we got some. But there wasn't any answer. I warned her that I was coming in. I went and I looked everywhere in her room! I looked on her bed there was a note with something wrapped under it. I picked it up and it read,

'Michelle, I'm sorry that I have to do this. I can't stay around you dad or mom. You all want me to kill but I don't want to kill. You are making me go insane, annoyed, mad, and crazy these are words that I feel when I'm around you all especially you. I don't know if you'll ever see me again or if this is just me being crazy like always... but I can't live this way if I don't come back it means that I'm one dead or two found a new home. Please keep my action figure, Zenix, and keep it close to your heart and hopefully you'll see the bright side... Love, Zenix.'

read over it again and again. 'She's... gone...'

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