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Trees, are moving by every second as we drive making me smile knowing the trees won't go anywhere they will stay in one place like we will I hope,

"We are here stay with us you two" Maggie says as Glenn stops the car there's a small store the windows are all dirty hand prints everywhere on the window making my spine shiver,

"Right guns ready" Glenn shouts making us all nod and hold our guns up ready i look to Carl who's watching Glenn open the door slowly why do my eyes keep looking at him I know he my best friend but isn't it weird?,

"Grab what you can" Maggie whisper making us both nod and walk away from Glenn and Maggie who was chuckling and giggling as they walk away making me wonder what they are doing,

"Hey friendship rings" Carl whispers making me smile before it turns into a frown I'm still wearing my necklace I think Carl is aswell,

"That's cool but do we really need them" I ask leaning against the self smiling watch him nod and grab two handing me one making me smile,

I slip the ring onto my thumb smiling perfect fit there's a small blue star in the middle making me smile more as I look at it,

I feel someone warping there arms around me making me smile as I warp my arms around him we are close to the same hight so my head is in his shoulder and his is in mine,

"Best Friends forever"

"Forever and for eternity"

I look up seeing a person looking at me smiling before a gun shot goes off making Carl pull away blood on his shirt making my jaw drop he got shot, again,

"Mol your bleeding" he whispers making me look down seeing my shirt going red making me frown I liked this shirt why did I have to get shot,

"Carl.." I whisper feeling my vision turn into black circles making me close my eyes another gun shot after another one, a car door being slammed shut shut, someone crying,

I open my eyes seeing a grey roof staring at me making me stare back,

"What happened" I whisper as I sit up a sharp pain going through my side making me squeeze my eyes shut at the pain,

"You got shot kid" a deep voice says making me turn my head to the person who's sitting in a chair that is in the corner the messy brown hair is covering his eyes now and he still got his crossbow in his hand

"Where's Carl" I whisper watching a small smirk come on his face making me wonder why,

"Rick got him trying to calm him down" Beth says as she walks in to my cell with Judith in her arms making me smile and hold my arms out ready to hold her,

"Hey there judie" I say smiling as she grabs my finger making me smile more this is her way to say hello I think that what baby do,

"She's up Carl just be careful with her" Hershel says as he walks in with his crutches since his leg got bitten off or something like that now he is a real pirate now or so he said,

"This hat is cursed I swear" Rick says as he holds up carls hat smiling before putting it onto my head making me smile

"Welcome to the shot gang" Carl says making me chuckle sending a pain down to my side making me wince as i move my hand down to my lower abdomen where a white bandage is just above my shorts that I was wearing some how I was in jeans before,

"We changed your clothes well Maggie and Carol did" Rick says making me nod and smiling gentlemen all the guys here are it's nice,

A/n-This is a week after molly got shot!

"Aww look at them he got his arm warped around her keeping her close" a woman voice says making me open my eyes feeling someone arm around me and someone breathing near my neck making me smile we really fell asleep next to each other again we need to stop this it wired two 13 year olds sleeping next to each other,

"Wake up love birds it's time to wake up" a voice says making me groan and rub my eyes sitting up my wounds is all better just got a Cool scar according to Beth and Maggie,

"I'm up" I whisper removing the arm that was warped around me he always dose this when we sleep it not wired that two best friends sleeping next to each other we slept like this before but we was only little and it was thundering,

"Good morning" I whisper getting handed a plate off food we been here for a week or so it's feels like home that black haired his name is Daniel smith he's 17 and he been here since he was 16 for crimes and stuff that would make my dad kill me if I did anything like that,

"Good morning mol" Carl says as he sits next to me getting a cough from Rick who's smirking even Daryl is smirking why, "good morning to you all" he says before dinging into his food getting a few laugh from Rick and Daryl who are giving each other high fives and stuff,

"Where's Glenn and Maggie" I ask as we walk out side into the light Carl following me very closely wired,

"Who that" I say pointing to a woman who's got a bullet wound with a boy next to her his brown hair is covering his face making me smile James,

"James" Beth shouts as she runs making us all run in holding judith as Rick smiles at the boy then looking at the woman who's holding a red basket with baby stuff how did she know we had a baby? Has she been watching us all this time?

"Who are you" Rick shouts as carl and Daniel opens the gate letting James in going straight to Beth giving her a big hug who's crying so she got her brother back where Luke and Mia,

"Michon.." the lady says before falling unconscious making Rick and Daniel help her probably taking her to Hershel or something I'm trying to clam a baby down as the gate shuts with a bang,

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