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Running, my legs are burning as I follow Rick who's carrying a Carl who got shot making my eyes water I can't lose another friend please no, I keep running tears streaming down my face as we run Rick is shouting an elderly man come out three girl's following him making my eyes water even more as we get there,

"Was he bit" the elderly man says cuts his shirt off making my eyes water more as I see the bullet wound, "shot"

"Take her out off here" the elderly man says making my dad pull me out no matter how much I tried stopping him from taking me out the room that my best friend was in,

"Molly calm down he'll be alright I promise" my da says picking me up whispering little things making me stop crying no matter how old I get I'll always need my dad,

I hear a scream coming from the room that I got pulled out off making my eyes stream again as I hide my face into my dad shirt,

"Hey sweetie I need help cleaning the horses do you want to help" a woman voice says making me lift my head up seeing a young girl looking at me smiling a boy next to her also smiling making me nod and walk to them since my dad went to check on Carl and Rick,

"I'm Beth that is jimmy" the girl says kissing the guy's cheek making him smile as he hands me a pitch fork?

"Molly" I say as I walk to a horse touching it face making me smile as I keep touching the horse face,

"She likes you" jimmy says taking her out off her room making me smile as Beth sets her up with something making me frown as we walk out horse following well jimmy is pulling the horse along,

"Here let me help you" jimmy says picking me up and putting my on the horse making me smile as Beth gives me a thing making me smile as Beth dose another horse and sits on it smiling as she touches the horses face making me do the same before filling her as she ride off making me smile as I catch up to her feeling my hair go everywhere as we ride around the house stopping when I see my dad wiping Rick down making me frown,

"Is the boy alright?" Jimmy shouts making me look at him making him smile at me,

"Hershel is getting the bullet out he'll be fine he's strong like his dad" my dad says still wiping down Rick who looks sad,

"Hey bet I'll win you both" Jimmy says making me look up watching Beth smirk as she looks at Jimmy making me wonder what gonna happen,

"We all gonna have a race here to that hut then back here" Beth says making me smile and nod a awe all ride off I feel the wind flowing through my hair making me smile even more as i ride the horse,

I'm in first place winning before I see Lori jumping off a horse running into the house a young woman with short brown hair and a pink shirt rides to us smiling at Beth who's next to me,

"This is my sister Maggie, Maggie this is molly" Beth says making me smile and nod feeling the horse flipping me off making me hit the ground with a grunt before beth jumps next to me smiling,

"You ok? Tulip can be mean sometimes" Beth says making me smile and stand up brushing my self off feeling pain in my back from where I landed,

"Yep just back pain" I say watching Maggie running back holding something and putting it on my back making me flinch at the coldness,

"How dose that feel now" Maggie ask making me smile and nod giving a small thank you,

"Better then before" I say watching her nod and smile helping me walk like I broken my foot making me smile as I sit down feeling my back ache as I do,

"Your friend is finish for now wanna go see him" Maggie says making me nod and run into the nit caring if my back hurt after getting bucked off a horse, I watch as Rick puts his hat on his head making him smile before Rick looks up smiling and stands up whispering something to carl who's smiling I watch as Rick walks out shutting the door as he dose,

"You idiot don't scare me like that again" I say warping my arms around him carefully getting a hug back making me smile I got my best friend back only one though,

"I went on the horse" i say sitting next to him on the bed watching him smile and nod while looking at a picture that is on a wall,

"I got bucked off my back ache from it, look like we both been hurt today" I getting a laugh making me smile as he dose I'm glad to have my friend back alive and not dead,

"I thought you died when I saw you get shot" I say looking at him smiling as he smiles at me,

"I'm not going anywhere mol like I said I won't leave you ever" he says making me chuckle,

"He's in there with molly" a voice on the other side off the door says before it opens seeing a red face Luke smiling and running to Carl pulling him into a hug carefully not to hurt him,

"When Shane told me you got shot I was freaking out you can't leave me I don't wanna be stuck a a princess" he says the last part in a whisper making me frown and throw the hat that I was wearing at him making him groan,

"I'm not a princess I can look after my self" I say getting two laughs making me frown,

"What's funny" I ask looking at them as they smile, and look at eachother before back at me,

"Snake right on your leg" Luke says making me jump up and run out screaming getting laughs from the room making everyone look at me,

"What are you screaming about" my dad says smiling at Luke and Carl who a laugh like mad men,

"Luke said there was a snake on my leg so I freaked out" I say crossing my arm getting a laugh from everyone making me frown and groan walking out feeling the cold air warp around me as I run into the woods holding ricks gun that I stole off him,

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